MAEPG: Episode 16

Episode 16 Azantu (4)


“Well, ramen is good once in a while.”

I slurped the noodles, savoring the chewy texture.

The spicy aroma and the taste of artificial seasonings stimulating my tongue.

Lately, with my abundant bank account, I had been indulging in luxuries like jokbal and sushi, but sometimes I craved instant food.

‘Anyway, the avatar really died this time.’

Hans was resurrected as an undead not long after I thought he was dead, but that wouldn’t happen this time.

He was dismembered by a vampire, burned all over, and crushed by the debris of a building, so it would be difficult to even find an intact corpse.

Then I thought of the siblings who would be waiting for me.

‘I told them I would visit within three days. I can just send a new avatar instead. Then I guess I won’t be able to go outside for a while?’

It took about a week for a dead avatar to regenerate.

That was over two months in another world’s time.

Therefore, I had no choice but to use the avatar that was currently active outside.

Beep beep beep— Click

Just in time, the avatar came into the house with the luggage.

The items, including the damaged bulletproof vest.

‘I paid for a week’s stay at the lodging I booked, so when the transfer formation is activated, I’ll move directly into the room, change clothes, and go see the kids.’

They would be worried if I was late.

‘I need to name this guy too…’

I looked at the avatar organizing the luggage and thought for a moment before making a decision.

‘Yeah, let’s call him Heinz too. Heinz the Second, if you will?’

He would soon have to face the siblings in place of the deceased Heinz, and it would be confusing if they had different names.

I decided on the name ‘Heinz the Second’, inheriting the will of the heroically fallen Heinz.

<Individual Information>

-Individual Name: Heinz the Second

-Common Traits: “Mind Hub”, “Super Recovery”, “Clear Mind”

-Individual Traits: “Acceleration”

-Special Notes: Han Seong-hyeon’s third avatar.

‘Just in case, should I invest a little Karma and raise his physical abilities a bit?’

There were about six hours left until the interdimensional transfer formation’s cooldown ended.

《Transfer to the Auterica Dimension complete.》

When the transfer was complete, I opened my eyes and looked around. It was the lodging I had booked while staying in Azantu.

I rummaged through my luggage, put on a coat over the bulletproof vest, and packed the necessary items.

‘I only brought one longsword. It must be in those ruins now.’

I felt a momentary regret for the lost weapon, but it couldn’t be helped.

I would have to find another weapon later.

As I left the room and headed for the lodging’s entrance, the owner at the counter was surprised, asking when I had come in, but I vaguely brushed it off and hurriedly left.

‘I don’t feel any particular change. I wonder what it’s actually like.’

Even though an incident where one of the vampires ruling the city was killed had occurred, there wasn’t much difference on the surface.

They existed in the shadows of the city, so it probably wasn’t publicized.

As I walked through the back alleys towards the siblings’ residence, I could feel the tense atmosphere.

Since something had happened at Barcollack’s headquarters, which managed this street, the level of vigilance was naturally different from other places.

“Wait, mister, let me see you for a second.”

As expected, a man with Barcollack’s tattoo on his neck stopped me.

“I haven’t seen your face before. What brings you here?”

His wary attitude was different from the large man who had extorted a bribe earlier.

The situation was tense, so it was natural for them to be more cautious.

“Ah, I’m an adventurer who recently entered the city. I met a young brother and sister living in this area a few days ago, and I came to see them.”

“Siblings? Ah, I know who you mean. But why are you looking for those orphans?”

As the man continued to look at me suspiciously, one of the gang members with him approached him.

“Boss, I heard that when the boy went missing a while ago and his sister was asking around, a young man helped her find him. Isn’t that him?”

“Really? Is that true?”

Fortunately, it seemed that Diana had explained things well.

“Yes, that’s right. I came here to see them again because of that connection…”

I bowed and answered, then discreetly approached and slipped him a bribe.

Even though he was being picky, he didn’t refuse the money I offered and nodded as he naturally pocketed it.

“Alright, things are a bit tense these days, so don’t cause any trouble.”

“Of course not. Then please excuse me.”

I was able to get past it without any major problems this time as well.

They weren’t regular soldiers, but a gang in a corner of a back alley, so they were bound to be disorganized.

I soon arrived at the siblings’ residence.

Diana had spent the past few days worried sick.

On the day she and Aaron were rescued, she visited the people she had asked about Aaron and explained that it was nothing, and as Heinz had told her, she tried to act as normal as possible outside.

And while reducing her outdoor activities just enough to not seem strange, she waited at home for Heinz to return.

“Sister… will that mister be okay?”

“He’ll be fine. He promised to come back.”

Diana hugged her brother, who was looking up at her with a worried expression, and muttered as if reassuring herself.

On the day she parted ways with Heinz, she stayed up all night waiting, only to fall asleep from exhaustion. The next day, when she heard that Barcollack’s building had burned down, she had to clench her teeth and try not to show her inner feelings.

She continued to wait, believing in Heinz, who had said he would definitely return.

And today was the last day of the three days Heinz had promised.

“Sister, let’s eat. Here’s some bread.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

Aaron approached Diana, who had been staring out the door all day, handed her some bread, and sat down next to her.

He carefully nibbled on his share of the hard bread.

She didn’t use the money Heinz had left with her because she had to return it soon.

She hid all the other belongings in the house and waited for their owner to return.

‘But what should I do now? This time, thanks to mister, we were able to save Aaron, but if this happens again, then…’

As long as they lived in this city, the day would inevitably come when they couldn’t avoid it.

Diana was afraid of that.


