MAEPG: Episode 54

Episode 54 Elf (2)

A few days ago.

“Haa— Ha! The air is refreshing, perhaps because the mountains are close.”

Harley arrived at the Iron Fortress, the border of the Tulk Kingdom bordering the northern mountains.

There were various twists and turns before he arrived here after starting his mercenary career in Tarak.

The world was wide, and there were many crazy people.

There were fools who picked fights with him, calling him uncivilized, even after seeing his beautiful and massive muscles.

“That’s the guy who crushed Ralph’s group…”

“Shh! Don’t make eye contact.”

They seemed to have some confidence, as they were quite famous.

They were skilled individuals who could handle aura, the energy used by warriors, at a high level.

“They say he broke all the bones in their limbs with his bare hands.”

“And that even swords don’t work on him?”

When he first got into a fight, Harley wondered how to respond, as he had never fought a human before.

He, who was going to become a hero, couldn’t just kill someone carelessly in the city because he couldn’t control his strength.

‘So I grabbed them one by one and gently twisted their bones!’

That way, there was no risk of accidentally killing them!

It was a helpful experience for him because he was able to learn how much force a human body could withstand before breaking.

‘And I was also able to learn how to use aura.’

The heat haze rising from their struggling bodies and their suddenly hardened bodies.

Of course, they ended up breaking when he applied more force, but the increase in physical ability itself wasn’t bad.

‘It was good that I learned how to use it by twisting those guys’ arms… but…’

The problem was that he couldn’t use it with this body.

His body was closer to a monster than an ordinary human.

It was only natural that he couldn’t use techniques designed for a human body.

Reverting his body’s composition to that of a human to use aura would make him much weaker than he was now, so it was a useless skill.

‘Well, anything I learn will be useful later.’

Harley smacked his lips in regret and headed towards the northern mountains to find prey that would make him stronger.


“Hahaha—! Die!”

Harley, his eyes bloodshot, laughed maniacally and swung his axe at the giant bear-like monster.

As soon as the axe in his right hand struck the monster’s knee, which was standing on two legs, the axe in his left hand was embedded in its hamstring.


The bear’s front paw immediately slammed down.

He dodged the attack by simply taking a step to the side and then embedded the axe in his right hand into the monster’s armpit.

Sophisticated axe techniques that didn’t suit Harley’s wild appearance.

The twin axes in both hands drew elegant trajectories, ravaging the monster’s entire body.



The moment the monster staggered from the repeated axe blows,


Harley, taking a deep breath, charged at the monster, twisting his waist.

With his expanding muscles and the power amplified by the momentum of the rotation, he…


Delivered a low kick to the bear’s leg.

The monster’s leg bone shattered in an instant, and its body rotated 90 degrees in midair and crashed to the ground.


Harley, the hunter who didn’t miss an opportunity, immediately jumped and brought his axe down on the bear’s neck.


The axe blade didn’t sink deep into the tough hide and steel-like muscles.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

A delightful axe-swinging session began, alternately bringing down his two muscular hands.

After a while…

“Hahaha! You were quite a tough opponent!”

Harley, who had finally climbed on top of the dead monster, burst into laughter.

And he threw his axe aside and plunged his sharpened hand into the monster’s heart.

His claw-like nails dug deep into the monster’s tough body.

A fist-sized magic stone came out along with his hand.

He roughly wiped off the blood on it, put it in his mouth, chewed on it, and fell into thought.

‘…To think I’m stronger bare-handed than with weapons…’

The cruel truth he had been trying to ignore.

He had gotten an axe and even practiced axe techniques, but they were useless against monsters!

The toughness of their bodies, which used mana transformed from their bodies, was beyond imagination, so he couldn’t inflict much damage with weapons that didn’t contain any energy.

He could currently overpower them with his overwhelming strength, but if he continued like this, even his sturdy black steel axe would break.

And if he held back, he couldn’t inflict any damage, so he was caught in the irony of being stronger bare-handed, where he could use his full power.

This was no different from a hidden master pretending to be weak!

‘Huh? That might not be bad…’

He was momentarily tempted, but it didn’t suit his goal.

“Whew— Now let’s collect the requested items.”

Harley felt the composition of his body changing through the magic stone and sharpened his nails again.

And he cut open the bear’s stomach to extract the bear bile, the requested item.

‘It’s this easy when I use “Physical Transformation” to use a monster’s power, but why is it… Huh?’

His movements stopped for a moment.

