MAEPG: Episode 7

Episode 7 Undead (2)

Another week had passed in the warehouse.

“Clack! Clack, clack, clack—!”

‘Aaaagh— This is driving me crazy—!’

The idea and the method weren't wrong.

Perhaps because I had some experience using “Avatar,” I managed to move an undead after many trials and errors.

Wiggle, wiggle—

I sat there, staring blankly at a zombie dancing in front of me, flailing its arms and legs.

Yes, all I could move was one zombie.

The amount of ‘black magic power’ in my body was ridiculously small to control multiple undead.

Even after scraping together everything except the minimum amount needed to maintain my body, the weakest zombie was my limit.

Well, I was just a skeleton, even if I was an elite one.

I wasn’t a commander type in the first place, and I certainly couldn’t use magic.

Thanks to “Magic Affinity,” the amount was increasing as time passed by absorbing the surrounding energy, but this growth rate was nowhere near enough.

‘If I were a skeleton mage, I wouldn’t have to worry about this.’

As I was racking my brains to come up with another solution while lamenting the pointlessness of it all,


A rat, now a familiar sight, scurried over to where the skeletons were standing and started gnawing on their toes.

‘That little guy is quite diligent… Wait? What if…?’

My eye sockets gleamed as I slowly got up from my spot and crept towards the rat, engrossed in sharpening its teeth.

I could move one zombie.

But the zombies standing here wouldn’t be of any help in this situation.

Then what kind of zombie would be helpful?

“Squeak— Sizzle—!”

I stared down at the rat struggling between my finger bones.

It was surprisingly quick-witted for a creature that must have lived a peaceful life in a comfortable environment.

I thought I could easily catch it while it was off guard, but it noticed me and ran away before I could even get close, forcing me to go through a real ordeal.

I blocked the rat hole, used ‘Life Detection,’ and threw myself at it with the zombie.

‘When I thought I had caught it by pouncing on it with my whole body, my heart sank as I saw it slip through my ribs.’

In the end, I managed to catch it by ambushing it with the zombies that were in the direction it was running.

Thanks to this, I unintentionally practiced quickly switching control targets, which further improved my undead control ability.

‘I’m sorry. I won’t forget your sacrifice, Alfred.’

I stabbed my finger bone, filled with ‘black magic power,’ into Alfred’s lower jaw, the rat I had arbitrarily named.

The tip of my finger bone, sharpened after becoming an undead, pierced deep.

Alfred, who had been struggling, slowly stopped moving, but I didn’t remove my finger and continued to inject ‘black magic power’ into its small body.

And… its body, which had stopped, started to twitch again.

I carefully placed Alfred on the floor and focused my mind as I watched it run in circles.

‘Maybe because I infected it directly, and it’s a small individual? Controlling it is much easier, and the connection is smoother.’

I now had a great companion.

I decided to send it out the next time the door opened.

The opportunity came soon.

Click, creak—

“Ah— This is so annoying. Why do I have to do this every time?”

The one who came into the warehouse this time was the grumbling Jeffy.

Before he closed the door after entering, I sent Alfred, who I had placed on standby in the corner of the entrance, out.

He was so careless that he didn’t even notice something passing by his feet and was busy grumbling as usual.

“Just you wait. I’ll get you back later, you old geezer…”

Leaving him behind, Alfred carefully moved into the shadows.

The way I controlled Alfred was different from how Jeffy controlled me.

Perhaps because it was also an undead, and I applied the method I used with “Avatar,” the connection was stronger, and I could even share some of its senses.

It wasn’t perfect like an avatar, but it was enough to gather information.

Alfred diligently ran around, but unfortunately, the information I gained wasn’t much.

A path leading to what seemed to be another warehouse and a passage that seemed to lead outside, that was all.

Even that wasn’t certain…

Because all the doors were closed, I couldn’t confirm it.

‘Ah, this is a dead end. Well, it’s a secret place, so I guess I can’t just go outside after passing one door.’

But I had a helper who always came to my aid in times of need, Jeffy.

“I’m really not the kind of talent to rot in a place like this. Incompetent people act all high and mighty just because they have backing…”

I saw Jeffy, who had casually looked around the warehouse where I was, coming out into the passage.

Alfred carefully followed him in the shadows.

Jeffy kept grumbling even as he walked towards the other warehouse.

‘Doesn’t he ever get tired? Anyway, what’s in that warehouse? More undead?’


As he opened the door to the underground warehouse and entered, Alfred quickly followed him inside.

Whatever was in this warehouse, even the incessantly grumbling Jeffy quietly began to examine the interior.

