SGB: Episode 73

Episode 73: Ghostbusters (2)

In a quiet office…

A man sips his tea and mutters to himself,

“Little Balkan, huh…”

It’s an interesting story for once.

After all, how many explorers gain a title within 3 months? At least since he took on this role, it hasn’t happened more than three times.


And even the essence record he checked through the guild is intriguing. Usually, explorers start by filling up their essence slots with 9th-grade essences and gradually work their way up.

But what about this guy?

He has the Corpse Golem, Vampire, and now the Orc Hero essence that he absorbed.

“This can’t be explained just by saying he’s lucky.”

It’s like he’s using a cheat code.

Well, if we look back in history, we can find quite a few people who left similar footprints.

There are definitely people in this world who are born with special destinies, talents, and luck.

“I wonder which one this guy is…”

Most of those people are recorded and praised as heroes or great figures in later generations.

Then what about this barbarian?

At least so far, he seems to have enough potential.

Of course, his true nature needs to be proven first.

“I need to confirm it before he gets any slyer.”

This time, he needs to be more cautious and careful than usual.

In a private room of a typical high-end tavern…

As I open the door and enter, the dwarf and Dwarkey, sitting on dwarf-sized chairs, greet me with welcoming expressions.

“Oh, you’re here! Come sit down! Hahaha!”

“I’m so glad you’re both safe.”

First, I sit down across from Misha, who came with me.

“Where’s Rotmiller?”

“He’s not here yet. He should be here soon, right?”

Indeed, while we’re ordering food and making small talk, Rotmiller arrives.

It’s a little past 8:00 PM.

Is it some kind of occupational hazard to always arrive exactly on time?

“Bjorn, Miss Kaltstein. I’m glad you’re safe.”

“No, we’re glad you’re safe, Rotmiller. I heard you got hurt while escaping…”

“Phew, even that makes me feel guilty. If I hadn’t gotten injured back then, I wouldn’t have had to leave you there—”


I interrupt him because it seems like he’s about to start rambling endlessly.

“How about you sit down first. The food is here.”


With Rotmiller also seated, all the team members are finally gathered in one place for the first time in a while.

It’s a miracle that we all managed to return alive after the labyrinth incident that tore our team apart.

“God must be protecting us.”

With Rotmiller’s sentimental words, the conversation begins in earnest.

The main topic, of course, is how everyone is doing.

“So Hikurod, what happened on your end?”

“Ah, that?”

The dwarf explains what happened in the labyrinth chronologically at my question.

How Rotmiller was attacked by a surprise attack as soon as we were separated. But they managed to escape after killing the enemy’s scout with a counterattack.

The beginning is not much different from what I heard at the cabin, but since the dwarf himself is the one telling the story, I can hear the details.

“I used [Emergency Restoration] to use the ‘Guardian’s Bracers’ one more time and create an opening.”

As I suspected, he used that combo.

“Wow, I didn’t know Numbered Items could be linked with abilities like that.”

“Hahaha, it’s not like I’m that great. It’s all thanks to the wisdom passed down by our ancestors.”

[Emergency Restoration] is a skill that restores equipment to its state from 5 minutes ago, not just repairing it.

Numbered Items are no exception.

Although it has the downside of consuming more MP than usual.

‘Wisdom of the ancestors…’

As befits a race that values Numbered Items, it seems like useful tips related to them are passed down within the dwarf community.

Anyway, to summarize the rest of the story…

“First, we ran away and treated Rotmiller. And we tried to find you guys, but…”

They couldn’t find us with Rotmiller’s tracking ability because we were too far away.

But they didn’t give up and kept wandering around the Witch’s Forest.

However, on Day 3, they encountered Elisa.

“What? They met that crazy woman again?!”

“Yeah. Somehow, she persistently followed us even in the forest.”

“So? So what did you do?”

“Hahaha, what else could we do? We ran away!”

They escaped from Elisa’s pursuit and ended up going up to the 4th floor through the portal.

And that was it.

The 4th floor, [Tower of Heaven], has a stage-based structure.

They somehow managed to clear the first stage and chose to stay there until the labyrinth closed.

They judged that they might get wiped out if they encountered a 6th-grade monster on the next stage.

“It was quite a pain in the ass to waste more than ten days like that… but I was able to endure thanks to Rotmiller and Dwarkey.”

Pain in the ass my ass.

That’s what we should be saying.

‘Ha, and you guys just left because you were tired?’

I can already feel a pain in my lower abdomen.

I can understand that they were relaxing while we were struggling…

“Ah, right! I didn’t mention this. Surprisingly, an essence dropped from the first trial.”

“An essence… dropped…?”

Damn it, is this a game?

An essence that didn’t drop even though we fought countless monsters in the Witch’s Forest against our will…

It just popped out of nowhere for them.

