MAEPG: Episode 85

Episode 85 Festival of Drasha (2)

Harris looked at his group members as they moved towards the stage.

‘Alright, we’re perfectly prepared.’

They had already finished all preparations thanks to their passionate efforts.

Curie, the timid female group member, had been a bit nervous, but they had overcome the immediate crisis thanks to the newly acquired “Harmony of Melody”.

Once they didn’t make any mistakes in the beginning, they would naturally be immersed in the music, so there was no need to worry too much.

‘I tried it just in case, and I’m glad the skill also applies to just speaking.’

“Harmony of Melody” was a typical bard skill that added all sorts of positive effects to music.

It wasn’t just about making it sound better, it also amplified the energy contained in the sound and provided various buffs.

It seemed like the Elves’ racial characteristics were shining brightly once again.

Even Harris’s voice, as an Elf, sounded like he was singing even when he was just speaking.

-Individual Name: Harris

-Race: Elf

-Common Traits: “Mind Hub”, “Persona”, “Super Recovery”, “Clear Mind”

-Individual Traits: “Child of the World Tree”, “Spirit Summoning”, “Affinity with Nature”, “Fairy Archery”, “Harmony of Melody”

-Special Notes: Has contracted with lightning, fire, wind, and sound spirits. Natural energy is rapidly increasing due to various factors and high affinity. Excessively synchronized with nature due to the influence of the nearby World Tree.

And he realized one more thing after practicing the song for days.

There was no way to fix Harris’s lethargy as long as he was near the World Tree.

‘It must be because of “Child of the World Tree”.’

As he learned in spirit summoning class, singing had some effect.

The problem was that it didn’t last long.

It was a bit troublesome that he would become limp like a plant without the stimulation of music, but it was worth it because it accelerated his growth and was helpful in many ways.

He could still move his body freely as long as he paid a little attention.

“Next group, please come on stage~!”

At that moment, the academy students who were performing before them came down from the stage, and the stage manager called their names.

“Alright! Let’s go!”

Timer, who was levitating a heavy drum set, excitedly went up on stage.

Curie took a deep breath and followed him with a calmer expression, and Shapiron headed towards the stage with her usual haughty steps.

Harris smiled, watching them.

‘Okay, then… Let’s use “Harmony of Melody” to its fullest and imprint the essence of Earth’s modern music into the minds of these otherworldly Elves.’

It was the moment Han Seong-hyeon’s cultural invasion began in Drasha, the capital of the Elven Kingdom.

Murmur, murmur—


The capital was filled with colorful sights as the festival was in full swing.

The Elven Kingdom, proud of their culture, had brought out everything they had prepared.

Not only works of art like paintings and sculptures, but also everyday items like clothes and carpets.

“Ah! Lord Rapori, Lady Cecily, you’re here?”

“Greetings. We came to see the performance by Drasha Academy.”

“Welcome! Shapiron’s performance is scheduled soon. Please come this way.”

“Ah, I didn’t come just to see my daughter’s performance… I’m also sponsoring a friend who’s performing with her. He’s someone who has a connection with Lady Cecily. Hahaha…”

Cecily followed Rapori, looking around with her sparkling star-shaped pupils.

She was currently enjoying the festival with Rapori after recovering from the aftereffects of her awakening.

This kind of grand event was something she had never seen before, having been born in a small Elf village in the Ion Continent and lived a life close to nature.

And this festival was being held to celebrate her.

Even though it was only the second day, this place was a paradise full of amazing sights.


Clap, clap, clap—!

Cecily, excited, clapped continuously as the students who had performed their dance and song finished their performance and came down from the stage.

“This is the Elven Kingdom, after all. In our village, we only had simple dances and songs. It’s so cool!”

At that moment, the next group came up on stage.

Harris’s team, each holding an instrument and with a large, floating object.

“That’s another unique instrument… Ah! It’s Harris!”

She spotted Harris and brightened up, having been looking at the drum set made of various drums and cymbals woven together with plant branches with interest.

It was nice to see him again after some time, as they had spent quite a bit of time together.

“Wow… but you’ve grown so much, Harris. I would have been left behind long ago if I hadn’t become a High Elf.”

Rapori also slowly nodded, impressed by her words as she watched him preparing for the stage.

He also felt that Harris’s growth was extraordinary.

‘I felt that his level of absorbing natural energy was exceptional, but he’s become even stronger. He already has four contracted spirits. And one of them is a very rare spirit…’

But those thoughts disappeared the moment he saw Shapiron on stage.

He just smiled softly, seeing his daughter diligently preparing for something.

At that moment, Harris, who had exchanged glances with his group members, stepped forward and opened his mouth.

“We’ve prepared a slightly different song. It’s a song from my hometown, so it might be unfamiliar to those of you here, but…”

His low voice spread throughout the area, captivating the audience’s ears with the help of the wind and sound spirits.

His voice, which made even those passing by from afar unconsciously turn their heads and look, had the power to draw everyone’s attention even before the performance began.

“…We’ll begin.”

And so, their performance began amidst the anticipation of the surroundings.


It started with the sound of a heavy string instrument, followed by a heartbeat-like drum sound and a sharp instrument sound.

The audience tilted their heads at the unfamiliar music.

‘What is this music?’

The moment everyone was flustered by the sound they had never heard before,

“To the end of the white sandy beach~♪”

Harris’s powerful voice enveloped the area, carried by the wind.

The gazes of everyone within earshot were drawn to him.


“What’s this?”

Elven songs were mostly lyrical and gentle.

Their inherent dislike of loud noises influenced the development of their music.