No, actually, as soon as I entered, I naturally understood.

Why he was acting like that.

‘What is this place…?’

The interior was filled with undead, but their presence was barely noticeable.

Because there was something in the center of the warehouse that exuded an overwhelming presence.

‘…What is that?’

Alfred, who was just a zombie rat, couldn’t go near it to check.

I instinctively felt it.

If I even got close, ‘that thing’ would steal everything from me.

I hid near the entrance and thought as I waited for Jeffy, who was examining the interior with a serious look I had never seen before.

‘That’s what they want.’

Surrounded by undead, I couldn’t see what it was doing or what their purpose was, but…

Wasn’t it common sense to try to thwart whatever bad guys were doing?

‘Let’s observe the situation a little more. The ‘Jeffy Chance’ isn’t over yet.’

After checking things here and there, he hurriedly left the warehouse.

“Whew, I feel drained every time I go in there. How did I end up…”

I followed him as he started to grumble again, heading for the door leading outside.

The door there didn’t have the usual locks I had seen so far.


As Jeffy placed his palm on it, a strange pattern appeared and the door slid open.

‘Oh, then I can’t just go out like this?’

My panic was short-lived, and I hurriedly followed him out the door.

“Oh, you’re out? Good work.”

“Yeah. That place really drains me every time I go in. When will the maturation be complete? Have you heard anything?”

There was a young man sitting at a desk by the door, working on something.

He was the one who periodically visited the warehouse, just like Jeffy.

He was probably guarding the entrance to the passage.

“Well, I think it’ll be soon, right? Master has been checking it every day lately. He couldn’t come today because of communication with the higher-ups.”

“Yeah, I want to finish this quickly and get out of here. I’m sick and tired of the ‘Immortal King’s Fragment’.”

“Me too. We have to check the warehouse where it’s stored every day.”

I hid Alfred in the shadow under the desk, eavesdropping on their conversation, and silently cheered for Jeffy, who was helping me again.

“Hey, but isn’t it funny that we’re guarding this place like this? There’s this door, and then there’s a barrier around the building and the entire village. Who could possibly sneak in here?”

“Well, it’s just in case. What else can we do?”

“In case of what? No one can avoid these multiple barriers while they’re alive. A corpse might be a different story, though?”

Jeffy chuckled and left, saying he was going to rest.

‘That guy, maybe he’s a good guy after all? Anyone would think he’s intentionally helping me.’

Anyway, Operation ‘Walls Have Ears’ was a great success.

I deeply thanked Jeffy for his cooperation and quietly left the building.

It was also night outside, so I could move more comfortably.

Alfred ran through the darkness of the night, crisscrossing the village.

Most of the buildings were locked, but Alfred used his expertise to find small rat holes and infiltrate them.

However, there was no more information than what I had obtained from Jeffy.

The only thing I learned was that there were about forty of them, and most of them were not dark mages, but their subordinates.

Satisfied with the decent harvest, I was moving along when


A black thorn that sprouted from the ground pierced Alfred's body.

"Hmm... It's just a rat."

The voice of the village head, no, the dark mage Malcolm, could be heard.

'Damn it, was I caught?'

"An undead? I don't feel any dark magic... Is it an individual that spontaneously generated from dark magic power? Where did this come from?"

As Malcolm approached, I quietly severed the connection with Alfred.

'He hasn't noticed my existence yet. Slowly... naturally, so he doesn't sense anything strange.'

"It has an unusually large amount of dark magic power in its body. It doesn't seem to be from magic. Where could it have been exposed to this much dark magic power..."

Through the fading connection, I could hear Malcolm stop talking and let out an irritated sigh.

"There's only one place in this area where dark magic power overflows. Right, was it Jeraph who was in charge of the warehouse today?"

Jeffy, I'm sorry for all the help you gave me!


The connection was completely cut off.

I knew that Alfred had been completely destroyed by Malcolm.

I observed a moment of silence in memory of Alfred, who had performed admirably today and died a heroic death.

'Alfred... I will avenge you. Watch over me from there!'

Alfred's enemy was Malcolm. I decided so.

Ignoring my guilty conscience, I organized the information I had gained this time.

'Jeffy's real name is Jeraph.'

Well, that was useless information.

'What they want is the 'Immortal King's Fragment' that's maturing in the next warehouse, and Malcolm is carefully watching over it. Undead are not affected by the barrier.'

It didn't matter what they were trying to do with the 'Immortal King's Fragment'.

I just racked my brains to screw them over as much as possible.

'If I could just get Malcolm out of the way, I think I could do something...'

Right, where there's a will, there's a way.