And from a ‘Mimic’, a rare monster known for dropping at least decent essences.

“Rotmiller absorbed it first and then opened the [Treasure Vault].”

[Treasure Vault] is the Mimic’s active skill.

It’s not a combat skill, but it allows you to open a personal subspace storage.

And the key point here is…

“So? What came out?”

When you open the [Treasure Vault] for the first time, various items are inside randomly.

If you’re unlucky, it might just contain a few high-grade potions and nothing else.

I hope these guys were un—

“There were about 2 million stones worth of magic stones, three top-grade potions, and two Numbered Items.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“…Why are you suddenly cursing?”

“Sorry, I was just surprised.”

Although I feel like throwing up, I hold it in and ask,

“So what numbers were the items?”

“Unfortunately, one was in the 8000s and the other was in the 9000s.”

Phew, so they still earned well over 10 million stones.

Of course, since Misha and I weren’t there, they would have split it into three among themselves…

Why is this dwarf so lucky?

“It turned out that they weren’t items we needed, so we decided to sell them. Rotmiller, who absorbed the essence, agreed to deduct the standard essence price listed by the guild from his share.”

“I see… congratulations…”

Rotmiller absorbed a new essence, and the dwarf and Dwarkey hit the jackpot.

Is that why?

Although I could somehow smile and offer congratulations…


The spoon I was holding bends in half.

“Bjo, Bjorn? Why did you suddenly break a perfectly good spoon?!”

“I couldn’t control my strength because of the Orc Hero essence.”

“Huh? That didn’t happen yesterday!”

Well, because nothing like this happened yesterday.

Those damn freeloaders…

Now that we’ve heard about the dwarf’s side of the story, it’s our turn.

“Actually, we’re more curious about you guys. We heard some rumors and vaguely heard about it yesterday… what exactly happened to you?”

I step in and give a brief summary to avoid Misha potentially making a slip of the tongue.

Our life after getting lost.

Misha’s ‘coincidental’ awakening.

“Miss Kaltstein, congratulations. You must have been through a lot…”

“No, I didn’t do anything, it’s all thanks to Bjorn.”

“…Thanks to Bjorn?”

“Ah, no! I meant we wouldn’t have made it back alive without Bjorn!”

Anyway, there were times when she got sidetracked.

The three religious fanatics we met at the cabin.

And the Floor Master who was roaming around when we came out.

As our dynamic story, which was on a completely different level compared to theirs, unfolded, the three listened intently.

“Huh, to think of going to the Orc Encampment in that situation, you were really smart.”

“I wouldn’t have even thought of the Dzarwi Clan.”

“So? What happened after that?”

Their reactions were sincere, making it enjoyable to talk.

However, I continued the story with an objective perspective, avoiding exaggeration.


“Phew, they asked for a protection fee in that situation?”

“To pay 2 million stones just the two of you… I feel so bad. Hey, Rotmiller, Dwarkey, how about we gather some money and give it to them?”

“That’s a good idea. We can’t say we’re not responsible either.”

Did they start feeling sorry for me after hearing my story?

The three of them gathered 1 million stones after hearing about the protection fee, the broken equipment, and the 500,000 stones spent on repairs.

Honestly, I’m a bit taken aback.

“…Are you really giving this to us?”

“Of course. We earned a lot of money this time, can’t we at least do this much for you?”

What is this?

Could it be that he’s not a dwarf but an angel?

“Hikurod, you’re a truly great leader…”

“Hahaha, I appreciate the compliment, but let’s finish the story.”


I reflect on myself for calling this great dwarf a freeloader and decide to continue the rest of the story more sincerely.

“Huh, so the Floor Master appeared in that situation!”

The Lord of Chaos that appeared with 5 hours remaining.

“To pour out that much resources… it makes sense that they collected a protection fee.”

The subjugation battle that required a vast amount of resources.

And the riot that broke out within.

The [Crack of Evil] pattern that was inevitably triggered.

“I see. I was wondering what you meant by the Orc Hero essence earlier, so that’s what you were talking about.”

The essence I obtained through negotiations with the Dzarwi Clan, who lacked a tank.

And the escape.

For reference, I also mentioned that I had the vampire essence, and the dwarf was surprisingly understanding.

“Even I was hesitant to reveal the existence of the Numbered Item at first. We’re fine, so you don’t have to bow your head like that.”

Don’t bow my head?

Hmm, I just happened to look down because I spilled some food on the floor, but…

There’s no need to correct him.

“Anyway, congratulations. To have already absorbed two 5th-grade essences? It’s practically like you’ve laid the foundation to become a high-ranking explorer.”

“…Thank you for saying that.”

Afterwards, I calmly finish the story by describing how we escaped from the [Crack of Evil] and were chased by the Floor Master while carrying Misha.

