SGB: Episode 31

Episode 31: Crimson Fortress (2)

The Corpse Golem’s pattern is simple.

It throws corpse bombs at enemies who are far away.

And it pulls in and devours enemies who are close.

Using the hundreds of arms that sprout from its body like tentacles.


I hear Ainar’s worried shout as I maintain a moderate distance.

It would be better to get closer so I wouldn’t be targeted by the corpse bombs, but…

Then the target would shift to where the mage is.


I somehow buy time.

At least until the mage comes to her senses.

By drawing aggro alone.


Every time a corpse bomb flies towards me, I roll to the side to create distance and then crouch behind my shield to protect myself from the acidic fluids.

And after repeating this about three times…

“Ihernno Haindar.”

Flame Storm is cast.

Fortunately, the mage seems to have come to her senses.

I focus solely on the Corpse Golem without bothering to look back.

The Corpse Golem’s entire body is engulfed in flames, and its outer shell is peeling off, accompanied by screams that sound like hundreds of people.

The first pattern, which originally would have required us to close the distance, create some space, and repeat the process while burning it dozens of times with torches, is finished with just one spell.

「Corpse Golem’s outer shell has been neutralized.」

However, maybe the smell of burning rotten corpses is too disgusting…

“Ugh… urgh, bleugh!!”

I hear the sound of vomiting again from behind.

Please, I wish she would get a grip…

Well, whatever, we don’t need the mage anymore.

“Ainar! It’s done, come here!”

I immediately call Ainar over.

The Corpse Golem is a 7th-grade monster, but now that its shell has been peeled off, it’s not a monster that two barbarians can’t handle.


Its massive form has shrunk considerably, now only about 3 meters in diameter.

With the pile of corpses that were moving independently all burned and melted away, only the remaining bone structure creaks and moves.

It’s now in Bone Golem Mode.


Its movements are much more agile now that it’s lost weight.

I block the golem’s arm, which is swinging fiercely, with my shield and shout,

“Porter! You help too!”

“I need to protect Lady Raven.”

Damn it.

I knew it.

Just you wait, I’ll make sure you pay for your lack of effort.


I jump high and smash my mace down on its upper body.

I hear a cracking sound, but that’s all.

Its ribs are so hard that only a few bone fragments chip off.

But I can just keep doing this.

“Ainar! Aim for the chest!”

“Got it!”

Ainar and I take turns drawing aggro and attacking the Corpse Golem’s ribs.

After about forty strikes…

The ribs, which were as hard as walnut shells, break, revealing what’s inside.

It’s the magic core, the common weak point of golems.


I shatter the core with my mace, and the Corpse Golem stops functioning and disappears into light.

「Killed Corpse Golem. EXP +3」

The reward is a fist-sized magic stone, much larger than those from 7th-grade monsters.

“Ooh! How many loaves of bread can we buy with this—”

Ainar, who was admiring its size for the first time, suddenly freezes.

The reward isn’t just one magic stone.


A black cluster of light glows faintly in the air.

“Bjorn, could this be…?”

I nod blankly.

An essence has dropped.

Rifts are like treasure troves.

Elite monsters that don’t appear in the regular field are like a blessing for explorers who have hit a wall in experience gain, and the loot dropped by guardians is even better.

Well, the main point is that the essence drop rate increases exponentially.

‘Actually, considering the probability, it’s strange that an essence dropped just now…’

“What are we going to do?”

I organize my thoughts at Ainar’s question.

First of all, the ownership belongs to us.

We practically defeated it by ourselves, and besides, that was the agreement.



Originally, there were two essences I was aiming for.

‘Death Fiend’ for regeneration and ‘Chimera Wolf’ for strength.

Both were essences of 8th-grade monsters.

But in the meantime, an essence of a 7th-grade elite monster, the Corpse Golem, which only appears in the ‘Crimson Fortress,’ has dropped.

It’s a rare essence with an acquisition difficulty that surpasses any of the other candidates, but…

It’s hard to be completely happy about it.

The penalties are as severe as its unique abilities.

[Corpse Golem]

Pain Resistance +70, Bone Density +55, Poison Resistance +12, Strength +15, Perception -5, Appetite +9, Weight +21

First of all, the basic stats are suitable for a tank.

Although the decrease in Perception would affect dynamic vision, judgment speed, and make the body generally slower…

The increase in other stats is quite high.

