MAEPG: Episode 118

Episode 118 Harbinger (3)

“Hey! Harley!”

When Harley came out after washing up at his lodging, there were people excitedly calling his name.

It was the southern warrior trio, the bearded man, the giant, and the one with the scar.

“Wow— I thought you were amazing before, but now you look even more monstrous.”

“Even the mercenaries from Tarak were intimidated. There must have been quite a few who were badmouthing him behind his back.”

“It’s so satisfying to see those who looked down on the Calcos tattoos speechless.”

They were showering him with compliments, saying things like Harley was the pride of the south and a true example of a warrior…

He felt embarrassed listening to their compliments.

“Hahaha! Thanks, guys! But I don’t think you were here until recently, where have you been?”

Harley eventually cut them off and subtly changed the subject.

Considering that he had been in the Northern Mountains for quite a while on the rescue mission, it didn’t make sense that they were only arriving at the Iron Fortress now.

“Ah, we were mobilized to build a defense line behind the fortress. We followed the lord when he came here personally.”

“Even though this is a strategic location, we can’t block them all. Some inevitably slip through.”

The Iron Fortress, the most forward position, protruded outwards due to the terrain, so it took the brunt of the monsters’ attacks…

But there was no way a single fortress could block all the monsters coming from the vast mountains.

That was why they needed so many troops for this incident.

It was only this manageable because the Tulk Kingdom only had Aonia County bordering the mountains, but the Azeria Empire, whose entire central region bordered the Northern Mountains, was currently mobilizing its entire national power to respond.

Harley chatted with his comrades after a long time, promised to meet again later, and headed towards the center where the command center was located.

‘I’m not tired right now, so I can just go see the lord right away.’

It was better to finish what he had to do as soon as he remembered it.

Even though they said he could come whenever he was free, they would probably prefer it if he came right away.

But as he neared his destination, he encountered someone he knew again.

“It’s been a while, Harley. I heard you were amazing today. Well, it’s only natural for you, right?”

It was Ranger Charlton, who had been dispatched on the rescue mission with him and was now in charge of security in this area.

Unlike the other mercenaries, he was part of the army, so this was their first meeting since they parted ways…

They exchanged greetings and caught up on each other’s recent activities.

“Hans is still hospitalized in the military infirmary. He was injured and pushed himself to move, so it seems like it’ll take a long time for him to recover.”

But he said that Ranger Hans would be able to recover without any major aftereffects.

‘As someone who inherited the name ‘Hans’, it’s only natural for him to overcome this much.’

“And Bordo… We held a joint funeral at the unit with the belongings we brought back. It seems like the unit suffered considerable losses while we were in the mountains.”

And he said they were planning to send his belongings to his hometown after the situation calmed down.

Bordo wasn’t someone Harley was close to, but he was still concerned because he died during their journey together.

But all he could do was nod heavily and express his condolences.

“Ah, I’m keeping you busy. The command center is that way. Then, please continue your good work.”

Charlton saluted him, pointed towards a building inside, and then disappeared, saying he would look around.

‘Hmm, it seems like I’m meeting a lot of people I haven’t seen in a while today. I hope there aren’t any more.’

He narrowed his eyes and looked around as he approached the building.

But the only acquaintances he could meet at the Iron Fortress were the mercenaries who had gone into the mountains with him.

And he was already exchanging greetings with them whenever he saw them.

“You’re early. I’ll show you the way.”

But that judgment was too hasty.

‘Ah, I forgot about this guy.’

The one who greeted him was the knight, Robin, who had carried out the request with him.

Seeing him fully armed in shining metal armor, unlike the leather armor he wore during their mountain trek, he realized that a knight was a knight after all.

“Sir Knight, it seems like you’ve been doing well? You look healthier.”

“It’s an illusion. It’s probably because I can wash up properly here. There’s no time to rest comfortably with the current situation. To be put on duty immediately after all that hardship…”

Their conversation was casual because they had become close while struggling together.

But since this wasn’t a place for leisurely catching up, their conversation didn’t last long.

“I’ve told the lord about your personality several times, but it would be better if you paid more attention to your attitude.”

“Huh? Is there something wrong with my attitude?”

Harley blinked innocently and tilted his head.

Of course, it was just that his unique appearance looked strange.

“…Um, be as polite as possible… please.”

“Ah, don’t worry about that! When it comes to manners, it’s me! I’ve never cut in line before!”

Of course, he was often given priority without asking, but that was their voluntary consideration, so it didn’t matter.

“And I don’t use violence recklessly!”

In the early days, there were quite a few people in the city who clicked their tongues and badmouthed Harley as he passed by.

But he couldn’t go around punching them all, so…

The solution he came up with was to warmly embrace them.

Whenever he detected their backbiting with his excellent senses, he would just smile gently, baring his teeth and making eye contact.

He never responded violently.

The effect was amazing.

