MAEPG: Episode 144

Episode 144 Recruiting Talent (2)

Clang—! Clang—! Clang!

The sound of hammering metal echoed rhythmically through the space filled with intense heat.


Forging, quenching, tempering…

The complex and laborious processes continued smoothly without a moment’s hesitation.


And finally, when all the processes were complete,

The moment a sword was completed by attaching a pre-made hilt to the sharpened blade after polishing,

《The individual gains enlightenment through repeated training. You have acquired the skill “Metallurgy”.》

…Dwarf Howard was finally recognized as a ‘blacksmith’ by the system.

“Oh ho, it’s finally here! Uhuhut—!”

The fact that a skill became a ‘skill’ through training meant that the karma accumulated in that act had exceeded a certain level.

It was one of the privileges of an awakened one who had crossed over from another world, granting additional bonuses whenever they performed related tasks, helping them grow more smoothly.

And he had achieved it in just a few weeks while also handling the work of Hubert’s Trading Company.

Howard looked at his hand holding the hammer and slowly savored the sensation.

A subtle change in his grip was detected by the Dwarf’s sensitive senses.

And he could instinctively feel that he was now able to handle tools more precisely, efficiently, and naturally.

‘Hmm, good. The synergy with “Craftsmanship” is also significant. And this is also a skill that grows with accumulated proficiency, so the effect will become even stronger as time passes.’

The timing of acquiring the skill was also very appropriate.

Tomorrow was the day he would be introduced to Dwarf Zaonic through Harley, who had returned to Tarak.

‘And unlike before, the situation at the Iron Fortress has stabilized.’

The Iron Fortress, which had been in a dangerous situation immediately after the madness incident, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as reinforcements started to arrive one after another.

And they even had unexpected free time because the monster surge had significantly decreased, perhaps due to the influence of the Rohan Duchy incident.

So he was planning to take care of everything he had been putting off at once.

‘Before Harley leaves for the Roselia Cathedral, I have to introduce Howard to Zaonic and receive the new axe.’

Count Aonia had promised him a new weapon before.

Zaonic didn’t object when he heard that it was a weapon for Harley and immediately moved to his workshop in Tarak to start working.

And now, after several weeks, he had finally received news that the axe was complete.

Originally, Zaonic was planning to personally deliver the weapon to the Iron Fortress…

‘But since there was also news from the temple, we decided that Harley would personally visit Tarak tomorrow to receive it. And introduce Howard as well.’

That’s why he was even more happy to have obtained “Metallurgy” now.

At least he wouldn’t be told that he didn’t even have the basics.

And so, a day passed with anticipation.

Howard, who had finished his work at the company as usual, headed towards the central blacksmith owned by Tarak City with Harley.

‘It’s only a few days until Hubert returns. It was quite a delay because I had to move Hans around.’

Of course, he would have to come up with countermeasures to prevent similar incidents from happening again, but for now, he was satisfied that things were returning to normal.

Murmur, murmur—

“Hey, look over there.”

“Ah— It’s Harley, the famous guy these days. He’s back in Tarak? …Huh? But what’s that…?”

“A Dwarf?”

Gazes were drawn to them as they confidently walked down the main street.

Harley, who was over two meters tall, and Howard, whose height didn’t even reach his waist, walking side by side, attracted considerable attention, but they were no longer bothered by this level of interest.

They arrived at the blacksmith and were immediately guided inside according to their pre-arranged appointment.

And Harley was finally able to reunite with Zaonic after a long time.

“Hahaha! It’s been a while, Zaonic! How have you been?”

“…Huh? Oh! Yes, it’s been a while. I heard about your exploits. I’m glad you’re healthy!”

But his attitude was strange.

More precisely, he had been showing a subtle reaction since the moment he saw Howard, whom Harley had brought with him.

“…Right, is this the Dwarf you wanted to introduce? He’s definitely a very young fellow.”

And his gaze, which had been distracted while talking to Harley, turned back to Howard.

As if he couldn’t help but be concerned.

“Ahem! Nice to meet you, sir! I’m Howard.”

“…Yes, nice to meet you. I’m Zaonic Steelstone.”

The dissonance was incredible for a conversation between two men with thick, bushy beards, but it was a perfectly normal conversation from the perspective of fellow Dwarves.

To Harley, who was from a different race, they just looked like hairy men of similar age, but to Howard, Zaonic looked like a mature, handsome middle-aged man.

Conversely, Zaonic would see him as a young, inexperienced boy.

‘He’s been acting strange since earlier. It doesn’t seem negative, but it’s subtle.’

His reaction wasn’t just because he was meeting a fellow Dwarf after a long time.

It was more intimate and emotional…

“Ahem, it might sound strange if I suddenly say this…”

At that moment, Zaonic cleared his throat and cautiously spoke.

“…Have you ever seen me before?”

“Hmm, I’ve been wandering around since I was young, but you’re the first of our kind I’ve met.”

“Then your parents…”

“Yes, they passed away when I was young, and I’ve been alone ever since. Until I met Harley.”

At that point, Harley was about to start telling the story of ‘Harley’s Great Adventure’, Act 5, Scene 2, ‘Encounter with the Wandering Dwarf’, but…

“…I see. That’s… that must be it.”

Zaonic was still lost in thought, muttering to himself.

