SGB: Episode 50

Episode 50: Companions (4)

When looking for companions, skill is very important.

But there’s a virtue that’s just as important.


In other words, can you trust them?

Of course, when things are going smoothly, it’s not a big issue. You can just laugh and be happy together.

But when things aren’t going well?

Whether you can trust them and have their back in the worst-case scenario is a completely different matter.

‘Maybe it’s not about trust, but about their true nature.’

This is something you can’t know just by looking at a few application forms and having a few conversations.

A person’s true nature is usually hidden deep inside.

I hope there won’t be any situations where we have to reveal our true selves to each other.

It’s better for everyone that way.

“I can never get used to the smell of this place! Hahaha! Dwarkey, are you alright?”

“…Please don’t talk to me, urgh!”

I look away from Dwarkey, who is retching, and scan my surroundings.

I’m currently in the 2nd-floor area accessible through the portal in the eastern part of the 1st floor, where blade wolves live.

Beast’s Lair.

As the name suggests, beast-type monsters mainly appear here.

And perhaps because of that, the stench is terrible.

Very much so.

“Rotmiller, are you okay? I heard you have an essence related to smell.”

“Thanks for your concern, but I’m fine. It’s not my first time here.”

“I see.”

Is this the experience of an 8-year veteran?

Just looking at this man makes me feel reassured.

I’ll have to observe him more, though.

“Anyway, when is our mage going to come to his senses? We need to go make some money…”

Misha Kaltstein.

She shows no empathy for her companion’s suffering and only cares about her own interests.

Just as I’m about to add a line to my mental evaluation of her…

I hesitate.

Hmm, isn’t this the same for me?

“Dwarkey, get a grip. How long are you going to waste our time?”

“Right, right. If you’re like this just because of this, you can’t be an explorer. Mage! Grow up!”

When I say something harsh, Misha immediately agrees in a sarcastic tone.

However, Dwarkey’s reaction is unexpected.

“You’re right. I need to grow up now.”

Uh, was he always this kind of person?

Honestly, I expected him to make some bullshit excuse. Or get angry in return.

“Let’s go.”

“Bu, but are you sure you’re okay?”

“Of course it’s hard. But to become a burden to my companions just because it’s my first time and I’m a mage… how pathetic would that be?”

“I, I didn’t say you were a burden…”

While Misha is flustered by the unexpected apology…

Dwarkey, who has gotten noticeably thinner, struggles to get up and mutters with a determined look,

“I can’t tarnish the honor of the Martoan barony.”

“…Eek! You’re pretending to be a noble again!! I’m not falling for it anymore!”

“Hahaha! Let’s go. I’m really okay now!”

Misha looks frustrated, as if she’s been tricked again, as she watches him suddenly become cheerful. And with that, we slowly start moving.

“Everyone follow me closely from here on. It might look like flat land, but there are many pits.”

“Pits? I don’t see any…”

“They’re usually filled with sewage, so it’s hard to tell. You might fall in if you’re not careful.”

“…Rotmiller, I trust only you.”

The Beast’s Lair can be described as a canyon terrain.

There are narrow paths with towering cliffs on both sides, and explorers passing through here have to wander through the maze-like gaps between the cliffs to find their way.

‘Although there are no traps, the role of a scout is even more important here than in the Goblin Forest.’

For reference, the monsters that appear here are Blade Wolves, Wall Moles, Sabertooth Tigers, Werewolves, Bulkar, etc., and most of them live in caves carved into the cliffs.

Explorers whose main purpose is hunting usually fight by entering the caves and wiping out monster groups.

However, since our goal is to reach the 3rd floor, we’ll pass.

「Killed Giant Blade Wolf. EXP +1」

「Killed Sabertooth Tiger. EXP +2」

「Killed Werewolf. EXP +2」

「Killed Wall Mole. EXP +1」

As we quickly move, occasionally killing the monsters that roam outside the caves, it’s time to take a break.

It’s three hours until Day 2 begins.


We spent the entire day just traveling.

However, if it weren’t for Rotmiller, the scout, it would have taken twice as long to get here.

“With a narrow entrance, this seems like a good place for a campsite.”

We clear out a Wall Mole nest and start preparing for camp, using it as our base.

