MAEPG: Episode 11

Episode 11 Aftermath (1)

I had my subordinates gather all the useful things from the village and organize them in one place.

Of course, I just pointed my finger, and my nearly two hundred subordinates did the work.

[Hmm, I expected them to have a lot of stuff since they were dark mages occupying a farming village. This is not bad.]

After rummaging through their personal belongings and belongings, I searched the village head's house and found quite a bit of money and jewelry, which seemed to be their operating funds.

[They must have used a lot while staying here for a long time, but these guys were richer than I thought.]

I didn't know the value of the currency here, but gold coins were generally high-denomination currency, so it must be a lot.

Especially since I also found a few gold bars.

[…Is this real gold?]

I had never touched gold in my life, so how would I know?

I slightly opened my jaw and bit into the gold bar. Seeing the teeth marks, it must be real gold, right?

Feeling suddenly happy, I examined the other items.

I decided to have the undead wear the weapons and armor used by the subordinates as they were.

What caught my eye more than that were the magic tools used by the dark mages.

There were many tools that could be helpful for daily life, starting with staffs and robes.

I first put on a robe that looked neat.

It was a robe with temperature control and simple defense functions. I didn't need the temperature control function, but the defense function would be helpful, even if it was just a little.

And I couldn't keep walking around naked with only bones, could I?

[…Ah, this is a bit…]

I took off the robe again after looking at myself wearing it.

It didn't look good because I only had bones.

[Let's do this… and this…]

I put on cloth clothes, wore a leather armor with thick shoulder pads on top, and then put the robe back on.

[Hmm, this is better than before.]

As expected, men needed shoulder pads.

Next, I looked around at the staffs and chose the one that looked the best.

[Hey, Malcolm. Come here.]


[Here, take this. Give me yours.]

And I traded with Malcolm.

The one Malcolm was using must be the best, right?

I held the skull staff with jewels embedded in its eyes and tapped the floor once.

The ground beneath my feet turned black, and the undead, wearing various equipment and holding loot, sank into the ground one by one.

I looked around the village one last time.

It was the first village I visited in another world, but now it was desolate, with no living people.

I slowly walked, taking in everything one by one.

I passed the water tank and the firewood pile at the village head's house where I had stayed, and passed the building that seemed to be the village hall where I had been trapped as an undead.


Black flames erupted wherever I passed, burning the village.

As I walked away from the flames and reached the center of the village, I stopped for a moment.

The place where the completely destroyed undead were gathered.

On one side, the bodies of what seemed to be the original villagers were lying together.

Most of the weakest zombies had been destroyed during the battle.

There were quite a few zombies that could be revived, but I didn't revive them and gathered them in the center of the village.

I made eye contact with the only zombie left standing in the center of the place where the villagers' bodies were gathered.


He was damaged here and there during the fierce battle, but I could recognize him at a glance.

The young zombie who had helped me kill Jeraph.

I briefly met his gaze, gave him a light nod, and turned away.

Black flames soon engulfed everything.

He, who had tried to protect his loved ones, finally achieved his revenge in death and rested in peace with his family.


The entire village was on fire.

I eventually passed the wooden fence that I had helped repair and approached the village entrance.

I could feel the barrier, now faint due to the fire.

‘External intrusion detection, dark magic power concealment, emergency defense function… And the barriers inside too, they were quite high-level, weren’t they?’

Especially the dark magic power concealment function was included in all the barriers I had passed through so far.

It must have been to hide the ‘Immortal King’s Fragment’.

‘Well, it’s meaningless now that it’s become one with me.’

Still, it seemed useful, so I built a dark magic power concealment field around my body, learning from the barriers.

Since dark magic power seemed to be taboo, it was better to hide it if I could.

I set fire to the wooden fence as I left the entrance.

Crackle— Crackle—

The flames ignited by this magic would only burn where I wanted them to, and they would naturally die out after everything turned to ashes, so there was no need to worry about a forest fire.

Thus, I left the village I had first visited and headed east into the forest.

Auterica Dimension, the holy land in the center of the continent.

