MAEPG: Episode 56

Episode 56 Elf (4)

“Damn it, where did that guy come from?”

Nurabe, an elder of Oath of Heaven’s Defiance, gritted his teeth as he watched his monsters and subordinates being torn to shreds.

The cause was that human, or Lycanthrope, or whatever it was, a being whose identity he couldn’t figure out.

He was the one who stole their meticulously prepared sacrifice and was currently escaping.

‘I thought I was lucky lately, but this happens at the end!’

It all started when he obtained an Elf through a slave trader, as usual.

The school he belonged to was one that could make contracts with stronger demons and summons through sacrificial rituals, and the higher the value of the sacrifice, the greater the effect.

And that’s when he discovered it.

That they had a sacrifice qualified to be a High Elf in their hands.

‘I was lucky. The demon I had summoned happened to have the ability to recognize it.’

He immediately followed the demon’s advice and put an even stronger sealing magic tool than usual around the sacrifice’s neck.

To prevent the World Tree from easily revealing the sacrifice’s information through causality.

And he was so anxious that he scheduled the ritual as soon as possible.

He knew what kind of existence High Elves were to Elves.

They would try any means to retrieve the sacrifice.

He was planning to finish the ritual cleanly and move before that…

‘Was it greed to even use the World Tree’s branch?’

There was no way the value of ‘one qualified to be a High Elf’ and a ‘High Elf’ would be the same.

It was only natural for him to be greedy and want to use the top-grade sacrifice more effectively.

So he was planning to use the World Tree’s branch that the organization was keeping, along with the sacrifice, in the ritual.

He wouldn’t be able to turn her into a real High Elf, but he could use the branch as a medium and temporarily turn her into a ‘pseudo-High Elf’.

It felt like all the luck in the world was on his side.

Everything was going smoothly, even when he started the ritual after calling in most of his members, intending to move immediately after finishing it.

Until a hole suddenly appeared in the barrier.

‘To think the World Tree would intervene at that moment!’

It was an intervention that aimed for the brief moment when the ritual faltered.

The World Tree’s branch had been sealed until they came here, and interference should have been blocked by the laws once the ritual began.

The problem was that the ritual was shaken.

But due to various restrictions, the miracle manifested through the World Tree’s branch as a medium wasn’t that great.

It was only enough to move the sacrifice from the deepest part of the cave to a little further out.

The problem was that there was a guy who snatched the sacrifice and ran away, but fortunately, they were able to chase after him quickly.

‘The sealing tool is still in place, so they wouldn’t have found out about this place. But I need to retrieve the sacrifice as soon as possible so that we don’t miss the timing for the ritual.’

At first, he tried to exhaust the guy’s stamina by unleashing monsters and then safely retrieve the sacrifice, but judging by the current situation, that seemed impossible.

“Hahaha—! Come at me!”

A massive physique with bulging muscles all over, an appearance that seemed to be a mix of human and monster.

But despite his wild appearance, his movements were strangely refined, to the point where his Dark Knights couldn’t keep up.

“This won’t do. I can’t waste any more time.”

He thought he might be a monster hybrid and tried to control him, but it didn’t work at all.

And the way he was constantly recovering his stamina with the flesh of surrounding monsters was beyond monstrous.

Nurabe gestured to the dark mages.

A summoning circle was prepared in an instant according to his order.


The battle entered a new phase.

“Hahaha—! This is troublesome! Very troublesome! Hahaha!”

The situation had rapidly deteriorated.

More precisely, it was after new enemies joined the battle.

He felt a piercing killing intent again, and Harley’s “Wildness” immediately reacted.


A black greatsword, enveloped in dark magic power, bounced off his axe.

At the same time, a bolt made of ore flew towards his head, but he wouldn’t fall for the same trick twice.

Harley’s right hand snatched the strangely bending bolt and crushed it.

‘This is tricky. They’re not easy opponents.’

The dark mages seemed to have decided to intervene in earnest, as they deployed summons of considerable level to the battlefield.

[You’re quite something, hybrid!]

Even a demon.

He had to take considerable damage because of the summons, including a demon over three meters tall wielding a large greatsword and relentlessly pressuring him.

His entire body was covered in blood…

‘But thanks to “Wildness”, the loss of combat power isn’t that great, considering I’m missing an eye.’

The biggest damage was, of course, the loss of his left eye.

A chaotic battle broke out in an instant with the sudden participation of the demon and the summons, and a bolt from earlier flew in and hit his eye while he was in a situation where he couldn’t dodge.

‘If it had just been that, I could have recovered with “Regeneration”.’

He lost an eye without even having time to react because the bolt, made of ore, exploded.

And the dark mages, perhaps wary of him recovering his stamina using “Gluttony”, had pulled back the smaller monsters.

It seemed like they were planning to deal with him with only a few strong summons.

‘But even those strong guys have become my precious nutrients.’

Most of them were already down.

But he had only been able to recover the magic stones from them, and his energy was almost depleted because the enemies were interfering too much, preventing him from recovering.

