SGB: Episode 23

Episode 23: Level Up (3)

I insert the torch into the slot carved on top of the helmet.

And I tie it tightly with a string.

It's called Barbarian Candle Mode.

...I feel a sense of self-deprecation, but it's a practical method that other explorers also use.

Ainar reaches out to the flickering flame and lets out a gasp of admiration.

"Oh, that's amazing! It really isn't hot!"

Well, this torch is also a magic tool, you know.

It's only about a hand span long, so it doesn't hinder my movements, and once lit, it lasts for about three days. It's a useful item.

It was among the exploration tools that the crossbow party had.

The average market price was 10,000 stones, wasn't it?

...Suddenly, I miss Erwen.

"But where are we?"

Ainar asks, looking around as her surroundings come into focus.

There's a huge gap between seeing things in person and in 2D pixel graphics, but this time it's quite easy to recognize.

The black earth that squishes with every step.

The remnants of stone buildings scattered around.

And the mournful cries faintly echoing in the distance.

"The Land of the Dead."

"Ah, the place where ghouls and death fiends appear!"

For now, that's correct.

To be more specific, elder ghouls, skeletons, banshees, and even the mid-boss-level Dullahan also appear, but...

"I'll take the lead."

The Land of the Dead has much stronger monsters than the Goblin Forest in terms of combat power.

However, if we're talking about difficulty, I would say the Goblin Forest is worse.

This place is much darker, but...

At least there are no traps here.

This place is much more suitable for two barbarians to operate in.


Soon, we encounter monsters.

There are only three of them.

Of course, by Day 3, the number will increase to about three times this amount.

Another reason to move quickly.

"Bjorn, here's a magic stone!"

"Just pick them up as you see them, no need to report each one. We'll distribute them later. Let's speed up."

Unlike in the Goblin Forest, I immediately leave the entrance area and head north.

As we're doing so, we hear a scream from nearby.


"Bjo, Bjo, Bjorn?!"

"It's a banshee's howl. Just ignore it. They rarely attack first."

"I, I see... But is it really okay not to kill it? It could be dangerous."


If we had Erwen, who can use spirits, maybe.

But with two physical attackers, there's no way to catch a banshee, no matter what we do.

Even if we could catch it, it would be a problem.

"If you attack a banshee first, you'll be cursed."


"It's a curse called the Mark of Resentment. Banshees will relentlessly target you until you leave the labyrinth."

Unless you're going to spend ten days just hunting banshees, it's best not to touch them at all.

If you're aiming for experience points, it's common to just kill one or two on the last day.

"You truly are a wise warrior. I'm glad I followed you."

I appreciate the compliment.

Although she tries not to show it, I understand that she's actually quite scared of things like this.

But that's one thing, and this is another.



I wish she would stop clinging to me every time she hears that sound.

It's embarrassing, and...

My arm feels like it's going to break.

"Let, let go... Skeletons."

Just in time, a group of skeletons appears, making clattering sounds as their joints rub against each other.

There are ten of them.

As a monster known for its numbers even on Day 1, there are quite a few of them.

Well, even if we kill them all, we'll only get three or four magic stones.

"Ahem! I'll take care of them!"

As if embarrassed by being scared of the banshee's cries, Ainar charges forward first.

Tsk tsk, I click my tongue inwardly.

"Ainar! If you look between their ribs, you'll see a core. To kill skeletons with bladed weapons, you have to aim for that spot..."


"Huh? What did you say?"

"Nothing, just focus on fighting."

Kwagic-! Kwagic! Kwagic!

Forget about weaknesses or whatever.

Every time Ainar swings her huge greatsword, skeletons shatter.

And they never get up again.

「Killed Elder Ghoul. EXP +1」

「Killed Skeleton. EXP +1」

「Killed Skeleton Warrior. EXP +1」

「Killed Skeleton Archer. EXP +1」

Afterwards, we travel north for about 8 hours.

Naturally, we encounter various new monsters along the way.

Elder ghouls that are about twice the size of regular ghouls.

Variations like skeleton warriors and archers.

I haven't encountered a skeleton mage yet, so it's hard to say for sure, but so far, there's nothing too difficult.

It's Day 1, so the number of individuals is small, and my combat power has also significantly increased compared to before.


Just look at the equipment.