The dwarf, Rotmiller, and Misha.

With three experienced explorers, setting up camp is a breeze.

Even the mage, who had been useless except for creating drinking water, shines at this moment.

“With the alarm spell, one person on watch should be enough.”

“Why do we need a watch?”

“Dwarkey, don’t think anything strange, it’s not that we don’t trust you. As you know, it’s not just monsters that we need to be wary of in the labyrinth.”

To become a proper explorer, you need to be just as wary of fellow explorers as you are of monsters.

“Rotmiller, who worked the hardest today, will take the first watch, and then we’ll rotate in order.”

“Wait, I don’t have to do it?”

“Leave this to us and get some rest.”

The mage is excluded from the watch rotation.

It’s not because we’re considering his weak stamina, it’s just the custom.

Explorers, who are sensitive to meritocratic rewards, acknowledge that casting the alarm spell is enough for one person’s share of the work.

‘Well, in reality, it’s probably a custom that naturally arose from trying to appease mages.’

Anyway, with each person taking turns keeping watch for two hours, it’s unbelievably comfortable.

To be able to sleep for 6 hours a day?

Compared to when we were traveling in pairs, it’s practically heaven.

Of course, the downside is that there are more people to share the loot with, but we can just kill more and stronger monsters together.

“I, am the great mage Liol…”

“Stop mumbling in your sleep and wake up, mage!”

“…Slurp, is it already morning?”

“I don’t know about morning, but it’s definitely time to wake up.”

Day 2, 5:00 AM.

The first night, which I was secretly worried about, passed without incident.

We woke up together four times due to monsters being detected by the alarm spell, and once because a group of explorers approached our campsite during the dwarf’s turn…

But that’s just everyday life.

“Now that Dwarkey has adjusted, we’ll increase our speed a bit.”

“Hmm, there’s no need to rush, is there?”

“We need to arrive at the 3rd floor a bit earlier so it’s easier to set up camp.”

From Day 2 onwards, we minimize chatter and focus on moving. Of course, monsters block our path every few minutes and try to hinder us, but…

I welcome it.

「Killed Half-Moon Rock Bear. EXP +1」

「Killed Wall Mole Queen. EXP +1」

「Killed Bloodstained Blade Wolf. EXP +1」

So now I’ve caught all the 9th-grade monsters in the Beast’s Lair?

Since it’s my first time on this floor, experience points accumulate quite quickly. Of course, there’s no separate experience bar, but…

‘If I calculate the monsters I’ve killed so far…’

It’s exactly 40.

If the higher variant kill bonus and guardian kill bonus were applied properly, it should be 44.

‘It’s still a long way to go before I reach level 4.’

The required cumulative experience points increase exponentially as you level up.

Level 1 is 6, level 2 is 30, level 3 is 150.

Of course, it doesn’t keep increasing by 5 times, but the perceived difficulty is no less than that.

Monsters only give +1 experience point even if their rank increases by one, and even that becomes impossible to obtain if there are no more monsters of that rank to hunt.

‘…Tsk, well, it’s not like I’m desperate for a level up right now.’

My current level is 3.

I can absorb up to 3 essences.

In other words, I still have one more slot available.

Of course, I don’t expect an essence to drop before I reach level 4.

[Dungeon and Stone] isn’t that kind of a nice game.

‘Why did I have to play this kind of game…’

I have belated regrets, but what can I do?

Back then, I was a hardcore masochist who enjoyed games with insane difficulty.

“Everyone, be on your guard from here on. Only higher species appear in this area, and the number of individuals also increases significantly.”

That’s when, after about half a day of following Rotmiller’s lead…

The terrain, or rather, the color of the cliffs, changes.

From reddish-brown to black.

‘So we’ve entered the latter half.’

From here on, 9th-grade monsters don’t appear at all.

However, no one, including myself, is particularly nervous.

“Even higher species on the 2nd floor are only 8th-grade!”

Our team’s average rank is 7th grade.

They’re people who have been on at least the 3rd floor, judging by the teams they were previously on.

Well, I’m a first-timer, but…

I’m an exception because I’ve been here countless times in the game.

“Come to think of it, Bjorn, you said you haven’t been to the 3rd floor yet?”

“I did, but why?”

