MAEPG: Episode 58

Episode 58 Unexpected Luck (2)

After parting ways with the Elves, Harley was strutting through the streets of Tarak, as always, receiving everyone’s attention.

‘Spirits are really convenient.’

Not only could they assist with movement using a wind spirit, but they could even wash his body with a water spirit.

He looked at his clean body.

It was a service he received from the Elves right before moving to Tarak.

After experiencing it firsthand, his desire for it grew even stronger.

‘But my equipment is quite damaged. I need to get new ones soon.’

He noticed his damaged equipment.

His sturdy black steel axes were chipped, and some even had cracks.

The necklace made of beast teeth was gone, its string broken during the battle, and the black panther helmet was completely tattered.

…Actually, that was all.

He didn’t have much equipment in the first place.

‘And it was all for decoration. Well, the axes are pretty useful now.’

Harley’s current barbarian warrior concept was perfect, considering his “Physical Transformation” characteristic, which prevented him from wearing properly fitted equipment.

His real weapon was his monstrous body itself.

He walked confidently through the streets barefoot and headed towards an ordinary house on one side of the city.


He opened the door energetically, as if it were his own home, and entered.

But the homeowner inside didn’t seem surprised and greeted him naturally.

It was Hubert, the avatar who was transferred to Tarak after Harley.

“Wahaha—! It’s convenient to be able to check items right away with “Appraisal”!”

A green light sparkled in his left eye, and the items he was holding flew through the air and landed in Hubert’s hand.

“Gem Eye: Telekinesis”, which he was able to use after transplanting a new eye.

This was his first time using it properly.

The telekinesis, which could be activated with his bio-energy thanks to being compatible with Harley, was more useful than he thought.

It was as if he now had a long-range attack…

‘And I can even levitate my body. And now it just looks like heterochromia if you don’t look closely.’

The gem eye, which was gradually assimilating with “Physical Transformation”, looked like an ordinary green eye at first glance.

Of course, there was still a subtle sense of dissonance, but that wasn’t a big deal.

‘It’s a world where all sorts of races and species live together. And no one would dare to question this intimidating giant while looking him in the eye.’

While Harley was testing his telekinesis, Hubert immediately started appraising the items.

<High Elf’s Spirit Bracelet>

-A bracelet made by a master craftsman by weaving various spirit stones with branches of the World Tree. Assists the wearer’s natural energy and spirit summoning, and greatly amplifies attribute affinity and resistance. The spirit stones have become stronger in wind, lightning, and earth attributes due to the influence of the previous user.

<Withered Branch of the World Tree>

-It was once part of the World Tree, but now it has lost its original function after its energy was forcibly used. It seems like it can be used as various materials.

“Hmm… This is ambiguous.”

He was planning to keep the World Tree’s branch as a souvenir, but the bracelet also didn’t have a suitable use.

Of course, Rapori must have given him the most valuable item he had…

‘The performance itself seems good. But I don’t have an avatar who can use it.’

It would be the best treasure for a Spirit Summoner, but unfortunately, he didn’t have one.

He didn’t have much hope of becoming a Spirit Summoner, despite his desire.

Even among returnees on Earth, Spirit Summoners were particularly rare.

Affinity with spirits, beings of nature, was inevitably influenced by the environment you lived in.

Unless you lived in a place where civilization wasn’t developed and were close to nature, or unless you awakened a related unique skill, it was better not to expect much.

‘And my avatars are created with the same conditions as the original body.’

How much affinity with nature could he have, having lived his entire life in a city, with instant food always in his mouth?

‘Amplification’ was also only effective if you had something to amplify.

‘…But just in case?’

Maybe he also had hidden spirit affinity?

Hubert casually put the bracelet on his wrist.

He closed his eyes tightly as he felt it automatically adjust to his size.


He focused on the bracelet on his wrist and tried to feel the natural energy.

Images of mountains, seas, and other nature came to his calm mind.


After some time, Hubert opened his eyes wide.

“Nothing, I don’t feel anything.”

…Well, it was his first try, so maybe something would change if he kept wearing it.

Hubert decided to keep wearing it since there was no one else to give it to.

If Harley had it, it might break at any moment because of his fighting style.

And he couldn’t give it to Arch-Lich Hans or Vampire Heinz.

‘Anyway, my basic level isn’t at the point where I would die easily anymore. At least I can dismiss Hubert right before he dies if he’s ambushed.’

But just in case, he would have to hide his wrist with the bracelet.

He might become a target if he started a business.

‘Come to think of it, that problem seems to have been resolved to some extent.’

The fact that Harley had a connection with the Main God Church would soon be known through the mercenary guild, which was great news for Hubert, who was planning to start a business as his partner.

There were many things to consider when starting a business in this world, unlike in modern times.

Not only capital, but force and connections were also essential for proper growth.

That’s why he was planning to start a business in Tarak, Harley’s area of activity, and use his name to block outside interference.

‘But that person also has a connection with the Church? Game over.’

Once it was officially announced by the Church, no matter how big or small the connection was, he would become a burdensome figure that others couldn’t touch carelessly.

They would think twice before interfering with a business he was involved in.

While Harley was achieving great results as a business partner, Hubert had already decided on items to sell after conducting market research.

‘I think it would be good to start with pepper.’

The largest producer of pepper in Auterica was the southeastern part of the continent.

Tarak was in the northwest, so the price difference due to transportation was the greatest.

‘The main industry is monsters, but there’s a lot of traffic, including merchants, so there’s no problem as long as the product is good. And there are many high-ranking magic tower branches, who would be the main consumers.’

