MAEPG: Episode 25

Episode 25 Hahoe Mask (3)


Archbishop Latiaus, who had been concentrating, suddenly raised his head and looked around.

He felt a faint energy…

“Archbishop? Is there a problem?”

The holy knight, who was standing guard next to him, asked cautiously.

It seemed he didn’t feel anything strange.

“No, it’s nothing. Let’s keep going.”

He was currently in the middle of an important task.

Maintaining the large-scale concealment holy magic until the combat unit fighting the Immortal King’s descendant approached him.

And preparing for the possibility of him escaping using teleportation.

He didn’t have the time to be distracted by anything else.

The encirclement was perfect, and they had prepared for teleportation.

Now, if they could just succeed in the surprise attack, their chances of winning would be even greater.

Even after receiving information from the Familiars, I couldn’t figure out the identity of the opponent.

It was because they were invisible.

It seemed that the trigger ‘when encountering a human’ was activated simply due to the animals’ instincts.

That the opponent was human.

‘They can conceal all the individuals approaching from all directions? And hide their energy so that it’s not even detected by detection magic?’

The opponent had thoroughly prepared to catch me.

‘Who are they? Brokoslack? Or Oath of Heaven’s Defiance? How did they find out I was here?’

It was urgent to grasp the situation.

I could disappear at any time using recall if I wanted to, but avoiding them wouldn’t solve the problem.

‘I need to find out who and how they pinpointed my location. I need to know the cause to prepare countermeasures.’

I was lucky to have noticed them first this time, but if I was interrupted while doing something important in another situation, it could be even more troublesome.

‘Let’s prepare, buy time, and gather information about them.’

I hurriedly went back inside the cave.

It wasn’t that deep, but the entrance was limited, so it would be better than being ambushed from all directions.

And after a very short time,


All the barriers I had set up around me shattered in an instant.

At the same time, I could feel the presence of the enemies who had shed their concealment.

‘Huh? This energy…’

An energy that felt hot, almost scorching.

A power that clashed with Hans’s dark magic power.

‘It’s not dark magic or vampire energy? Don’t tell me this is holy power?’

Clank, clank

As I was flustered, knights armed in pure white armor entered the cave entrance.

“We’ve finally caught your tail. Hans, descendant of the Immortal King! You can’t run away anymore!”

The middle-aged knight at the forefront of the group pointed his sword at me and shouted.

‘That symbol… The Main God Church? Are they holy knights of the Church?’

It was the symbol that Heinz the Second had learned about during his training in the clan.

They said to be careful of the Church’s holy power because it was our natural enemy.

Especially the energy emanating from the holy knight at the forefront was comparable to the True Blood vampire I had met recently.

Considering the opposing attributes, he would be an even more troublesome opponent.

[Are you lackeys of the Church? How did you find out where I was?]

I obtained good information from his first words.

The Church had been tracking me, who had obtained the Immortal King’s power, and they had investigated thoroughly enough to know my name.

I needed to buy more time and gather more information.

“No evil can escape the gaze of the Main God!”

But the knight at the forefront drew his sword of light and charged at me.

Unfortunately, he didn’t seem interested in talking any further.

‘Tsk, I guess I have to collect combat data on fighting against holy power.’


There was an explosion, and Hans, the Arch-Lich, emerged from the pile of collapsed rocks.


Then the Paladin, emanating pure white energy, followed him out and attacked.

Holy power, the opposing attribute, was more troublesome than I thought.

‘Ugh, this guy is persistent!’

The cave was on the verge of collapsing from the aftermath of the fight, but the Paladin didn’t let up for a moment and kept clinging to me.

The other holy knights, who had retreated from the cave, were already surrounding the area, and beyond them, soldiers and priests with the Main God Church’s symbol were encircling us.

Hymns echoed from all directions, and the holy light illuminating the surroundings burned the dark magic power I had wrapped around my body.

Holy knights, strengthened by receiving all sorts of beneficial holy magic, pressed in, emanating holy light from their entire bodies.

Waves of light beautifully adorned the surroundings.

The sight of the holy power filling the entire area, converging for a single purpose, was even awe-inspiring.

It would have been better if the purpose wasn’t to annihilate me, who was at the center of it all.

‘They really came prepared! What did I even do?!’

Hans had only punished bad guys.

He had only done what they were supposed to do, and this was how they treated him…!

I protested based on that, but the answer was firm.

“No being can fully accept the Immortal King’s power. The moment you accept that power, your mind becomes contaminated and your soul begins to corrupt! And you will lead the continent to ruin!”

