MAEPG: Episode 39

Episode 39 Jin So-ran (3)

As the sun began to set,

While looking for Jin So-ran after greeting the other Crew members properly, I saw her talking to someone.

“So, there’s nothing we can do for now?”

“Yes. It seems like the higher-ups are being cautious because of the nature of the issue.”

“Sigh… I understand.”

“Then I’ll be going.”

Jin So-ran, left alone after her conversation partner left, looked down at the ground, frowned, and fell into thought.

Heinz watched her for a moment and then approached her.

“It seems like things aren’t going well.”

“Ah! Heinz. You’re here?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong? You look terrible.”

She smiled awkwardly, avoiding my gaze, then sighed deeply and opened her mouth.

“It’s not exactly confidential, and you should know since you’re involved. You know, the report I made to my superiors?”

“You mean about Gamma’s group committing cannibalism?”

“Yes, that. They dispatched an investigation team, but they couldn’t find any evidence, as if Hahoe Mask burned everything after the attack. It’s a sensitive issue, so they can’t move recklessly without evidence…”

She trailed off, looking dejected.

She seemed upset that there was no progress after all her efforts.

‘I did go a bit overboard to erase Heinz’s traces.’

Since there were all sorts of spells in this world, I had to be thorough in hiding Heinz’s cannibalism.

I had Hans completely scorch the inside of the building with hellfire filled with his dark magic power.

‘Practically, only the exterior was intact, and the inside was completely melted. It could collapse at any moment. And because of the influence of dark magic power, any kind of search was impossible.’

I felt sorry for her, but this was the best I could do, as there was little chance that things would have gone her way anyway.

Rather, other information was more important now.

“What? You’re asking where the hardliners’ base is?”

Jin So-ran asked back, seemingly flustered by the unexpected question.

“C-can I ask why you’re asking…?”

She seemed anxious, wondering if I had changed my mind.

The moderates were inherently lacking in force, and two strong members had just betrayed and left yesterday.

That’s why she welcomed Heinz’s joining more than anyone else.

“After what happened yesterday, they seem more dangerous than I thought. Since things turned out that way, I need to know at least their location to avoid them, right?”

“Ah! I see! We need to be careful until everything is resolved. I should warn the other Crew members again.”

Jin So-ran nodded, accepting my excuse.

She readily told me all the hardliners’ bases she knew.

“Ah… my phone is broken. Can you open the map app? I’ll mark the places I know.”

She was almost too enthusiastic.

Since the Blood Alliance was made up of various factions, they didn’t have detailed information about each other.

But they knew to some extent about those located nearby through periodic exchanges.

“Done. This is all I know for now. Is there anything else you need?”

“No, it’s fine. Thanks for your help.”

I could find out the rest by searching those guys’ brains.

I could just select those with the bloodsucking factors I had already acquired and hand them over to Hans.

As I was thinking that, looking at Jin So-ran’s smiling face, I suddenly remembered the information I had looked up in the morning.

“Are you planning to stream now?”


A strange answer came back, as if she had bitten her tongue in surprise.

“Uh… you, you knew…?”

Her ears started to turn red, embarrassed, but it was gentlemanly to pretend I didn’t know.

“I knew from the beginning. Orchid, right?”

“Ugh… My appearance must be very different from when I’m streaming, you recognized me. It’s embarrassing to hear it to my face like this…”

Jin So-ran tried to regain her composure, twirling her hair with her fingers.

Her ears and even her nape turned red, but I decided not to mention it.

“D-did you watch my stream? You’re not a follower… or a subscriber, are you?!”

Her voice, which had been shy, gradually grew louder, and she ended up speaking in an accusatory tone, as if excited.

She seemed too nervous, as if she had suddenly met a viewer.

“No, I just remembered seeing you on the internet and looked you up for a moment.”

“I-is that so~? That’s a relief.”

It was a subtle expression, as if she was relieved but also a bit disappointed.

“But it’s definitely a good method. You can be active in society without having to meet people directly. How did you get started?”

“Well… I was an idol trainee before going to another world. I quit because of some bad things that happened, but after returning, I felt so regretful.”

So she started streaming to seek public attention.

And she added that she wore makeup to look similar to her appearance before becoming a vampire when she streamed.

“Weren’t you caught by the Supernatural Ability Management Bureau after returning? There must have been a gap of at least a few months.”

“There was no such system when I awakened. I think it was established shortly after I returned…”

She answered with an awkward smile.

But there was one thing I was curious about.

“If you went to another world when you quit being a trainee… how old are you now?”

“Ah, I awakened when I was 18. I had already quit school to become an idol, so no one knew, but… I’m 22 now.”

She was older than me.

I tried to maintain a serious expression and subtly avoided her gaze.

It would be embarrassing to treat her like an older person now.

“Wait, you must have spent at least a few years in another world, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Then you have to include that period in your real age…”

“I’m 22.”

She cut me off, still smiling brightly.


“I’m 22. Want to see my ID card?”

“No, it’s fine. Real age is calculated based on your birth year.”

I awkwardly agreed, pushing her away as she smiled with sparkling eyes.

Right, age was an important issue. I was being insensitive.

“Then good luck. I’ll be going. Contact me if anything happens.”

Not all Crew members lived together in one place.

Of course, it was recommended for safety reasons, but it was enough for those who had their own homes to gather when needed.

‘Then where should I visit first?’

I looked at the map app and licked my lips.

It was like trying to decide what to eat first at a buffet.

Late at night.

“Ugh… ugh, you… you think you can get away with this…”


There was quite a commotion in a house in a luxury apartment complex, but no one noticed.

