SGB: Episode 21

Episode 21: Level Up (1)

The chieftain's eyes narrow.

And very menacingly so.

"Where did you hear about Spirit Engravings? That's not something young warriors should know."

Of course, I first learned about it from the game.

There's no way I, a veteran player, wouldn't know such a basic thing.

But I say confidently,

"I read it in a book."

I have nothing to fear since I've already confirmed that information about Spirit Engravings can be easily found in the library's books.

"The book said that Spirit Engravings were a great help in fighting the fairies during the War of the Sacred Relics—"


The chieftain bursts into laughter, interrupting my words.

Honestly, I was scared shitless, but the laughter sounded somewhat pleasant, so I managed not to piss myself.

"You read a book? That's amusing! Both Ainar and you, such promising youngsters appearing at once!"

Fortunately, the chieftain seems to have a favorable view of young barbarians with a thirst for knowledge.

"...If what the book says is true, I definitely want to receive the secret technique."

"Indeed, if a warrior requests it, we have no reason to refuse a Spirit Engraving! But young warrior, there's one problem!"


"It costs a lot of money."

What the hell, I was worried for nothing.

Why is he saying such an obvious thing so seriously?

Spirit Engravings require many expensive materials.

For higher-grade engravings, there are even some that you can't receive even if you have the money but lack the materials.

"Hahaha! It's commendable that you read a book and came all the way here, but it seems you haven't looked into that part!"

"I have the money. How much is it?"

The chieftain looks at me and speaks as if I'm cute.

"The cost for the Undying Engraving is, hmm, about 800,000 stones!"

I frown.

Ugh, it's 150,000 stones more expensive than in the game.

But I can still manage to pay.

"I'll pay."


"Is that true?"

The chieftain and Ainar are both surprised.

Before they can say anything annoying, I open my pouch and take out one 500,000-stone pouch and three 100,000-stone pouches.

A look of doubt appears in the chieftain's eyes.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel, where did you get such a large sum of money?"

I would have been disappointed if he hadn't asked.

I've already prepared a scenario.

I tell them about what happened with Erwen, with some embellishments.

Basically, I met a fairy on the 1st floor, treated her like a slave, and coincidentally got an essence, and then received money from her older sister as compensation...

"Hwahahaha! Serves those pointy-ears right!"

"To rip off those sneaky pointy-ears, you must be the first! Bjorn, son of Yandel!"

The barbarians seem to like this story more than I expected.

Not only Ainar and the chieftain, but even the elder who was far away comes over and smiles broadly.

Do they have that much resentment built up?

"Hwahahaha! I don't remember the last time I laughed this hard!"

The chieftain then takes 600,000 stones from my hand.

Huh? I'm pretty sure he said 800,000 stones earlier...

As I tilt my head in confusion, the chieftain pats my shoulder.

"It's my gift to a young warrior who has shown great potential!"

My shoulder feels like it's dislocated, but the reward is truly sweet.

Damn, 200,000 stones off with just a few words!

Our chieftain is generous, just like a barbarian.

I shout with sincerity,

"I will continue to screw over those pointy-ears whenever I see them and become an even greater warrior!!"

"I look forward to it! Young warrior, Bjorn, son of Yandel!"

Is this what they mean by 'the more you see them, the more charming they become'?

I'm starting to like barbarians.

A Spirit Engraving is a kind of enhancement technique.

The principle is to infuse the body with 'soul power' from magical materials, granting special abilities.

It's also the reason why barbarians are all covered in tattoos.

Since their soul circuits need to remain visible even after they become adults, they have to get tattoos while they're still infants, when their souls are relatively pure.

I think that's how it was.

"I'll give you one more chance to reconsider. If you choose this path, you won't be able to receive Spirit Engravings from other paths. Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"Of course."

I know all the paths.

Therefore, there's no chance of changing my mind.

The core of my build lies in the higher-grade engravings of the Undying path, and even if that weren't the case, most of the abilities in the Undying path are high-performance anyway.

"It seems the elder has also arrived, so you can go now."


After Ainar leaves, the chieftain takes me to the shaman's tent.

And the procedure begins in earnest.

"Hmm, your circuits are quite clean. If you continue to maintain a pure heart, the spirits will grant you great power."

The shaman, who is blindfolded, mutters something incomprehensible and starts poking needles into the tattoos on my upper body.



"Young warrior, you can scream if you can't bear it. Everyone does."


Pain ten times worse than the potion's washes over me.

Damn it, I thought it was just a simple tattoo...

Do I have to go through this pain every time I advance to a higher path?

"There, it's done. You must be tired, so go outside."

By the time the shaman says the words I've been waiting for, it's already dark outside.

The chieftain who brought me here is nowhere to be seen either.

"Thank you."

"Kuku, you're the first warrior to thank a shaman."

Huh? Did I do something wrong?

I don't know, but I quickly leave the tent before he catches on.

「Activated 1st stage of Undying Engraving. Natural regeneration greatly increased.」

「Physical stat increased by +20.」

I'm mentally exhausted, but my body feels strangely energized.

Is this the power of the soul?

It's a very strange feeling. I feel like there's some unknown power surging within me.

I'll check the details later.

"Open the gate!"

I leave the sanctuary and return to the inn. I test out the newly acquired ability a few times and then collapse into sleep.

Another day passes, and morning arrives.

I revisit the commercial district I went to with Erwen the other day.

Thanks to the chieftain's generous discount, I'm going to invest all of the remaining 900,000 stones in myself.

"You're the one who came last time, right? Are you here to sell again?"

"No, this time I'm here to buy."

I need a new weapon.

The hammer I got from the man was sold with the rest of the equipment.

The feeling of hitting things with it wasn't bad, but the handle was too long for me to use comfortably as a one-handed weapon.

