MAEPG: Episode 43

Episode 43 Heaven’s Turn Society (1)

Roselia Cathedral, located in the heart of the holy land of the Main God Church.

It had been over two months since Heinrich came here, but his daily routine hadn’t changed even today.



With a sound as if metal was twisting, the metal mass connected to the chains defied gravity.



The metal mass, weighing tons, attached to the sinister-looking training equipment, was diligently tearing the muscles of the rude human who dared to use it through its periodic back-and-forth motion.

And then, at some point,



Holy power erupted from his body as if a dam had burst.

《The individual meets the conditions and gains enlightenment. You have acquired the special skill “Blessing: Fortified Body”.》

At the same time, the metal mass he was struggling to lift suddenly shot upwards.

Heinrich froze for a moment in that position, then closed his eyes and assessed the holy power he felt within his body.

‘…I finally reached it! High priest-level holy power!’

He could feel that his holy power, which had seemed to have reached a limit and stopped growing, had finally broken through and grown.

This was also thanks to the newly acquired “Blessing: Fortified Body”.

He hurriedly put down the chains in joy.

Clank— Boom!

The metal mass, unable to overcome gravity, violently collided with the ground, but it was no longer his concern.

‘To think I would actually break through my limit while exercising.’

Of course, he hadn’t just been physically training at the cathedral.

He had been receiving education in theology, doctrines, history, etc., as well as additional training in various martial arts, horsemanship, rituals, and holy magic as a holy knight.

Thanks to “Martial Bones”, he was able to keep up with the physical training, but he struggled quite a bit in other areas.

He somehow managed to meet the standards.

But his holy power was still stagnant, below the level of a high priest, so he was worried, and then a senior holy knight who was helping him train casually suggested a solution.

‘Just, push your body to the limit. Push it like crazy. You have fast recovery? Then push it twice as hard. If that doesn’t work, push it several times harder, and it’ll be solved.’

What a casual solution!

Of course, his prescription made sense.

The condition for possessing high priest-level holy power was ‘having at least one “Blessing”’.

And the easiest blessing for holy knights to obtain was the ‘Blessing of Fortified Body’.

Those who walked the path of priests probably grew through other types of blessings.

Anyway, now that he had broken through the stagnation of his holy power, he would steadily grow again until he reached bishop-level holy power.

That was his greatest advantage.

Heinrich hurriedly put away the training equipment and headed towards where the holy knights were.

Now that he was qualified to officially become a holy knight, he needed to have a conversation about it.

As he was hurrying along,

“Hmm, hmm~♪”

He heard someone humming from the garden he was passing through.

‘Humming here, don’t tell me…’

He cautiously walked towards the sound, and there, as expected, was the person he had anticipated, looking at the flower bed, squatting down.

‘Liesta Saint Hatianuss, the Saintess of the Main God Church.’

Her soft silver hair swayed gently, and her star-like golden eyes sparkled as she looked at the flowers.

Her appearance, with a fresh smile, seemed no different from any other eighteen-year-old girl.

‘Except for that halo.’

Except for the halo that was still emitting light around her head.

That powerful trace of blessing was proof of her being the Saintess.

“Ahem, greetings, Saintess. But why are you here alone?”

He couldn’t just ignore her and pass by after seeing her, so he lightly cleared his throat and spoke to the Saintess.

The Saintess, who seemed to have already sensed his presence, smiled brightly and turned her head to greet him.

“Hello, Sir Heinrich! I was looking at the ladybugs. They’re so cute, I lost track of time!”

…It seemed she was looking at the bugs, not the flowers.

It was still too early for him to be called ‘Sir’ since he wasn’t a knight yet, but it didn’t change even after he corrected her several times, so he just let it go.

There was one thing that surprised him after spending over two months at the Roselia Cathedral.

The Saintess, who seemed distant at first, was actually very casual and liked to wander around whenever she had free time.

She was kind to everyone in the Main God Church, regardless of their position, and never hesitated to help.

A cheerful and quirky girl loved by everyone in the cathedral for her kind nature.

She was also very devout, with faith as strong as her holy power, and she tended to be especially friendly to those who were as devout as her.

Therefore, she was the Saintess who had approached Heinrich first and expressed her good feelings towards him, as he had displayed strong holy power at the baptism ceremony.

“Anyway, congratulations, Sir Heinrich! You finally obtained a blessing? I knew you would do it soon!”

As expected of the Saintess, she clapped her hands and rejoiced as if it were her own achievement, knowing how he had obtained it.

“Thank you. I was able to achieve it thanks to the help of many people.”