At that moment, Aaron, who was licking his bread, exclaimed, looking outside.

“It’s mister!”


Diana, who had been lost in thought, jumped up from her seat and ran outside.

His clothes were different, but it was definitely the same face she had seen when they parted ways.


Diana burst into tears, hugging Heinz.

“There, there. Diana, you waited a long time, didn’t you? I’m sorry I’m late. Oh! And Aaron, you’re doing well too, right?”

Heinz patted Diana, who was buried in his arms, and stroked Aaron’s head as he approached.

‘Did his scent change…?’

As Diana buried her face in Heinz’s arms while crying, she felt a subtle sense of dissonance in her sense of smell, but she sniffed repeatedly and soon realized.

‘No, it’s definitely mister.’

Diana, who could smell the scent of a soul, was certain that Heinz the Second was the same person as the previous mister.

The scent clinging to his body could change due to various events, but the scent emanating from his very being remained the same.

“Why are you so late? What happened?”

Diana, who had finally stopped crying, asked in a small voice.

“Well, it’s a bit difficult to talk about here. Oh! How about we go eat something delicious first?”

Heinz smiled, looking at the bread Aaron was holding.

Food came first.

I headed to a restaurant in the city with Diana and Aaron.

“Uh, I gave you that to use.”

“No! You just entrusted it to us!”

Diana firmly refused, returning the belongings I had left with her before the fight with the vampire.

“Well, whatever. We can use this to buy something expensive to eat. Let’s go in!”

I had an early dinner with the siblings and brought them to the lodging where I was staying.

It wasn’t appropriate to talk in other places.

‘I can’t expect soundproofing in a building like this, so I’ll have to keep my voice down even here.’

Still, it was better than other places.

I roughly explained to them that I had killed the vampire who ordered Aaron’s kidnapping, escaped the building, set it on fire, and hid.

Aaron listened with sparkling eyes, while Diana couldn’t hide her worried expression.

“Mister, are you really okay after killing a vampire?”

“For now, it doesn’t seem like there’s a big problem, but we’ll have to find a way to leave the city together soon.”

“Leave the city… Is that possible? You can just leave by yourself, mister. We’re okay. We’ve been doing fine on our own.”

Diana answered, her head bowed.

It must have been an empty statement, but her voice was filled with resignation.

“Well, I’m sure we can find a way if we look for it. It doesn’t make sense that they can block everyone. And I have a plan, so don’t worry.”

I reassured Diana with a gentle smile, trusting in what I had in mind.

I had put out the immediate fire, so I could wait a few days for the transfer formation’s cooldown to end and leave the city, then I could get Hans’s help.

‘I’ll hide Hans nearby, and if they come to catch us, I’ll take care of them without the kids knowing!’

“It’s getting late, let’s go. I’ll walk you home.”

I wanted to keep them with me until I left, but that would only raise suspicions.

I just had to wait ten days, so there was no need to take unnecessary risks.

I walked the siblings back to their residence and returned to my lodging alone, lying down on the bed.

‘I ended up staying longer than I thought. But now that I’ve started, I have to see it through to the end.’

I roughly planned for the future and closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

How long had I been asleep?


I opened my eyes wide, gasping for air at the pressure on my neck.

“Hmm, this is strange. I thought this guy was the most likely suspect. Did I get it wrong?”

A vampire, a handsome man with a pale complexion, was strangling me, illuminated by the moonlight streaming in from the window.

“The trail definitely led in this direction from the forest, and a vampire in this city was killed around the same time.”

Even though he was only holding my neck, I couldn’t resist because I couldn’t muster any strength in my body.

“And there’s an outsider who entered the city around the same time, and he stayed in the territory of the vampire who was killed. There’s also the suspicious circumstance that his recent whereabouts are unknown.”

The vampire examined me, sniffing me, then frowned.

“But this guy doesn’t have any trace of dark magic power or our kind. Was it all just a coincidence?”

At the vampire’s muttering, I realized that everything I had done had been discovered.

He knew everything, even the trail that led from Hans.

And looking into his observing eyes, I realized.

‘This guy, he’s testing me!’

He was just testing me because he wasn’t sure, as he had said.

I used “Mind Hub” and “Clear Mind” with all my might to control my mind.

‘I don’t know what this guy is talking about! I was just startled because I was suddenly attacked in my sleep. I’m just an ordinary adventurer who happened to come to this city!’

The vampire stared into my eyes for a while, then clicked his tongue and looked away.

‘Damn it, I underestimated the ones who rule this city!’

I had been lucky so far, and everything seemed to be going well, but I was finally caught in the end.

And the moment he grabbed me by the neck, I knew that resistance was impossible.

‘He’s much stronger than the guy I killed at Barcollack! I have to somehow clear up the misunderstanding and get out of this.’

But I couldn’t even speak a word because of the hand gripping my neck.

And the vampire didn’t seem to have any intention of letting me go in the first place.

“Hmm… But there’s something about him. And one of the vampires in my territory just died, and this guy seems to have a pretty strong body.”

He looked at me as if appraising me, then turned my immobile body around and brought his sharp fangs to my neck.

“I’ll hear your story later. I prefer it that way. You won’t be able to lie then.”


And with the sensation of my blood being sucked out for the second time, I could feel something else flowing in.

‘Why are things turning out like this again?!’

《The individual’s race has been changed to ‘Vampire’. You have acquired the special skill “Blood Kin (Fledgling)”.》

《The individual’s recovery ability has exceeded its limit. The skill “Super Recovery” has evolved into “Regeneration”.》
