MAEPG: Episode 73

Episode 73 New Order (3)

Bang—! Bang, bang—!

“Damn it! Why is Hahoe Mask here?! They said he’s busy catching violent criminals all over Seoul these days!”

“Shut up and put the gun away! You think that’ll work on him?”

Since their main job was petty robbery, they believed that they weren’t at a level where Hahoe Mask would visit them.

So they felt very wronged by the current situation, but it had already happened, and they couldn’t even escape because the area was blocked by a barrier.

But they couldn’t just sit there and take it.



One of them charged at Hahoe Mask like lightning, stomping his foot and putting all his power into his fist.

At the same time, his companions also attacked in unison with all their might.


A black barrier shook from the attacks filled with immense energy, but that was all.

Rather, darkness surged from the ground and bound their entire bodies, preventing them from moving.


“Damn it!”

No, not only them, but the entire area was surrounded by sticky darkness.

A scene as if the abyss of hell had been copied.

And in front of them, a masked figure emitting dark energy from his entire body…

Was just staring at them, as he did before.

“Hehehe… Damn it, even the cult leader wasn’t this scary…”

An overwhelming pressure that made their hearts shrink just by looking at him.

Feeling the shadows covering their faces, they all thought the same thing.

…That the ‘Demon King’ had descended upon Earth.

“So I told him! Senior! I don’t think that’s right! And he glared at me…”

The drinking party with Tae-san continued past dawn.

I had planned to put him to bed when he passed out after drinking enough, but he had no intention of stopping, as if he had a lot of pent-up frustration from not drinking for a long time.

‘His alcohol tolerance is too high…!’

As I was wondering if I should pretend to pass out first, a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

There was a problem I had been thinking about, and wasn’t this a good opportunity to bring it up casually?

‘I needed ideas from various people.’

I waited for an opportunity and then spoke nonchalantly as soon as Tae-san paused.

“Hey, Tae-san. I’m thinking about writing a novel as a hobby.”

It was a random topic, but it didn’t really matter since we were both drunk.

“Oh? A novel? What’s gotten into you? So, what’s it about?”

“I’m thinking about writing a typical Demon King and Hero story…”

“A classic is always good. I used to write novels too!”

Back in middle school, when he was overflowing with emotions, he had spent all day writing something in his notebook, saying he was going to write a novel.

He didn’t know what had become of that artifact from the abyss of a middle schooler’s heart, but that experience would be helpful to some extent.

I immediately added a brief explanation.

The basic plot was that the main character would go on a journey to defeat the evil Demon King who was resurrected on the continent, solving the incidents caused by the Demon King and becoming a hero.

“But even if it’s a novel, I feel a bit uncomfortable writing about innocent people getting hurt.”

“Hmm… well, if that’s how you feel.”

Tae-san nodded readily, as he was also a victim.

“So I want an episode where the Demon King can make a name for himself as evil while only punishing bad guys, but I can’t think of any ideas.”

“That’s true. It’s strange for an evil Demon King to be selective about who he kills.”

“I’m thinking about various things. What do you think would be good?”

“Hmm… nothing comes to mind right away. I need to think about it. Anyway, you’re still in the plotting stage, right? Then have you decided on the names of all the characters?”

“Uh? Uh… not yet?”

It seemed okay to tell him the names, but I was also hesitant to go into too much detail, so I vaguely brushed it off.

“You have to give the main character and the Demon King impactful and cool names. Names like Michael, John, Hans are absolutely not allowed!”


“H-hmm. Would it be strange if the Demon King’s name was Hans?”

“Of course! The Demon King’s name is Hans! That’s the worst!”

“Uh… I think it’s okay. It has a twist.”

“Twist, my ass, it’s just tacky! He’s not a nameless extra, there’s no impact at all!”

Tae-san passionately argued with a flushed face.

It was as if a switch had been flipped after drinking.

“Look, the Demon King appears! And the people around him are like, ‘Demon King Hans has appeared! Run away!’ And then he’s like, ‘Hahaha! I am Demon King Hans!’ How lame is that? He’ll just be a laughingstock!”

“I-is that so?”

I hadn’t thought about it deeply, but my heart started to waver as I listened to his persuasive voice.

‘No, come to think of it, he’s right.’

Hans, the calamity of Auterica, the Immortal King.

‘Hans’ was such a common name that there was probably at least one person with that name in every village.

It was true that it lacked weight for a name that was supposed to be the ultimate evil of the continent.

‘The problem is that the Church already knows that name…’

My ears were flapping, but I couldn’t change the name now.

“If you really like that name, use it as a nickname. Like an abbreviation or something. Give him a cool official name.”

“Oh? For example?”

“Let’s see, Hans… Hmm… That’s it! How about ‘Hannibal Strauss’? It’s awesome, right?”

He snorted and got immersed, as if his passion from middle school had been revived.

The problem was that I also thought the name wasn’t bad.

Perhaps because I was slightly tipsy from the alcohol I had been drinking, Tae-san’s passion rubbed off on me, and my teenage sensibility was ignited.

…Well, it was only natural.

Hans’s words and actions, which made me want to kick him, were also a part of me.

“And for the Demon King’s army executives, something like the Four Heavenly Kings…”

“Then how about this…”

And so, we drank all night, having a passionate discussion.

‘Damn it! Daaaamn it—!’

