MAEPG: Episode 17

Episode 17 Vampire (1)

“Hmm, is that so? You really have nothing to do with those ‘Oath of Heaven’s Defiance’ bastards?”

“That’s right, Lord Wirach. I was traveling from Tillak City in the east and arrived in Azantu.”

I lied nonchalantly.

“How do you explain your lack of activity for the past few days?”

“I suddenly felt unwell after all the traveling, so I stayed cooped up in my lodging. I was inside the whole time, but I guess the lodging owner misunderstood because I was so quiet.”

Naturally, the vampire’s compulsion didn’t work on me.

The moment I became a vampire, an instinct to obey Wirach, the higher-ranking vampire who infected me, was engraved in me, but I could easily ignore it.

‘But let’s play along for now. It’s an opportunity to gather information about them.’

At first, I was worried about what would happen, but it was actually a good opportunity to infiltrate the vampires who ruled this city.

“Tsk, fine. Follow me for now.”

Wirach clicked his tongue, seemingly disappointed that he didn’t get anything out of me, and then jumped out the window.

I hurriedly followed him.

<Individual Information>

-Individual Name: Heinz the Second

-Race: Vampire (Fledgling)

-Common Traits: “Mind Hub”, “Clear Mind”

-Individual Traits: “Blood Kin (Fledgling)”, “Acceleration”, “Regeneration”

-Special Notes: Body transformed into a vampire by inheriting the bloodline of ‘Brokoslack’. Physical abilities increase explosively when not exposed to sunlight. “Mind Hub” prevented the mind from being dominated by blood.

‘My physical abilities have increased. I think I’m stronger than the guy I killed at Barcollack?’

It seemed that my previously enhanced state was included in the increased stats after becoming a vampire.

I followed Wirach, extending my nails and sharpening them with blood vessels.

‘Oh, as expected.’

The skill “Blood Kin (Fledgling)” I gained after becoming a vampire allowed me to use the abilities the vampire at Barcollack had used.

Physical enhancement, weaponizing blood, bloodsucking, and other abilities of the lowest-ranking vampire.

‘What’s his rank? And what’s Brokoslack?’

As I looked at Wirach walking ahead, he glanced back at me and nodded, seemingly satisfied.

“You can already handle it to that extent even though you just inherited the blood. You seem to have some talent.”

He seemed to have calmed down a bit after seeing that I was useful.

“Judging by how well you’re following me, your physical abilities are also above average. It seems I didn’t draw the short straw. At least you’re better than that Pauline bastard who died this time.”

So the vampire I killed at Barcollack was named Pauline.

I casually ignored the useless information and naturally spoke to Wirach.

“Thank you, Lord Wirach. But may I ask where we’re going now?”

“You’ll find out if you follow me.”

It seemed he didn’t want to explain everything in detail.

We ran across the rooftops of the city and entered a wealthy district with luxurious mansions.

“This way.”

Wirach stopped in front of the largest and most luxurious mansion, as if we had arrived at our destination.


And then the iron gate at the main entrance opened with a small noise.

“Welcome, Lord Wirach.”

A middle-aged man with a pale complexion, dressed in a butler’s uniform, was waiting inside and bowed deeply.

“Yes. I need to eat. Prepare the usual.”

“And this one is…?”

“Ah— he’s the new Fledgling I just made. Have the kids show him around.”

Wirach answered curtly and entered the building when the butler asked about me.

“Then please follow me.”

“Ah, yes.”

“Please speak comfortably. I’m just a Servant.”

It seemed that Servant was a lower rank than me, a Fledgling.

As I followed the middle-aged butler into the mansion, one of the butlers standing inside approached.

“This guy will guide you from here. Hayden, this is the one who inherited the blood this time, so make sure he’s comfortable.”

“I understand, Head Butler.”

The middle-aged Head Butler bowed to me again and disappeared inside.

And I followed Hayden’s guidance, moving through the luxurious interior and asking him various questions I was curious about.

“This is the Azantu branch of the ‘Brokoslack Clan’. Lord Wirach is one of the three Purebloods in this city.”

It seemed that among the three, Wirach was in charge of all the vampires in this city.