The power of monsters, life force, which transformed mana contained in their bodies.

Aura, the power of warriors, which refined mana absorbed into their bodies.

‘Anyway, they’re both powers that process the energy inside the body to suit themselves. The methods are different, but the goal is the same.’

Monsters didn’t need a complicated refining process because they instinctively used mana with their innate bodies.

Humans developed methods to refine aura and techniques to handle it to use mana through acquired effort.

The methods were different, but the goal was the same.

Then, if he combined the advantages of both…

‘Couldn’t I control life force using the methods of handling aura, skipping the refining process?’

The most important and complicated part of aura training was the process of refining mana.

High-level techniques were even passed down as secrets within each faction.

But the methods of handling it weren’t a big secret.

It wasn’t that difficult of a technique in the first place.

He immediately started working, based on the knowledge about aura he had obtained before.

Several trials and errors followed.

He used “Mutation” and “Physical Transformation” to analyze the differences between a human body and his current body, adjusting the dissonance.

Dark magic power, blood magic power, holy power.

The experience of handling various energies helped the work progress quickly.

The moment he was focusing on handling life force, eating bear meat whenever he ran out of calories,

A flash of insight struck him.

《The individual meets the conditions and gains enlightenment. You have acquired the special skill “Bio-Aura”.》

A faint heat haze rose from the axe in his hand.

“Heh… Hahaha—!”

Harley’s hearty laughter echoed.

It was the moment a monster in human form gained human power.


A large head fell to the ground with its neck severed.


A giant Ogre collapsed, shaking the surrounding ground.

“Heh… That bastard was strong.”

Harley, who collapsed on the spot, lay down on his back.

He wasn’t in good condition either.

His entire body was covered in blood, and blood was still flowing back up his throat.

“Regeneration” was constantly activating, but his shattered left arm was still being repaired.


An insane hunger surged through him.

He had used up all the energy he had accumulated by using “Physical Transformation”, “Bio-Aura”, and “Regeneration” during the battle.

“Ugh… I need to eat something to regain my strength.”

Harley, who got up unsteadily, approached the fallen Ogre and imbued the axe in his right hand with aura.

The Ogre was nearly five meters tall.

Its entire body was filled with muscles of overwhelming density, making its strength and agility superhuman.

Its senses were also so sharp that it immediately reacted and counterattacked even though he had stealthily approached it while it was sleeping.

“As expected, it’s too tough because it’s all muscles.”

Several of his bones broke, and his internal organs ruptured during the battle, but he endured with “Regeneration” and gradually chipped away at the Ogre’s stamina using “Bio-Aura”.

“Hahaha—! But the winner is this body!”

He finally burst into laughter.

Thanks to “Gluttony”, it seemed like he had recovered enough stamina to laugh.

“The effect is good because it was a strong opponent. It was worth hunting it down!”

As soon as he filled his stomach, replenished his energy, and chewed on the magic stone, his body reacted.

His muscles expanded and contracted repeatedly.

His skeleton became stronger, his nerves sharpened, and his skin became tougher.

“Whew… nice.”

He felt satisfied with his strengthened body and continued to dismantle the Ogre’s corpse.

After filling his subspace magic tools with rare materials and retrieving the axe he had lost from his left hand, he looked around to move, when…

“Come to think of it, where am I?”

A dense forest.

He couldn’t get his bearings because the surroundings were a mess from the fierce battle with the Ogre.

Harley immediately climbed a nearby tree and looked around.

He felt refreshed at the sight of the vast sea of trees.

“Hahaha! It seems like I got too carried away and came too deep.”

He had been tracking various prey using the monster’s developed sense of smell for the past few days, and it seemed like he had come too deep, blindly following new scents.

It was an accident that happened because he was blinded by the desire for various genes and moved recklessly, not considering the vastness of the northern mountains.

“Well, I can navigate by the stars when it gets dark!”

Of course, it wasn’t a big problem.

He had been living in Auterica for over a year now, so it was easy for him to check directions using the stars, and there was no need to use the transfer formation.

He couldn’t use it anyway because it was on cooldown.

He got down from the tree and headed back into the forest, thinking he would hunt some more before nightfall.

As the sun began to set…



His sensitive monster senses detected a very familiar energy.

A nostalgic sensation, like the scent of his homeland that he had been smelling for a long time.

“The smell of dark magic power?”

And it was a faint afterimage of magic power, as if suppressed by a concealment field.

