MAEPG: Episode 18

Episode 18 Vampire (2)

The vampire clan, Brokoslack’s Azantu branch.

It was the force that effectively ruled Azantu City, a small city located in the western part of the Talia Kingdom.

And I became a vampire belonging to that force.

“But there’s surprisingly little to do…”

The training for a few days was over, but they didn’t specifically order me to do anything.

A system had already been established in the city long ago, so everything ran on its own, and the vampires only had to occasionally manage their subordinate organizations to make sure they were doing their jobs properly.

‘They’re also very laid-back because they’re a long-lived species.’

They must have accepted me in place of the vampire who died this time, but they didn’t even bother with a handover, just saying I would learn as I went along.

Until I received a specific order, I was free to do as I pleased, as long as I didn’t expose myself too much to the humans in the city.

‘Thanks to that, I was able to go out in the evening and talk more with the siblings, but I couldn’t do it too often, or I would get caught.’

‘As I thought at first, I have no choice but to distract them with Hans and escape the city.’

At first, I thought it wouldn’t be bad to join forces with the vampires, but these guys literally treated the humans in the city like livestock.

‘I expected it from the time they brought me blood at the mansion.’

And they were trying to be careful, saying they were controlling the population in their own way.

They even told me, who was averse to blood, that it was normal at first and I would get used to it over time…

‘I definitely can’t stay with these guys for long.’

As someone whose mind hadn’t been tainted by vampirism, it was only uncomfortable for me to be with them.

I was just enduring, waiting for the right time, when…

Wirach, the Pureblood of Azantu, summoned all the vampires.

“What’s going on all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know, it’s rare for him to summon everyone like this. It’s been years, hasn’t it?”

The thirty or so vampires who usually lived scattered throughout the city gathered one by one in the mansion’s lobby.

“Are you the new Fledgling who inherited the blood this time? You’re lucky.”

“Tsk, I don’t know what Lord Wirach was thinking, accepting such a lowly being…”

As a result, more and more vampires I had never seen before started picking on me.

It was the typical behavior of nobles consumed by their sense of superiority.

‘They’re exactly like the vampires I imagined!’

As I was just watching them with amusement, Wirach entered the lobby.

“Greetings, Lord Wirach.”

“It’s been a while. Please give us any orders.”

The vampires flocked to Wirach and showered him with flattery.

It seemed that the status of a Pureblood was higher than I thought.

“It seems everyone’s here, so let’s get to the point.”

After receiving their greetings, Wirach went up the stairs in the lobby and began to speak.

“The Immortal King’s Fragment that those Oath of Heaven’s Defiance bastards had has disappeared.”

Murmur, murmur—

I unconsciously flinched at his sudden words, but fortunately, everyone around me was making a commotion, so no one noticed anything strange.

“Ah~ you don’t know, do you? The dark mages were hiding the fragment in a small village nearby and maturing it…”

Rosilica, who had approached me at some point, quickly whispered information I already knew.


The murmuring crowd fell silent at Wirach’s single word.

Rosilica, who had been next to me, had also moved away and was focusing on Wirach on the stairs.

“We confirmed that it last headed in the direction of this city. But it disappeared without a trace at some point. It might have entered the city, or it might have just passed by.”

Wirach paused and slowly looked around.

Our eyes met for a moment, and he stared at me for a while, but then looked away.

‘Whew, that was nerve-wracking.’

“We’re going to start searching, assuming it entered the city.”

Wirach finished his speech by ordering everyone to report immediately if they found anything suspicious in their respective areas.

“What’s going on all of a sudden?”

Rosilica approached me as we left the lobby, grumbling.

She seemed like a social butterfly, judging by how she was greeting the other vampires, but why was she taking care of me?

“Hehehe~ I’m also trying to recruit a new member who hasn’t found their blood preference yet. I have my eye on a muscular guy, how about we have a drink together next time?”

“I’ll pass. I don’t think he’s my type.”

I firmly refused with a disgusted look.

Rosilica shrugged, not seeming disappointed at all.

“But this is a problem. The Immortal King’s Fragment is something the Clan Lord is interested in and directly ordered us to find.”

“Really? But the dark mages must have been very thorough with their security, how did you know about it in advance?”

“Who knows~? Those of us at the bottom just do as we’re told.”

It seemed that I wouldn’t be able to get any more information from Rosilica.

The moment I thought that, I immediately realized that it was a hasty judgment.

“That’s why we even moved another fragment our clan had to this place and sealed it.”

“What…? There’s another Immortal King’s Fragment here?”

I was surprised and looked at Rosilica.

“Yeah, they were going to steal the fragment from the dark mages after it matured and fuse it with this one, or something like that. I don’t know the details~.”

But Rosilica just twirled her hair with her finger and answered nonchalantly.

‘Is she actually of a higher rank than I thought?’

As I narrowed my eyes and looked at her, Rosilica chuckled and shook her head.

“Actually, I was also dispatched to Azantu with the fragment a year ago. There’s no need for this many vampires in this small city, right?”

Now that she mentioned it, it was true.

Three Pureblood vampires whose level seemed similar to the dark mage Malcolm, over thirty Fledglings who were definitely stronger than the dark mage’s subordinates.

‘And if you add the Servants and Slaves that I haven’t been able to properly grasp…’

It was definitely excessive force to be stuck in a small city on the outskirts of the continent.

