SGB: Episode 3

Surviving the Game as a BarbarEpisode 3 Tutorial (2)


When I first played this race, which literally means 'barbarian,' I chose a greatsword.

Well, because it's cool.

If you're a man, you have the desire to hold swords in both hands and spin like crazy in the middle of the enemy lines, swinging your swords.

'The problem was, they died too easily.'

I was drawn to the barbarian character and started researching. How could I raise a barbarian that could also survive?

I tried many things, but barbarians still died too easily. No matter how much I tried to increase their survivability, they just became berserkers.

It was unstable because I had to walk a tightrope in every battle.

Then, at some point, I felt a sense of doubt.

'Do I have to use them as a damage dealer?'

Barbarians have the highest vitality among the selectable races, and their strength expectancy is also high, so they can even equip adamantium equipment.

Although they're not as good as dwarves, who have incredible special abilities, they have the basic qualities of a tank.

Well, apart from that, I didn't really want to play a barbarian tank...

But I decided to try it because I felt it was a waste of all the research I had done.

And after going through a few trial and errors and creating a build...

'What the, this OP character.'

I abandoned the dwarf I had originally used as a tank without any regrets.

So what if they can't have flashy battles?

I've always valued efficiency, and as a gamer, I could throw away my personal preferences if it helped me clear the game.

Just like the decision I've made now.


After choosing my weapon and returning to my spot, I can feel the other barbarians staring at me.

What are you looking at? Never seen a shield barbarian before?

I return to my spot with a confident demeanor, showing no fear, just like a barbarian should.

This time, I don't even need to act.


I have no regrets about my decision.

There are three reasons.

One, shields are the most expensive starting weapon when resold.

Two, even if I were to wield a bladed weapon right now, there's a high chance I wouldn't be able to use it properly.

Three, ultimately, what I'm aiming for is a shield barbarian.

Today, I made the most rational decision I could.

"You are now a warrior!"

After choosing a weapon and turning back, I finally have some time.

While the other barbarians are going through the coming-of-age ceremony, I decide to try and figure out the cause of this current situation. Actually, it's something I should have addressed earlier, but...

Well, what can I do?

Thinking about that would have gotten me killed.

「You have reached the abyss.」

Let's sort it out now.

I reached the final boss room.

That was probably the trigger.

'Wait a minute, then what about the guy who died earlier? Did he also reach the final boss room?'

...Maybe he did.

There are many people in the world, and among them, there are strange people like me. Anyway, let's move on from this part.

「Tutorial complete.」

This is how I interpreted this message.

I've been told everything I need to know, so use this knowledge to survive well.

Whoever it is, they're a vicious bastard.

If they really wanted me to survive, they should have at least given me the setting of being an 'evil spirit' or whatever.

I almost died as soon as I got here. You son of a bitch.


Is it because I'm in a barbarian's body? I can't control my emotions like I usually do.

That's why I stopped my thoughts here.

If I get worked up for no reason, I might mess things up, and besides, it's not like me to stress out over the cause.

What's done is done, and it can't be undone.

It's more productive to think about how to overcome it in the future.


Yeah, let's just think about that for now.



The coming-of-age ceremony is over.

And I'm walking along a forest path.

The chieftain is in front, and the young barbarians are behind.

Everyone looks happy, as if they're on a picnic.

But I can't genuinely smile like them.

Because I know their final destination.


We pass through the thick bushes and arrive in front of a wall that must be at least 30 meters tall.

"Open the gate!"

The gate opens with a clunky mechanical sound.

It's so slow that it almost makes me yawn.

But the young barbarians watch as if they've forgotten to breathe. In the strange silence, the gray city finally reveals itself beyond the gate.


I guess even at this moment, my eyes are not much different from theirs.

The well-maintained roads and stone buildings.

The spire soaring high into the sky that can be seen between them.

I never dreamed that I would see the scene I had only seen in loading screen illustrations in person.

Damn it.


As the gate opens, the chieftain turns around and shouts.

I thought he might say something nice before sending them off, but...

"Go! Your destiny lies there!"

Barbarians don't need boring speeches.


The newly-adult barbarians run into the city, shouting. I follow behind, shouting reluctantly.

There might be people sleeping soundly in those dark buildings, but who cares?

I'm a barbarian.


I hear the gate closing behind me.

Of course, none of the barbarians care.

The excited barbarians run for a while before finally calming down and slowing down, and only then can I calmly continue my thoughts.

Currently, I have conflicting emotions.


Fear of the situation I'm facing.