"I'd like to see some one-handed blunt weapons."

"One-handed blunt weapons..."

After sparring with Ainar, I concluded that this type of weapon suits me better than blades.

Swordsmanship requires a lot of skill.

Well, I could learn it with enough practice, but...

In the first place, the weapon itself is only for the early stages, so it's not efficient. I'm planning to focus solely on the shield once I get 'that essence'.


The shopkeeper scans me and shows me a one-handed blunt weapon that doesn't look like one at all.

Even the lightest one seems at least three times heavier than the two-handed hammer the man used.

But this is a one-handed weapon?

"These are all one-handed blunt weapons preferred by barbarians."

Ah, I guess they would love this.

Even my shield was a ridiculously heavy piece of equipment made of solid steel.


"I'd like something a bit more ordinary."


There's no need to buy something so monstrous.

With a weapon like that, the destructive power of each strike would obviously increase several times, but...

The 1st-floor monsters are already almost one-shot kills.

It's not like I'm going to be fighting large monsters, so using a weapon like that would probably just be cumbersome.

"How about these?"

The shopkeeper brings out new weapons.

Of course, these are also far from ordinary specifications, but this is probably the right size for a barbarian's body.

I choose a mace that's moderately heavy.

"How much is this?"

"250,000 stones."


I sold six people's worth of weapons for only 350,000?

As I frown, the shopkeeper adds,

"The crafting difficulty itself isn't high, but the high steel content makes it expensive."

Ah, right.

I understand.

Although not without some grumbling.

"If you adjust the price to 220,000 stones, I'll buy it right away."

The shopkeeper looks at me with a surprised expression as I try to bargain.

...Just how much do barbarians get ripped off?

"These weapons won't sell anyway."

"Barbarians often come looking for them."

Well, maybe the ones he showed me first, but...

The barbarians I know wouldn't choose something so ambiguous.

Moreover, most barbarians prefer bladed weapons like axes rather than blunt weapons.

When I add those reasons, the shopkeeper easily agrees to the bargain.

"Alright, I'll sell it for 220,000 stones."

...Should I have said 200,000?

「Total item level has increased by +85.」

Anyway, I buy two more pieces of equipment while I'm at it.

First, a half plate armor.

「Total item level has increased by +57.」

Imagine a bulletproof vest made of flat steel plates. The price is 360,000 stones, and I was able to get it cheap because there was one that fit perfectly.

If I had to order a custom-made one, it would have cost twice as much.

Just like the helmet I bought next.

"It will take about 3 days. If you leave your address, I'll send someone to deliver it."

For helmets, I had to order a custom-made one because it needs to fit my head perfectly.

I was able to get it relatively cheap at 170,000 stones by giving up on the design entirely.

「Total item level has increased by +47.」

As a result, I have about 50,000 stones left.

...I guess I won't be able to eat meat from now on.

My daily routine is set.

Wake up at 7:00 AM.

And have breakfast with Erwen.

"Wow, today's stew even has potatoes!"

"But why do you always eat breakfast here?"

"Because it's delicious and cheap?"

After breakfast, head straight to the library.

If I walk slowly, I can arrive just in time for it to open at 8:00 AM.


I've gotten used to receiving the magic from this chronically tired librarian.

"Then good luck."


Of course, I haven't had a proper conversation with her yet.


Read until 4:00 PM, and then have a simple meal at a restaurant I haven't been to before.

Hmm, this place is expensive and not tasty.

But there are many explorers, so it's good for eavesdropping on conversations.

"Is Ainar here yet?"

"Not yet! I'll be your opponent until then!"

After finishing my meal, I head to the barbarian inn, and it's around 5:00 PM.

Starting from the 7th day of training, I began sparring with other barbarians as well.

Just like them, I sparred with my upper body bare, swinging fists, choking, and fighting fiercely.

It's far from the systematic combat skills I was hoping for, but...

Sparring with barbarians who have highly developed instincts and intuition has ultimately been a great help to me.

Because I'm a barbarian too.

「Repeated training slightly improves reflexes.」

「Repeated training slightly improves flexibility.」

「Repeated training slightly improves dynamic vision…….」

「Physical stat increased by +1.」

I'm starting to get a sense of how to use this body.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel, wins!!"

"He's the strongest warrior of all time!!"

Even without the help of new equipment, there are times when I win against Ainar in sparring.

She's definitely skilled, but she has the disadvantage of having predictable patterns.

I gave her advice, but it seems like it's already become a habit and she can't easily change it.

"I'm tired! I'm going to sleep!"

"Me too!"

"A wise warrior knows when to rest!"

At 9:00 PM, the sparring sessions that feel like real battles come to an end.

Then I head back to the inn, my body covered in sweat and dirt.

By the time I finish washing up, Erwen comes again.

"Mister! Hurry up and wash up! The food will get cold!"


Although not every day, we meet for dinner and conversation about five times a week.

Most of the topics are Erwen's daily life, what she did that day, and what emotions she felt.

"Doesn't it bother you to walk here for an hour every time?"

"Not at all? The food here is cheap and delicious!"

Cheap and delicious?

I don't understand why she does this when she has a sister who earns good money.

"Thank you for the meal!"

After finishing dinner, it's around 11:00 PM.

Around this time, Erwen obediently returns to her own accommodation.

"Then good night. Ah, and I can't come tomorrow either."

"Even if you came, we wouldn't be able to meet. We'll both be busy tomorrow."

This is my repetitive daily routine.

I check the time and quickly go up to my room, collapsing onto the bed.

A month has already passed.



About 24 hours left until the labyrinth opens.

「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 1

Physical: 46(New +21) / Mental: 36 / Ability: 1

Item Level: 202 (New +185)

Total Combat Index: 133.5 (New +67.25)
