MAEPG: Episode 65

Episode 65 Customization (1)

Murmur, murmur—

Injured people were being carried out of the inner sanctum of the Roselia Cathedral one after another and transported to the infirmary.

It was a sight she had never imagined seeing here.

Saintess Liesta watched them with a heavy expression.

She felt like she couldn’t fulfill their will because she was lacking, even though they all risked their lives.

Her eyes then landed on a holy knight surrounded by priests in a corner of the infirmary.

It was Heinrich, whose body was still partially discolored black, even after receiving several rounds of purification treatment.


She let out another sigh, she didn’t know how many times she had sighed today.

“Saintess, you’re still here?”

“Ah, Cardinal Cordelia…”

Cardinal Cordelia, who also had a tired expression, approached her and spoke.

“You pushed yourself too hard today, you should get some rest.”

“I can’t seem to rest properly, perhaps because my mind is uneasy.”

She had used excessive holy power in the fight against the Immortal King, and she was exhausted after using her remaining strength to care for the injured immediately after the battle…

But seeing this sight, she couldn’t rest comfortably.

“And I can’t forget that last scene.”

“That last scene… I see.”

Cardinal Cordelia’s gaze followed the Saintess’s.

“Sir Heinrich is…”

“He’ll live. The treatment period will be a bit long, though.”

“That’s a relief.”


The Saintess had also examined Heinrich directly, so she knew how vicious the curse energy he was covered in was.

A type of dark magic that inflicted excruciating pain and severe mental damage.

Even a Paladin could be incapacitated if directly hit.

‘Normally, you wouldn’t be harmed this much if you had holy power surrounding your body…’

But Heinrich took it head-on with his bare body.

He couldn’t have been unaware of the danger of the curse activated right in front of him, but he endured it with his willpower alone.

He compressed every last drop of holy power he could spare into the tip of his sword, sharpening its blade with his will.

With the determination to pierce the Immortal King’s heart, even if it meant sacrificing his own safety, to increase the probability even slightly.

For his mission… for his beliefs.

It was foolish, but seeing him like that, she felt a tightness in her chest, thinking that they wouldn’t have been able to defeat the Immortal King if he hadn’t done that.

“I thought there was no other way back then, but was it really the best option? If I had tried harder… wouldn’t there have been other possibilities?”

Teleportation ability, a blessing that could be activated instantly at any moment, was a very rare power.

Heinrich was the only one who had it at that moment.

She thought it was the best method at the time, but was it really?

Wouldn’t it have been better to sacrifice herself instead of putting someone else in danger?

If she had done that, perhaps they could have eliminated the Immortal King right there…


Cardinal Cordelia raised her voice with a serious expression, as if to interrupt the Saintess’s endless self-reproach.

“That was the best method at the time. Everyone there did their best, and he exceeded our expectations. There’s no reason for you to blame yourself here, Saintess.”


Cardinal Cordelia smiled gently at the Saintess, who was still hesitant, as if she were looking at her granddaughter.

“And… thanks to that, we gained a new hero. Now that the Immortal King has been resurrected, we definitely need a hero to oppose him.”

A young holy knight in his early twenties with bishop-level holy power, the same as the holy knight order captains.

His combat abilities weren’t lacking either, so he was a talented individual with a promising future.

“This ordeal will make him even stronger. He’s not someone who will be easily broken by something like this. He’s a hero who has the Main God’s attention.”

The Cardinal concluded by saying that it was their duty to help him grow faster and stronger.


The Saintess clenched her fist, looking at the unconscious Heinrich again.

Come to think of it, that was right.

As always in the storybooks she had read, wasn’t the Saintess a helper who assisted the hero from the side?

Even after reviewing her experience of reading countless heroic tales, she had never seen a story where the Saintess took the lead and defeated the Demon King.

‘Demon King, Hero, Saintess!’

The imagination of an eighteen-year-old girl with dreams swelled.

Cardinal Cordelia just looked at the Saintess with a happy expression, her eyes sparkling with a renewed sense of determination.

Clap, clap, clap—

“Excellent, very excellent.”

I couldn’t help but stand up and give a standing ovation.

It was a tribute to myself, who had directed and starred in such a wonderful scene.

“The first button was buttoned well. With this, the narrative of rivalry between Hans and Heinrich is complete.”

Hans, the final boss who was already complete, and Heinrich, the hero candidate who was rapidly growing.

He was definitely not lacking as a hero candidate.

The bishop-level holy power he had achieved this time was at the level of holy knight order captains.

Of course, his actual weapon skills and experience were far inferior to theirs, but he could make up for that with future efforts and the skills Heinrich possessed.

‘It’s also great that he obtained “Blessing: Holy Blade”. A super-effective attack that can cut through dark attributes like paper.’

It didn’t matter now whether he truly realized it on his own through sheer effort in that moment or whether his sponsor had provided support for a dramatic effect.

‘The important thing is that the power suits the main character of a heroic tale!’

He had also succeeded in making a strong impression on the Church’s higher-ups this time, so he had squeezed out all the benefits he could get.

‘Of course, there’s a separate, bigger benefit.’

My gaze turned to the floor in the corner of the room.


The floor instantly turned black, and a black figure slowly rose from it.

A skeleton wearing a tattered robe after a fierce battle.