And a certain sense of anticipation at becoming a part of the world of the game I enjoyed playing the most.

It's a bit funny.

It was just a moment ago that I decided to only think about survival, but emotions like this are welling up.

...I guess I'm not normal.

Though I'm probably not as bad as these barbarians.


The leader-like barbarian who was running at the front stops and turns around, shouting proudly.

"I think we're lost!"

The barbarians murmur at the shocking confession.

"Karak, the third son of Fanun, led us astray!"

"He is not qualified to be the leader!"

"He must take responsibility!"

Bullshit. They were following him just fine.

Is this barbarian society? It's ruthless.

"I understand. Stop it. I admit I'm not qualified and will step down as leader."

At the continued complaints, Karak, the third son of Fanun, lowers his head deeply and returns to the group.

The next leader chosen is a female barbarian.

"Ainar, the second daughter of Frenelin!"

"The wise Ainar can lead us on the right path!"

At the many hopeful words, the female barbarian leads the group at the front with a happy face.

However, it doesn't take long for her to follow the same path as the previous leader.

"...I think we're lost."

Surprisingly, what they say is exactly the same, word for word.

"No way! We have to get to the labyrinth within the allotted time!"

"Ainar is not qualified to be the leader!"

"That's right!"

The confused barbarians begin to seriously discuss who to elect as the third leader.

"Jin, the second son of Tetran, seems like a good choice."

"No, I don't think so. Rather..."

Do these guys have no brains?

Do they really not realize that no matter who leads, we won't reach our destination?

Maybe it'll even be my turn.


I quietly step back and approach the second leader.

She, with her large build just under 2 meters, stands slightly away from the group with a dejected expression.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel? Are you here to blame me too?"

No way.

As far as I can see, they're all the same.

When I shake my head, the female barbarian tilts her head.

"Then why? I don't need consolation."

"No. I've come to tell you how to find the way."

"...Is that true? But how?"

I point to one place with my hand.

"Just follow them."

"Just follow them?"

She looks like she can't believe it at all.

I exercise patience and explain step by step, using logical steps.

A city at midnight. All the buildings on the main street have their lights off. But there are quite a few people walking the streets for such a late hour.

They're all armed, not in everyday clothes.

Where would such people be going?

"Indeed. Now that I see it, it seems so. I'll give it a try."

The female barbarian returns to the group and shouts, "I found the way!" and the barbarians stop choosing the third leader and cheer.

"As expected of Ainar!"

"Wise warrior!"

Anyway, the group starts moving again.

I'm not sure if we're going the right way, but as time goes on, the number of armed people around us increases.

And now, I can even see a cluster of lights spreading out in the distance.

If we've come this far, we won't get lost, at least.

"It's the labyrinth! I can see the labyrinth!"

"The sacred dimension of battle!"

I pick up where I left off with my thoughts.

My biggest concern right now is whether entering the labyrinth is the right decision.

"I can feel it! The labyrinth is calling to my soul!"

The barbarians, lost in a frenzy of excitement, won't even notice if I quietly slip away from the group.

Then I don't have to enter the labyrinth.

I don't have to fight monsters and shed blood.

But even though I know that better than anyone, I still haven't come to a conclusion on this matter.

'Because I know running away won't be the solution.'

[Dungeon and Stone] has a tax system.

From the age of 20, all citizens have to pay taxes, and if they can't pay, they are executed.

If you just hear this, you might think it's some kind of trash game, but if you look at the lore, there are reasons that make it somewhat understandable.

It's not something I need to worry about yet, but...

"Ainar! Let's pick up the pace!"


Anyway, I need to make money.

Of course, that doesn't mean I have to enter the labyrinth and fight monsters.

Even if I work at a tavern, I should be able to get by for now with food and a place to sleep.

...If I wasn't a barbarian.

Barbarians are the only race that receives weapons from the start of the game.

The reason is quite simple.

[Barbarian? I'm sorry, someone just got rescued.]

[Get out of here? I have no work for a barbarian! What are you going to break this time!]

Barbarians can't do normal jobs.

According to the game's settings, they have no way of making a living except for fighting monsters in the labyrinth.

Well, it's still unknown how things will actually be.

Maybe I'll be able to find a job more easily than I think.

But there's one thing that makes me hesitate to leave the group just based on that hope.

"10 minutes until closure! Please enter quickly!"

The labyrinth opens once a month in game time.

In other words, if I can't enter this time, I have to survive in this city for a month.

But what if I can't find a job?

What if no one hires me because I'm a barbarian?

Well, the future looks bleak.