He had already made all the plans.

“Ugh~! I’m tired!”

While Harley crawled into bed, Hubert packed the magic tools he had bought and the World Tree’s branch.

It was time to return to Earth.

“Hmm… not bad as a souvenir.”

I put the World Tree’s branch in a pot with a dead plant that had been sitting in a corner of my house.

I poured a cup of water, and I already felt refreshed, perhaps it was just my imagination.

‘Well, that’s enough. I can have Heinz prepare trading goods through the Blood Alliance. And I can also sell the magic tools through them.’

I had taken over a useful force, so I had to use them when I could.

‘Raising Heterosis is going smoothly, and I’ll have to observe the Brokoslack Clan a little more.’

Through Heinz’s occasional exploration activities, he had grasped the general situation of the vampires in the Talia Kingdom.

He concealed himself with “Concealment” and “Invisibility” and gathered information with “Insight”, and as a result…

He learned that they were using a great noble’s mansion as their headquarters.

‘Perhaps that noble is the Clan Lord.’

He didn’t have enough time to fully grasp the detailed information.

Heinz’s top priority was to get Heterosis on a stable track.

The full-fledged clan takeover would happen after that.

“Ahem… well then…”

It was time to settle my Karma after experiencing such a big incident.

‘I think I had a little over 300,000 Karma points before I started actively working in Auterica.’

The major incidents that happened after that.

Heinrich became a holy knight and started working in the Church.

Harley was completed in Hans’s secret laboratory, grew by hunting monsters, and became a mercenary as a barbarian warrior.

‘Nothing special so far.’

It was mostly time spent growing individually, so it was hard to say that he had a major impact on the world.

Then it meant that most of the Karma he gained this time was from the process of rescuing Cecily, the High Elf candidate…

『Karma Shop』

『Unique Skill Enhancement (800,000)』

『Status Enhancement – View Details』

『Karma Owned - 668,189』

‘This is ambiguous. Is it because Cecily is still a candidate?’

He felt it was a bit stingy, considering that the Elven Kingdom, High Elf Rapori, and even the high-ranking members of the Main God Church, including the Saintess, were involved.

‘No, wait. Immediate Karma isn’t everything.’

As he had experienced before, Karma increased fluidly whenever the influence he exerted caused changes in the world.

It meant that his Karma would also be affected whenever Cecily officially became a High Elf and did something big.

It was probably the same for the others involved in this incident.

‘It doesn’t matter now. I have an event prepared that will drastically increase my Karma soon.’

It was a shame that he couldn’t enhance his unique skill right away, but there was no need to rush.

Even at this moment, the fateful moment was approaching.

“I apologize for the rude request, Lord Rapori.”

“It’s alright. I understand that it’s an important matter. And this is nothing compared to the help the Church has given us.”

The Saintess’s apologies continued.

Rapori had to accept the Church’s ‘Blessing of Silence’ to proceed with the task.

It was a diplomatic faux pas because High Elves were part of the Elven Kingdom’s leadership, but he readily accepted without any resistance.

He must have felt that much indebted to the Church.

Thump, thump—

They were currently walking through a complicated passage, heading towards the inner sanctum of the Church.

The Saintess, Archbishop Latiaus, and High Elf Rapori.

And the Heresy Inquisitor General and Heinrich, a total of five people.

‘I didn’t expect to be able to enter.’

Naturally, he shouldn’t have been allowed to enter, as he had only been a holy knight for a short time.

Even though his holy power was close to the bishop level, the minimum requirement to access the Immortal King’s Fragment was Archbishop level or higher.

Archbishop Latiaus also expressed his concern, but he didn’t strongly object, perhaps because of the contribution Heinrich had made right before.

The Archbishop himself had exclaimed that there was the Main God’s guidance.

Of course, even the Saintess couldn’t bring him to the sealed location as she pleased.

“…This way.”

The one leading the way, wearing a black hood and priestly robes.

It was the Heresy Inquisitor General, the person in charge of this place.

No one could enter without his permission, as this wasn’t under the Saintess’s jurisdiction.

But even he, who was strict with rules, couldn’t help but open the way at her words…

‘It seems like the Main God wants Sir Heinrich to be the Immortal King’s opponent.’

The Saintess’s words carried great weight.

‘Anyway, it’s really well hidden.’

The underground passage they knew and were guarding was just the beginning.

A complicated hallway like a maze, secret doors that only opened under certain conditions, holy magic traps and barriers everywhere.

It was a long and complicated passage, to the point where he wondered how such a space could be hidden.

‘…A holy magic barrier. And at a level I can’t even grasp…’

He had some knowledge of holy magic because he had acquired “Auterica Holy Magic”, but this was beyond his level.

A space designed so that it couldn’t be reached even by breaking through walls or digging tunnels, unless you went through the official passage.

And the last ‘Immortal King’s Fragment’ was sealed in the middle of such a place.

‘There was no way other than destroying the Church and gradually finding the passage? And that’s impossible.’

The passage continued endlessly.

In the middle, they had to activate one of the several gates and move a short distance to reach the next location.

The place they reached after going through such obsessive security.

“This place…”

The group quietly followed the Heresy Inquisitor General as he entered the room after disabling the last security measure.


Golden prayers to suppress dark magic power were densely inscribed all over the pure white interior of the room.

Even on the door they had opened and entered through.

And it was there, in the center.

On an altar built as if to offer something to God,

It was wrapped in thin silver chains connected to five pillars surrounding it.

‘That’s the last Immortal King’s Fragment…’

It was right in front of Heinrich.
