SGB: Episode 33

Episode 33: Warrior (1)

Monsters can be broadly categorized into four types.

1. Variants.

These are like goblin archers and swordsmen, where the species is the same, but the class is different.

2. Higher Species.

The Death Fiends we encountered in the Land of the Dead belong to this category.

For reference, this is a relative classification. If a monster's rank is even one level higher than the average rank of that floor, it's considered a higher species.

3. Rare Species.

This category includes monsters that can only be found in specific rifts, like the Corpse Golem, or monsters that are extremely rare to encounter in the regular field, like Mimics.

4. Higher Variants.

These are named monsters with their own unique memories and individual names.

Their biggest characteristic is that they possess the 'power of essence.'

In other words, they are much stronger and more troublesome.

Well, it's only natural. What would happen if an 'Ogre,' known for its thick hide, possessed the regeneration ability of a 'Troll'?

A crazy monster would be born.

That's why...

We're running with all our might.

"What the hell is that thing! Why is a vampire in a place like this..."

"Run instead of whining, dwarf."

We escape from the entrance of the boss room...

"Heuk, heuk, I can't run anymore..."

"Excuse me, Lady Raven."

...and pass through the pipes, retracing our steps.

"We can't leave this place without catching that thing anyway. Wouldn't it be better to just fight?"

"We need to at least get to a place with sunlight."

"Isn't the sunlight just that red sky?"

"It's still better than here."

Even after entering the maze-like underground prison...

"Turn left here!"

...we continue to run at full speed.

Because this place is practically his home turf.

We need to get outside somehow.

That's the only way we have even a slight chance of survival.

"A higher variant appearing as a guardian... It's unprecedented."

Well, that's not exactly true.

Even the 'White Temple' on the 3rd floor has a higher variant as its guardian. From the 8th floor onwards, which is considered the deep layers, almost all rifts are like that.

Well, if we're only considering the 1st floor, then saying it's unprecedented wouldn't be wrong.

Even I, a 9-year veteran player with over 10,000 playthroughs, have never encountered the 'Vampire Duke'.

I only learned of his existence after watching a recording uploaded by another player on the only community site.

"Ah, right! How did Mr. Bjorn know? You told us to close the door!"

Is her scholarly curiosity still active even in this situation?

"I said, run instead of asking questions."

"But I'm not the one running, am I?"

Yeah, that's true for you.

But not for me.

"...I just had a hunch."

I make a rough excuse and cut off the conversation before it gets any more annoying.

However, to answer her inwardly...

I was able to notice the anomaly because of the color of the doorknob.

In the recording uploaded by that player, the only difference from the usual Crimson Fortress was that.

It was a small change that I was only able to find after rewinding the recording numerous times, trying to figure out if there were any special conditions since the Vampire Duke didn't appear even after hundreds of tries under the same conditions as the player in the recording.

If I hadn't been so excited about our lucky streak, would I have been able to spot it before opening the door?

Well, it's not something to think about now.

"You're rude guests."

The bastard reveals himself as we reach the 2nd floor of the underground prison.


He's chasing us not as a person but as a black mist.

It's not the vampire's innate ability, but one of the dozens of black magic spells he possesses, 'Wraith Form'.

This is why I hate monsters that use magic.

Their versatility is insane.


I immediately call out to our mage.

I want to ask if she knows any sun magic, which is one of the vampire's weaknesses.

But maybe it was unnecessary interference.

"Everyone, close your eyes!"

The mage lady has already finished casting.

"Ahesenbert Tu!"


It's a support spell that usually causes a wide-area blinding effect.

Even though I closed my eyes, I can still feel the intensely flashing light.


I ignore the ringing in my ears and open my eyes. The black smoke that was chasing us is gone.

Thank goodness.

We managed to prevent him from using the core combo of 'Wraith Form', 'Materialization'.

We've bought at least 3 minutes.

Right now, he must have reappeared in that worship chamber.

