MAEPG: Episode 34

Episode 34 Vampire of Earth (1)

Actually, I had encountered vampires a few times as Hans.

There was one just a moment ago when I raided the factory, wasn’t there?

But at that time, Heinz was in the middle of a transaction, and the vampire was only a Servant level, so I didn’t pay much attention.

I could get the information I needed by reading his memories, so I didn’t feel the need to keep him alive and face him.

So I was flustered by the sudden appearance of a vampire from another dimension.

And on top of that, someone who was probably stronger than Heinz.

I couldn’t help but be nervous.

“Well, let me introduce myself first. I’m from ‘Nocturnia’. It’s been about five years since I returned to Earth. My name… for now, call me ‘Gamma’.”

A handsome appearance, a friendly smile, a sociable tone.

He looked at me with his beautiful black eyes sparkling.

“Heinz. As you guessed, I just returned to Earth, and my origin is…”

Now that things had come to this, there was no point in pretending anymore.

As I was thinking that and about to answer comfortably, I realized something was strange.

My mental power, which had grown rapidly, suddenly surged, and my thoughts accelerated.

The surrounding time seemed to stretch, and space slowly came to a standstill.

‘Why am I answering him so readily? To a complete stranger I’ve known for less than five minutes? Because he introduced himself first? Is there any guarantee that the information he gave me is true?’

The moment I felt suspicious, a sense of dissonance was detected in “Mind Hub”.

A supernatural power penetrating my mind.

I didn’t notice it right away because it was mixed with natural emotions.

‘He used a likable appearance and speech, and naturally led the situation so that I wouldn’t feel anything strange.’

Even “Clear Mind” couldn’t completely defend against it and only detected a sense of discomfort, so his level was quite high.

I didn’t know if he didn’t use it openly because it was the limit of his ability or because he was being cautious for a stealthy activation, but…

‘A mind control ability. Is it his unique skill? Or a vampire ability?’

I raised my guard against him in my mind.

The important thing was that I was in the middle of answering.

My name didn’t matter because it was just an individual name anyway, and the fact that I had just returned was just a setting.

I didn’t show any wariness about that and decided to hide my origin dimension for now.

“…I’m from the ‘Dotmir’ dimension. I don’t know if I’m the first or if it just hasn’t been discovered yet, but I couldn’t find any information about it on the internet.”

“Hmm, so that was it.”

I continued speaking nonchalantly as time returned to normal.

Gamma didn’t seem to notice anything strange and just nodded, looking at me with his sparkling black eyes.

“I’ve met quite a few vampires, but I’ve never smelled blood like yours. Isn’t it fascinating? There are countless dimensions, and among them, there are many with vampires, and their blood characteristics are all different.”

Well, that was the same for other races.

He continued speaking and scanned me up and down as if observing me.

“A vampire from Dotmir, come to think of it, what was your position there? The levels are different in each dimension. I think you would have been treated quite well at your level.”

His eyes sparkled.

I felt a strange power penetrating my mind again.

I didn’t resist and just played along.

“Well, I was a mid-level executive.”

“Oh, it must have been a pretty high-level dimension. But to build up your power to that extent, you must have sucked a lot of blood. It must have been tough.”

“I didn’t avoid it when necessary.”

And the conversation continued.

He was quite talkative and kept talking.

“I’m curious. Do vampires from your side have any characteristic abilities? I heard that some vampires have regenerative abilities that are almost immortal. I’m so envious.”

He was talking a lot and exchanging information, but he wasn’t talking about himself.

I made an excuse that wouldn’t raise suspicion and naturally avoided the conversation.

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen other vampires, so I don’t know what’s different.”

“Ah… I see. You said you just returned.”

Gamma clicked his tongue, seemingly disappointed.

I didn’t miss the opportunity and asked him a question first this time.

“But Gamma, you said you’ve met a lot of vampires, how is that possible? Did you go around looking for them one by one like you did just now? We vampires are treated as Devils, so we always have to hide, don’t we?”


He looked at me strangely at my question and then nodded.

“Well, you’re not wrong. But we’re not criminals, we can’t just hide forever, can we?”

He grumbled, saying it was unfair to be treated like this when he didn’t even want to become a vampire in the first place.

“We have to stick together to survive. I’m a member of an organization called the Blood Alliance, where vampires gather. Level 6.”

“Blood Alliance? Level 6?”

“This isn’t a good place to talk. Follow me.”

He seemed to have finished assessing me and suggested we move.

Perhaps he thought he could subdue me at any time.

The place we moved to was a sports car parked on the side of the road.

He got into the driver’s seat and motioned towards the passenger seat with his chin.


Gamma started the car smoothly and drove off as soon as I got in.

“Where are we going?”

“Isn’t it better to see it for yourself than just hear about it?”

“…Are we going to the Blood Alliance headquarters? How can you trust me?”

He chuckled at my words.

“It’s not the headquarters. It’s more like a branch… Actually, there’s no real headquarters. It’s closer to a cell organization.”

But it wasn’t a completely decentralized organization.

He added that and then fell into thought for a moment before continuing.

“Just think of it as like-minded people cooperating with each other in each region. It might be closer to a relay station than a cell organization. We call a group like that a ‘Crew’.”

Well, even if they formed a group, they couldn’t gather openly since they were Devils who had to hide.

“And how can I trust you? We’re all in the same boat. We have to help each other out in times of need.”

Gamma smiled warmly as he spoke.

It was quite a touching statement.

If it weren’t for the supernatural power that was still penetrating Heinz’s mind.