‘“Concealment” is useful in many ways.’

Ambush a careless vampire, inflict fatal damage, and then set up a concealment field around the area to erase the traces of the battle.

It was the main skill that allowed Heinz to hunt vampires alone.

‘I’m grateful to Gamma. He was so generous.’

Not only “Concealment”, but also Heinz’s new ride, the sports car, and all sorts of valuable items, including shamanistic tools and research equipment, were all stored in Hans’s subspace. He was like a giving tree.

‘Thanks to that, I was able to work so comfortably.’

Heinz sucked the blood of the subdued vampire and organized the places to attack next.

Based on the information received from Jin So-ran, Hans and Heinz raided the gathering places of the hardliner Crews.

Subduing the members inside was over in an instant, and Hans searched the brains of a few smart-looking guys.

The newly obtained information.

‘Those who belong to the Crew but don’t live at the base. Since they didn’t receive information about the attack, it’s a good opportunity to pick them off one by one while they’re off guard.’

The two, who had scattered, were currently eliminating them one by one, each choosing their own targets.

《New bloodsucking factor collected. The individual’s blood control ability increases due to the influence of the special skill “Hybrid Evolution”.》

He wasn’t as good as Hans, but Heinz wasn’t weak either.

He was still a Pureblood because he lacked the amount of bloodsucking factor, but considering the power of the evolved factor, his combat power alone was comparable to a True Blood.

‘And I’m not far from that anymore. I think the next one will be the last.’

I observed my inner self, feeling the cells in my entire body evolving further.

I could feel the bloodsucking factor reaching a limit and the power within me boiling.

“I need to clean up here and move.”

Heinz raised his newly acquired power.

Wounds appeared on both his palms, and a blood mist erupted from them.


Blood splattered in all directions.


Beautiful red flowers bloomed from the bloodstained spots.


A field of blood-red flowers spread, burning.

It was “Blood Blossom”, a skill I obtained after raiding the hardliners’ base before coming here.

The burning blood flowers didn’t emit any smoke or heat, and they quickly disappeared after burning only the inside of the house.

It was a destructive flame that wouldn’t go out unless the caster willed it and only burned its target.

‘Well, it’s useless if the power difference is too great.’

The previous user’s “Blood Blossom” was extinguished like a candle by Hans’s overwhelming dark magic power.

‘I burned the physical traces with “Blood Blossom” and hid the magical traces with “Concealment”, so this is enough.’

The night was still long, and there were many prey left.

‘I finally achieved my goal.’

As they say, hard work pays off, and I finally reached what I wanted.

《New bloodsucking factor collected. You have gained enlightenment due to the influence of the special skill “Hybrid Evolution”. You have acquired the skill “Blood Flow Amplification”.》

《The individual meets the conditions and grows. The special skill “Blood Kin (Pureblood)” evolves into “Blood Kin (True Blood)”.》

《The individual’s recovery ability has surpassed its limit. The skill “Regeneration” evolves into “Super Regeneration”.》

All my senses were expanding repeatedly.

The world was perceived more clearly, and things that were outside my cognitive range began to be sensed.

I could see heat and smell sounds.

I could smell with my skin, and the surrounding vibrations could be heard.


Synesthesia blossomed.

The senses, which had felt dizzying immediately after evolution, quickly stabilized.

‘If I hadn’t been used to experiencing various senses through “Avatar”, I would have struggled for a while.’

Even now, it was a bit confusing.

It was a side effect of too rapid growth.

Ordinary True Bloods would have slowly grown, adapting to their power over a long period of time.


As I was taking deep breaths and adapting to the new senses, Heinz’s reflection in the mirror in the room caught my eye.

‘…I can’t even see my original appearance anymore.’

A handsome young man with pale skin, sharp eyes, and a cold impression.

Even the subtly lingering fatal aura was incredibly alluring.

Thanks to the technique I acquired through “Hybrid Evolution” a while ago to modify my features, it was now difficult to find any connection to the original body even if we stood side by side.

I looked away after admiring the handsome man in the mirror for a moment.

And I moved my body, adapting to my senses and checking my new abilities.

“Blood Flow Amplification”, which I acquired through this prey, was a buff skill that enhanced physical abilities and recovery ability.

My physical abilities had already skyrocketed through repeated evolutions, and if I used this ability, I could probably tear apart most opponents with my bare hands.

‘But the “Regeneration” skill evolved again. At this rate, it would be hard to die even if I just stood still and took hits.’

Heinz slowly raised his right index finger.

Red blood oozed from around his nail and then hardened, forming a sharp and hard nail.

‘My blood control ability has increased. I can accept blood magic power better too.’

He deeply scratched his left arm with the sharp nail.


Blood spurted out.

But only for a moment.

The scattered blood stopped in midair and then was sucked back into the wound on his arm as if time was reversing.

And his left arm, which had healed in an instant, had no trace of a wound.

‘The synergy of the True Blood’s blood control and “Super Regeneration” is terrifying.’

Some power was consumed in the regeneration process, but it was negligible compared to the effect.

‘And if I absorb the blood scattered on the battlefield during a fight?’

I could use the blood spilled on the battlefield, as well as the blood flowing from the opponent’s wounds.

The blood inside someone else’s body couldn’t be controlled because it was imbued with their mana and thoughts, but…

‘No, if I become a Sacred Blood, maybe that would be possible.’

Sacred Blood was like an object of worship for the vampires of Auterica.

It wouldn’t be easy to reach that level.

‘When was it ever easy?’

Of course, I had no intention of giving up just because it was difficult.
