MAEPG: Episode 45

Episode 45 Heaven’s Turn Society (3)

After the battle in the mental world ended, Hans searched the Heaven’s Turn Society executive’s brain again and extracted information.

The mental world was devastated by the aftermath of the battle, but it was possible because his physical brain wasn’t that damaged.

Of course, there was some damage, and a considerable amount of information was lost, but he had to accept that much.

‘Hmm, it wasn’t as easy as I thought.’

The fight with the Heaven’s Turn Society leader in the mental world.

At first, I thought I could easily win with just “Mind Hub”, but they also had a related unique skill, so it wasn’t easy to deal with them.

Well, that’s how he was able to implant restrictions in others’ minds and freely roam around their mental worlds.

His mental strength was incredible, but Hans, who had concentrated the resources of all the avatars, wasn’t inferior.

But whenever I allowed his attacks, “Clear Mind” would shake, and the amount of information flowing into “Mind Hub” would surge.

Hans was already constantly running “Mind Hub” to resist the continuous mental contamination from the ‘Immortal King’s Fragment’.

And with the enemy’s attacks accumulating in that situation, the blocked information backfired, putting me in a dangerous situation.

‘So I just let it go.’

A rebellion erupting from within during a war and an enemy attack from outside.

There was no need to be caught in the middle and suffer.

I just opened the path for the enemy to invade and led them towards the rebels, and instead, concentrated my forces on the other side, completely blocking the path to the mainland.

The enemy, unaware of anything, instinctively rushed at the rebels…

And the result was a victory for the rebels.

Even the Church called it ‘mental contamination that no being can overcome’.

There was no way his attacks could work on the fragment, which was an aggregate of evil.

The mental world, which became the battlefield, was devastated and tattered in the process, but it didn’t matter to me since he was going to die anyway.

Right, the land where the war took place was the enemy’s colony in the first place.

‘This was a trick that was only possible because it was someone else’s mental world and I was in spirit form.’

Still, all’s well that ends well, right?

I leisurely watched the fight…

And after the green spirit was torn apart by the black one that was driven mad and barely escaped, I just calmly put a leash on the fragment that had lost its opponent.

‘Still, it’s a shame that I let him go.’

His spirit was severely damaged, so he wouldn’t be fine, but it was a bit disappointing that I couldn’t finish him off completely.

And there wasn’t much gain other than the information I obtained through the conversation, and the memories I could obtain from the executive’s brain were only damaged.

But it was a bit early to make such a judgment.

《The individual gains enlightenment by stealing another’s karma. The skill “Dark Magic” evolves into the special skill “Path of Magic”.》

‘Huh? Suddenly?’

Of course, I had been feeling like I was reaching a limit for a while, but I thought I needed more time…

But I soon realized the cause.

[Oh, you absorbed the remnants of the spirit scattered in the mental world. This is an unexpected gain.]

While reading the executive’s memories with dark magic power, fragments of the green spirit scattered in his mental world were brought in.

Along with all sorts of knowledge and enlightenment attached to them.

And the phrase ‘stealing karma’ also meant that the opponent’s level was reduced as much as I grew.

‘I wondered if there was a way to use it again… It’s not a method that can be used normally.’

The opponent had suffered damage in spirit form, and the mental world where his remnants were scattered was like an inanimate object that had lost its function.

And the fact that an undead, whose very existence was lacking, was forcibly connected to the mental world through dark magic… all these factors worked together.

Of course, this was also a dangerous act that could cause mental contamination, but as always, it didn’t matter to me.

‘Even if we ignore the other conditions, I need someone who can invade others’ minds in spirit form as a sacrifice… Such ability users aren’t common.’

The guy who was defeated by me this time would probably run away with his tail between his legs if we met again.

This was a special case.

Still, I could celebrate for now because I was able to break through a wall thanks to this.

Thanks to “Path of Magic”, I could now expand my horizons to other areas besides dark magic.

‘Of course, there are things I need to take care of first.’


Hans, enveloped in darkness, instantly crossed space as dark magic power surged.

His destination was the place he had learned about this time.

Heaven’s Turn Society’s Seoul branch.

While Heinz stayed at the villa and managed the remaining members, Hans moved busily.

He couldn’t go there directly because the coordinates he extracted from the executive were damaged, but he was able to find their base by searching the surrounding area.

It goes without saying that the growth of his magic due to “Path of Magic” was a great help.

But their response was even faster.

‘They headed here as soon as they read his memories, and it wasn’t that long since I was delayed while searching the surroundings…’

When he arrived, they were already busy cleaning up their base and preparing to escape.

“Ugh… How did they already?!”

“Ah, no!”

Fortunately, he wasn’t too late and was able to capture those who were busy incinerating documents and read their memories.

[Orders have already been issued…]

He realized that the higher-ups had already issued a retreat order and that the executives had immediately gone into hiding.

They left the task of incinerating documents to the low-ranking members of the branch and disappeared.

They hid their tracks individually, so there was no information he could obtain from the remaining members.

‘Still, it’s a good thing I caught one of the executives. I was able to get some information.’

“Ugh… ugh…”

Hans looked down at the middle-aged man struggling, his head held.

The head of the technology research lab at Heaven’s Turn Society’s Seoul branch.

Unlike the other executives, he was greedy and tried to take as much research data as possible, so he missed his chance to escape and was captured by Hans.

Thanks to that, most of the research data was recovered intact, so he should be grateful.

Of course, that didn’t mean he would die peacefully.

