SGB: Episode 18

Episode 18: Lafdonia (2)

Back at the inn, I thoroughly examine Erwen's slightly intoxicated body.

Of course, the oath I made with her sister remains unbroken.

In the first place, what meaning would such an oath have for someone like me, whose body is the only thing that's a warrior?

"Erwen, stretch a bit further."

"Heut, but even if you say that..."

I'm currently forcing Erwen to stretch.

"Aak! My shoulder! It feels like it's going to dislocate!"


"I, I couldn't even bend this much before! Really!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes! I swear on the name of my clan!!"

As soon as I release my grip on her arm, Erwen collapses onto the bed.

'Even with +4 Flexibility, it doesn't make that much of a difference.'

Come to think of it, wasn't it the same in the game?

"Is, is there more?"

"No. Rest for now."

[Dungeon and Stone] was an unfriendly game.

Just look at the stats.

Physical, Mental, Ability.

These were the three main stats, but if you pressed the [+] button next to them, thousands of detailed stats would appear.

For example, if the Physical sub-stat Strength increased, there would be a bonus to carry weight, physical attack power, etc.


It slightly increased evasion and critical hit rate.


It increased the range of ranged weapons and the character's field of vision.

Smell became the coefficient for related abilities, and Accuracy was literally accuracy.

Therefore, even with the same Physical stat of 50, what the character could do varied greatly depending on the detailed stats.


For your information, I figured all this out myself.

Since neither the game developer nor any overseas users explained it, I had to conduct numerous experiments and create statistical data myself.

Just because I wanted to clear this game.

Damn, I never imagined that passion would come back to bite me like this.

'Phew, I'm getting angry again.'

Coming back to the present, I was a hardcore veteran player of 9 years.

But even so, there were a few stats whose effects I couldn't figure out.

The 'Obsession +7' displayed in the essence dropped by the goblin archer was a prime example.

The Obsession stat was a mystery except for the fact that it was a sub-stat of the Mental stat.


"I get nervous when you sigh, can I just not say anything?"

"Have you noticed any changes since leaving the labyrinth? Like something keeps lingering in your mind, or you can't resist something?"

"...I, I don't know? Maybe?"

"What is it? Tell me."

"Snacks...? Yes, snacks. Come to think of it, I ate a lot as soon as we came out..."

"Did you dislike sweets before?"

"No, I liked them? But I don't think I've ever eaten this much in a day."

"I see."

Perhaps Obsession means that desires become stronger.

That's why it didn't have much of a function in the game either.

My head feels complicated for no reason.

It's because other detailed stats might have gained additional functions with the reality patch.

Just look at Flexibility.

As in the game, when your body movements become more natural, it's easier to dodge. In the right situation, you can even land blows that you wouldn't have been able to before, causing critical damage.

But is that all?

Increased Flexibility will make it easier to enter narrow spaces, and you'll be able to absorb shock better when landing compared to having a stiff body.

I couldn't know those things in the game.

That's why I need to re-examine my build, taking those things into account in the future.

"Mister, I'm sleepy now..."

Ah, did I let her rest too much?

Her eyes are already half-closed.

I wanted to check if using active skills is tiring, how long it takes to use them again, and if there are any weaknesses in the stealth ability, but...

"Alright. Sleep."


I blow out the lamp.

And I lie down next to Erwen.

Erwen doesn't find it strange, and neither do I.

We've already shown each other everything we have in the labyrinth, so it would be weird to be awkward now.


Even though I just slept, my eyes close gently again.

I belatedly remember her sister telling me not to sleep together, but...

Well, there's no need to worry about that, right?

She probably didn't mean it that way.


I wake up quite early in the morning.

It's been two days of almost continuous sleep, so saying it's early might be a bit of a stretch...

"Mister, some water..."

Erwen also happens to be awake, so we just wash our faces and have a simple meal on the 1st floor.

And then we head to Erwen's accommodation.

Since the city is so big, it takes over an hour to walk there.

"Still, it's a relief that we're in the same district!"

I agree.

If we were on opposite sides, it would have taken a long time even by carriage.

Despite being called a fortress city, Lafdonia has a ridiculously large area.

"Here, you have to be really quiet. Okay? Only my sister knows about what happened with you."


As I wait in an alley three blocks away from the accommodation, Erwen walks over, struggling to carry two backpacks.

The backpacks of the leader and the crossbowman who ambushed us right before the end of Day 7. They're so stuffed that they won't close, and weapons are sticking out.

"I'll carry those."

"Ah, thank you!"

As always, she doesn't know how to refuse.

I don't think she was like that in the beginning.

"Put weapons here, armor here, and gather tools and consumables separately."


Back at the inn, we spend time checking and organizing the items in the backpacks.

It takes about an hour, but maybe it's because it's loot? It's quite enjoyable.

Erwen and I sit side by side on the bed, looking over the items neatly arranged on the floor.

"Are you going to sell everything?"

"Except for the things I need."

"Then can I keep the leather clothes and belt you gave me?"

"Sure, if you deduct the cost from your share."

"Then please do that!"

After sorting out what to sell and what to keep, we head back to the city.

Although we decide to split duplicate tools like watches and compasses, and consumables like potions, we decide to sell almost all of the equipment.

It's better to turn them into money and buy something else than to use something that doesn't fit.

We don't have the luxury to do otherwise now.

"Here it is!"

