MAEPG: Episode 57

Episode 57 Outside Luck (1)

“Whew… Is it over?”

Heinrich lightly brushed off his sword and looked around.

The situation ended quickly, as expected, considering the level of those who participated in this battle.

Monsters dying from the lightning storm that raged like nature’s wrath and the thorns surging from the ground.

The light of judgment burned the unholy beings, and even the giant demon they summoned couldn’t hold out for long and was driven back to the demon world.

‘These are the strongest individuals on this continent…’

Of course, they weren’t the absolute peak.

There were ten publicly known Paladins in the Church, and there was no telling how many strong individuals there were at this level, including battle priests and Heresy Inquisitors.

It was the same for the High Elves, as Rapori wasn’t alone, and there might be more strong individuals at a similar level in the Elven Kingdom.

‘But that’s considering the entire continent.’

Considering the size of the continent, their level couldn’t be underestimated.

Of course, the dark mages weren’t at a level where they would be defeated so easily, but Heinrich had a big part in their downfall.

What could they do when he suddenly appeared and swung his sword among them, who specialized in summoning monsters and fighting?

The old man, who seemed to be the leader of the enemies, somehow managed to summon a giant demon…

“Gah—! How did the Church bastards find this place… Ugh!”

He died by the Black Crescent Captain’s sword the moment the demon, which was focused fired upon, disappeared.

It was the end of a summoning mage who wasn’t prepared.

“Sir Heinrich Landguard, good work. Thanks to you, we were able to eliminate them easily.”

Archbishop Latiaus, who was turning the dark mages’ corpses to ashes with holy fire, approached with a benevolent expression.

“Ah, you also worked hard, Archbishop. Here’s the holy symbol.”

Heinrich politely returned the holy symbol he had received from the Archbishop.

They had flown quickly from Tarak to the northern mountains with the help of the wind spirit.

But Heinrich didn’t know the exact location of the target, so he couldn’t guide them properly.

He could only move to the space Harley perceived through “Blessing: Leap”.

So the solution was for the Archbishop to give Heinrich his holy symbol, imbued with his holy power, and then track it to guide the rest.

And the plan worked better than expected.

The enemies were caught off guard and didn’t prepare for those approaching from outside because they were thrown into chaos by Heinrich’s sudden appearance.

“But aren’t you going to capture them alive and interrogate them? If we obtain information about them, we can wipe out their backers as well.”

“Unless you’re a Heresy Inquisitor, the principle is to kill dark mages, including demon worshippers, on sight. You never know what tricks they might pull. And they all have restrictions.”

Well, dark magic had many bizarre methods.

No wonder they were burning the corpses so thoroughly.

“Anyway, it seems like that Elf girl over there is the High Elf candidate.”

The Archbishop muttered softly, looking at one side.

The Elf group, including Rapori, was approaching where the small Elf and the large barbarian were.

“You were right. How did you know? I followed your lead because it was the Saintess’s word… To think you could find the target without any special blessing.”

“Hahaha… I don’t know either. I just suddenly realized it.”

“It must be the Main God watching over us! What a glorious thing.”

The Archbishop, once again expressing his admiration, had a brief prayer with the Paladins who had approached, and then…

Heinrich was finally able to head towards where the Elves were with them.

“Thank you again. Thanks to you, Cecily is safe.”

“Haha! It’s only natural for an honorable warrior to help someone in danger! Don’t worry about it too much. I didn’t do it for a ‘reward’! Hahaha!”

“You have admirable values.”

The conversation after a brief introduction continued amicably.

Rapori wasn’t fazed at all by Harley’s appearance.

He was a High Elf who had lived for a long time.

He might look young, but he was definitely not young, so he accepted Harley’s fashion as a very typical southerner within his common sense.

“But I can’t just accept your help without any reward. Please accept this, even though it’s not much.”

“This is a problem! Hahaha!”

He said that, but Harley didn’t refuse and quickly accepted the item he offered.

A bracelet made of various colorful gems woven with thin branches from Rapori’s wrist.

The branches were fresh, as if they were alive.

“L-Lord Rapori, that’s…”

The male Elf next to Rapori tried to say something in a panic, but he just waved his hand, his gaze fixed on Harley.

“Our base isn’t on this continent, so there’s no way to properly repay you right now. And we’re currently indebted to the Church due to various circumstances.”

So they couldn’t promise anything for the future either.

They didn’t even know when they would return to the Enamel Continent, as they had to help the Church.

“Of course, if you need any help in the future, we’ll do our best to help you. I’ll discuss that with the Church.”