“Ah, I apologize. I just don’t feel like you’re a stranger. It’s… yes, it’s like a son or grandson who went on a long journey has returned. Of course, I’m single! Hahaha!”

“Ah, I see. Uhuhut!”

“Hahaha! I thought you had a family you were separated from!”

Zaonic forced a laugh, perhaps realizing that the atmosphere had become gloomy because of him.

Howard and Harley also laughed along so he wouldn’t feel embarrassed, but they were quickly analyzing the situation inwardly.

‘Don’t tell me… is it Elinne’s influence?’

Elinne, the divine weapon of pickaxes, which Dwarf Zaonic had painstakingly created and cherished like a child for a long time.

It was the medium that formed the basis for Howard’s birth.

‘Thinking about it that way, he’s actually his grandson.’

As a craftsman, it seemed like he felt something towards Howard, who was related to the creation he had made.

“Whew— I apologize. I got lost in my thoughts. Ah! I should give you the axe first. Come this way.”

But he shook his head, as if to clear his mind, lightly slapped his cheeks, and then guided them inside to hand over the weapon.

And ‘it’ was in the workshop.

“This is the axe I made with all my heart. As you requested, I processed black steel to maximize its durability, and I even coated the blade with adamantium! It’s a masterpiece!”

He pointed to a giant axe made entirely of black metal.

“The only drawback is that it’s too heavy to be practical. Most people wouldn’t even be able to lift it, let alone swing it… But that doesn’t matter to you, right?”

A large axe blade and spearhead befitting the long, thick handle that was over two meters long, and a sharp hook on the other side.

It looked more like a ‘halberd’ than an ‘axe’, but it also had an unusually large blade, so it couldn’t be simply considered as such.

“Oh— This! It’s so big and beautiful!”

And that menacing weapon, which looked like something a giant monster in a game would use, was perfect for Harley’s taste.

He immediately ran to where the axe was placed and carefully picked it up with an excited heart.


He could hear the heavy sound of air moving just from lifting it off the ground.

It was much heavier than it looked, but…

“It’s quite heavy! This is what a weapon should be like! Hahaha!”

Of course, it was just the right weight for Harley.

Whoosh— Whoosh—!

A chilling sound echoed through the spacious workshop, and a gust of wind blew as he lightly swung the axe with one hand.

“I named it ‘Giant Killer’ for now, but you can change it if you don’t like it.”

“Ah, that’s more than enough! It’s a perfect name! Hahaha!”

He couldn’t help but laugh as he obtained the weapon he liked.

As expected of a Dwarf-made weapon, this axe was also aesthetically pleasing, exuding a luxurious aura that could satisfy his vanity just by holding it.

Of course, those who actually faced it would probably lament in resignation rather than admire its craftsmanship.

“But… are you really okay? I heard about what happened after I finished working. It seems like a lot has happened.”

Zaonic, who had been nodding with satisfaction, looking at Harley’s pleased expression, suddenly spoke with a worried tone.

“Not only did the Immortal King who attacked the cathedral bring down the Rohan Duchy, but he also devastated Tobea in the Empire recently, right?”

It was a story about the world situation that not just anyone could know, but he was able to obtain this much information because he was practically one of the lord’s close aides.

And it wasn’t even a secret, it was a major issue that was being talked about throughout the continent.

“And to be suddenly recommended for the expedition… Of course, it’s not that you’re lacking, but it feels a bit sudden.”

The fact that he was recommended meant that someone had recommended him.

It was information that wasn’t publicly available, but Harley knew exactly who they were.

‘It was the Mercenary Guild and the Tribal Federation.’

It wasn’t strange for the guild to recommend him because they knew him well, but it was a bit unexpected for the Tribal Federation, which was located in the south.

Even though he was impersonating a southern warrior, they hadn’t even properly contacted each other…

“Hahaha! Well, it doesn’t matter! I’ll just crush the skulls of anyone who gets in my way with this axe!”

Harley snorted, his hands itching to try out his new axe.

He wanted to immediately charge into the Northern Mountains, but unfortunately, it wasn’t time yet.

“Anyway, Zaonic, have you thought about what I asked you? What do you think now that you’ve seen him in person?”

“Hmm… you’re saying you want me to teach him?”

Zaonic glanced at Howard with a serious expression and fell into thought again.

He couldn’t help but be cautious about teaching him properly, not just giving him a few words of advice.

‘The Dwarf’s Secret’ wasn’t something that was revealed to all Dwarves.

After all, there was no way a craftsman would pass on their knowledge to someone unqualified.

Of course, they weren’t as closed off as other races, but there was an aspect of their skills being passed down through families or tribes.

It wasn’t knowledge he could pass on to someone he had just met, even if it was Harley’s request.


“…Well, I can’t just keep what I’ve accumulated to myself forever. Meeting him here in the Ion Continent must be fate.”

Zaonic’s answer was a refreshing acceptance.

“And above all, this guy… he doesn’t feel like a stranger. It’s strange.”

“Ha, hahaha! It’s all fate! Yes, indeed!”

Harley, the one who had kidnapped Elinne, awkwardly avoided his gaze.

And so, Howard was finally able to properly learn the ‘Dwarf’s Secret’ from Zaonic.

And Harley, having finished everything, headed towards the Roselia Cathedral with a light heart.


  1. ⚠️❗The Chapter Title here is wrong. It should be "Episode 144 - To the Roselia Cathedral (1)"


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