“No! The Blessing of Fortified Body can’t be obtained through others’ help. It’s proof that you overcame your limits through training, so be proud of yourself!”

It seemed like she could tell at a glance what kind of blessing he had obtained.

It was probably due to the blessing contained in those sparkling golden eyes.

She suddenly stopped talking and looked up at the sky.

“Ah! Afternoon prayer! How did it get so late! Then I’ll be going. May the Main God’s blessing always be with you.”

She seemed to be checking the time for a moment, then got up, dusted herself off, said goodbye, and disappeared inside the temple like the wind.

“…Well, she’s very… energetic today.”

The word ‘hectic’ might be more appropriate.

It might seem careless, but of course, she didn’t show that side to everyone.

‘She never compromises when it comes to evil.’

She was friendly to those who followed the Main God and tried to embrace those who didn’t.

But she had no mercy for those tainted by evil.

And there was one thing that the Saintess was obsessed with lately…

It was ‘Hans, the descendant of the Immortal King’.

‘Her obsession is scary.’

I heard she was praying several times a day, trying to track down ‘Hans’.

Of course, he didn’t even exist in this world, so there was no way she could find him, but her never-ending efforts had already become a part of her daily routine.

It was just unfortunate for those who were caught in the aftermath of her blessing that tracked down evil and were eliminated as a side effect.

If they were detected by the Saintess, who was targeting the Immortal King’s descendant, it meant they were in the middle of some evil ritual, so it was their own fault.

‘Actually, I can understand why she’s acting like that.’

Heinrich, who had also received education in history, could understand her feelings because he knew what kind of being the Immortal King was.

The first Immortal King, who suddenly appeared about a thousand years ago.

Countless people were sacrificed by him, who turned half the continent into a land of death, and it was only after the Church and countless other forces joined forces that they were barely able to defeat him and restore peace.

But a few hundred years later…

Perhaps because they hadn’t properly dealt with the first Immortal King, his power, contained in the ‘Immortal King’s Heart’, fell into the hands of a dark mage through some means…

And thus, the second Immortal King was born.

The second Immortal King, born after being consumed by the inherited heart, brought chaos to the continent once again, and as a result, the great empire in the west collapsed, and the continent was divided into several kingdoms, as it was now.

But perhaps because it was the second time.

The expedition that targeted the Immortal King tried to properly dispose of the heart to prevent the same thing from happening again.

But that also failed.

They succeeded in splitting the heart, but he used his last remaining power to scatter it across the continent, preventing them from sealing it.

That was only a few hundred years ago.

‘And two of them fell into Hans’s hands. If they find the last piece, the third Immortal King will be resurrected, so the Church can’t help but be desperate.’

The Main God Church had always been at the forefront whenever the Immortal King incident occurred.

It was only natural for the Saintess, who had learned about their history of sacrifice since she was young, to be hostile towards the Immortal King.

Especially since she tended to treat her fellow believers like family.

‘I wish we could all get along. He’s actually a kind and soft-hearted guy, they don’t know that.’

Yes, Hans, who would become the Immortal King of this generation, didn’t even wish for the destruction of the continent.

He was currently fighting hard against evil organizations for the public good.



Park Kwang-cheon, a Heaven’s Turn Society executive in a suit, blocked Hahoe Mask’s attack and looked around.

He had confidently led his troops and set up a trap, but his entire plan was ruined by just two guys.

‘Damn it, it’s all because that damn bastard didn’t bring the right information! We completely misjudged the opponent’s strength!’

He vented his frustration, thinking of the man with the indistinct face.

The decisive reason for the failure was the sudden appearance of a vampire, but he didn’t have the time to consider such things.

No matter what excuses he made, failure was failure.

‘It can’t be helped that things have already gone wrong. Then I need to at least clean up the mess…’

He was still fighting hard against Hahoe Mask with his remaining subordinates, but it was meaningless now.

It felt like he was deliberately going easy on them to capture them.

‘At first, he didn’t seem to care if we lived or died, but now that he has the upper hand, is he planning to interrogate us and extract information?’

Park Kwang-cheon looked at his fallen subordinates.

Over half of them were dead, but most of those who had collapsed recently were only subdued, not dead.

‘This… is wrong. There’s no hope anymore.’

The commotion from the vampires had also subsided, so it seemed like things were over on that side.

And the fact that it was so quiet wasn’t a good sign for him.

It meant that they had all been defeated by one guy, how incompetent.

‘If I waste any more time, the vampire over there will join us. I’ll clean up as much as possible now and escape alone.’

