SGB: Episode 56

Episode 56: The Witch's Forest (3)

Priest of Karui.

It's a kind of hidden class that requires reaching at least the 5th floor to change jobs to, and unlike regular priests, it's loaded with various combat spells and curse abilities.

"What the hell! She ran away!"

We had considered the worst-case scenario of a total party kill, but in the end, we were able to overcome this danger without any casualties.

How was that possible?

If I calmly reflect on it, there are several reasons.

"A priest of Karui... as I've heard, she was a terrifying being. Bjorn, we would have been in big trouble if it weren't for you."

We confiscated their weapons early on.

Swords, shields, spears, and even Elisa's staff. I didn't think much of it at the time, but it was a blessing that we took the staff.

Without her staff, it wouldn't have been as easy for her to cast spells.

Well, there's another key factor, but...

"As expected, a reliable barbarian is the best. I thought that woman was a priestess and Rotmiller was mistaken or something. But you just smashed her head in!"

"I, I thought the same. Bjorn, when you swung your weapon, oh my, my heart almost stopped..."

A blow delivered at an unexpected moment for both enemies and allies.

Elisa, whose head was smashed by this one hit, had to revive herself by absorbing the life force of her companions.

However, it wasn't a complete resurrection.

How could her body be fine after her brain was smashed and then restored?

'Her speech, which was choppy and broken, must have been because she hadn't fully recovered.'

There were many advantages to that.

However, while I feel relieved, I also feel a sense of dread. What if we had fought when we were both at 100%?

Well, I think the win rate would have been about 50/50.

Assuming that at least two people would die, no matter who won.

It would have been a fierce battle.

That's why they tried to trick us by pretending to be survivors.

'So, did the fact that our strength was evenly matched actually help us?'

After finishing my reflection on this incident, I briefly check my physical condition.

It's the worst, needless to say.

「[Energy Depletion] is ongoing.」

「Energy recovery rate is decreased.」

「[Low-Grade Decay] is ongoing.」

「Wound recovery rate is decreased.」

「[Tracking] is ongoing.」

「The character’s location is being transmitted to the caster.」

「[Wraith Walk] is ongoing.」

「The character experiences slight pain when moving.」

「[Stamina Reduction] is ongoing…….」

Damn it, I'm going crazy.

My eyes are sore, and my head feels like it's been pickled in salt. I also feel like I can't control my lower body.

Phew, damn it, how many curses did that bitch cast on me?

「Warning: Character has 15 or more stacked curses. If not treated with divine power or magic, the character’s physical abilities may be permanently reduced.」

My condition is terrible.

It's a total disaster. Honestly, it's hard to even explain what's wrong with me.

But I'm not too worried.

We have a mage in our team.

"Dwarkey, I request a curse removal spell."

"Cu, curse removal?"

No, why is he surprised?

It makes me anxious.

"You said you can use curse magic, didn't you?"

"That's true, but..."

But what?

As I stare at him, urging him to continue, Dwarkey avoids my gaze and says,

"I said I can use a few curse spells, but I didn't say I can remove them...?"


"What kind of bullshit is that?"

"I couldn't help it since I learned magic on my own, not through entering the Magic Tower. I also heard that there's rarely a need to remove curses during explorations..."

Dwarkey continues with his excuses.

To put it simply, it's a very simple story.

"In other words, you didn't have the money."

Dwarkey nods with a displeased expression as I summarize the situation in one sentence, like a barbarian.

"That's right. I thought it would be better to learn the most necessary things first."

Right, that's the kind of team we are.

What's the point of complaining now?

We're all in the same boat, so complaining further will just make us look pathetic.

Let's not dwell on what's impossible and focus on what we can do right now.

"Rotmiller, is there a way to track that woman?"

"...Unfortunately, no. I've been trying to find a way since earlier, but I can't find any leads."

Hmm, as expected...

This is a bit... no, this is quite troublesome.

Although it seems like some of them haven't fully realized it yet.