I can survive for a week with the food the chieftain gave me, but after that, I'll have to scavenge for scraps and leftovers.

Maybe I'll starve to death before that.

One thing is clear: even if I survive that long, my body won't be the same as it is now.

"I'll go in first!"

"No, I'm first!"

Hunger, cold, sleeping in unsanitary conditions.

I know better than anyone how fatal these things are to the human body.

So, if I'm going to enter anyway, it's more rational to do so when I'm in the best condition.

'The problem is that it might just shorten my lifespan.'

As my worries deepen, it's then.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel!"

Someone grabs my shoulder.

I check, and it's that female barbarian from earlier.

Her name was...

"Ainar, the third daughter of Frenelin."

"Second daughter."

Anyway, what does she want from me?

"The other warriors have already entered the labyrinth. Only you and I are left."


No wonder it's so quiet.

I check, and there are very few people left in the square, let alone the other barbarians. It seems Ainar came to look after me as the second leader because I was just standing there.

"We have to hurry. We don't have much time because we arrived late."

At her words, I raise my head and look straight ahead.

The portal, which had been emitting a strong light even from afar, has already become noticeably smaller.

"5 minutes until closure!"

Just in time, the guide announces the remaining time once again.

5 minutes, that's tighter than I thought.

I need to make a decision soon, but...

"Go in first. I'll follow right behind."


Ainar nods and heads towards the portal, and my worries deepen further.

So, what should I do now?

As a hardcore efficiency freak who prefers to do everything quickly, it's not easy for me to make a decision this time.

My actual life is on the line, unlike in the game.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel!"

Just as I'm about to step back unconsciously...

Ainar, who was walking fine, suddenly turns around.

"Thank you for earlier."

"...No need to thank me."

"And there's one thing I want to ask."

Anything but my mother's name.

When I nod, Ainar asks in a 100% sincere voice.

"How can I become as wise as you? You're the smartest barbarian I've ever met. I want to be like you."

That's a tough question to answer. How can I become smarter? Honestly, wouldn't it be faster to just be born again?.......

Wait, why am I even thinking about this?

Let's just give her a rough answer and send her on her way.

"Always think and then act."

"Hmm, I see!"

It was something I said without much thought, but Ainar ponders my words with a serious expression.

And then she says something a little unexpected.

"Thank you for the advice. If I make it out of the labyrinth alive, I'll repay you."

If she makes it out alive?

It sounds too strange coming from a barbarian.

So, unlike myself, I blurt out an unnecessary question.

"...Do you fear death?"

"Isn't that obvious? Of course, I fear death. Probably the other warriors do too, even if they don't show it."

Is that so?

Honestly, even if she says that, it doesn't really resonate with me.

The barbarians in the game were beings who knew no fear.

And they didn't seem much different in real life either.

When I remain silent, Ainar adds an explanation.

"We were born as warriors. If we can't fight, we die."

Her speech is awkward and stiff, but somehow, I can fully understand what she's trying to say.

"I see."

Just like me, they also have no choice.

Because they were born as barbarians.

Because if they can't kill monsters in the labyrinth, they can't survive in this city.

That's why they learned from a young age how to overcome fear and move forward.

Yes, that was all.

The reason they seemed like barbarians was...

"Let's meet again, alive. Bjorn, son of Yandel."

Soon, Ainar enters the portal.

"1 minute until closure!"

Now, there's nothing left to hold me back.

Only my choice remains.

Just like the message that appeared when I entered the final boss room, there are two options.

「Yes / No」

Somehow, my complicated mind clears up.

Yeah, let's just think of it as playing a game.

When I play games, I always focus on efficiency for the sake of my goals.

Before I act, I consider the possibilities, and I always think about the next step after that.

If I judged that something would result in a loss even if it brought immediate benefits, I chose 'No.'

If it was the opposite, I chose 'Yes.'

That's why I never had a choice.

"The gate will close soon! Step back!"

I run forward.

Just like when the chieftain called my name, fear is boiling over from deep within my heart.

That's only natural; I've lived a sickly life, and I don't even have experience with common fistfights.

Let alone fighting monsters?

My legs are already starting to tremble.

"It's dangerous!"

But as long as there's even a slight chance...

I now have the body of a barbarian, powerful beyond comprehension.

I have the knowledge gained from raising characters thousands of times.

And above all, I have the grand goal of survival.

So I have no choice but to do it.

Even though I know better than anyone that this is a terrible ordeal that no sane person would choose...

Because I've come to think that it's the most rational choice—

「You have entered the 1st Floor Crystal Cave.」