A figure was running through the pitch-black darkness.

He cursed inwardly and looked back, running while holding his breath to minimize his presence.

‘How can such a monster exist! He’s not Level 7! Could he really be Level 8? So the rumors weren’t just rumors?’

All his companions, who had been with him, were killed by that one guy.

If it hadn’t been for his unique skill, which specialized in escape, he wouldn’t have been able to get out of there and would have been annihilated with them.

‘Damn it…! I thought I was finally free after Alpha disappeared! But someone even stronger appeared!’

He had enjoyed his rights as a Gamma of the hardliners, but he craved freedom more than that.

Living in an organization and being wary of others was incredibly stressful.

‘So I seized the opportunity when the hardliners collapsed.’

Those who were summoned to the villa on ‘that day’ were all dead.

He, who was lucky enough to avoid that place, judged it as an opportunity and immediately became independent, leading those who followed him.

‘Heterosis? Joining forces with the moderates? That means being bound by even stricter rules! I would rather die!’

Being subordinate to a new Lord and not even being able to suck blood freely was horrifying.

‘I’m at a level where I can live more freely, why should I do that?’

Seoul was currently suffocating because of Hahoe Mask, so he was hiding in the provinces and gradually resuming his activities…

But somehow they found out his location.

Today, the Lord of Heterosis visited him directly.

And at the tasting party he had been enjoying after kidnapping some humans to each of their tastes.

And the result was the current situation.

His subordinates, who had followed him, were all turned to ashes, and he was the only one escaping.

‘He can’t chase me any further at this distance, right?’

His unique skill was also reaching its limit.

His ability, which temporarily made his existence imperceptible, had a short duration because of its powerful effect.

When activated to its maximum, even those with sharp senses couldn’t recognize him even if he was right in front of them, and he could even ignore barriers and escape, so it was his lifesaver that had kept him alive until now.

“Whew… Whew… Damn it, what a mess.”

He had been running with his energy suppressed and in a tense state to maximize the skill’s effect, so he collapsed on the spot and caught his breath.

He had successfully escaped, but he didn’t have many options left.

He sighed deeply, feeling hopeless, and as he was getting up to move again…

“You were here.”

A cold voice froze his thoughts.

“Uh… uh? How…!”

“It’s a fascinating ability. To momentarily disappear. I was quite flustered, thinking I had lost you until you reappeared here.”

Heinz the Second, who had appeared next to him at some point, calmly approached him.

“You sensed my location…? I moved at least 10 kilometers.”

There were no traces left, like footprints, while his unique skill was activated.

In other words, it meant that he had found this place directly from where he disappeared without any clues…

“What’s the problem with that?”

But Heinz didn’t seem to think it was a big deal.

With his transcendental senses, which had evolved repeatedly and were combined with “Insight”, there was no way he would miss someone he had already encountered at this distance.

“Ha… hahaha.”

The opponent, unaware of that fact, just laughed emptily.

“Even if I beg for my life… it’s useless, right?”

“Yes, it’s already too late for you.”

Even if he forcibly subjugated him, he would probably cause all sorts of trouble and be a nuisance.

His ability itself seemed good, but Heinz, who wanted Heterosis to run smoothly, didn’t want that kind of subordinate.

“But I can’t just give up… Ugh!”


The moment he tried to raise his power to resist, Heinz’s hand blade had already pierced through his heart and was deeply embedded.

“Ugh, why, why go this far…”

“This is the new order. If you don’t follow it, you’re eliminated.”

Heinz answered in a calm voice to the opponent’s last question as he turned to ashes, his blood being absorbed.

His expression, as if wanting to protest, scattered and disappeared, and a momentary silence fell over the surroundings.

‘This side is also taken care of. Should I go back?’

It had been a busy day.

Heinz flew towards Seoul, sensing the approaching dawn.

“Welcome back. Good work, Lord.”

“Yes. Are there any other problems?”

“There are no immediate problems. It’s all thanks to your efforts, Lord. Now Heterosis is completely established within the Blood Alliance.”

“I see…”

A morning with the sun rising.

Heinz arrived at Jin So-ran’s office and sank into a chair.

It had been well over three weeks since Heterosis was founded.

Thanks to his hard work, day and night, using his strong stamina, they had gained enough self-sufficiency to handle most problems on their own.

He had already taken care of any major issues, so from now on, he would only have to intervene directly in matters that his subordinates couldn’t handle.

‘In other words, I’m almost done with what I have to do on Earth.’

The stabilization of Heterosis, which was Heinz’s top priority, was just completed.

The work of expanding their influence in the underworld through the Blood Alliance was also progressing smoothly, so he had exceeded his initial goal.

Seoul was currently… under a new order established by Hans and Heinz.

And it would soon spread to the entire Korea.

‘Now Heinz can focus on Auterica.’

It was time for him to build a separate force in another world to progress the scenario.

He was the most suitable candidate to gather information from the shadows.

He had already taken over an entire organization, so he felt confident that he could do it better this time.

“Then I’ll be going. I’ll be resting for a while, so contact me if anything happens.”

“What? You’re not coming anymore?”

“I have personal matters to attend to. I’ll come when I need to. You handle the rest.”

That’s what she was here for.

Heinz the Second left the office with lighter steps.

Fully enjoying the feeling of a CEO with capable subordinates…