A voice full of conviction and belief.

“Evil dark mage who has touched the forbidden power! If you still have a human heart, surrender and accept purification! I promise you peaceful rest!”

Considering what happened when I absorbed the fragment’s power, I could understand why they thought that way.

But how could I prove that I was an exception here?

[Sigh, it can’t be helped. I’ll retreat for now.]

I could feel my body starting to creak.

Although powerful dark magic power was constantly being supplied from my heart, my skill in handling it was lacking, so I couldn’t perfectly resist the holy power.

I needed more time to use the power I had suddenly gained efficiently.

‘But if I go all out, I’m confident I can inflict fatal damage on them…’

I still had many cards I hadn’t played yet.

If I summoned the undead army to buy time and first dealt with the soldiers and priests who were surrounding the area and had built a giant holy formation…

The damage I would sustain in the process could be endured to some extent with the synergy of the constantly supplied dark magic power and “Immortality”.

‘No, it’s better to just let it go. It’s a bit of a waste to consume my power in this meaningless fight.’

And the fact that the Church wasn’t evil was also bothering me.

We were confronting each other due to our conflicting positions, but they were also people who had gathered with noble beliefs.

Since I was also operating under the principle of only punishing evil people, I felt reluctant to harm them indiscriminately.

Even if I could wipe them out here, the enraged Church would only become more aggressive.

They were one of the largest forces on the continent, after all.

There was nothing more to gain from fighting anymore.

I had gained experience against holy power and realized my shortcomings, so this was enough.

“Do you think you can escape?!”


Did he sense my thoughts?

Holy light, starting from one side, connected through the bodies of those forming the encirclement, filling the space.

‘What kind of holy magic is this?’

It didn’t seem to be the type that restricted my power.

It was a bit unsettling, but I could easily ignore it.

[I see, distortion and severance. Holy magic to prevent escape. I wondered why you were just standing there, not participating in the fight.]

I had already sensed that there was another person with energy comparable to the Paladin.

I had been wary of him intervening while fighting, but it seemed he was preparing to block my escape.

I took advantage of the brief lull in the fight and looked around.

The Paladin and holy knights surrounding me.

The priests and soldiers encircling the area.

‘This is terrifying. If I wasn’t an avatar, I wouldn’t have been able to escape.’

The Main God Church, whose holy power grew stronger according to their faith in God.

And they seemed to have a way to track down evil.

‘This will be a pain in the neck in the future… I need to come up with a solution.’

Both Hans and Heinz the Second were targets of their subjugation.

I needed to take countermeasures now that I understood the situation.

But for now…

[I see. You went through a lot of trouble to catch me.]

“Have you finally decided to accept purification?”

[No way.]

I lightly shrugged, and they tensed up again, readjusting their weapons.

[Our positions are clearly different, so I understand there’s no room for conversation. But even if we keep fighting here, there’s nothing more to gain.]


They looked at me as if asking what I was getting at.

Seeing them like that, I felt amused and threw in a line.

[Hehehe… This is where we part ways. Try to catch me if you can, lackeys of the Church.]

“Ha! Do you think you can escape from he…”

I didn’t listen to him until the end.


I had already gained everything I needed.

“Hmm, this is a headache. I have too many enemies now, don’t I?”

Oath of Heaven’s Defiance, a secret organization, and Brokoslack, a vampire clan.

Unlike them, the Main God Church was one of the largest forces on the continent.

They didn’t force their faith on others, nor did they oppress other minor religions.

But it was practically a single religion with temples all over the world.

‘Even if you combined all the other religions, they wouldn’t even amount to half of the Main God Church.’

And that force had targeted Hans and was even operating a unit to hunt him down.

“…Don’t tell me the reason why I’ve been getting so much Karma…”

I could finally understand.

I had been unknowingly attracting aggro on a continental scale.

I held my head and thought hard, then suddenly looked up.

“I’ll think about that later. First, there’s a more pressing matter to deal with.”

Darkness spread across the floor, and Hans slowly rose from it.

[Hehehe… It’s time to show the results of my research.]

It was time to demonstrate the ‘Contagious Familiar Magic Final_Revised_2nd_FINAL(3)_ReallyTheLast’ that I had finally completed.

‘And if I enhance the concealment magic with the research results I obtained this time, it should also help conceal Hans’s presence.’

It was a very productive time.

Hans roamed the city, implanting the Familiar magic on one or two animals he saw at regular intervals, including pigeons and other birds.