The only fortunate thing was that he could worry a little less about Cecily.

A faint energy was flowing from the World Tree’s branch, which was wrapped together with her in the panther leather, protecting her from the impact.

‘It’s only absorbing indirect impact, but if it hadn’t been for this, my movements would have been even more restricted.’

It couldn’t be helped that he had to move violently in this situation.

The enemies weren’t directly targeting her, but she would inevitably get hurt if the aftermath of the battle accumulated.

‘But it doesn’t seem like it’ll last long. The World Tree is also pushing itself quite a bit.’

The tip of the branch, protruding from the gap in the leather, was completely withered, as if it had no moisture left.

It definitely wasn’t like this when he first saw it.


At that moment, a greatsword enveloped in black, burning dark magic power, flew towards him.

The moment Harley tried to react,

‘Ugh! That thing again!’

A brief moment of stiffness.

But it was a fatal mistake during a battle where an instant could decide life or death.

He hurriedly raised his aura and parried the greatsword, but a long wound appeared on his arm again.

‘Whew, I think I need to take care of that guy first.’

The most troublesome opponent, along with the demon.

It was the gem man aiming a metal crossbow from the back.

‘He looks expensive. His ransom must be high.’

A humanoid summon made entirely of shimmering green gems.

He was the sniper who used telekinesis and took his eye.

‘I think that eye on his forehead is the problem.’

He had three green eyes, but the one on his forehead was particularly dark.

It also flickered whenever he controlled the bolts or used telekinesis, so he must be right.

“Hehehe… This is getting tight.”

He was surrounded by monsters, but the guys in front of him wouldn’t give him a chance to use “Gluttony”.

He couldn’t ignore them because they could inflict even greater damage than he could recover in a short time.

There was a limit to enduring the various curses the dark mages were throwing at him with “Bio-Aura”, and his body was losing strength, and his senses were becoming dull.

His entire body was covered in blood because he was suppressing even “Regeneration” to conserve his dwindling energy.

[Hehehe. Are you giving up, hybrid?]

The demon standing in front of him taunted Harley, tapping his shoulder with his greatsword.

“Hahaha! You can’t even handle me one-on-one, and you have the nerve to talk! What a waste of a body!”

[Nonsense! If it weren’t for the sacrifice in your arms, I would have already chopped you to pieces, hybrid!]

The demon, who had flared up and bared his teeth, hesitated for a moment, then gripped his greatsword again and sneered.

[It seems like you’re trying to buy time. No chance!]

And he immediately swung his greatsword.

Attacks rained down on Harley simultaneously.

“You’re not wrong. But I’ve already achieved my goal! Hahaha!”

Harley responded to the attacks from all directions with his senses enhanced by “Wildness” and looked at the dark mages gathered on one side with his remaining eye.

As if to imprint their location in his mind.

And then,



“Holy power? Suddenly?”

A flash of light exploded right above where the dark mages were gathered, and their surprised voices echoed at the same time.

And by then, Heinrich, who had appeared in midair, was already spinning his entire body like a top.

With a large sword of light, drawn with holy power close to the bishop level, in both hands.

Slash, slash, slash—

The opposing energy, sharpened from the beginning, struck several times in succession, instantly shredding the surrounding barriers.

Archbishop’s strengthening holy magic layered on top of “Blessing: Fortified Body”, all sorts of skills specialized for close combat.

Heinrich’s sword of light, with all his power, ravaged those who were slow to react to the sudden situation.


“What is this…!”

Only one person was able to react in time and survive the storm of holy power.

The rest were those who were lucky enough to be on the outskirts and weren’t swept away.

“You! How…!”

The one who reacted to Heinrich’s surprise attack.

The old man, who seemed to be the leader of the enemies, trembled with rage, his face red like lava.

His ‘how’ contained many meanings, but…


Heinrich, of course, ignored it and charged at the remaining dark mages, swinging his sword.

Over half of the dark mages were instantly killed or injured in the first surprise attack.

The surrounding monsters fell into chaos as their control was released.

Summons disappearing after losing their summoners, summons hurriedly moving to protect the survivors, the battlefield became a mess in an instant.

[Ugh! You bastaaard—!]

The demon with the greatsword hurriedly flew towards Heinrich.

And at that moment, Harley, who had been facing the demon, was momentarily freed.

A sudden sense of liberation.

It was a golden opportunity to recover his body using “Gluttony”, but he had something to do before that.

Harley’s leg muscles swelled up, and he instantly rushed towards the gem man.

He couldn’t let this one go!

“Haha! Where are you looking?”

To think he was distracted while he was still here!

Harley charged and thrust his right hand into the gem man.


Harley’s hand momentarily stopped at the gem man’s emerald eye on his forehead, which sparkled.

But he was a guy who had been protected by others from the rear throughout the battle.

His telekinesis, a long-range attack and support type ability, wasn’t strong enough to overcome his strength at close range.


Harley’s sharpened nails instantly dug into the gem man’s forehead, and a silvery liquid like mercury flowed down his hand.