The man's two-handed hammer had to be gripped short due to its center of gravity.

But with this mace, which is about 70 centimeters long, I can strike from a greater distance.

It's much safer and more powerful.

And most importantly...


I have armor now.

Although my forearms are exposed due to the vest-like plate armor, it still reduces the area I need to cover with my shield.

This allows for a much more aggressive fighting style.

It feels like I've finally been released from shackles.

"Bjorn, be careful! There are skeleton archers too!"

The steel helmet, with only my eyes, nose, and mouth exposed in a T-shape, protects my head, the most important vital point.

Of course, it would be dangerous if I were to be hit directly by something like a crossbow, but it easily deflects arrows shot from those rickety bows.

And there's another barbarian with combat power similar to mine.


Together, we shout the name of the barbarian ancestor god and continue our massacre-like battle.

Thwack! Thwack! Kwagic-!

No matter what monster appears, it only takes about 10 seconds to completely destroy a group of them.

Is that why?

After each battle, I feel a sense of exhilaration that I couldn't experience when I was with Erwen.

Ah, is this the true taste of being a barbarian?

"Bjorn, you're injured."


When I check after hearing Ainar's words, I see a slight scratch on my forearm.


"Don't worry. It'll heal soon."

I don't even need to apply herbs, let alone use a potion.

"Oh! The wound is already closing up! Is that the power of the Spirit Engraving?"

The first stage of the Undying Engraving path greatly increases natural regeneration.

Of course, it's not comparable to a potion...

I checked the other day, and it takes about a minute for a 0.5 cm deep cut to heal to some extent.

But even this alone significantly increases stability. My stamina has also increased tremendously because my health regeneration has become faster.

"Get ready. It seems like we're almost there."

I warn Ainar to be on guard and slow down our pace.

The terrain has changed.

The ground is no longer muddy but hard, and it's uneven with bumps here and there.

The banshee's howls have also become much louder.


"Keuheu, heuaaaaak!"

Of course, there's another, more significant change.

From this point onwards, higher-ranked monsters appear.

In other words, 8th-grade monsters.

"...Bjorn, are you sure they don't attack first?"

Ainar has been clenching her teeth since we started hearing the banshee's cries, probably because she's scared.

I heard that barbarians clench their jaws when they're scared...

I don't really know.

Maybe it's because I haven't been that scared yet?


As we continue moving, we hear a bizarre roar from the darkness.

Whew, hearing it in person really sends chills down my spine.

"Ainar, prepare for battle."

"But, didn't you say we're not going to fight banshees?"

Does she have no ears?

"That's not a banshee."

Death Fiend.

Among the various 8th-grade monsters that contributed to the high entry barrier of the game, it's definitely the biggest asshole.

The heavy footsteps that could be felt from afar gradually grow louder, and soon the creature reveals itself before us.

"...We're going to fight that?"

Ainar asks me, and then mutters before I can even answer.

"This will be fun."

Her emotions are hard to understand.

Earlier, she said she was afraid of dying, but how can she smile while looking at something like this?

While being scared of banshees?


Perhaps annoyed by the light, the Death Fiend stops at the edge of the torch's illumination.

"Don't be nervous."

"Don't worry, I'm not nervous."

Why are you answering? I was talking to myself.

...Let's stay calm.

Although this is our first try, as long as we don't let our guard down, there won't be any danger.

If the situation gets worse, let's just run away without looking back.

"As I said before, aim for the head. Anywhere else is pointless. Got it?"

"Got it!"

No, I didn't mean to charge in right away...


Ainar charges forward, holding the greatsword with both hands.

It's too late to stop her.

The creature, its aggro properly drawn by her battle cry, charges forward with its sword and shield.



Ainar's greatsword clashes with the Death Fiend's protein blade, creating a deafening roar.

"Bjorn, be careful! This monster has ridiculous strength!"

Don't you usually realize that just by looking at it?


I also shout loudly and charge forward.

And after putting up a wall with my shield, I strike the creature's side as it tries to attack Ainar, who was thrown back.

Is this the heaviness that comes from its size?

It feels like I hit a rock.


As the creature exerts its strength, my body is pushed back along with the shield.

There's no need to resist, but my pride is hurt.

So, I dig my heels in.

And I put my entire weight forward, letting out a scream rather than a roar.