‘Bone Density,’ which has a significant impact on defense alongside physical resistance, is +55, and ‘Weight,’ which affected knockback and blunt damage in the game, is +21.

‘Pain Resistance’ would be very useful in reality, and while ‘Appetite’ is whatever, ‘Strength’ and ‘Poison Resistance’ are also stats that are definitely helpful if you have them.



(P) Acidic Fluids – Blood contains acidic properties.

(A) Flesh Explosion – Explodes a part of the body with force.

The skills are the only downside.

‘Flesh Explosion’ boasts significant damage but uses the character’s HP as a cost.

Can’t you just not use the active skill?

Sealing off one skill itself is a huge disadvantage, and…

If you absorb this essence, the durability of your equipment will decrease significantly whenever you’re injured.

Because when blood splatters, it will also get on your equipment.


The exorbitant cost of potions and equipment…

Usually, when this essence drops, I feed it to an NPC I’m using as a disposable character.

It’s that kind of a double-edged sword essence.

It’s a waste to throw it away, but it’s a bit much to feed it to your main character.

‘Since the essences we absorb early on have to be discarded eventually, it wouldn’t be bad to take this one now, but…’

“Let’s put that on hold for now and treat the dwarf first.”

Essences last for 30 minutes even without an owner, so there’s no need to rush the decision.

I might be able to use this for a trade.

With that thought in mind, I head towards the back and witness a scene of utter chaos.

Did the porter use a potion on him?

The dwarf is rolling around in pain from the potion, and for some reason, the mage is half-dead.

“Don’t come any closer.”

His name was… Tarjin, wasn’t it?

This rude bodyguard bastard blocks our way even though he hasn’t done anything.

Damn it, what are we going to do?

“What’s going on?”

I ask from a distance, and the porter answers.

“She suffered backlash from overexerting herself while casting a spell.”


It seems like he’s referring to the ‘Circuit Disruption’ status effect, which sometimes occurs when casting fails.

Looking closely, she’s not just throwing up what she ate, but literally vomiting blood.

“Urgh, bleugh!”

Is this the price of using magic while feeling nauseous from the smell?

It’s absurd from an observer’s perspective, but…

Actually, it’s a plausible scenario in [Dungeon and Stone].

Unlike other games with clear cause-and-effect relationships, in this game, even a seemingly insignificant ‘cause’ can sometimes be life-threatening.

“Are you just going to stand there? It would be best to move her outside.”

“…I’ll leave the dwarf to you.”

After helping Raven and the dwarf to the underground prison, the situation improves after a short wait.

The dwarf is the first to come to his senses.

“This is embarrassing… Thank you. We would have been in big trouble without you two.”

“I’m glad you know.”

I don’t bother being humble.

There’s nothing to gain from it anyway.

I’ve clearly made a contribution, and I plan to use this to negotiate a higher reward.

In fact, it’s better to exaggerate a bit.

“If it weren’t for Ainar, you would be dead.”

“I know. I’m really ashamed, but my body just froze up as soon as I saw it. I thought I had seen it all…”

I’m realizing once again that this is reality.

They would have been sufficient in terms of combat power if this were a game, but due to mental factors, they almost died to a mid-boss, not even the guardian.

“So why is this lady like this?”

“He said she suffered backlash. She’ll be fine once she drinks a potion.”

Despite drinking a potion and switching from vomiting to screaming, it takes a whopping 10 minutes for the mage to come to her senses.

“I, I apologize for the trouble.”

She tries to act as if she’s fine, but the noble atmosphere is gone.

Her mouth and neck are covered in vomit and blood, and her beautiful blonde hair is tangled and dirty.

The robe that used to be pristine is now tattered from rolling on the floor.

“We took care of the Corpse Golem.”

“Yes, I know. It was a good thing I pushed myself to use magic.”

Is this the nature of explorers?

Instead of expressing gratitude, they first mention their own achievements.

If I stay silent here, the reward increase will go down the drain.

I need to get a clear confirmation.

“We saved your lives. That’s more than enough to be considered a full contribution, right? Do you agree, mage?”

“…I agree.”

Raven nods with a look of frustration.

It seems quite humiliating to her that the two barbarians she looked down on played such a big role.

Honestly, I feel quite refreshed, but it’s better to leave some room for negotiation at this point.

“Of course, your magic was amazing. Such powerful flames, you must have pushed yourself for the team.”