They weren’t unfamiliar with upbeat songs, but they weren’t satisfied with any of them.

They even abhorred the Dwarves’ songs, which were mostly loud and boisterous, so their stereotype couldn’t help but solidify over time.

But the music being performed on stage now was different from the indiscriminate noise they had heard so far.

Moderate restraint and carefully calculated dynamics.

And the natural energy contained in Harris’s voice forcibly synchronized the listeners, gradually making their hearts, which were accustomed to familiarity, beat faster.


And Rapori and Cecily were also feeling those emotions.

‘Amazing. Such synchronization ability. I didn’t know he had this kind of talent.’

Unlike Cecily, who was repeatedly bobbing her shoulders and looking at the stage with sparkling eyes, Rapori, who had experience, calmly analyzed the song while enjoying the music.

‘The theme of the lyrics is… a journey to find oneself.’

Harris, who had been wandering the continent alone as a mercenary since he was young.

He had overcome all sorts of hardships and arrived at the Elven Kingdom, but his essence was freedom.

Somehow, the lyrics seemed to fit Harris’s current situation.


While everyone was engrossed in the music, drawn in by his voice, a thick fog had formed on the stage floor.

The white smoke, which only gathered around the performers’ feet, made it look as if they were standing on clouds.

“Oh, using spirits like that…”

And that wasn’t all.

Various spirits, including a light spirit shining brightly above their heads…


And even pillars of fire rising from the ground.

It was the epitome of splendor.



The Elves, who had been quietly listening and nodding until the previous performance, started to move their bodies unconsciously, swept away by the atmosphere.

“I will find my dream~♪”

The spirits resonating with them exuded their presence intensely, and the natural energy synchronized with the energy contained in the music fluctuated wildly.

Everyone, from those performing on stage to those watching, and even the spirits resonating with them, were immersed in the emotions of the song.

‘Such synchronization ability.’

And Rapori was once again impressed.

The synchronization ability, centered on Harris standing in the middle, was continuously rising, affecting their spirits.

Something was different from the communication of others.


And when the performance ended with the last note,

Clap, clap, clap, clap—!


“Oh! It’s different, but I like it!”

Countless applause and cheers from the excited audience poured onto the stage.

They were immersed in the music before they could even feel repulsed by the unfamiliarity.

“Wow! Such music! The Elven Kingdom is amazing! This is my first time hearing something like this!”

Cecily, who had thoroughly enjoyed the music, chattered to him with a flushed face.

“Well… it’s actually my first time hearing it too.”



Rapori couldn’t help but laugh at Cecily, who tilted her head.

Actually, he was the one who was most curious about the music.

‘I’ve lived a long time and listened to a lot of music from the Ion Continent, but this is really my first time.’

Judging by its structure, it wasn’t a system created in a short period of time, so he couldn’t help but be flustered.

‘It’s not like it fell from another world.’

He shook his head, watching them disappear backstage after their final bow.

And the others didn’t seem to notice yet, but the performance just now wasn’t just about amazing synchronization.

‘The moment I listened to and enjoyed the music… the flow of energy inside my body became smoother. It’s still at a minor level, but to think he can influence so many people with just music…’

Rapori chuckled.

He thought he was a promising guy, but this was beyond his expectations.

‘This… will have quite an impact.’

It was a plaza in the center of the city with a lot of foot traffic, and people who were mesmerized by the strangely wide and clear sound kept gathering.

The new music was forcibly imprinted in the minds of all of them.

So the place was still buzzing with the excited audience even though the performance was over.

And as someone intended, this foreign culture successfully created ripples in their hearts.

Southern Ion Continent.

There was a hidden shelter in the wasteland, far from the Calcos Tribal Federation, in a place where no one would visit.

Inside the large stone chamber, unimaginable to have been created by digging underground, all sorts of unintelligible spells were densely packed.

Not only magic circles and barriers engraved on the floor, walls, and ceiling, but also altars, magic tools, and shamanistic tools.

A group of about ten people, wearing hoods, appeared in the bizarre space and quietly looked around.


“Almost done.”

An old man with a small physique answered in a gloomy voice to the large man’s question.

“Fortunately, we were able to avoid the Church’s eyes. Those guys snooping around everywhere lately have been a nuisance.”

“…It was quite a struggle.”

It had been very difficult to proceed with their plans because of the Main God Church, who were as agitated as a disturbed beehive due to the sudden appearance of the Immortal King.

Their grand plan, which had been in the works for decades, was almost exposed.

It was only natural that the Church was on high alert because this generation’s Immortal King had even infiltrated the cathedral in the holy land.

Of course, the Main God Church was keeping it quiet, but they were able to uncover the truth with the help of a companion with special abilities.

“No regrets?”

“Of course not. As long as I can destroy this world, I don’t care anymore.”

The old man, the subject of the ritual, would be in a state worse than death once it began, but his rage towards the world made him indifferent to such things.

“Even the Immortal King has been resurrected, so if we just help him a little, he’ll take care of the rest. Hehehe…”

“Hmm… yes. He’s definitely capable. I don’t know where he’s hiding or what he’s doing, but…”

The large man, who grasped the situation, looked at the old man who was chuckling madly to himself.

Once this guy completed the ritual, the current peace would be broken, and a more chaotic world would arrive.

The Immortal King, who sought to cover the continent in death, wouldn’t just stand by and watch such a golden opportunity.

And his movements would be of great help to their future plans.

Those wearing hoods exchanged glances.

They didn’t have much time left.

“To defy heaven.”

“For the oath.”

The true forces of evil were quietly stretching in the shadows.
