SGB: Episode 2

Surviving the Game as a BarbarEpisode 2 Tutorial (1)

I close my eyes.

And I ask myself.

If this is the introduction of a very, very unfriendly game, what should I do now?

'First, grasp the situation and gather information.'

Phew, I think I'm coming to my senses a bit.

Remembering the first task I set for myself, I slowly open my eyes and check my surroundings again.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed.


The fact that I'm in a clearing in the forest.

The fact that what illuminates the dark surroundings is not an LED streetlight but a flickering torch.

And most importantly, the fact that muscular barbarians are swarming everywhere I look, north, south, east, and west.......

"Congratulations! Young warriors!"

Fuck, I wasn't seeing things after all.

I don't know what they're doing gathered together in the middle of the night, but their expressions are quite solemn.

Is that guy in the middle some kind of chieftain?

Well, that won't be important.

"From today, you will leave the sanctuary and become true warriors!"

Ignoring the chieftain's words, I close my eyes.

I'm not a doctor, but let's try a self-diagnosis. I have blackout symptoms.

I don't know why I'm here.

"Now, come out one by one and choose the weapon that suits you!"

So let's try.

What was I doing just now?

I'm not sure if there's something wrong with my brain, but as I retrace my steps, I soon remember.

I was playing a game.

I had reached the final boss room, and I was suppressing my excitement as I activated the portal. Then suddenly, messages like "Tutorial complete" and "Starting transmission" popped up, and a bright light burst out. And then.......

When I came to my senses, it was now.

Somehow, I'm more confused than before.

"Karak, the third son of Fanun, come out!"

I decide to check my physical condition first.

I don't feel any pain, but you never know.

With that thought, I lower my head and freeze in shock.

...What is this again?

"A two-handed axe! Excellent!"

The hand I'm looking down at is brutally large. And surprisingly, it moves according to my will.

I check other places, and it's a mess.

Not only is my upper body bare, but all sorts of tattoos are drawn on my bulging muscles.

...No wonder everyone looks so big, but our eye level is the same.

I try to organize the situation.

No, actually, there's nothing to organize.

For some reason, I've become a barbarian without even knowing it.

"Karak, the third son of Fanun! You are now a warrior!"

Kidnapping, hidden camera, psychological experiment, etc.

I immediately erase similar possibilities from my mind. The situation is too bizarre to force reasons into it while hoping for the best.

It's more productive to acknowledge what needs to be acknowledged and move on.

What's happening to me now is something that can't be explained by science or modern knowledge.

There's more than enough evidence besides this big body.


First, the language that barbarian is using is not Korean, English, or Spanish.

It's a language I've never encountered in any media my entire life.

The problem is that I can understand it naturally as if it were my native language.

As if the knowledge had been engraved in my head.

"Ainar, the second daughter of Frenelin, come out!"

Second, I'm familiar with this situation.

I know it sounds weird, but it really is.

At first, everything was unfamiliar, but once I came to my senses a bit, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

"You chose a sword! A good choice that suits your intelligence!"

The young barbarians choose their weapons one by one.

That's the only thing they have in common, but.......

It reminds me of the introduction of [Dungeon and Stone].

Specifically, when I chose 'Barbarian' among the various races, the game started like this.

But is this really a coincidence?

The game I was playing when the mysterious light swallowed me was also [Dungeon and Stone], and even the main character I was playing was a 'Barbarian'?

"Ainar, the second daughter of Frenelin! You are now a warrior. May the blessings of 'Lafdonia' be with you!"

'This is crazy...'

I decide to stop organizing the remaining evidence.


This proper noun that the chieftain just mentioned makes everything meaningless.

I now know where this is.

The world of the game I've been playing for almost 10 years.

"Dun, Dungeon and Stone."

Uh, who is this again? Why are you speaking for me?

Glancing at the barbarian next to me, I freeze in shock. He was clearly different from the other barbarians.

"What, what is this? Why am I here..."

His breath is ragged, and his eyes are full of confusion.

He knows [Dungeon and Stone] too. Is he in the same situation as me?

I felt the need to check, but unfortunately, I couldn't even attempt to.

"Who just spoke!"

My head goes numb for a moment at the loud voice.

Of course, it doesn't last long.

I can't tell when he came, but looking at the chieftain looking down at me, I come to my senses.

"Was it you?"

I shake my head as soon as I'm asked. And naturally, I look at the barbarian next to me.

It's an action so quick that even I'm impressed.

The chieftain also shifts his gaze to the barbarian next to me instead of continuing to question me.

Sorry, but it was you. You spoke.

"Was it you?"


"I asked if it was you who just mumbled."

I'm just now realizing it, but the chieftain's expression is not normal. It doesn't seem like it's just because he spoke out loud.......

"Ah, you mean Dungeon and Stone? But... why?"

The guy still doesn't seem to notice the atmosphere.

"It was you..."

The chieftain grits his teeth, and for a brief moment, a look of pity crosses his eyes.

Feeling an inexplicable sense of foreboding, I unconsciously take a step back.

That's when the guy tilts his head and asks.

"This is like an event, right? Ah, maybe I figured it out too quickly and that's the problem—"

Whatever it was, I couldn't see it with my eyes.

Something flashed, and then a chilling sound came.


That was all there was to it.

The fleeting moment passes, and a head falls with a thud, rolling around.

A cruel sight that seems unreal.

My eyes transmit the information they just saw to my brain.


A person's neck was cut off in front of me. I can see the bones and the cross-section of the muscles. Something white splatters on my face along with blood and flesh. What is this? Fat?

Hmm, I don't know.

It's not as shocking as I thought it would be.


Even as I watch the fountain of blood gushing from the man's neck, only one question fills my mind.