"What do you think? How dangerous is it?"

"Well, I'm not sure yet. But one thing is certain, we need to leave this place right now."

"Leave... but where to?"

"Wait! What are you guys talking about?"

Dwarkey interrupts our serious conversation.

I want to tell him to stay out of it while the adults are talking, but...

He's still a mage, after all.

Maybe he'll come up with a good idea if we discuss it, so let's just give him a rough explanation.

"Didn't that woman say she wouldn't let us leave alive when she ran away? She'll definitely come back for us."

"That's true, but can't we just deal with her like we did before if she comes again?"

No, that's not as easy as it sounds.

Is it because it's his first time in the labyrinth?

He's a mage, but he seems to have worse judgment than Misha.

"It's definitely a big deal! If she ambushes us from behind while we're fighting monsters, we'll be in trouble!"

It's common sense that invisible enemies are scarier than visible ones.

And when she comes back for revenge, she'll be almost fully recovered.

'And she'll have the advantage of choosing the timing of the ambush.'

As I learned from gaining an advantage with a pre-emptive strike earlier, battles are usually more favorable for the one who initiates Rotmiller explains this kindly, and Dwarkey shuts his mouth with a look of fear.

"A priest of Karui lurking in the darkness, it seems like we've encountered a major obstacle in our journey. Hahaha."

The dwarf, the figurehead leader, tries to act nonchalant and laughs while patting Dwarkey's shoulder, who is stiff...

...but the tense atmosphere doesn't improve at all.

Well, they know better than anyone since they just fought 1:5. Just how troublesome priests of Karui are.

Just as the anxiety is starting to escalate...

"Since things have turned out this way, it would be best to enter the Witch's Forest as soon as possible."

I suggest the only solution to the current situation.

Rotmiller asks briefly,


"She won't be able to track us once we get there. The curse problem will also be resolved."

It's an answer with a lot omitted, but it's enough. Judging by their expressions, they seem to understand what I meant.

"Using the terrain characteristics of the Witch's Forest... that's a rational judgment."

Rotmiller nods.

However, is there one thing that's puzzling to him?

"But didn't you say this is your first time on the 3rd floor?"

Yes, that's right.

So please, just proceed without me having to say anything, man.

"...I studied at the library."


Rotmiller tilts his head at my excuse, which isn't really an excuse.

However, I'm not too worried.

There's a witness right next to me, just in time.

"It might be surprising, but it's true. Bjorn goes to the library every day and reads books."

"Wow, a barbarian reading books?"

"No wonder his way of speaking is extraordinary compared to other barbarians."

They look at me as if I'm some kind of weirdo.

I wish they would just make a decision and do what needs to be done.

"So what do you all think?"

"I agree with your plan."

Afterwards, with Rotmiller supporting my suggestion, the dwarf and Misha also vote in favor, and the conclusion is reached quickly.

However, there's one thing left to do before we leave.

I look at 'Hans-on', who collapsed like puppets with their strings cut as soon as Elisa escaped, and say,

"What are you all doing? Aren't you going to strip them?"

No matter how urgent it is, we need to take what we can get.

We're explorers, aren't we?

We defeat marauders and monsters.

"If we sell everything, it will be well over 6 million stones."

Is it because they were 3rd-floor marauders?

The loot dropped by 'Hans-on' is on a different level compared to the ones we encountered before.

Of course, if we divide it into five, the income would be roughly similar to before, but...

"Really?! We can each get over 1 million stones! I was worried about this year's taxes, but this is a relief!"

"With that money, I can learn a few more spells! Ah, I'll definitely learn the curse removal spell this time!"

Dwarkey and Misha, who have suddenly come into a large sum of money, happily imagine their future.

However, Rotmiller, the dwarf, and I just smile awkwardly and remain silent.

Because no matter how much you earn in the labyrinth, it only matters if you return to the city alive.

"We'll sell all this loot in the city later and settle the accounts then."