In the prayer room of the Roselia Cathedral, located in the heart of the holy land, a young girl was kneeling and praying in front of the statue of the Main God.

A faint holy light began to dwell on the silver-haired girl, who was praying with her eyes closed and her hands clasped together.

Eventually, the light faded, and the girl, opening her eyes, slowly rose from her spot, bowed reverently to the statue, and carefully left the prayer room.


The priests, dressed in pure white robes, who had been waiting outside the door, approached the girl and bowed their heads.

“Bishop Martin, could you please contact the others?”

“Yes? What…”

The girl, Saintess Liesta of the Main God Church, looked west with a hardened expression.

“I have sensed the harbinger of the Immortal King’s resurrection in the west.”

“The… the Immortal King, you say? I understand. I will inform them immediately and convene a meeting.”

Bishop Martin, greatly surprised, bowed to the Saintess and hurriedly left.

The name of the Immortal King, who had plunged the entire continent into terror hundreds of years ago, was a matter of great importance.

‘I will not allow such a thing to happen again!’

The Saintess clenched her fists and strengthened her resolve, biting her lip.

Hans thought there would be no problem as long as he hid his dark magic power, but the Saintess’s ability was of a kind beyond his imagination.

Thus, one of the largest forces on the continent began to recognize and track Hans’s existence.

“Hmm… I’m craving soup today.”

Heinz, who was about to go home after working out, headed straight for a nearby soup restaurant.

There was no need to worry about the menu.

“I’ll have a bean sprout soup, a sundae soup, and an ox head soup here. And please pack a spicy beef soup and an ox bone soup.”

I just ordered whatever I felt like eating.

As the number of mouths to feed increased and my appetite grew, I became interested in trying various dishes.

Normally, I would have restrained myself, but I was in a good mood today, so I ate to my heart’s content and packed a generous amount to take home.

‘Hmm… What’s the price of gold these days?’

The price of gold seemed to have gone up quite a bit because of the chaotic times.

I checked the internet while eating the soup Heinz had brought home.

After roughly calculating, I felt warm inside and my stomach felt full.

‘This soup is delicious.’

Hans was currently traveling through the forest, heading east, so I couldn’t bring the gold bars right away, but it was practically in my hands already.

I felt like I could be generous with everything today.

I could even laugh off encountering a troll in a team game.

“What the hell is that bastard doing over there?! Get over here!”

Well… maybe not.

I watched Heinz, who was playing a game after eating the packed ox head soup to aid digestion, and calmed my mind using “Mind Hub.”

Peace returned to my heart.

‘This could be helpful for mental training.’

As I was cleaning up the empty bowls, I checked on Hans’s situation.

Hans naturally began to emit an aura of fear after becoming a Demi-Lich.

Currently, he was concealing his dark magic power, so the effect was halved, and only those who directly encountered him would feel fear, but that seemed to be enough, as there weren’t many monster attacks.

The occasional monster that attacked only relieved my boredom.

‘And I can use them to increase the number of undead.’

It had already been a week since Hans left the village.

I was starting to doubt whether there was really a city in the east, thinking I shouldn’t have trusted Malcolm’s words, when I suddenly remembered something.

‘I’ve dealt with quite a few bad guys, so shouldn’t my Karma have increased quite a bit?’

They were guys who were scheming and plotting in secret, after all. And they were quite high-level too.

I opened the Karma Shop, expecting a decent profit.

『Karma Shop』

『Unique Skill Enhancement (600,000)』

『Status Enhancement - View Details』

『Karma Owned - 792,208』

I had some expectations, but it was surprisingly generous.

‘I think I had a little over 400,000 left after using it to increase my physical abilities… Did I do something else?’

I thought about it for a moment, but there was no other reason.

‘Well, I guess they were that bad. Anyway, should I enhance my unique skill?’

After all, all I had done was steal the Immortal King’s Fragment and take down those dark mages.

《Mental strength has exceeded the standard. You have acquired the skill "Clear Mind".》

As I enhanced my unique skill, a brief headache came, and a message appeared saying that I had acquired a new skill.