The barriers of Heaven’s Turn Society and Hahoe Mask were layered, but he could escape using his unique skill “Space Manipulation”.

His last resort, which had saved his life countless times.

He raised his magic power one last time before activating his unique skill.

The situation with the vampires was mostly resolved, and Heaven’s Turn Society’s resistance was also coming to an end.

It was taking time to subdue the remaining ones alive to extract information by reading their memories, but it wouldn’t last long.

As I was carefully cleaning up the battlefield, I sensed the enemy leader preparing something.

It was too late to do anything now, but I was wary just in case…

“Good work, everyone. For Heaven’s Turn Society! [Die for freedom—!]”

His last words, filled with magic power, echoed through the space.

At that moment, all the Heaven’s Turn Society members stiffened.

Whether they were resisting or unconscious after being subdued.

‘What trick is he pulling now?!’

It was clearly an abnormal situation.

Hans’s thoughts accelerated.

The surroundings came to a standstill, and time flowed slowly.


‘This is?’

An unidentified flow of magic power was penetrating the minds of the living.

It was trying to resonate with some energy embedded in their brains.

At the same time, Hans’s eyes, which had no blind spots, caught the enemy leader glaring at him, grinding his teeth.

And he also noticed that his figure was starting to fade.

‘Suicide order for his subordinates. Escape for himself.’

He quickly assessed the situation.

He didn’t know how teleportation was possible with the barrier in place, but it was such a bizarre world, so he would worry about that later.

He had to make a choice now.

Set priorities.

Whether to find a way to prevent the suicide of his subordinates from this unidentified flow, or to quickly give up on the grunts and immediately pursue the leader who was escaping using unknown means.

Neither option had a high chance of success.

‘Only a few seconds left, the opponent’s method is unknown.’

Frustration surged at the forced choice.

In this situation, of course…

[Of course, I won’t give up on either!]

Hans, who had consumed negative emotions and awakened to his personality, was also the embodiment of greed and obsession.

Naturally, he had no intention of giving up on anything!

All the resources of each individual were focused on Hans.

His thoughts accelerated even further.

Time almost came to a standstill.

Dark magic power split into dozens of strands and headed towards their respective targets.

He hurriedly left a mark on the leader, who was almost completely gone.

It wasn’t a proper tracking spell, so it would soon disappear, swept away by the flow of space, but it would buy him a few seconds.

The rest of the dark magic power penetrated the minds of the survivors.

He contacted something that resonated with the externally applied flow and obtained information.


Heaven’s Turn Society’s unique composite spell.

Hans’s research wasn’t sufficient to fully grasp and disable this complex spell.


Part of the composite spell.

‘Restrictions’ and ‘curses’ mixed throughout.

Those were very familiar to Hans.

It was also a method he had been using often lately.

‘This is where it starts.’

“Wicked Wisdom” traced the familiarity, and “Forbidden Knowledge” analyzed it.

He figured out the structure of the spell like pulling out sweet potatoes, and finally reached the end.

What was located at the last part was…


It was something that went beyond familiarity and touched upon Hans’s essence.

It was something he had experienced, overcome, and finally dominated.


He intervened in the resonating formula.

Just like a machine would malfunction if foreign substances were inserted into its precise parts, the formula would go haywire and harm the person involved.

That would be a failure.

So he removed part of the gears in the machine parts.

After an eternity that felt like an instant, the endlessly stretched surrounding noises slowly returned to normal.


The formula continued to resonate.

But it was missing a crucial part, so it just kept idling, unable to achieve its original purpose.

[Hehehe… Hahaha! I am the one who rules death. Do you think you can escape death in front of me?!]

Hans, who had finished his work, burst into laughter.

Of course, he didn’t forget to use dark magic power to knock out the remaining members who were staggering without losing consciousness.

He didn’t know what they might do if they woke up.

[And you, you won’t die easily.]

He immediately tracked the dark magic power he had planted on the leader right before he disappeared and the traces left as he escaped the barrier.

The traces were already fading while he was focused on disabling the restriction.

But the situation was better than before.

He had analyzed the restriction thoroughly and grasped the magic power pattern of the guy who created the flow.

It was information he couldn’t have obtained just by fighting.

He estimated the direction from the traces left on the barrier and the distance from the faint traces of dark magic power.

He pinpointed the location within the range he had identified using the guy’s magic power pattern.

He didn’t know how he escaped.

Judging by the lack of magical traces on the barrier, it was highly likely to be a unique skill.

But it didn’t matter now.

[…Found you.]

He could just search his brain directly.