“Hahaha—! I finally got you, bastard!”

He had lost an eye because of this guy.

A one-eyed barbarian warrior!

Of course, that would be cool too…

‘No, it’s still too early. I’ll think about that when I’m older.’

But except for other parts, he didn’t know how long it would take for a complex organ like an eye to regenerate with his current regenerative ability.

‘If I had “Super Regeneration”, it would have been restored in an instant. But I have “Mutation”, so I think I can just transplant a suitable eye… Wait?’

If he was going to transplant a new one anyway, wouldn’t it be better to get a good one?

For example…


Something like this in his hand.

“Hey, you. You have good eyes, don’t you?”

This guy even had three eyes.

Considering that he had lost an eye because of him, it was a very unfair situation.

So it was okay for him to take one.

This was self-defense.

“Hahaha—! Let’s share the good stuff!”

He immediately pulled out the shimmering green gem without hesitation.


The gem man’s body trembled with a strange buzzing sound, and then the gems that made up his body lost their light and collapsed.

‘Ah, it would have been expensive if I sold it whole. What a waste.’

Now it just looked like a pile of dull rocks.

It seemed like the gem on his forehead was the source of his existence.

‘Is this a silicon-based life form or something?’

A characteristic that was clearly different from the life forms he had seen so far.

He remembered some knowledge he had picked up somewhere, but it didn’t matter in this fantasy world where common sense didn’t apply.

Harley glanced at the gem in his hand.

A meticulously carved pupil in an eye with a smooth sheen.

It looked like a shimmering gem rather than a biological tissue.

He put the gem in his empty left eye socket.

He didn’t know if it would work…

‘I’ll find out if I try!’

Although he was currently active as a barbarian warrior, his essence was the pinnacle of life, seeking repeated evolution by craving other genes.

Although the composition of their bodies was different, if it was a life form, there was no reason why Harley couldn’t accept it.

“Mutation” activated, and his optic nerve connected to the gem, as if it wasn’t just an ordinary gem.

But that was it.

It didn’t work properly, perhaps because their structures were too different.

He felt excruciating pain in his eye socket through “Mind Hub”.

The blood vessels around his left eye bulged, and he could feel the surrounding muscles convulsing.

‘Is this not going to work? Because the species are too different?’

That thought was short-lived.

“Ha! Don’t be ridiculous!”

How many monsters and magical beasts had he devoured so far?

When were they ever of the same species?

This eye was crystallized, but it was part of a biological tissue.

And it was already connected to him.

Then, it was already his.


Harley’s strong suggestion, fueled by his near-mad obsession and mental power, followed.

The gem where the optic nerve was connected changed under the influence of “Physical Transformation”.

The area except for the shimmering green pupil turned white and became soft like a human eye.


《New body part transplanted. You have acquired the skill “Gem Eye: Telekinesis” due to the influence of the special skill “Mutation”.》

“Wahahaha—! As expected, there’s nothing in the world that’s impossible!”

Harley, who had returned to his ordinary barbarian warrior appearance,

Spread his shoulders, burst into hearty laughter, and recovered his energy by chewing on monster meat.

Of course, there was a reason why he was so leisurely right now.


A tremendous storm suddenly swept through the area.


Brilliant radiance enveloped the surroundings, blocking the space.

“I’ll crush your skulls, you heretics! Hahaha!”


Even the two Paladins started to sweep through the battlefield.


At that moment, a giant demon engulfed in flames appeared from the dark mage’s side and clashed with them, but even that didn’t seem like it would last long.

‘Is that the one they didn’t summon until now to safely retrieve Cecily?’

Judging by the way it was spewing flames everywhere, it definitely wasn’t suitable for not harming anyone specific.

It would be a different story if it was about destroying everything around it.

‘But even that is now being hunted down… It’s a shame that I can’t eat demons because they’re summons. I wish I could at least have a taste of that guy’s meat.’

He had already tried to eat a few demons before, but they all disappeared like smoke.

To eat them, he would have to go to the demon world and target their true bodies.

As Harley sat down, smacking his lips in regret…

“Oh! I almost forgot!”

He hurriedly untied the leather covering his chest.

The leather, which had barely held on, unfolded, and a limp Elf girl emerged from inside.

Still clutching a branch that now looked like nothing more than kindling.

“Hey~ little lady, are you okay?”

He shook her cautiously, worried because she wasn’t regaining consciousness even though she seemed to be breathing.

He called out to her several times.

“It’s stuffy… I’m dizzy… I feel like I’m going to throw up…”

Cecily mumbled and stirred.

Fortunately, she seemed to be fine.

“Hahaha! I’m glad you’re safe!”

He laughed heartily, watching the giant demon, which had made a grand entrance, disappear into smoke.

‘Mission complete. This mission was thrilling.’

He was able to grow quite a bit through the battle, so it was beneficial in many ways.

‘Of course, that’s not all I gained.’

The battlefield was cleared…

Rapori and the Elves, surrounded by wind, were flying towards where Harley was.


  1. What happened to this? Is this no longer being updated?


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