“That, that’s true, but… what are you trying to say?”

I speak directly.

“We’ll take the Rift Stone.”

Essence, Numbered Item, Rift Stone.

Three types of loot dropped by the guardian.

When I first demanded this, they accused me of being greedy and asked if we thought there would be a problem without the two barbarians.

But what about now?


Only an awkward silence hangs in the air.

I wait patiently without rushing.

The key to negotiation is waiting.

“I agree. If it weren’t for this barbarian lady, I would be dead.”

Is he repaying the favor?

The dwarf is the first to express his agreement.


“I disagree.”

Raven doesn’t give in easily.

Although it’s not like she’s completely unwilling to compromise…

“But if the Rift Stone drops, I think we can at least give you an equal opportunity.”

In simpler terms, she’s saying she’ll give us a chance to bid.

It’s a bit disappointing, but it’s true that she played a big role, so it’s best to be satisfied with this much.

We also don’t have much time.

Then onto the next agenda.

“Ah, and an essence dropped.”

“An essence? Are you saying the Corpse Golem dropped an essence?”


The dwarf and Raven open their mouths wide in surprise, as if they hadn’t expected such a rare item to drop.

“That’s amazing. It seems like you haven’t even obtained one essence yet, and you got something like that from the start.”

“I heard that even the Explorer’s Guild hasn’t been able to properly identify the abilities of the Corpse Golem’s essence due to the lack of samples.”

Raven keeps expressing her admiration, saying that in terms of rarity, the Corpse Golem’s essence is even higher than the guardian’s.

The desire for research is evident in her eyes.

I hide my true intentions as much as possible and make the offer I’ve been waiting for.

“If you want, we can exchange it for the guardian’s essence.”

“Yes? But we’re not even sure if the guardian will drop an essence…”

Raven trails off with a strange expression.

It seems like she likes the idea of exchanging essences.

“I’ll take that risk.”

“If that’s the case, then yes, I agree. As an explorer, it might be different, but honestly, the Corpse Golem is more interesting to me. I didn’t expect it to drop, but…”

The negotiation is successful.

“Lady Raven, I heard that mages can’t absorb essences. Then are you going to feed the essence to that porter?”

“No, the essence itself has research value.”

Raven takes out a test tube from the bag the porter is carrying.

This is one of the reasons why mages are OP.

They can store essences in test tubes and take them outside without having to absorb them directly.

Although they do need one specific item.

“Ah! Did you bring a test tube? I heard they’re incredibly expensive.”

“…I only have one.”

In fact, even if you store 6th-grade or lower essences in a test tube, you barely get your money’s worth.

But Raven seems to value the Corpse Golem’s essence more than that.


The essence is sucked into the test tube as Raven chants a spell.

She carefully double-wraps it in a box and stores it safely in her backpack.

“Then let’s get out of this horrible place.”

“I’ve been waiting for you to say that!”

We climb the slimy ladder and move quickly along the pipes.

The only monsters that appear are Skull Rats and Deadmen.

The stench is still strong, but it’s nothing compared to where the Corpse Golem was.

After about 30 minutes of travel, we reach our destination.

“I’ll go up first.”

Beyond the rusty bars, which are torn apart with a single kick, there’s a staircase. We climb it and find ourselves in a spacious stone chamber.

I take a deep breath of the slightly cleaner air and check the surroundings.

“Those don’t seem like Gargoyle Statues, what are they?”

“Since I don’t sense any magic power, they’re probably just sculptures.”

Imposing demon statues are placed everywhere.

And the floor is covered in human skulls.

“The lord’s castle must have been right above here. If it hadn’t collapsed, we could have investigated inside as well…”

Raven clicks her tongue in disappointment, as if she doesn’t even feel the eerie atmosphere.

“As expected, it has the typical pattern of a religious facility. However, the fact that it’s hidden underground means that this faith didn’t align with the social norms of the time. For example, it might have been an evil god.”

“I, I see.”

The dwarf flinches at Raven’s explanation, which seems like a way to show off her knowledge. I interrupt before it gets any longer and warn them with a short murmur.

“Let’s stop talking and be a bit more cautious, shall we?”

Actually, I’m saying this to myself as well.

Because the final chapter of the rift, the ‘Demon Worship Chamber,’ is not to be taken lightly.

“Bjorn, I have a bad feeling about this.”

Especially for an unlucky bastard like me.