For reference, during the journey, the three of us with expandable backpacks will share the responsibility of storing the loot.

No one can predict what will happen in the future.

Someone might die during the exploration, lose their backpack, or even try to run away with everything.

However, I'm a bit surprised during this process.

'I knew about the dwarf, but I didn't expect Misha to have an expandable backpack too...'

Contrary to the impression she gave, is she the type who diligently saves money?

Maybe Misha is unexpectedly good with money.

"Then let's depart."

After collecting the loot, we pack up our campsite and quickly leave.

Rotmiller takes the lead, finding the path, and the rest of us follow behind, on guard for any surprise attacks.

We focus on moving, avoiding most monster encounters using Rotmiller's sense of smell.

How much time has passed?

「Warning: Character’s stamina is continuously decreasing. If not resolved soon, permanent…….」

I feel like I'm going to die.

After traveling for about 5 hours, almost running with all these curses hanging on me, my body is in a terrible state.

If it weren't for the Magic Resistance, Darkness Resistance, and other stats I gained from the vampire, I would have probably collapsed from exhaustion by now.

"Bjorn, are you... alright?"

"I can endure, don't worry about it."

I pretend to be fine at the dwarf's concern, but honestly, I'm not fine at all.

Unlike these guys who only have two or three curses, that crazy bitch cast countless curses on me.

And she only cast them on me.

'Damn Energy Depletion...'

Energy Depletion.

It's a shitty skill that drastically reduces the recovery of stamina, which is consumed whenever the character moves or takes action.

For reference, stamina is separate from health, so no matter how high my natural regeneration is, it's useless.

'In game terms, I probably have about 30% left?'

In the game, the character wouldn't move if the stamina gauge fell below 10%.

NPCs would often whine and beg to be killed.

But I'm not at that point yet.

Of course, it's incredibly difficult.

But it's not enough to kill me.

I can still endure with willpower.

So, I still have plenty of room left.

「Achievement Unlocked」

Condition: Stamina falls below 5%.

Reward: Mental stat permanently increases by +1.

Yeah, it definitely will be.

I can't endure if I don't think that way.

Let's just think about the positive aspects.

Although we pushed ourselves a bit, we're almost at our destination.

"The soil is moist, so I think we'll arrive if we go for another 10 minutes."

A journey of about 5 hours.

Contrary to our worries, we reach the Witch's Forest without a single attack.

'If she hasn't shown up yet even though we've come this far, that means she hasn't fully recovered either.'

It was worth it to rush even though it was tough.

I don't think there's a chance she gave up on us.

After all, she even revealed the power of the dark god in front of us to try and survive.

If we, the witnesses, return alive and well, she'll be in a very difficult situation.

"We've arrived."

As I hear Rotmiller's words, I shake off the thoughts that filled my head.

Phew, as expected, thinking about other things is the best when things are tough.

I was able to skip a whole 10 minutes!

"This is the Witch's Forest... Somehow, I feel a creepy vibe."

"All the mages who come here for the first time seem to say that."

"It feels like ominous magic power is vibrating throughout the forest."

Barren thorn bushes.

Vines wrapped around them like snakes.

"Wai, wait! The tree over there moved!"

It's a place where everything is alive and moving.

The Witch's Forest.

「Character has entered a special area.」

「Field effect - Witch's Forest is applied.」

「Status effect [Disoriented] is applied.」

「Status effect [Auditory Hallucination] is applied.」

「Status effect [Visual Hallucination] is applied.」

「Status effect [Pain Amplification] is applied.」

As we step into the forest, relying on the torches, a chilly air permeates my skin.

「All status effects except for field effects are nullified.」

Ha, I feel much better now.

「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 3

Physical: 155 / Mental: 91 (New +1) / Ability: 115

Item Level: 683

Total Combat Index: 528.75 (New +1)

Acquired Essences: Corpse Golem - Rank 7 / Vampire (Guardian) - Rank 5