Later, after the number increased due to the contagious effect, I would have to periodically adjust the number.

As he was busy moving around,


The first signal came quickly.

It was information sent by a stray cat in a place some distance away.

[“H… Help me! Is anyone there?! Please help me!”]

A woman’s voice filled with terror.

I immediately teleported to the darkness where the cat was.

“Hehehe, cry louder. Do you think anyone will hear you?”

“Wh-Why isn’t anyone coming? Help me! Please, call the police!”

“Hmm~ I love the sound of desperate screams.”

The scene I arrived at was like a scene from a thriller movie.

A woman lying on the ground, crying, in a deserted park, and a madman in front of her, holding a dagger and a voice recorder in each hand.

“Well, that’s enough. The recording is good. This is definitely in the top 3 of my collection.”

“Help! Someone, please! Aaagh—!”

“Hehehe, scream all you want. No one will hear you from outside.”

The guy approaching with the dagger and the woman screaming as if she was going crazy.

It was clearly a moment before murder.

‘He’s right, there’s a strange barrier around him. Is this his ability?’

An energy surrounding the area around the killer.

It seemed to block sound, prevent the interior from being seen from the outside, and make people subconsciously reluctant to approach.

The cat that sent me the signal must have been inside the area from the beginning and wasn’t affected.

‘It’s an interesting ability. But judging by what he’s saying, this isn’t his first time.’

There was nothing more to see.

I slowly revealed myself behind him.

“Aaa… Ah, ah? Aaah…”

The woman, whose eyes met mine for a moment, screamed and then froze.

‘She’s reacting like that even though I’m concealing my energy as much as possible…’

It couldn’t be helped, since she was an ordinary person.

I immediately reached out and put the woman to sleep.

“What?! Who’s there! How, how did you…?”

The killer, who noticed me late, turned around and pointed his dagger at me, then hesitated.

I lightly extended my hand and used magic.


Black shadows rising from the ground bound his entire body and gagged him.

“Mmm! Mmm—!”

[Just in case, I’ll go through the final confirmation process. No need to answer. I’ll do it myself.]

I reached out with my hand, which was wearing a black leather glove, and grabbed his head.

And I used the necromancy spell ‘Death Rattle’.

[“Help… Ugh!”]

[“Ah… Mister, please…”]


The last words of the victims who had been sacrificed to him replayed.

There weren’t just one or two.

I had checked just in case, in case this situation was a surprise or a prank, but as expected, it wasn’t.

[No need to say more. You’re sentenced to death.]

There was no need for mercy for a serial killer, especially a pleasure killer.

“Mmm! Mmm, mmm!”

He started to struggle, twisting his whole body.

His eyes were filled with madness, glaring at me.

He was probably thinking, who are you to judge me?


I poured dark magic power through the hand holding his head.

“Ugh… Ugh!”

His eyes, which had been glaring at me, rolled back, and his whole body convulsed, blood flowing from his seven orifices.

Bloody foam dripped from the corners of his mouth, which was gagged by the shadows.

‘Even a peaceful death is too good for this bastard. I needed an undead to use on Earth anyway, so I’ll turn him into a useful one.’

Finally, when dark magic power permeated every single cell of his body, his convulsing body went limp.

The floor was already soaked with the blood he had shed.

[Rise. You shall become my servant and atone for your sins for eternity.]

As I used dark magic on his corpse, he started to twitch and move again.

Squirm, squirm…


A gloomy laugh, a face contorted in pain, blood constantly flowing from his seven orifices, and pale skin devoid of any blood.

It was a Ghast, a mid- to high-ranking undead I learned about through “Forbidden Knowledge”.

It required a high-level sacrifice and the creation method was cruel, so I didn’t expect to create one like this…

[It might be an appropriate punishment. And it’s useful.]

It was fine to do this much, considering I was doing volunteer work.

I stored the Ghast in my subspace and checked on the collapsed woman.

‘I should at least provide some after-sales service.’

A smartphone, which seemed to have been dropped while she was struggling, was lying on the ground.

I picked it up, called 911, and placed it on the ground along with the items the killer had.

And then, after a moment of contemplation, I used dark magic power to write a message on the ground with the pooled blood.

-Execution complete

Next to it was a drawing of a Hahoe mask with an awkward smile.

‘Since I’m taking the body, I should at least let them know.’

The police shouldn’t waste their resources trying to catch a guy who was already dead.

I nodded and hid myself in the shadows.

And a while later, after confirming that the sound of sirens was approaching, I left.