Perhaps his sincerity got through to them, as such cases decreased rapidly after that.

‘Of course, there were also people who picked fights with me because we made eye contact, but that couldn’t be helped.’

It wasn’t like a manly man like Harley could avoid a fight.

But he didn’t initiate violence, so he could be considered the embodiment of etiquette.

“…Right. Well, it’s okay because you’ve made contributions. …And you have the skills.”

Robin, overwhelmed by his confident claim, nodded and guided him to the reception room.

And soon, Harley was finally able to meet him.

“Oh! You’re Harley, come and have a seat.”

Count Tarmin Aonia, the ruler of this region.

“I’ve heard so much praise about you from Zaonic and Robin that my ears are ringing, but seeing you in person is definitely different.”

The lord, who was in his late thirties, momentarily twitched his eyebrows at Harley’s unique attire, but then didn’t show any reaction and just showered him with compliments.

“Hahaha! I’m flattered! Well, it’s true that I’m famous!”

The lord’s brow twitched again at his hearty laughter.

Robin, who was standing behind the lord, closed his eyes tightly, but Harley didn’t care.

It was enough effort for him to just use honorifics.

‘Ah, this is Harley’s version of etiquette. I’m making the biggest concession for Robin!’

Whether the lord knew about Harley’s feelings or not, he slowly took a sip of tea and opened his mouth again.

“Ahem, anyway. I called you because of the request and because you’ve been very helpful. I want to give you some additional reward.”

And the reward he subtly offered, as if he was being generous, wasn’t very appealing.

‘A knighthood… well, it’s natural for him to try to recruit me, considering Harley’s strength…’

But it wasn’t something he could just offer as a reward.

At least not to him, who had proven himself countless times.

And Harley, the free and wild berserker, was very firm when it came to such matters.

“Ah, I’m not really interested in that. How about giving me something else instead?”

“So… something else?”

“You know, a big and sturdy two-handed axe would be nice. The one I’m currently using is a bit flimsy!”


His speech level subtly dropped as he spoke, but the lord, with a dubious expression, didn’t seem to have the time to point it out.

Robin, who was standing behind him, just looked at the ceiling with a resigned expression.

“Y-you! How dare you refuse the lord’s offer! And how rude!”

But the lord’s other knights didn’t seem to want to let it slide.

They had been frowning and glaring at him since he entered the reception room, and now they were showing hostility, reaching for their weapons.

Of course, Harley just looked at them with a sullen expression.

‘It’s been over a year and a half since I came to Auterica.’

He couldn’t be unaware of the rules here, as he had gained enough experience.

It was common sense that you couldn’t act recklessly in front of nobles, the ruling class, but…

“That’s enough. Everyone, stand down.”

“B-but, Lord…!”

“Didn’t I tell you to stand down?!”

The knights bowed their heads dejectedly and retreated at the lord’s shout.

‘In these chaotic times, only power matters. And Harley has more than proven that.’

Moreover, he was a strong individual who was a great help in blocking the monsters overflowing from the Northern Mountains.

One refusal was a trivial matter.

To obtain a talented individual, you had to at least consider visiting them three times and showering them with gifts and affection.

‘Of course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get them even then.’

Nothing in life was perfect.

“Alright, you said an axe? I’ll have Zaonic custom-make one for you. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied.”

Just like the lord, who was forcing a smile.

“Hahaha! Thank you, Lord. As expected of someone who rules a large territory, you’re very generous!”

“Of course, I’m not stingy when it comes to rewarding my subordinates. Hahaha!”

Right, he wasn’t going to get it for free.

He had to offer some conveniences, shower him with gifts, and show him a lot of attention and affection to obtain a talented individual.

‘Of course, there’s no guarantee that he’ll get him even then.’

Nothing in life was perfect.

And so, Harley was gaining influence and fame in the northwest, receiving generous treatment.


“Lord, all investigations are complete. We’ve also cross-checked the information received from Oath of Heaven’s Defiance.”

“Really? Is there anything wrong with the information?”

“No! We’ve even confirmed that two True Bloods have moved to defend the monster forest due to the madness incident. There are at most two True Bloods left in Talaria, the former and current Lords of Brokoslack.”

“Hmm… That’s too bold for Mulo, who’s known for his caution. Is it the new Lord’s will?”

The one listening to his subordinate’s report stroked his chin and chuckled.

Actually, it didn’t really matter.

‘I’m confident I can win even in a head-on confrontation, and two True Bloods are away… This is too easy.’

The difference in power was overwhelming.

He didn’t know the level of the current Lord who took over Brokoslack, but he was definitely not a Sacred Blood.

“Well, it’s better to be thorough. Gather the other True Bloods and prepare the combat unit.”

Visque Ufersh, a man with white hair and white eyes, muttered softly, looking at his subordinate who was bowing before him.

“…We’re going to Talaria.”

The Ufersh Clan, arguably the strongest vampire group on the continent, started to move.