Judging by his experience of staying in Hans’s secret laboratory for quite a while, this was a hundred percent certain.

“Is there a dark mage hiding here?”

He thought for a moment and then stealthily moved towards where he smelled it.

The familiar energy detected by his monster senses felt unsettling.

He was able to find it at the end.

A barrier created with dark magic.

‘This is also familiar.’

Hans immediately analyzed the barrier that Harley saw through his eyes and gave him the results.

The concealment barrier that Oath of Heaven’s Defiance used, which he had encountered in the early days after becoming a Demi-Lich by obtaining the first Immortal King’s Fragment.

‘Were they hiding here too? Well, they seemed like a bigger organization than just being in the Talia Kingdom. Back then, they had some kind of restriction.’

Their souls were all extracted somewhere.

Hans could now ignore that restriction, but he had been too busy hiding from the Saintess’s pursuit to even think about finding them.

‘But I found them like this.’

A sense of unexpected joy surged, when…


Hans, sensing a subtle flow of dark magic power through Harley’s sensitive senses, gave him a new diagnosis.

‘A sacrificial ritual is in progress? And this is…’

He analyzed the situation using the dark magic knowledge from “Forbidden Knowledge”.

A sacrificial ritual of this scale would inevitably leave traces.

So they usually moved immediately after the ritual, creating a gate to the negative dimension using the dark magic power from the sacrifice, making it almost impossible to track.

In other words, if he missed them here, he wouldn’t know when he would see them again.

“Heh… I have to at least see their faces after meeting them like this.”

He grinned ferociously, baring his teeth, and picked up his axes, focusing his mind.

A thick aura, perhaps because he had hunted an Ogre, rose and enveloped his axes.

The bio-energy generated from his entire body was poured into the two axe blades.

“Hahaha—! Shatter!”

The two axes, which had been swung back over his shoulders, struck the barrier, drawing large arcs.


With a loud explosion, a hole appeared in the barrier, revealing the hidden cave.

He could hear a commotion from inside, but Harley ignored it and confidently entered.

“I can’t just let you guys get away with it.”

They were part of the same group as the ones who backstabbed Hans and massacred the villagers.

If there was a way to use them, it would be a different story, but in this situation where that wasn’t possible, he had to interfere with all his might.

And if he could get something out of it, that would be good.

If it didn’t work out, he could just run away!

‘It’s definitely not because I’m holding a grudge.’

As he was running towards the place where the energy of dark magic was strong, a group of humans emerged from inside.

“What?! Who are you?!”

“Stop him!”

They were the dark mage’s subordinates.

One knight-level and five mercenary-level.

‘No need to wait! I’m going all out!’

Harley’s leg muscles expanded, and his body crouched like a predator about to attack.

And then,


He was already in front of the knight-level guy.

“Ugh! You dare!”

Thick dark magic power rose from the sword he drew.

Despite the sudden attack, he skillfully swung his weapon and parried Harley’s axe.



But that was his mistake.

The moment his body faltered from the unexpected, overwhelming force,


The axe in Harley’s other hand cut through his neck.

‘Complacency is one’s greatest enemy.’

Judging by his swordsmanship and the level of his dark magic power, he wasn’t someone who would die so easily, but thinking that Harley was an ordinary warrior hastened his death.

“Hahaha! Come at me all at once!”

He laughed maniacally and charged at the remaining subordinates.

After a while,

Harley was running through the passage again, covered in blood.

‘The grunts aren’t even worth mentioning. Are the dark mages all inside?’

As he was steeling his resolve, preparing for a final showdown with them,

He felt something rapidly approaching from underground through his senses.

“What trick is this?!”

He didn’t feel any killing intent, but it couldn’t be friendly for something to approach him so freely in the enemy’s base.

And just as he was about to swing his axe,


A small girl popped out of the ground.

A cute appearance that couldn’t be hidden by her shabby clothes and the black shackles around her neck.

It was an Elf girl with pointed ears, light green hair, orange eyes, and a branch in her arms.

And at that moment, Harley realized who this girl was.

“…Hahaha! This is a problem!”

He scratched his head, laughing heartily to hide his embarrassment.

“So, little lady. What’s your name?”

He asked again to be sure, trying his best to smile gently.

The Elf girl, although slightly intimidated, answered his question obediently.

“C-Cecily… My name is Cecily.”

In the middle of Oath of Heaven’s Defiance’s hideout,

The moment High Elf candidate Cecily and barbarian warrior Harley encountered each other.