Just as I answer in a slightly defensive tone, wondering if she’s trying to pick a fight, Misha expresses genuine admiration.

“That’s amazing. It took me a year just to get to the 3rd floor!”

Geez, she’s making me feel embarrassed.

“…I was just lucky.”

I try to brush it off briefly since it’s not a topic I want to dwell on, and the dwarf joins the conversation.

“A year to the 3rd floor? Then how long did it take to get to the 4th floor?”

“Hmm, 2 years? I think it took about that long.”

“Similar to me.”

“Eek! I suddenly feel a bit wronged! The leader is younger than me but is already 6th grade!”

“But Miss Kaltstein, you were born into a good family!”

“Eek! I told you not to talk about my family!”

As the conversation gets longer and they seem about to start bickering again, Rotmiller, who was pathfinding, intervenes and stops them.

“Both of you, stop it.”

His voice, tone, and expression are the same as before.

But why does he seem more annoyed than before?

‘Well, it would be frustrating to be working hard alone while those two are messing around behind him, right?’

I just let it go.

「Entered 3rd Floor Pilgrim’s Path.」

Day 2, a little past noon.

Under Rotmiller’s accurate guidance, we enter the 3rd floor.

It’s a bit disappointing that we couldn’t catch a few of the 8th-grade monsters that can be hunted in the Beast’s Lair…

But it’s not like they only appear on the 2nd floor.

‘There will be other opportunities to catch them someday.’

I shake off the lingering regret and focus on the present situation.

“Rotmiller! Fall back!”

I’m currently in the ‘Pilgrim’s Path’ on the 3rd floor.

Specifically, we’re at ‘Steelrock Hill’, the starting point when you take the Beast’s Lair route.

And we encountered two 7th-grade monsters as soon as we arrived.

“Dwarkey! Use corrosion magic!”

Their name is ‘Iron Ant’.

Think of them as wild boars with steel tusks.

They’re about five times the size of a wild boar from Jirisan.

「Liol Wobu Dwarkey has cast the 8th-grade curse spell [Corrosion].」

While Rotmiller, who entered the portal first, retreats to avoid the monsters…

Dwarkey immediately casts a spell.

And at the same time, the dwarf and I dash forward, each taking on one monster with our shields.


I feel a heavy impact from the front.

If it were my old shield, it would have been dented all over the place the moment it blocked the charge.

Just like the dwarf’s shield over there.

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Emergency Restoration].」

“Bjorn, why are you suddenly looking at me?”

“I’m not envious.”

It’s true.

If you use a sturdy shield, you don’t have to go through the trouble of repairing it every time, right?

“What are you talking about all of a sudden? Anyway, Bjorn! Don’t try to push them back, just block their path!”

“I know that without you telling me!”

The Iron Ant’s active skill is ‘Counterweight’.

It has the effect of knockback immunity.

It’s also the essence that the dwarf absorbed.

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Counterweight].」

Do these guys have any sense of shame?

A wild boar bastard whose main skill is charging has this kind of skill, and the dwarf is even shouting at me not to get pushed back.

The anger inherent in a barbarian’s body wells up.

Is that why?


Instead of waiting for the attacks of other team members, I swing my mace and strike the Iron Ant’s mouth.


At that moment, as the steel tusks that were under the effect of [Corrosion] shatter…

“Essence, come to me!”

Misha, stepping on my back without permission and leaping high, plunges her dagger into the Iron Ant’s head.

「Killed Iron Ant. EXP +3」

We’ve taken down one of them.

I’m about to finish off the other one as well, but I stop moving and observe for a moment.

Dwarkey is casting a spell.

It’s one of the few attack spells he has.

「Liol Wobu Dwarkey has cast the 8th-grade attack spell [Ice Spear].」

An ice spear flies through the air and pierces the Iron Ant’s abdomen.

If he had aimed for the head or heart, he could have finished it off cleanly with one shot, but…

Let’s give him detailed feedback later.


Rotmiller approaches the fallen and struggling Iron Ant, places his crossbow on its forehead, and fires an arrow, finishing the battle.

Of course, no essence drops.

Well, that’s not what’s important right now.

‘There were monsters right in front of the portal…’

It seems like there’s a bastard nearby.