Damn it! It feels like my muscles are going to explode.

But I feel an indescribable thrill.

I'm about to die, but... I held on.

And Ainar isn't inexperienced enough to miss this opportunity.


Her greatsword, swung with a heavy whooshing sound, strikes the side of the Death Fiend's head.

Not cutting, but literally striking.


Even though she swung that thick greatsword, the blade only penetrated about 1 centimeter.

The dull sound must have been from the skull.

Well, even in the game, the Death Fiend's defense was notorious.

Of course, what made many beginners quit the game wasn't its defense, but its regeneration ability.


"Retreat for now!"

We create some distance to avoid the enraged Death Fiend.

Dark red blood flows from the spot where the greatsword was pulled out, but the bleeding stops within 3 seconds.

The creature's passive skill, 'Physical Preservation.'

"Ainar! Create an opening! This time, I'll attack!"

I give a quick order and am about to charge in again when...


The ground suddenly starts shaking.

Although this is the first time I've seen this effect, I instantly recognize what it is.

The Death Fiend's active skill.

'Call of the Dead.'

"Get away, ghouls are coming!"

As the tremors end, ghouls emerge from the ground, digging their way out.

Exactly ten of them.

"Let's deal with these guys first!"


While Ainar swings her greatsword at the ghouls...


I focus solely on the Death Fiend and stay close to it.

However, the ghouls, whose aggro was drawn, scratch me with their claws, turning my skin into a mess.

Of course, it's not a big problem.

I have regeneration too, you know.

Although not as good as yours.

"Bjorn! I'll take over this guy now!"

After about 2 minutes of holding out, the ghouls are dealt with.

Somehow, I find it funny myself.

I endured the Death Fiend's summoning pattern while just taking hits.

'I rarely did this kind of thing even in the game.'

After switching roles, while Ainar focuses on the creature one-on-one, I take out my mace and move behind it.

And I deliver a Smash to the back of its head.


A satisfying sound with a satisfying feel.

Rotten blood even oozes out from the back of its head, where the hair is sparse.

Even so, I continue to swing the mace.

Thwack-! Thwack-! Thwack-!

Each blow carries the power that would have turned a goblin into light upon impact.

But damn it, why isn't it dying?


Experiencing it firsthand, the hardness of its skull is beyond imagination. The flesh is even healing as I'm hitting it.

...What should I do?

My attack power is lacking.

I should have bought the one the weapon merchant recommended earlier.

Should I just give up on catching this guy and hunt 9th-grade monsters instead?

Clang! Clang! Clang!

I keep hitting it with the mace while contemplating, but it's not enough to shatter its skull.


In the end, I have no choice but to retreat to avoid the protein blade that's swung at me.

But at that moment...


The Death Fiend suddenly loses its balance and tilts to the side.

I check and see Ainar, who has taken advantage of an opening, grabbing one of the 3-meter-tall creature's legs and lifting it up.

It's a technique I often see in UFC.

Could this be...

'Single leg takedown?'


Her muscles are pumped and her veins are bulging, making her look more like a monster, but...

Her intention is clear, and I can see the possibility.

So I immediately join in.


I strike its ankle with my mace with all my might, and the massive body loses its balance and momentarily floats in the air.



It slams onto the ground.

In technical terms, a takedown.

This is the first time I've realized that this kind of fighting is possible against a monster classified as medium to large.

...There's nothing barbarians can't do.


The Death Fiend struggles like an overturned bug.

Ainar and I, about to pounce on it, freeze at the same time.


You, you can't get up on your own?



We understand each other's thoughts with just a look.

Ainar and I run towards the fallen creature and strike it with our weapons like crazy.

We take turns, one after the other, as if we're pounding rice cakes on a mortar.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Come to think of it, this is exactly how we pounded rice cakes when I visited the Korean Folk Village in elementary school.

"This is fun!"

Is it because I remember my partner from that time crying and asking to switch places?

Seeing Ainar enjoying it together with me heals the wounds in my heart.

It feels like even my soul is becoming pure.

「Killed Death Fiend. EXP +2」

As the Death Fiend disappears into light, we both smile brightly.

Without the powerful magic of a mage, the divine power of a priest, or the spirit magic of a fairy...

"Bjorn! Look at this! The magic stone is huge!"

We successfully hunted an 8th-grade monster.
