MAEPG: Episode 55

Episode 55 Elf (3)

Change of plans.

Originally, he was going to wreak havoc as much as possible and then escape with Dismiss when things got too tough…

“Um… excuse me…”

The Elf girl that the Elven Kingdom and the Main God Church were looking for.

‘I can use this situation.’

His mind raced.

It was a win-win opportunity to raise Harley’s reputation and for Heinrich to make a contribution to the Church.

“Hmm! My name is Harley. Anyway, you want to get out of here, right?”


The smell of dark magic power was getting stronger.

A huge number of enemies were rushing out from inside the cave.

“Then excuse me for a moment!”

“What? Whoa—!”

He slung the axe in his hand on his back, tucked Cecily under his arm, turned around, and ran.

His leg muscles expanded, and his body accelerated explosively.


Cecily closed her eyes tightly, clinging to Harley’s side.

She was still holding the branch in her arms.

“By the way, what’s that branch? Is it precious?”

He asked her, taking advantage of the brief moment of respite as they moved towards the entrance at high speed.

It didn’t seem particularly special at first glance.

“Huh? Ah, this is… a branch of the World Tree. Thanks to this, I was able to escape safely from inside…”

She answered diligently, frowning at the wind hitting her face.

He had wondered how she escaped from the inner sanctum where the sacrificial ritual was in progress all the way to where Harley was, and it seemed like the World Tree had helped her.

He didn’t know how the branch ended up in her hands, though, who was supposed to be the sacrifice.

‘Come to think of it, I just overlooked it because the situation was urgent, but she’s very obedient.’

Cecily had been friendly towards him from their first encounter until now.

Even though it was a situation where she couldn’t help but be wary.

A muscular, naked man she encountered in a dark mage’s lair.

Not only was he splattered with blood, but he was even holding twin axes dripping with blood.

‘Ugh, even I would be terrified.’

Of course, he personally liked his style, but he was aware that it wasn’t aesthetically pleasing objectively.

In that situation, she was only slightly intimidated.

‘Come to think of it, they said that those who become qualified to be High Elves receive guidance from the World Tree.’

It would guide them so that they could safely reach the World Tree.

It seemed like the World Tree judged that Harley was the only way for her to escape this situation.

‘It’s convenient for me that she’s cooperating like this. But that thing around Cecily’s neck…’

Hans, the master of dark magic, quickly gave him the analysis results.

‘A sealing magic tool using dark magic. It’s quite high-level. It would be dangerous to forcibly break it. Hans could have disabled it, but…’

Disabling a magic tool required delicate magic control, and Harley didn’t have that ability.

‘I understand it perfectly in my head, but I can’t actually do it.’

That must be why Rapori, the High Elf, couldn’t find Cecily’s location.

‘Judging by how the World Tree immediately responded when Harley entered, it seems like it knew Cecily’s location.’

Well, the World Tree was also a divine being that received the Elves’ faith, although not as much as the Main God.

There must have been other restrictions that prevented it from directly telling them.

“Hahaha! It doesn’t matter now!”

He could feel dark magic power surging from behind like a tsunami, but they were already near the cave entrance.

Once they got outside, they wouldn’t be able to easily catch him, who could run endlessly with his monstrous stamina.

At that moment,

He felt something approaching rapidly from underground again.

Unlike before, this time, he felt clear killing intent.

The problem was that it was approaching from the direction of the forest outside, where they were headed…


And its size was so large that it completely blocked the cave entrance as it surged from the ground right at the entrance.

“Don’t block my way!”

But Harley ignored it and charged at the giant earthworm, the Earthworm, that was blocking the entrance, increasing his speed.


He quickly swung Cecily, who was tucked under his arm, and hugged her properly, minimizing the impact on her…


And then he jumped and drop-kicked the monster.


The Earthworm writhed from the impact.

But because of its massive weight and the rest of its body anchored to the ground, there was still no opening at the entrance.

Harley, who was thrown back from the recoil, landed softly and chuckled.

“Hehehe… I thought things were going too smoothly.”

It seemed like it would take some time to break through the entrance.

And that also meant that he couldn’t avoid fighting the guys who were chasing them from behind.

“Hey, little lady, wake up. It seems like we need to prepare for battle.”


While she was dizzy from the intense movements, Harley was already making preparations.

He put Cecily down and used his sharp nails to tear the leather connected to the black panther helmet like a cape.

He cut it in the middle to make two strands, then cut the top parts of both strands to make them longer.

“Come here!”

“Yes, yes!”

And he hugged Cecily and wrapped her in the two pieces of leather like a cocoon, securing her tightly to his body.