But good news always comes with bad news, doesn't it?

"Bjorn! The mage is down!"


At Ainar's words, I look and see Raven unconscious, being held by the porter. Blood is flowing from her mouth, as if she's suffered internal injuries.

...What the hell? Did that guy use some kind of magic?

He shouldn't be able to use attack magic while in 'Wraith Form', right?

'Could it be the power of an essence?'


The recording ended with a total party kill before they could do anything, so I couldn't confirm which monster essences the Vampire Duke additionally possessed.

Various possibilities race through my mind, but I decide to think about it later.

"What are you doing! Run!"

"How can we when the mage who knows the way is unconscious!"

"Don't worry, I know the way."

"...How do you...?"

I answer the dwarf, who is filled with questions, with a short reply.

"I memorized it."

"Just from coming here once...?"

Actually, hundreds of times.

I've been in and out of this place like crazy, hoping to encounter the Vampire Duke. I didn't expect to see him here, not beyond the monitor, but...

"Follow me."

I ignore any further questions and take the lead, running.

The fact that I might seem like a strange barbarian to the mage when she wakes up?

So what?

Survival comes first.

"You, you really did memorize the way..."

The dwarf exclaims as we reach the 1st floor of the underground prison without stopping.

"You guys, is it true that you just had your coming-of-age ceremony last month?"

"Of course! Didn't I tell you! Bjorn is a great warrior!"

"A great warrior... You might really become one someday."

Praise makes even whales dance, but I'm not a whale. I wish he would just run harder instead of wasting time like that.

I think it's been about 2 minutes.


Left, right, straight, straight, right, left, straight, straight.

I draw a map in my head and run without stopping, and finally, the exit comes into view.

Has it been about 3 minutes?

Before climbing the stairs, I check behind me one last time.

"Huuuk, huuk..."

Everyone's breathing is ragged, but thanks to their basic stamina, there are no stragglers.

The problem is that I can see black smoke following us beyond the team members.


Should I have just abandoned all the backpacks?

Then we could have created a bit more distance.

It's too late for regrets.

Let's focus on what we can do now.


I push myself even harder.

But did he use 'Materialization'?

Clack, clack.

I hear the sound of something being assembled behind us.

It's now or never.

I sprint, taking two or three steps at a time.


"We're outside!"

We finally emerge onto the ground.

Without a single casualty.

"I was worried, but it seems like he really isn't, following us..."

The dwarf mutters as he gasps for breath.

But as if he's still not relieved, his gaze is fixed on the stairs leading underground.

Well, even he can tell with his own eyes.

We just bought a little more time.

The problem hasn't been solved yet.

"...How long do you think it will take?"

At the dwarf's question, I look at the ridge on the other side of the wall and shrug.

Well, I don't know the exact time, but...

"I can tell it won't be long."

One thing is certain: time is not on our side.

Soon, this dark red sky will turn completely black.

So we need to prepare before that happens.

"What's the mage's condition?"

"She'll be fine once she drinks a potion."

"Are you sure?"

"...She definitely will be."

That's your wishful thinking, you bastard.

Phew, this guy also has no idea what she was hit by and why she's in such a state?

I say firmly,

"This time, you need to pull your weight too."


What do you mean, 'but'?

"Do you want to die here?"

Sometimes, the most direct expression is the most effective.

This guy can't protect the mage alone if we all die.

"...What should I do?"

If he asks that, there's not much that changes.

I just wanted to remind him of his resolve before the battle begins.

"Protect the mage. Even if it costs you your life."

"...Of course."

His voice sounds more reliable now.

Then this guy is good to go.

Is there only one preparation left?

"We'll move to the outer wall. Having cover will be better for us, even if it's just a little."

I give an absurd excuse and lead the group to the outer wall.

Honestly, it would be best to leave them all here and quickly go back alone, but...

If the bastard appears while I'm doing that, it's game over.