“Originally, only Lord Wirach and about fifteen Fledglings were in this city, but we received reinforcements because of the fragment. But all that effort was wasted.”

Rosilica sighed and said that things would be busy for a while.

And her words were not wrong.

“Ah~ my skin burns when I’m outside during the day.”

Rosilica grumbled, adjusting her parasol.

From the day after the summons, we had to search every corner of the city for any signs of trouble, even during the day, taking turns.

“It’s definitely… a bit unsettling.”

I answered, adjusting my wide-brimmed gentleman’s hat with my gloved hand.

I didn’t feel any particular damage from being exposed to sunlight, but the feeling of my power being restricted wasn’t pleasant.

“I don’t think we’ll find anything even if we do this.”

“It can’t be helped~. Even Lord Pirita, a Pureblood, started searching outside the city with a few Fledglings because of this.”

Well, it was all for nothing since I had already swallowed it and sent it to Earth.

I smiled wryly to myself and realized that the situation wasn’t that bad.

‘One Pureblood and some Fledglings left the city.’

Wirach was searching the entire city and controlling the remaining Fledglings.

In other words…

‘There’s only one Pureblood guarding the fragment now!’

And I could summon Hans in a day.

‘I can cause chaos as planned, steal the fragment, and make Hans stronger while screwing those guys over! I have to do this.’

Now all that was left was to find the location of the fragment, but I couldn’t even ask Rosilica for help with this.

“I don’t know~? After we came to the city, they hid it somewhere only the Purebloods know, just in case.”

It was a precaution in case their headquarters was attacked.

And until now, two Purebloods had been guarding the place.

‘Ah, there’s no way, then.’

It seemed like things were going well, but…

I wondered if I had to give up on the other fragment, and then it happened.

“Uh… I, I think I know where it is.”

There was a way.

“What? Diana, how do you know?!”


I was so surprised that I grabbed Diana by the shoulder.

It was something I had casually mentioned after dusk, when I visited the siblings to see how they were doing.

I said I didn’t know where the vampires were hiding a dangerous object in the city.

“You know, I told you before, right? That I avoided places with vampires and dangerous smells.”

“Don’t tell me?”

“Yes… about a year ago, I smelled a very strong smell of blood from some vampires and something else that smelled incredibly dangerous.”

Diana smiled awkwardly, saying she ran away as far as she could as soon as she sensed the smell.

“It was such a strong smell that I still remember it. I haven’t been near that place since.”

“Ah! I remember, sister! You told me never to go near there!”

Diana patted Aaron’s head proudly and then glanced at me.

“If you need it, I can guide you there.”

It was the offer I had been hoping for, but I couldn’t easily nod.

“It’s okay. Mister will protect us if it gets dangerous, right?”

“…Okay, then please just guide me to the vicinity.”

I nodded and patted Diana’s head, who spoke resolutely.

As expected, good deeds always came back to you.

The next afternoon.

I went outside again, wearing a hat, and searched for the Immortal King’s Fragment.

‘Of course, the fragment I’m looking for is the one the vampires hid.’

I slowly walked through the streets and arrived at the meeting place.

Diana was already there, waiting.

Diana made eye contact with me once and started walking without a word, and I followed her at a distance.

I had instructed her to do so beforehand.

I didn’t know how the vampires were guarding the fragment, so we couldn’t approach carelessly.

Diana walked for a long time, not focusing her gaze on any one place for too long.

‘It’s quite far from where she originally lived. She really ran far away.’

She must have settled down as far away as possible after smelling that dangerous scent.

As we entered a certain street, Diana started sniffing the air more frequently.

She must be starting to smell it from here.

We walked a little further.

Diana, who had been walking naturally, fixed her gaze on a building on one side.

For about three seconds.

And then, as if it were nothing, she turned her head and walked past it.

‘That’s it!’

An ordinary building in a residential area that couldn’t even compare to the luxurious mansion where the vampires lived.

Another Immortal King’s Fragment was hidden there.

But I also walked past it, pretending to be uninterested, just like Diana, casually looking around.

I couldn’t feel anything with my senses, but there was definitely something there.

‘Now I just need to set a date for the operation. I found the location, and I can summon Hans. As soon as possible, before any other variables arise!’

We met again at Diana’s residence as dusk approached.

“Whew, I thought I was going to suffocate. That smell is really… even after smelling it again.”

“You did well not to show it. You were a great help. Now we need to set a date for the operation.”

I comforted Diana and, after a moment of contemplation, declared.

“Tomorrow at noon. When the sun is at its zenith.”

It would be better to start right away, but since the sun had already set, I decided to aim for tomorrow.

‘Both vampires and undead become stronger in darkness, but the degree to which they are weakened by the sun is completely different.’

I couldn’t expect much from the Fledglings, unless they were Purebloods.

Even Purebloods wouldn’t be able to use their full power.

I made plans for tomorrow and had the siblings prepare as well.

“We don’t have any luggage to pack. We can leave at any time.”

“Okay, then tomorrow…”

I gave the siblings some precautions and parted ways, heading back to the mansion and looking around the city.

The place where Heinz had died and Heinz the Second had become a vampire.

I was leaving this city tomorrow.

‘Of course, I’ll take everything I can! Come to think of it, there were a lot of expensive-looking things in the mansion.’

I licked my lips and my eyes sparkled.

The more money, the better, right?

I smiled to myself and entered the mansion.

And time passed.

The sun rose.