I continued to ask and receive answers to whatever came to mind, and before I knew it, we arrived in front of a room.

“You can use this room from today. If you need anything, please ring the bell inside.”

Hayden bowed and retreated without a sound.



I opened the door and the luxurious interior of the room dazzled my eyes.

Everything, from the table and sofa to the bed, felt like the epitome of luxury.

My reflection appeared in the beautiful mirror on the wall.

A handsome young man with a pale complexion and sharp features.

I had always considered myself a handsome guy, but I had become a truly handsome man after becoming a vampire.

‘This might not be bad… But vampires in this world can be seen in mirrors.’


I threw myself onto the bed.

I had woken up in the middle of my sleep, and it was still a long time until dawn, but I couldn’t fall asleep, perhaps due to the influence of becoming a vampire.

I closed my eyes and organized the information I had newly acquired.

Hayden told me that the training as a vampire would be conducted soon by a senior Fledgling, and he explained the basics for now.

Vampires were nocturnal, active at night and sleeping during the day.

It made sense, since lower-ranking vampires below Servant would burn in sunlight like in the movies, and even high-ranking vampires were restricted in their power when the sun was out, so they rarely went out during the day.

“Ah… the kids will be worried if I disappear without a word.”

They said I could go out freely after the training was over, so there was nothing I could do for a few days.

Knock, knock—

“It’s Hayden. May I come in?”

After some time, I heard a knock on the door and Hayden’s voice.

“Yeah, come in.”

Hayden opened the door and entered, holding a tray with a wine glass filled with red liquid.

‘That’s… it’s not real wine, is it?’

“It’s been a while since you inherited the blood, so I thought you might be hungry.”

“No, I’m not that hungry yet…?”

I was really fine until a moment ago, but the moment I smelled the blood Hayden brought in, I suddenly felt an intense thirst.

As I was flustered, Hayden held out the wine glass to me.

“It’s fresh blood, just drawn. Please drink it.”

As the blood got closer, my body started to react violently.

My fangs protruded on their own, my gaze was fixed on the wine glass, and my whole body trembled.

‘…Is this withdrawal symptoms? If it’s this bad, vampires really can’t resist the urge to suck blood?’

Of course, I was an exception.

I couldn’t help the reflexive reaction of my body, but I could control the urge with “Mind Hub”, so I wouldn’t lose control and suck blood on my own.

‘But I should drink it for now, right?’

If I didn’t, it would raise unnecessary suspicions, and it wasn’t time yet.

I reached out with a trembling hand and picked up the wine glass.

I could smell the sweet scent of blood.

‘It would be dangerous to just drink it like this.’

I couldn’t start enjoying the taste of blood.

I brought the glass to my lips and blocked my sense of smell and taste, which were connected to Heinz.

Gulp, gulp…

My body calmed down as I swallowed the blood, which I couldn’t taste.

It was as if I had taken a stimulant; my mind felt clear, and I felt like I could handle my power more easily.

“And Lady Rosilica, who is also a Fledgling, will be visiting you shortly. The official training starts tomorrow, but she said she wanted to just say hello.”

I nodded lightly at Hayden’s words as he took the empty wine glass.

It was something I had to do anyway, so it was better to get it over with quickly.

After waiting for a while, I was soon able to greet another vampire.

“Hi! Nice to meet you, newbie~. You can call me Rosilica. What’s your name?”

“Nice to meet you. My name is Heinz.”

“Don’t be so stiff, you can speak comfortably~. We’re both Fledglings. We’re equal among the same rank.”

Rosilica’s first impression was that of a lively beauty.

Gorgeous appearance, bright smile, sociable personality.

I felt a sense of好感 until we first greeted each other, but that feeling didn’t last long.

“So, my favorite thing is the blood of handsome men. The more muscles, the better. Come to think of it, you’re exactly my type. If you were still human, I would have sucked you dry until the last drop. Kyahahaha~.”

This one was just crazy.

“Hey, Rosilica. Enough about your blood preferences, can you tell me about the ranks? I just became a vampire, so I don’t know anything.”