The place we arrive at is a weapon shop that Tersia recommended.

The items for sale are a Japanese sword, two longswords, a crossbow, a two-handed hammer, two daggers, and three portable knives.

"That will be 350,000 stones in total."

I was worried because it was a recommendation from an acquaintance, but since they offered the best price compared to other shops I visited for comparison, I just sold everything.


As soon as we leave the shop, Erwen lets out a sigh of admiration that she had been holding back.

I feel the same way.

"Mister, this isn't a dream, right?"

Excluding the stolen magic stones, the money we earned from pure hunting in 7 days is probably less than 100,000 stones.

But 350,000 stones?

And we haven't even sold the armor yet.

...Now I understand why explorers go crazy when they see people.

Equipment is money. And a lot of it.

"Mister, then how much is my share?"

Erwen's eyes sparkle with a desire for money.

"Wait, we still have a lot to sell."

Our next destination is an armor shop located 10 minutes away.

"Here's 180,000 stones."

Although there were more armor pieces than weapons, the total value was less.

They said the purchase price for armor is lower because it's difficult to sell secondhand, and I can understand why.

Even we decided to sell everything because of the size issue.

"I'll sell it at that price."

"You're straightforward, just like a barbarian. Come back if you get more stuff like this. I'll give you a good price then too."

"I will."

After selling off various unnecessary items at a general store, we end up with a huge sum of 1.45 million stones.

Well, it's not all my money, but...

"Here, take 45,000 stones."

"Huh? Isn't that a bit too much?"

I deducted 20,000 stones for the leather clothes and belt and added exactly 7,000 stones more.

It's not because she's pretty, but it's the value of the magic stones that the tall guy and the samurai had, split 9:1.

"I don't know the exact amount, so I based it on the amount you gave me for the other two guys."

"Ah, I see! Thank you!"

Anyway, after deducting everything, my total assets amount to a whopping 1.4 million stones.

It's a bit, no, it's very amazing.

Even in the game, I rarely had this much money in my first playthrough...

It's a good start.

"Then let's part ways here."


Why is she surprised?

Now that the money is settled, we should go our separate ways.

I have a lot to do because my plans were disrupted thanks to you.

"Well, I guess we can walk together to the Central Plaza."


Erwen suddenly becomes silent.

As we walk along like that, we arrive at the Central Plaza, where the paths diverge.

"Huh? There are suddenly a lot of people?"

Unlike when we passed by earlier, the place is teeming with people.

Half of them are soldiers, and the other half are criminals bound with ropes.

No, is it not right to call them criminals?

"Eugh, eugh! Ugh! Eueueugh!"

They're not serious criminals like murderers, rapists, or arsonists.

The crime of these people who are gagged and trembling in fear is "tax evasion."

In other words, they're poor.

That young woman in her twenties, the man old enough to have children, the elderly person with wrinkled hands who must have lived a hard life, they've all become death row inmates.

"We will begin the execution!"

As the tax collector shouts, the soldiers force the man's head into the guillotine.



With a chilling sound, the man's severed head falls into the wooden box placed in front.

Some of the nearby crowd dip the bread they brought into the dripping blood and eat it hurriedly.


Erwen hiccups at the sudden bloodshed unfolding before her eyes.

"Wh, what are those people? Why are they dipping bread in human blood?"

"There's a superstition that drinking the blood of those executed by the tax collector brings financial luck."

Erwen frowns as if she can't understand at all. To her, it seems like the blood-soaked bread is more shocking than the man's severed head.

"Erwen, how much is the 1st year tax?"

"700,000 stones for other races."

"I see."

It was 600,000 stones in the game.

There's a slight difference, but it's roughly the same.

"But you don't have to worry, mister. You earned that much."

Huh? Well, that's true...

It's not something she should be saying when she has her sister's backing.

And besides, I have no intention of saving all this money for next year's taxes.

The reason is simple.

"Erwen, how much is the tax from the 2nd year onwards?"

"800,000 stones. And there's also a fee for exchanging magic stones."

The tax keeps increasing until you reach a certain year.

So now is the time to invest in myself.

The 1st year, with its relatively low tax and no exchange fee, is the time when I can grow the fastest.

"Aak! Pl, please spare me!"

"Put the gag back on properly!"

"Next month! I can pay next month— Eugh, eueueugh! Eugh!"

Anyway, it's a relief.

Isn't it said that humans rely most heavily on visual information?


Seeing it with my own eyes makes it feel real.

Returning to the original world.

Instead of such an unrealistic goal, I need to set a clearer intermediate goal and work towards it.

For example, assuming my lifespan is 90 years...

If I can't find a way to return home and have to spend the rest of my life here...

'How much do I need?'

Well, I guess I need to do some calculations.

To live in a house with a kitchen, receive treatment when I'm sick, and retire at 50 and live comfortably while raising three dogs...

"6th floor."

I need to reach at least the 6th floor and save like crazy until retirement.

So, that's why—.

"Yes? What did you just say?"

"It's nothing."

Let's at least get to the 6th floor.

Whether returning home is possible or not...

That's a problem for later.

「Received 630,000 stones from 6th-grade explorer Daria Withember di Tersia.」

「Sold equipment.」

「Sold equipment.」

「Total item level has decreased by -43.」

「Sold equipment.」

「Sold equipment…….」



「TIP: The character's total funds are currently 1,403,520 stones. Use them to increase the character's Total Combat Index!」