'Just you wait... Alfred's enemy!'

Jeraph was in a bad mood.

Not only was he annoyed that he had been on warehouse duty yesterday, but he had also been severely scolded by his master for not managing it properly.

'I mean, who would have thought a rat would crawl out of there?!'

He was frustrated.

As punishment for his negligence, he was now in charge of the warehouse every day for a while, all by himself.

Huyan, who was guarding the entrance that day, was also punished by having to guard the entrance for the same period.

'This dirty world! How can someone without backing live with their head held high?! And what's the big deal about a single rat crawling out?! That damn old man.'

Jeraph suppressed his anger inwardly, unable to express it.

He was uneasy here because his master could suddenly appear at any time.

Clang! Creak— Bang!

Jeraph, who had practically run to the warehouse, flung open the door irritably and entered without hesitation.

As soon as he closed the door, instead of casually brushing it off as usual, he scanned the interior with burning eyes.

"Hey! You're out of line! [Get in line!] You idiots!"

He shouted at the skeletons lined up in a row, venting his frustration on them for no reason.

"What the? Why is this like this again! Hey! [Stand up straight!]"

He yelled at a zombie that was standing crookedly because one of its ankles had been cut off.

But when it only staggered and couldn't properly follow his command, he immediately rushed at it and started kicking it.

"Oh yeah, you think I'm funny too? Huh? You're not doing it right! [I said stand up straight!]"

Jeraph, who had been venting his anger for a while, panting, finally stopped kicking and looked around.

Everyone here obeyed his orders absolutely.

It was satisfying.

This was the right way the world should be.

He looked down at the zombie, which was still staggering, with a disapproving look, and then moved on.

"Huh? Who is this? Isn't this that arrogant bastard from before?"

Then he spotted a familiar figure.

Jeraph chuckled and approached the zombie standing still, poking its shoulder with his staff.

"Hey, say what you said back then again. Huh?"

The zombie, which looked like a man in his early twenties, didn't react at all, just swayed as he touched it.

"Why aren't you talking? Aha! I pulled out your tongue, right! Hahaha."

Jeraph smiled, his face contorted.

He had been stressed out lately, and a good outlet had appeared, hadn't it?

"Whew— It was good back then. When we were hunting down the villagers one by one."

Thump! Thwack!

He muttered like a madman, kicking the zombie.

"You were especially noisy. Talking back and being arrogant. What did you say back then? You said you wouldn't let us touch your family?"


There was a faint sound of teeth grinding from somewhere, but Jeraph, immersed in his own world, didn't hear it and continued to taunt his target.

"Hehehe, I put extra effort into you. Your expression was priceless when you could only watch your family screaming in front of you."

He vented his stress on the zombie, recalling the scene from back then.

The young man's eyes, filled with blood and glaring at him while being restrained by the undead, his tongue cut off.

Jeraph twisted his lips, remembering the thrill he felt at that time.

"But what are you going to do? Where did you leave the family you wanted to protect so much... "


There was a chilling sound and blood splattered.

A skeleton, which had approached silently from behind, grabbed Jeraph's shoulder and head and bit into his neck.

"Kuh—! What the hell?!"

The magic barrier he always had up shattered from the sudden attack.

But thanks to that, he was able to turn his head in time to avoid having his neck completely ripped off.


Jeraph immediately released dark magic power throughout his body, shaking off the skeleton clinging to his back.

And he quickly backed away, covering his bleeding wound with one hand, and checked the attacker.

"A skeleton? Why all of a sudden?"

But he didn't have time to be surprised.

The skeleton that had fallen back was getting up and charging at him again.

"Ugh... [Stop!][Stop it!]"

The skeleton ignored Jeraph's command as if it couldn't hear him and lunged at him.

He had been injured in a surprise attack in an unexpected situation, but Jeraph was a dark mage, after all.

He had reflexively used a command when he saw that the opponent was an undead, but even if it didn't work, he had plenty of ways to respond.

If only his opponent was a single skeleton in front of him.


Just as he was about to use magic, something entered his mouth and he felt a sharp pain in his throat.

A zombie, which had approached from behind without him noticing, had shoved its hand into Jeraph's mouth and was biting into the back of his neck.

His mind was distracted by the fatal attack, which came while his magic barrier was down, and the magic he was preparing was canceled.

Jeraph, who had fallen into a panic, met the gaze of lifeless eyes.

It was the zombie he had just been mocking.

The eyes that had been glaring at him, as if they would never forgive him even in death.

The magic release couldn't be used consecutively, and the skeleton that had now reached him was opening its jaws right in front of him.

Jeraph's eyes filled with terror.