“Oh~ right. You haven’t had much blood yet, so it can’t be helped. Let’s recommend each other our favorites and have a tasting party sometime.”

I had absolutely no desire to become close to her, but I had no choice for now.

“Our rank is fourth. After Sacred Blood, True Blood, and Pureblood. Below us are only Servants and Slaves, so we’re practically at the bottom. They don’t even treat those guys as vampires~.”

From what I heard, Servants were attendants like the servants in this mansion, and Slaves were mindless bloodsucking monsters.

‘It was lucky that I became a Fledgling.’

It must have been because one had just died and I seemed useful.

“To compare~, Fledglings are like knights. Purebloods are like nobles. True Bloods are royalty, the leaders of the clan. Sacred Blood is… just an object of worship.”


“Our progenitor and the one we must absolutely obey. The supreme being from the beginning.”

Rosilica, who had been speaking with reverence, then chuckled.

“But those of us at the bottom will probably never see them in our lifetime.”

As I talked with Rosilica, I could feel dawn breaking outside.

Thick curtains were drawn over the windows, but I could still sense it to some extent.

“Oh my, it’s already this late. Let’s continue the training tomorrow. It’s time for me to sleep. Beauties are sleepyheads, you know~?”

Rosilica winked and left the room.

‘It’s late…’

I sighed at the momentary sense of dissonance.

Come to think of it, I felt a bit tired as the sun rose.

‘I’ll have to get used to it.’

I decided to continue my training with Rosilica, talking and moving my body, for the next few days.

Fortunately, on the second day, I was allowed to go out, using the excuse that I had left some luggage at the lodging.

‘I just casually brought it up, I didn’t expect them to be so nonchalant about it.’

When I mentioned it to Rosilica, who was in charge of my training, her reaction was quite indifferent.

“Just go now.”

“Huh? Can’t I go out before the training is over?”

“Well~ it might be different in other places. But you don’t have to worry about it here.”

I heard that the rule was to protect new vampires who had just been turned, but since Azantu was already under their control, it didn’t really matter.

Since vampires were inherently obedient to higher ranks, rebellion was unthinkable, so there was no need to question it.

Thanks to that, I was able to sneak out in the evening, get my luggage, and go say hello to the siblings.


“Mister! Where have you been! We went to the lodging, but you weren’t in your room. We were worried!”

The siblings immediately hugged me when I visited.

But it was only for a moment, and then Diana flinched, sniffing the air, and looked up at me cautiously.

Seeing her expression, which seemed to have a lot to say, I smiled wryly and separated from the siblings.

“Well, that’s how it is. But I’ll make sure you guys aren’t harmed, so don’t worry.”


I tried to separate from them, but Diana hugged me even tighter and whispered in my ear.

“I’m not worried. Um, mister? If you need blood, you can drink mine. But, but not too much. Just… a little bit?”

Seeing her whispering softly, glancing at Aaron, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing and flick her forehead.

“Ouch! Ugh… what was that for!”

“What are you talking about? Anyway, take this money and use it for living expenses. I’ll contact you again later.”

Even though I had become part of the city’s leadership, it was still better for these kids to leave this place.

If Wirach, a Pureblood, wanted to eat these siblings, I, a lower-ranking vampire, couldn’t protect them.

‘Once I can summon Hans, I’ll have more options. Until then, let’s just stay quiet like this.’

After saying goodbye to the siblings, I returned to the mansion and continued my training with Rosilica.

How to handle the energy used by vampires, ‘Blood Magic Power’.

“What? Is this your first time? Why are you so good at it!”

Perhaps it was because of my high mental strength, or perhaps it was because of Hans’s experience with dark magic power, but I quickly got used to using the energy.

And what to be careful of as a vampire.

“Garlic? It doesn’t matter~. Why? Water? I love hot springs. There’s one in the basement of the mansion.”

It seemed that vampires in this world didn’t have many weaknesses.

They were weakened by sunlight and silver weapons hindered their wound healing, that was all.

And even that wasn’t absolute.

“We can overcome that somehow. The only thing we really need to be careful of is holy power. It’s our natural enemy, after all.”

Thus, I gradually accumulated knowledge as a vampire.