Since they couldn’t intervene directly because their base was on another continent, they first said they would help him through the Church and then stated that the Elven Kingdom would compensate the Church later.

“He also helped our Church, so it’s as if he helped us. I’ll take care of it.”

Archbishop Latiaus, who had approached at some point, accepted Rapori’s words.

He decided to reward Harley because the Church’s work had become easier thanks to him.

It was the greatest favor they could show, but Harley, who already had connections with the Church’s higher-ups, was more interested in the bracelet he had received.

Perhaps sensing his feelings, Rapori immediately explained the bracelet.

Attribute affinity and resistance were basic, and it also amplified natural energy and provided additional bonuses when summoning spirits.

And the bracelet itself was a very valuable item, symbolically.

If he entered the Elves’ territory with this, he would be treated with great respect.

‘Well, it’s only natural since it was used by a High Elf.’

As the conversation was coming to an end,

Cecily, who had the magic tool around her neck removed with the help of Archbishop Latiaus, approached Harley with a clean appearance.

The female Elf who came with Rapori had washed her with a spirit, as she was dirty from her ordeal and the blood splattered on her during the battle.

‘Ahem… There was a lot of blood on the leather in front because of “Gluttony”…’

It couldn’t be helped because he didn’t have time to care.

“I wanted to thank you again. Thank you for saving me. If you hadn’t come, I wouldn’t be alive now.”

“Hahaha! I just did what I had to do.”

Cecily bowed her head politely.

She looked up at Harley for a moment and then made a surprised expression.

“Um… Harley? Can you sit down for a moment?”

The girl, who only reached his waist, waved her hand from below.


Harley squatted down, and only then were their eyes at the same level.

“May the blessing of nature be with you.”

Cecily slightly lifted the tattered black panther head and lightly kissed his forehead.


‘Hmm? This is… the energy I felt from the World Tree?’

Something definitely entered him, but no system message appeared.

“It’s a blessing that a High Elf can bestow. And a blessing of nature is a high-level one that can’t be used often.”

Rapori quietly added from the side.

He seemed quite surprised that Cecily, who hadn’t awakened yet, used a High Elf’s blessing.

“It’s not as effective as the original blessing because I’m not a complete High Elf yet. I’ll give you a proper one when I awaken. It’ll be helpful because you seem to be rough on your body.”

From what he heard, it seemed like it was a blessing that increased attribute resistance.

Harley gladly nodded, as he always welcomed such things.

Cecily smiled proudly at his reaction.

She hesitated for a moment and then handed him the branch she had been holding in her hand the entire time.

There was no life force left in it, as if she had used up all her energy…

It was a withered branch of the World Tree.

“Um… I don’t have anything right now. I’ll give you a better gift when we meet again.”

Cecily blushed and lowered her head, embarrassed.

But even though its energy was depleted, it was still the World Tree.

Harley, who wouldn’t refuse a free gift, quickly accepted it.

“The World Tree used that branch to forcibly exert its power, so the ley line is severed, but it should still be able to purify the surrounding air and cleanse the energy. If you put it in a pot at home and water it…”

Rapori hesitated while giving him advice from the side.

He looked at the branch in Harley’s hand and then back at him.

A muscular giant over two meters tall, wearing a monster’s head, still bearing traces of battle.

“Well, if you plant it in front of a worthy opponent’s grave after defeating them… Or if you use it as firewood, it’ll burn strongly and for a long time. That’s actually why Dwarves covet it…”

Rapori suddenly started rambling, as if he was confused.

‘He wasn’t like this before.’

Was it because he was relaxed after successfully completing the mission?

Harley quickly thanked them to help him and Cecily, who was becoming increasingly embarrassed.

‘I’ll put this in my room on Earth.’

It would be the best air purifier, so there was nothing bad about it.

After saying goodbye to the Elves, he was able to greet the Church members.

They weren’t as enthusiastic as the Elves, but the Church members also showed some interest in Harley.

“Your eye is very unique. Are you a hybrid? Hmm… no, I apologize. I shouldn’t have asked.”

His left eye attracted attention, but they didn’t pursue the topic, perhaps thinking he had some secret about his birth.

“Oh~ What a magnificent body. You’re as good as our Heinrich! Hey, don’t you want to become a holy knight and crush the skulls of heretics?”

At the Black Crescent Captain’s words during their brief conversation, ‘we’ looked at each other.

It was their first time facing each other directly.

Harley’s appearance was different from Heinrich’s, as he had gone through several self-modifications to fit the image of a barbarian warrior.