Why on earth did the chieftain kill him?

"An 'evil spirit' has possessed the soul of Orm, son of Kadua. Young warriors, erase all the words the evil spirit just uttered from your memories!"

The moment I hear the chieftain's words, information naturally combines in my mind.

Information 1: I am an evil spirit.

Information 2: If this is discovered, I die.

Information 3: I could have ended up like that if I had been careless.

Once I reach this conclusion, a chill runs down my spine, which had been fine even when the man's neck was cut off.

"Vulcan! You must inform the temple of this along with the body!"

"What will you do with the coming-of-age ceremony?"

"We will proceed!"

Despite the bloodshed, the coming-of-age ceremony continues.

It seems like this kind of thing is common here; there's no one who even blinks an eye. This is the same for the young warriors around me.

But maybe it's because I've played so many unfriendly games?

Without anyone telling me, I clearly understand what I need to do now.

—Without letting anyone discover that you are an evil spirit, successfully complete the coming-of-age ceremony.

If this were a friendly game, a message like that would have popped up.

Engraving the updated task in my mind, I force my body to stop trembling. And I act out my expression, using the attitude of the others as a guideline.

No one should feel any sense of incongruity from me.

To them, I'm no different from an 'evil spirit' who has taken over the body of its master.


When my thoughts continue from there, my heart skips a beat.

"Serum, the fourth son of Kenik, come out!"

I don't know my name.

This is a serious problem that could cost me my life.

If I just stand there while my name is called, it will definitely look suspicious.


Of course, I could pretend I misheard.

That would certainly be the more likely scenario.

But if you ask me if I can be sure, that's a completely different story. What if that's not the case? What if the chieftain asks me a question because he finds me suspicious?

I won't be able to answer anything.


Did the anxious feeling stimulate the hormones in my brain?

Positive thoughts start popping up for no reason.

Weak thoughts like, 'If I'm called last, it doesn't matter if I don't know my name, right?'


I feel pathetic.

Relying on luck?

When I've never been lucky in my entire life? The fact that I got dragged into this place while playing a game is proof enough.

To overcome this crisis, I need a much more likely plan.


That's why I keep observing my surroundings.

With my chin facing forward, I use my eyes to observe and study the expressions, movements, and habits of the others.

As I do this, a way comes to mind.




The roll call continues.

Each time, I count about 2 seconds in my head.

When I repeat this eight times.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel, come out!"

Finally, the moment I've been waiting for arrives.

2 seconds pass after the roll call, and no one takes a step.

The moment I realize this, I step forward. And with my shoulders proudly squared, I walk towards the chieftain.


I'm not unafraid.

Even as I take this step, I'm not sure if that's really my name.


If my judgment is wrong, that crazy chieftain will definitely call me out for being suspicious.

And he'll ask, "Who's your mother?"

I won't be able to answer.



I don't hesitate.

Even though my heart is pounding, I keep walking forward, regulating my breathing.

It's a simple reason.

I judged this to be the most likely path.

"Young warrior, choose the weapon you desire!"

As a result, my choice was correct.

There's no suspicion in the chieftain's eyes as he looks at me.

A gentle gaze, just like when he looks at the other young warriors.

I suppress a strange excitement and steady my breath.

I survived.

It hasn't even been 10 minutes since I opened my eyes.

But I've accepted the reality I'm facing as it is.

To some, I might seem strange, but.......

Denial is meaningless.

This isn't a dream.

'Bjorn Yandel.'

From now on, I have to live with this name.

No, not just the name, but I have to become this barbarian completely.

I don't know for how long.

Whether it's possible to go back home, and if it is, what I have to do.......

I still don't know anything.

Well, I guess it's possible that I can go back if I fulfill the game's clear conditions.

But it's too early to say for sure.

Honestly, I hope not.

No, I haven't even beaten the 2D version yet, how am I supposed to beat this in real life?

Maybe I'll have to live here forever.


In that sense, choosing a weapon was important.

I thought it might look suspicious if I dragged it out, so I carefully examined each weapon.

One-handed swords, two-handed greatswords, maces, clubs, spears, harpoons, two-handed axes, flails, sledgehammers, etc.

There were no bows or staffs at all.

These barbarians don't even consider easy-mode jobs like healers, mages, or archers.

It's only natural, considering the racial characteristics.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel! Choose your weapon quickly!"

As the time for choosing dragged on, even the chieftain started to urge me.

I went over my thoughts one last time.

Barbarians have no innate magical talent, but they have powerful physical abilities.

That's why, when I raised a barbarian, I always gave them a melee weapon and put them in the front line.

Out of curiosity, I tried raising a bow barbarian, but it wasn't that great.

Their true value was always shown in close combat.

And among them.......


After much deliberation, I chose a weapon.


The chieftain, who had been adding compliments and admiration to each choice, showed a strange reaction for the first time.

I could fully understand his feelings.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel! You are now a warrior!"

I chose a weapon that no one else had chosen.

At that moment, in the dark room where the flash had subsided.

「Synchronization complete.」

「Character information and logs are being recorded and transmitted to the administrator.」

The fan of the computer that had been turned off starts to spin, and the light leaking from the monitor illuminates the empty room.

However, the booting doesn't proceed normally.

Beep, beep, beep—

The typing continues on the black DOS screen, as if there's an error, in sync with the beeps.

「The coming-of-age ceremony has been successfully completed.」

「New equipment has been equipped.」

「Total item level has increased by +12…….」


As if someone is writing it down in real-time even at this moment, only those sounds quietly resonate in the ownerless room.

Endlessly, continuously.

「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 1

Physical: 25 / Mental: 35 / Ability: 1

Item Level: 24 (New +24)

Total Combat Index: 67 (New+6)