‘Come to think of it, there was someone who said something similar before.’

Malcolm, who had become a reliable companion, flashed through my mind.

Helping each other out in times of need, it was a good saying.

“And there’s one more thing you should know. I said I was Level 6, right? On Earth, ‘Level’ is the standard for indicating a vampire’s strength.”

Since each world had its own standards, it was difficult to understand each other when everyone gathered on Earth.

“Some places divided it into five ranks like nobility, and others used terms like True Ancestor and Apostle. For your information, Nocturnia used chess pieces for classification. I was a Bishop.”

So the powerful vampires representing each region at the time gathered and agreed on the ‘Level’ system.

“Well, it was mainly the European side. There were a lot of strong vampires there at the time. The system established there was naturally imported, and we also adopted it.”

Although their roots branched out differently in each dimension according to the characteristics of that land, there was one characteristic that all vampires shared.

It was the ‘bloodsucking factor’ in their blood, which was the foundation of a vampire’s power across all dimensions.

The Level system was a way to measure the concentration of that bloodsucking factor and divide them in detail.

“We’re here. It’s a bit small because we all live separately and only use this place when we gather occasionally.”

The sports car entered the parking lot of a nice three-story house.

It seemed like this guy’s sense of money was different from mine.

“Let’s go in. There’s a device inside that can measure the bloodsucking factor.”

Gamma grinned at me, his black eyes sparkling.

He didn’t seem to want to hide it anymore, and the supernatural power that had penetrated my mind started to run wild.

I realized it now, but it seemed like having a long conversation with him was the condition for strengthening his mind control.

‘No wonder he was so talkative. Thanks to that, I gained a lot of good information.’

“What are you doing? Hurry up.”

Did he think everything was over now that we were here?

I didn’t resist the force compelling me to act and obediently got out of the car and followed him inside the building.

‘I have “Blood Magic”, but I couldn’t feel the barrier until I entered the building. The level of concealment is no joke.’

As I was casually admiring it and following Gamma, he suddenly stopped.

I followed his frowning gaze and saw six people and three people facing each other inside.

The distinctive scent of blood emanating from them, unique to vampires.

But one of them didn’t smell of blood at all, just like Gamma.

“What’s going on here?”

The group of six brightened up at his appearance.

At the same time, the woman in the center of the three on the other side, who didn’t smell of blood, turned to look at us.

“You’re finally here, Mr. Do Han-soo. I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“Sigh, call me ‘Gamma Do’.”

“Yeah, yeah. Mr. Gamma Do, you know why I’m here, right?”

She walked towards Gamma with irritated steps.

Thanks to that, I was able to see her face clearly…

‘Even considering that she’s a vampire, I’ve never seen someone this beautiful. No, wait? I think I’ve seen her somewhere before…’

She was incredibly beautiful.

There was no way I could forget a woman with that much charm.

As I was racking my brains, trying to remember,

“Yes, Ms. Jin So-ran. I don’t know why you’re here, but it’s not polite to suddenly show up like this, is it?”

“Ha! Suddenly? Polite? If you hadn’t ignored me unilaterally, I wouldn’t have come all the way here to see your disgusting face!”

I frowned, feeling a vague sense of familiarity as I watched the two of them arguing.

That face, that voice. I hadn’t seen her outside, so it must have been on the internet…

‘That’s right! Orchid. She was an internet broadcaster. There were a lot of screenshots of her circulating on online communities because she was pretty. I saw them a few times.’

Her appearance was a bit different back then, perhaps because of makeup.

The moment I finally remembered, the frustration disappeared, and a sense of mental satisfaction washed over me.

As I was feeling smug, I realized that she had been looking at me for a while.

“I’ve never seen you before, who are you?”

She was asking about my identity.

But I couldn’t answer.

My body was under Gamma’s control.

‘I could resist if I wanted to, but… let’s observe the situation a little more.’

“He’s my guest. It’s none of your business, so mind your own business.”

Gamma stepped in front of me and snapped at her.

But she didn’t back down either.

“You know why I’m here, right?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Would you care to explain?”

“You’re going to keep playing dumb?”

Jin So-ran gritted her teeth, looking at Gamma.

“You’re kidnapping vampires and doing something with them! I heard you took a Crew member under our protection this time? Did you think I wouldn’t know?!”

‘As expected, he was deliberately capturing vampires from the beginning.’

Jin So-ran and her two companions pressured him, raising their energy.

Gamma’s companions also joined them, creating a confrontation.

“For your information, we informed our Crew that we were coming here, so if we don’t go back, they’ll report it to the higher-ups. You know what will happen then, right?”

She and her companions were outnumbered, but their presence wasn’t inferior to Gamma’s group.

After all, all three of them seemed to be around Gamma’s level.

In fact, Jin So-ran seemed even stronger than Gamma.

She must have brought only elites with her for a surprise attack.

“The person next to you must also be someone you kidnapped recently, right? What are you up to?!”


Gamma frowned and glared at her, then sighed.

He couldn’t order me to do anything suspicious because it would only make me look unnatural.

He didn’t have the ability to mentally command me.

“Tsk, that arrogant brat, she doesn’t know her place…”

“Aha~? Now you’re showing your true colors?”

As Jin So-ran got ready to fight, her companions also prepared for battle, raising their energy.

“Fine, it can’t be helped. Catch her. We’ll use her as a material.”

“Ha! You think I’ll go down easi… Ugh!”

Crackle— Boom!

She coughed up blood and was thrown back from the sudden attack.


Her companion, no, the muscular man who had been guarding her back, slowly lowered his fist.