The three of them express their admiration.

“Hwahaha, I knew it from the beginning. That this friend would accomplish great things.”

“Indeed! It was the most grand and noble story I’ve heard in recent times. I’m almost disappointed that I wasn’t part of it!”

“Certainly… with this level of achievement, no one would dare to disagree with calling you Little Balkan.”

There’s one thing that particularly catches my ear.

It’s something Rotmiller said…

“Wait a minute, Little Balkan?”

When I tilt my head in confusion, the dwarf kindly explains,

“You haven’t heard yet? It’s your title!”

Little Balkan.

I have a new title after the barbarian of freedom.

However, I still don’t know…

‘A title…’

…whether this will have a positive or negative effect in the future.

「Character’s fame has increased by +1.」

「Character’s fame has increased by +1…….」


The next day after our gathering…

I meet with Hikurod early in the morning and visit the guild.

To report Elisa Behenk.

“…A priest of Karui, you say?”

The employee who receives the report can’t hide his flustered expression, as it’s not a common occurrence.

However, when I present my 5-star ID card and the video recording device that the dwarf had been wearing on his head throughout the exploration as evidence, his expression changes.

“This… doesn’t seem like something I can handle myself. Could you please wait for a moment?”

We’re immediately summoned to the branch manager’s office, and we explain what happened to the branch manager.

And as a result of the news reaching the temple…

Elisa is excommunicated from the Leathlas Church and immediately becomes a top-tier wanted criminal.

“According to the checkpoint records, it’s certain that the evil woman returned to the city, so we should be able to catch her soon.”

Although the guild and the temple speak confidently, I don’t think that bitch will be caught so easily.

I have no evidence, but I have that feeling.

‘Tsk, it just feels uneasy.’

Therefore, I decide to pay close attention to any news about Elisa in the future and conclude this matter for now.

There’s nothing more we can do anyway.

And we even received an unexpected reward.

“Hahaha! Anyway, this is an unexpected income, isn’t it?”

“Justice always comes with rewards.”

The temple gave us a reward of about 3 million stones for providing crucial information.

Well, we’ll have to divide it into five…

‘Not bad.’

This level of luck is perfect for gratefully accepting. If it were any more, I would start getting scared about what might come back to bite me.

“Phew, it took longer than expected because there was a lot to testify about. Then let’s get going. Everyone must be waiting.”

After finishing the Elisa report, we head to the meeting place we agreed on. And after some discussion, we finalize the loot distribution.

“Let’s split everything we acquired together before we were separated into five. And we’ll negotiate separately for anything we got afterwards.”

We divide the equipment and consumables of ‘Hans-on’, Elisa’s loyal followers, and the magic stones we collected until Day 4 equally among the five of us.

I purposely only offered the religious fanatics’ equipment as a protection fee, anticipating this moment, so there won’t be any complications—

‘Ah, the boots.’

I belatedly remember Hans C’s boots that I lost because of the mines, but…

I decide to just let it go.

It’s too much of a hassle to recalculate…

And besides, we used up all the holy water and potions they had anyway.


“I’m, I’m calculating. Ah! We each get 1.22 million stones!”

A total of 2.44 million stones for Misha and me.

1.2 million stones from the temple’s reward.

And 1 million stones from the three of them as a support fund.

3.11 million stones from selling the three religious fanatics’ expandable backpack and the remaining equipment after paying the protection fee.

And about 800,000 stones from the 15-day magic stones.

In simpler terms…

‘A total of 8.55 million stones.’

If I were to split it with Misha, my net profit from this expedition would be 4.27 million stones.

If it weren’t for that ‘promise’.


As I can tell just by looking at Misha’s eyes, which seem to be dripping with regret, all of this profit is mine.

That was the agreement.

Well, back then, I accepted her offer mostly to put her mind at ease, but…

‘It’s better for me to keep and manage it.’

Misha is now my main companion.

Not only her essence, but also the equipment she’ll be wearing in the future and her overall build will all be handled by me.

Naturally, there will be a lot of expenses.

‘In that sense, if we subtract the cost of repairing Misha’s and my equipment, and the 300,000 stones for treatment…’

…we get the net profit from this expedition.

7.65 million stones.

Even considering the losses like the boots I ruined in the labyrinth and the mace I lost, it’s a ridiculous profit.

After all, it’s far beyond the amount I could have earned just by hunting.

‘Although it’s not that much when I think about the money I’ll have to spend in the future.’

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s nothing. Just finish your food.”

The situation has changed.

After the vampire essence, I also absorbed the Orc Hero’s essence, which I thought I would get much later.

And I found a companion to grow with.

‘I need to do that first when we get back.’

Therefore, a re-evaluation of my plans is necessary.