The leather that covered his back was so large that he could wrap her up completely, leaving only a breathing hole, so she couldn’t see outside.

A small bundle of leather… no, an Elf girl, hanging from a muscular giant like a baby wrapped in a swaddle.

‘This is better than carrying her on my back. It’s monster leather, so it won’t break easily.’

While Harley finished his battle preparations and gripped his axes, the Earthworm still didn’t move and just guarded the entrance.

It wasn’t a movement you would expect from a monster driven by instinct.

It was definitely being controlled by someone.

“Haha! Then let’s get started! You’re first!”

Harley poured his energy without reservation and raised his “Bio-Aura” throughout his body.

To break through the entrance before dealing with the others.

“What? What did you say, Sir Heinrich?”

The Saintess asked back, looking puzzled.

The reactions of the others around her were no different.

Archbishop Latiaus, the Paladins, and even the Elves, including Rapori.

“I think I know where Cecily is.”

But Heinrich repeated what he had said, despite their gazes.

“Hmm… Do you have a blessing that allows you to track specific targets?”

Archbishop Latiaus asked cautiously.

It was definitely hard to believe.

Had they already found their target, just a short time after the High Elf from the Elven Kingdom brought it up?

But there was no time to argue.

“It’s not a blessing, but I can definitely feel it. The presence of an Elf named Cecily, with light green hair and orange eyes. But she’s in a very dangerous situation right now.”

At his words, the expressions of those present changed.

The Elves looked at the high-ranking members of the Church, including the Saintess, with urgency.

They didn’t know how much they could trust the sudden words of this seemingly insignificant person.

The Saintess stared at Heinrich for a moment, then turned her gaze to the Elves with a serious expression.

“Sir Heinrich is trustworthy. He’s someone the Main God is also interested in. If he feels that way, there must be a definite reason.”

“We will follow the Church’s judgment.”

As the Elves nodded with serious expressions, she jumped up from her seat and looked at Heinrich.

“Then let’s move right away. Where is she?”

Her eyes, meeting his directly, were filled with trust.

“It’s the northern mountains, the border of the Tulk Kingdom in the west of the continent. We can save a lot of time if we use the gate to move to the Tarak Temple in Aonia County.”

“Let’s talk on the way.”

They all got up from their seats and headed towards the gate with quick steps.

The Saintess muttered something softly, holding her holy symbol, and then looked back at Heinrich.

“I’ve had them prepare the gate so we can use it right away. We should be able to move as soon as we get there.”

“Sir Heinrich Landguard. Is there any way to know her exact location?”

“I think I can move directly with my ‘Blessing’ once we get close… but right now, all I know is that she’s somewhere north of the Iron Fortress.”

Everyone here was acting on the premise that Heinrich’s words were true.

The Saintess’s full support must have had a big impact.

Now, if he just lived up to that trust, his credibility within the Church would increase significantly.

They hurriedly moved and soon arrived at the gate.

There was a minor argument in the process, though.

“You can’t, Saintess.”

“With two Paladins, an Archbishop, and even a High Elf, is there a need for you to go too?”

“Hahaha! Leave the heretics to us!”

The Saintess, who was naturally trying to move towards the gate, was stopped by the Church members.

Her cheeks puffed out slightly, but she didn’t protest, perhaps to maintain her dignity in front of the Elves, who were outsiders.

It was a hastily decided matter, so they didn’t have time to summon additional personnel, but even with just these people, it was excessive force.

“We can handle it with just us if we know the location.”

High Elf Rapori also added confidently, so she had no choice but to nod slightly and step back.

But that didn’t mean the Saintess had nothing to do.


Although it wasn’t as far as the Talia Kingdom, which was at the western end of the continent, the distance between the center of the continent and the Tulk Kingdom in the west wasn’t short either.

They needed a tremendous amount of holy power depending on the distance, so the Saintess’s help was essential to move there at once.

“Then, everyone, be careful.”

“Don’t worry. There won’t be any major problems.”

Heinrich nodded seriously at the Saintess, who was worriedly saying goodbye.

With their current strength, they would be able to finish the task without any significant damage.

‘Actually, the only problem is whether we can make it in time.’

Harley could hold out on his own for now, but he didn’t know what would happen if they started attacking with all their might.

There were already signs of that happening.


Harley laughed ferociously, smashing the head of a Gremlin, a small monster, with his axe.

The area around him was already littered with all sorts of corpses, leaving no room to step.

Monsters he had already hunted in the forest, unfamiliar ones he was seeing for the first time, and the dark mage’s subordinates were all there.

He kept defeating them, but more monsters kept coming from the surrounding forest.

‘It’s good that I got out of the cave, but…’

He had broken through the Earthworm blocking the entrance, but in the process, the dark mages caught up to him.