[Ugh… hehehehehe…]

Hans glanced at the executive, who had become an undead, and examined the remaining data.

It seemed that they had prioritized and dealt with important things like the latest operational orders, as the data that remained mainly consisted of simple content like past operation summaries.

And even that was a result of them rushing in right before they incinerated all the remaining data and dispelling the magic.

The research lab head wasn’t interested in anything other than research, so he wasn’t of much help.

‘Anyway, it seems like what they said about being active for a long time is true.’

File cabinets and bookshelves filled with documents organized by year, and small USB drives attached to them.

But according to the information I obtained from searching their brains, they reported detailed information to the higher-ups immediately and then disposed of it.

It meant that the data stored here was literally just a summary.

Hans first neatly took all the remaining items at the headquarters and moved back to the villa where Heinz was waiting.

There were still many remnants there to extract information from.

[I expected this, but… there’s nothing better than the first guy.]

But Heaven’s Turn Society was organized as a cell structure, so there was no one with more information than the first executive he read.

Of course, the skills and knowledge each of them possessed were helpful.

“Hmm, it seems like things have come to a close for now. We’ve dealt with most of the leaders of the Blood Alliance hardliners, and Heaven’s Turn Society, who was helping them, has also gone into hiding.”

[Hehehe… According to the executive’s memories, Alpha was already half a member of Heaven’s Turn Society from the beginning. He completely disappeared after this incident.]

Heinz clicked his tongue, seemingly disappointed.

He was regretful that he couldn’t consume Alpha, the leader of the hardliners.

Of course, considering the level of the trap, there was a high probability that they would have had to escape if Alpha had also been there.

In that sense, it was a lucky situation.

Thanks to that, he was able to overeat to the point of indigestion.

Of course, if it was the blood of a high-level individual, he would have gulped it down even if it meant throwing up all the low-level blood he had consumed.

“Now that the hardliners have been crushed like this, even if he comes back now, it’ll be useless. He has nowhere to go, so he’ll probably completely switch sides.”

[It would have been nice if we could have tracked him down and finished him off. It’s a shame.]

“Heaven’s Turn Society seems to be a larger force than we thought. Judging by the information we have so far, it doesn’t seem like an organization limited to Korea.”

[Come to think of it, there was data we took from their base. We need to check it again here, just in case there are any tricks.]

Hans and Heinz exchanged words.

Of course, it was no different from talking to themselves as they organized their thoughts, but it didn’t matter now.

There was no one alive here except for Heinz.

Hans took out all the data from the Heaven’s Turn Society branch that he had collected.

It wasn’t difficult to check the organized files because he had brought the entire cabinet and bookshelf filled with files in his subspace.

Hans mainly looked through the research logs, while Heinz examined the operation summaries organized by year.

They couldn’t check the attached USB drives right away, so they were just grasping the general content when…


Heinz stopped, finding a document.

Hans, who was examining the data, also froze like a robot that had lost power.

The place where Heinz’s gaze landed.

<Operation Plan: August 20XX, Seoul Station>

A document with a date and place that Han Seong-hyeon could never forget.

It was there.

“Ah! Heinz, you’re here?”

At dawn, Heinz went to see Jin So-ran.

To tell her the results of last night’s fight, and…

“…What? What happened to the hardliners? And you want to meet our leader… Wait, hold on. Can you say that again?”

“I eliminated most of the hardliners’ executives except for Alpha last night. I missed a few Gammas who were dispatched to the provinces, but they won’t affect the overall situation. I want to talk to the leader of the moderates about that.”

Heinz calmly repeated what he had said mechanically.

Perhaps because she was suddenly faced with shocking information, Jin So-ran seemed confused for a moment, then cautiously gauged Heinz’s reaction.

“Um… Heinz, I’ll report it, but… we need time to confirm the facts, and… it’s so sudden…”

“Jin So-ran.”

Heinz’s indifferent voice cut her off.

A sudden silence fell.

Heinz just stared down at her.


A dizzyingly thick scent of blood spread.

The bloodsucking factors, which had surged after consuming countless vampires last night, all released blood magic power at once.

Jin So-ran held her breath, frozen stiff by the suffocating pressure.

‘I knew Heinz was strong, but I didn’t expect him to be this strong…!’

It wasn’t just that he was overwhelming her with the amount of blood magic power.

Something was fundamentally different.

A fear that stimulated her primal instincts, as if a predator was staring at her.

She realized that she was breathing heavily.

‘At least Level 7, maybe even higher… He’s beyond my level.’

She quickly assessed the situation and immediately changed her attitude.

“I’ll contact him right now and try to schedule a meeting as soon as possible!”

The leader of the moderates was Level 7.

She didn’t feel this way even when she faced the leader, so she had to assume that Heinz was stronger than that.

She had heard rumors that Alpha of the hardliners had reached Level 8, but it was unconfirmed information, and she had never seen him in person, so it was irrelevant.

“Okay, then let’s also talk about ways to strengthen the Blood Alliance’s forces and how to deal with the remaining hardliners.”

“Yes, tha… Huh?”

Heinz now had a reason to build up his forces as quickly as possible.

The Blood Alliance was a suitable force in that regard.

Their military power had decreased after the hardliners were eliminated, but they still had basic capabilities because they had existed for a long time.

They were one of the best in Korea among underworld organizations in terms of stealth, information gathering, and influence.

And since he had a new ability to control them, he would use them as much as possible.

It probably wouldn’t be a bad offer for the moderates either.

Depending on how they accepted it, they could steer the conversation in a mutually beneficial direction.