Heinrich, who had pushed his body to the limit through extreme training using “Super Recovery” and continued his hard training even after obtaining “Blessing: Fortified Body”.

Harley, who had eaten dozens of monsters so far through “Gluttony” and selected only the superior genes through “Mutation” and “Physical Transformation” to create an ideal body.



They couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration as they compared themselves directly.

It was a shame that they couldn’t examine each other more closely because Heinrich was wearing armor.

“…What are you two doing?”

They were momentarily lost in admiring their bodies, when Archbishop Latiaus’s dubious voice reached them.

‘Oops, we got too carried away.’

He flinched, unconsciously flexing his muscles and comparing them, but the Paladins seemed to understand.

“Archbishop Latiaus, it’s natural for those of us who use our bodies.”

“Right, right! A man needs muscles! Oh, I’m not saying anything about you, Archbishop? Hehehe.”

All the holy knights of the Main God Church were devotees of high-intensity weight training.

“Thank you again. We’ll be staying on the Ion Continent for a while, so we’ll be able to help you directly during that time.”

The group, with two additional members, quickly returned to Tarak with the help of the wind spirit.

And then came the farewell with Harley.

“Harley, then I’ll be going. Stay healthy until we meet again.”

“Hahaha! I’m nothing without my strength! You be careful too, little lady!”

And so, Harley disappeared into the city of Tarak.

Exchanging meaningful glances with Heinrich one last time.

“Hmm, it seems like you two have something in common. You seem to care about each other a lot, even though you just met.”

“I feel a good connection. I think we’ll see each other often.”

“Oh~ I can’t ignore Sir Heinrich’s intuition. I’ll try to pay more attention from the Church’s side as well. Since he’s a mercenary, it would be good to express our gratitude through the mercenary guild.”


He had successfully used Heinrich’s name, whose credibility had increased from just creating a good atmosphere, to raise Harley’s status.

Having the Church’s backing would be a great help in his future activities.

‘I think we’ve gained everything we could.’

It was a very satisfying day.

Unlike when they came, it took about half a day to return to the Roselia Cathedral.

And that was after receiving cooperation from each temple along the route and shortening the schedule as much as possible.

The next day, after returning and resting, a meeting with the Elves was arranged again.

“We were able to safely bring Cecily back with the help of the Church. I would like to thank Sir Heinrich once again.”

The meeting, which began with Rapori’s words of gratitude, quickly moved on to the next topic.

This time, it was about the Church’s agenda, tracking down the Immortal King.

“The World Tree is the root of all trees in the world.”

He explained how to find the Immortal King in a serious tone.

“And High Elves can borrow the World Tree’s power and detect the energy around places where trees exist.”

A method of scanning areas using trees with a certain level of natural energy as mediums.

Of course, it also had clear limitations.

They couldn’t even try it in areas without trees, and the range they could check at once was limited.

It was a method they couldn’t use when they were urgently searching for Cecily because the preparations were also complicated.

“It will take about a month to scan the entire Ion Continent.”

And that was the estimated time after excluding areas without trees.

But the effect was excellent because of the limitations.

“If he’s hiding in an area with trees, I guarantee he won’t be able to avoid detection. And most uninhabited places will inevitably have trees.”

He raised his chin confidently.

It was a good opportunity because they could at least narrow down the search area even if they couldn’t find him with this method.

‘Hmm, should I clear out all the trees around the cave in advance? How wide of an area? If I remove too many, it’ll stand out… Should I just dismiss him at the right time?’

Heinrich secretly contemplated with a calm expression.

He had reinforced the barrier, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy after seeing his confident attitude.

“But there’s one problem with using this method.”

Rapori continued.

‘It seems like there are a lot of restrictions, despite his confident attitude.’

“To accurately confirm it, I need to know about that energy, but since I don’t know anything about the Immortal King, it might take more time.”

He said that the time could be extended to up to six months to ensure accuracy because he could only track concentrated dark magic power.

Of course, they would probably find him before that, but they couldn’t be sure.

“If it’s about the Immortal King’s energy… don’t worry. But there’s something I would like to ask for your understanding…”

The Saintess answered with a serious expression at his words.

And Heinrich could understand why she said that.

What he didn’t expect was what happened next.

“…Sir Heinrich, it would be good for you to know as well. What we’re fighting against.”

The Saintess, who had been thinking about something, looked at him with a strange expression and muttered softly.

…His heart skipped a beat.

He thought he had gained everything he could, but it seemed like the real prize was still left.