"Wait here for a moment. I'll go check the surroundings."

"Splitting up is not a good choice!"

The dwarf shouts something, but I pretend not to hear and run towards the fountain I had my eye on earlier.

To retrieve that item that I had to pass by earlier because I didn't want to stand out.

Kwaaang! Crumble.

The fountain is filled with nothing but dry gravel.

I smash the statue in the center and rummage through the debris, pulling out a small box.

「Character has acquired [Tears of the Goddess].」

I check, and the contents are the same as in the game...

And there's even more good news.

"This is..."

As I return after storing the item in the slot of my boot, Raven has come to her senses.

"Vampire! What happened to the vampire?"

"We managed to escape somehow. But he'll appear once the sun sets."

"I see."

She frowns, as if the pain is still lingering.

This time, it's my turn to ask.

"What exactly hit you?"

Raven takes a sip of the potion that the porter handed her like it's water and answers in a voice that sounds half-dead.

"Keugh, it's still too early to say for sure, but... Ahhh, judging by the symptoms, hiss... it's likely 'Pain Sharing'."

'Pain Sharing', huh.

If that's true, then it's a relief.

The 'Nightfiend' that possesses that skill is among the 8th-grade monsters with lower base stats.

If the essence he had was 6th-grade, no, even 7th-grade, the difficulty would have been much higher.

"Ugh... Of all times, the backlash had to come when I was trying to cast another spell..."

Raven clutches her chest with a pained expression.

Seeing her like that, I feel a bit sorry for her.

It seems like it will take some time for her to recover and play her role again.

"How long will it take for you to recover?"

"Ugh, full recovery is impossible. My circuits are completely tangled."

"Tell me in numbers, even if it's just an estimate."

"20 minutes? That should be enough for me to recover to the point where I can use 7th-grade attack spells 5 times."

Five Flame Storm-level spells.

This is really bad.

"Do you know any other sun magic?"

"Do you know how rude it is to ask a mage about their spells?"

Of course, I know that according to the world's settings.

But right now, I'm a barbarian who belongs to a culture where everyone talks down to each other except for the king.

When I respond with a 'so what?' look, Raven sighs and answers.

"I can use Black Sun Orb."

"Black Sun Orb..."

It's a 6th-grade attack spell that's similar to Fireball in its basic form but uses the sun attribute instead of fire.

Maybe we can actually have a chance with this?

"Can you also use the 'Attribute Enhancement' spell with Black Sun Orb?"

"...If I gather mana for about 10 more minutes."

"Then it's settled. I'll try to hold out until then. So don't try to help and waste your mana."

"Yes, I will... Wait, but why is Mr. Yandel taking the lead?"

Is it because she's a mage? She's quick-witted.

The dwarf just followed along as soon as I started taking control of the situation.

"Then is there anyone else to do it?"

She glances at the porter, Ainar, and the dwarf in turn, then nods as if convinced.

"That, that's true... Yes, that's right."

"Hwahaha! I'm sorry! What can I do about my nature?"

The dwarf scratches the back of his thick neck, embarrassed. And Ainar, seeing this, takes the opportunity to jump into the conversation.

"So you admit that barbarians are better than dwarves!"

"That's not it! It's just that, like the barbarian lady said, this friend is special. Even in this short time, I could feel it."


"I'm pretty good at reading people, you know."

Raven looks curious about what happened while she was unconscious, but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of spending precious time on that.

"Murad, how many essences do you have?"


"What kind?"

I ask the dwarf as briefly and concisely as possible to understand his capabilities.

There are no game-changing cards among the essences he has, but...

I can still come up with a rough strategy.

However, if I had to point out one thing that's disappointing, it would be that we didn't have enough time to share the strategy with the team members.


A cool breeze blows, and the shadows covering the ground deepen.

There are 30 minutes left until the preparations are complete.

「Night has fallen.」

There's nowhere left to retreat.

We have no choice but to hold out somehow.