The bigger problem was that the dark mages specialized in controlling monsters.

The synergy with the monster-infested northern mountains was beyond imagination.

‘They must have settled here with that in mind!’

Not only the monsters they summoned from the forest, but also the ones they summoned separately were a problem.

They were all unfamiliar monsters with unique characteristics.

The only fortunate thing was that they didn’t intentionally attack Cecily, perhaps because they didn’t want the sacrifice to be harmed.

Of course, that didn’t mean he could use her as a shield.

There was no guarantee that the monsters attacking them would strictly follow their orders.

It was just a tacit agreement to be careful of each other.

‘But this is a problem if it continues like this. Harley’s advantage is his recklessness, charging in without regard for his own safety, but in this situation, his movements are restricted.’

If he put Cecily down and fought, they would just snatch her away, and if this continued, he would run out of energy and die.

Heinrich’s group, who had arrived in Tarak through the gate.

They were moving quickly with the help of the wind spirit summoned by the High Elf, but they still needed more time to get here.

‘Alright, it’s all or nothing.’

He spotted one of the dark mages who was busy controlling monsters.

He was surrounded by monsters as bodyguards and even had a barrier up, but…


Thick aura concentrated on the blade of the axe in his right hand, and he twisted his waist, spinning in place.

And the trajectory of the aura, drawing a large and beautiful circle with centrifugal force,

Whoosh— Crack!


Flew like a missile, shattered the barrier, embedded itself in the dark mage’s body, and disappeared from Harley’s sight, flying through the air.

The monsters momentarily faltered as their control was released.

Harley didn’t miss the opportunity and charged into their midst, laughing maniacally.


The axe in his left hand continued to draw elegant lines, ravaging the enemies, and his monstrously transformed right hand diligently ripped out the monsters’ magic stones and hearts and brought them to his mouth.

The energy was constantly replenished, and his stamina overflowed.

He could endure like this all day.

Of course, the enemies wouldn’t let him.


He swung his aura-infused nails and parried the spear that suddenly flew at him.

The man with the spear, failing his surprise attack, hid back into the monsters’ midst.

“A Lycanthrope? Something’s different… a variant?”

He heard a voice from one side, but…


An arrow flew in from the other side and bounced off the axe blade.

“It seems like he’s not a monster hybrid, since our control doesn’t work on him at all.”

Another attack flew in from a different direction as he spoke.

And the monsters were still charging at him, making it difficult to focus.

‘Ah, these guys fight dirty.’

Harley moved his body ceaselessly, praising the opponent.

He had to use “Physical Transformation” without reservation because there was no time to spare as the battle intensified.


His muscles bulged ferociously, his teeth became sharp like a shark’s, and his jaw developed.

His eyes, nose, and ears had long since lost their human form.

‘Is this okay? He’s already a bit mentally unstable.’

He could feel Harley’s body becoming increasingly consumed by madness as the fight continued.

He had been laughing since earlier.

He wouldn’t do anything reckless because he could control it at any time, but he didn’t want him to become unable to appear in front of others like Hans.

As he was briefly contemplating,

《The individual meets the conditions and gains enlightenment. You have acquired the skill “Wildness”.》

His senses were overturned in an instant.

The moment he faltered from the sudden sense of dissonance, his body moved on instinct alone.

His head turned to the side, and…


A sword, aiming for the opening, was blocked by Harley’s saw-like teeth.

And the axe in his left hand, swung without delay, cut the attacker in half, and only then did he fully understand “Wildness”.

A skill that maximized aggression by moving solely on instinct.

But it didn’t forget the techniques ingrained in his body.

It was more free and wild, but it was definitely based on the axe techniques and body techniques he had been using.

Harley’s nose and ears twitched ceaselessly as he lowered his body in an instant…

Dash— Crack!


He instantly weaved through the monsters and twisted the neck of the man with the spear with his right hand.

His instincts didn’t miss the information that his reason had dismissed as trivial.

‘…This might be okay?’

The method of using “Wildness” was very different from the fighting style he had been using.

His greatest advantage was that he could calmly judge and calculate the situation and move accordingly in any situation.

Like playing a game, he could grasp and respond to all variables with his overwhelming mental power from a third-person perspective.

But that method didn’t suit Harley.

To fully utilize his body, which had evolved by consuming countless monsters, he needed a new fighting style that wasn’t human.

Just like now.

And above all,

‘I can control its activation!’

He could control it so that Harley’s madness was poured entirely into “Wildness”.

Like a berserker who only went wild in necessary battles!

‘This should be enough to hold out until reinforcements arrive.’

The time limit they didn’t know about was steadily approaching.