It was a skill that prevented my mind from being shaken by external stimuli and defended against mental attacks.

‘I have “Mind Hub,” but it only applies to avatars. It would be better to have a skill that can be applied to the original body too.’

And I realized that I could now use one more avatar. It was perfect timing.

‘Hans can’t really operate among people anyway. I’ll send Heinz and use the new avatar for outside activities.’

Hans had found traces of people passing by.

Hans was riding a giant skeletal saber-toothed tiger through the forest path.

After traveling through the monster-infested forest with Malcolm and a few other undead for a while, I turned the monsters that attacked us along the way into undead and used them as mounts.

‘It’s faster to ride, and above all, it looks cool!’

An undead mage riding a skeletal monster, wasn’t that a gamer’s dream!

It might be a good idea to hunt them in large numbers and create an undead mounted unit.

But there was one problem…

‘It’s uncomfortable! It’s so uncomfortable to ride on top of this!’

After all, I was an undead with only bones.

It was no joke how much it rattled and shook every time it ran.

It was also dizzying to just hang on without a saddle.

‘I won’t fall off because I have my feet tucked between its ribs… This is something to think about. Should I try creating a different type of undead for riding?’

As I was lost in thought while traveling through the forest path, the trees gradually became sparser, and I realized that I had reached the end of the forest.

[…Over there.]

Malcolm, riding a skeletal wolf, approached me and pointed his finger bone at one spot.

I looked in that direction and saw a wall in the distance.

[Oh… There really was a city? That old man Malcolm wasn’t lying.]

I muttered and glanced at Malcolm, who was riding a skeletal wolf next to me, and he flinched and quietly moved away.

It was because I had been nagging him whenever I got the chance since we hadn’t seen anything but forest for days, even after traveling east for several days.

Malcolm didn’t have any memories of his past life, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t done anything wrong.

I had been tormenting him with various excuses.

‘Well, it probably didn’t mean much since he’s an undead who doesn’t feel pain or emotions.’

I looked away from Malcolm and looked at the wall in the distance.

[Alright. Let’s move. You guys stay here.]

There was no reason to move together in a large group outside the forest, so I decided to move alone from now on.

But if I went outside the forest in my undead body and was discovered, it could cause misunderstandings, so I moved along the edge of the forest, getting as close to the wall as possible.

Hans couldn’t enter the city, but he planned to move near it and then switch with Heinz.

There was still a day left before I could use the interdimensional transfer formation again.

-Individual Name: Heinz

-Common Traits: “Mind Hub”, “Super Recovery”, “Clear Mind”

-Individual Traits: “Sturdiness”

-Special Notes: Han Seong-hyeon’s second avatar. “Sturdiness” increased stamina and physical durability.

Heinz opened his eyes after the transfer was complete.

The wall that Hans had found was in front of him.

It was quite a distance, but it was close enough to reach in about an hour’s walk.

He looked back at Hans and unconsciously flinched.

‘Whoa, look at that… scary.’

It was the first time he had faced another avatar since Hans became an undead, and it was more impactful than he thought.

The aura of fear that was a basic ability of a high-ranking undead, a Demi-Lich, and the ominous feeling emanating from his entire body.

A skeletal mage sitting atop the imposing skeleton of a saber-toothed tiger, holding a skull staff in his hand, looking down with blue glowing eyes.

It was a fantastic synergy.

‘If I ran into him in the middle of the night, I would really piss myself.’

To be honest, if it weren’t for “Mind Hub” and “Clear Mind,” he would be in the same state right now.

Even I was like this, so how would it look to others?

Just encountering him could give them trauma.

‘Hans shouldn’t be seen by others.’

He organized his thoughts and started to prepare to head to their respective positions.

Heinz changed into the clothes and leather armor that Hans had prepared from the other world and took weapons and ample travel expenses.

Hans took a few gold bars, jewelry, and useful magic tools.

He decided to carry them himself to be safe, as he wasn’t sure if he could summon items from Earth.

And a while later, Heinz headed to the city gate alone.