It was Hans, who had now become the Immortal King.

His energy wasn’t leaking out because it was thoroughly concealed, but just looking at him sent a chill down my spine, as if my soul was freezing.

‘His presence is no joke.’

Actually, the abilities he possessed were even more of a joke.

-Individual Name: Hans

-Race: Undead (Immortal King)

-Common Traits: “Mind Hub”, “Persona”, “Clear Mind”

-Individual Traits: “Immortal Heart”, “Wicked Wisdom”, “Forbidden Knowledge”, “Path of Magic”, “Abyssal Eye”, “Magic Domination”

-Special Notes: Became the third Immortal King, the calamity of the Auterica Dimension, by fully inheriting the ‘Immortal King’s Heart’. Dark magic power is infinitely supplied through the heart. Regenerates endlessly as long as the heart is not destroyed. Has transcended death and become the king of all the dead and the enemy of all the living.

“Abyssal Eye”, which he had already used, wasn’t an ability he could use indefinitely, but its effect was very satisfying.

“Immortal Heart” wasn’t just an enhanced version of his previous abilities, it also had the effect of strengthening all the skills he possessed, including “Wicked Wisdom” and “Forbidden Knowledge”.

And not only had his basic magic control been strengthened with “Magic Domination”, but he could also partially seize control from his opponents…

‘The final evolution of a spellcasting class.’

He was literally the Demon King himself.

And since he was practically immortal because his heart, located in a subspace, had to be directly attacked for him to take damage…

‘That’s why this play was a success.’

Hans, who was too intact for someone whose heart had been pierced and burned by holy power.

“Blessing: Holy Blade” didn’t have the power to cut through space, so he had naturally recovered long ago.

Heinrich needed a considerable recovery period due to the aftereffects of the curse for a more dramatic effect, but that was also part of a hero’s trials.

Operation ‘Home Theater: Demon King and Hero’ had successfully concluded its prologue.

Hans, who was supposedly injured, would have to be active on Earth for the time being, but he could use this opportunity to catch up on cleaning.

Then what was left…

‘Was to collect the money! It’s time to settle the viewing fees.’

It was a play for the entire continent.

Of course, it would take time for the aftereffects of this incident to spread to other places.

Its direct influence was still limited to the Church, but there was also an achievement reward, so the Karma he currently had wouldn’t be that small.

『Karma Shop』

『Unique Skill Enhancement (800,000)』

『Status Enhancement – View Details』

『Karma Owned - 1,641,132』

‘Oh, it increased by about a million?’

The amount of Karma needed for an awakened one transferred to another world to return to Earth directly.

It was the Karma he gained from a single incident.

‘Well, the scale of that single incident was a bit large.’

Anyway, it was a good thing for him.

He chose to enhance his unique skill without hesitation.

He felt the familiar headache, and he realized that he could create one more avatar.


《The unique skill grows and unlocks its potential. You have acquired the special skill “Customization”.》

He could now change various settings for each avatar once.

‘This is…!’

Wasn’t it the customization service that made you spend hours agonizing over character creation in games!

His hands itched to try it out right away.

And he noticed Hans standing blankly in front of him.

The other avatars were all busy with their own tasks, so Hans was the only one he could experiment on right now.

And if he could change his appearance with “Customization”, he might be able to return to his human form!

With that expectation, he immediately used “Customization” through Hans, and…

He was speechless.

-Smooth Skull, Bulging Skull, Cracked Skull…

-Round Eye Sockets, Upward-Slanted Eye Sockets, Droopy Eye Sockets…

-Straight Teeth, Sharp Teeth, Vampire Teeth…

The detailed list that appeared before his eyes.

Not only that, but he could also sculpt his own unique skull by making detailed adjustments!

‘…Can’t I overcome the limitations of my race?’

Actually, changing his appearance wasn’t that helpful for Hans, who always wore a mask and couldn’t build relationships with people.

‘If I need to, I can just use illusion magic. My magic level has increased, so I won’t be caught easily.’

He rationalized it and looked at other functions, but unfortunately, all Hans could use was appearance modification.

The ‘Initial Stats Setting’ included in “Customization” was limited to newly created avatars.

‘But this is still great! Can I now adjust stats in advance according to future jobs?’

His current stats were evenly distributed through point allocation, boasting high numbers in all areas.

He could adapt quickly in any field, but it was inevitable that efficiency would be lacking.

But now he could specialize those mediocre stats in one area.

Like intelligence and magic power for mages, strength and stamina for warriors.

‘I can create a new avatar now, so let’s try it out right away. What direction should I go this time…’

As he was about to use “Customization” to create an avatar,


A piece of information suddenly crossed his mind.

Skills didn’t reveal all their information from the beginning.

It was important to master new skills by raising their proficiency, as certain functions were unlocked when you realized them yourself or met certain conditions.

‘No! That’s not important right now!’

The newly realized function had incredible potential.

‘To think I can create an avatar of a related race through a medium!’

The word ‘medium’ was very ambiguous, but he naturally understood what it was.

He headed towards the flower pot in the corner of the living room.

The eco-friendly air purifier… no, the ‘Withered World Tree Branch’ was there.

‘I’ve been quite fond of it.’

It couldn’t be helped, he grabbed it and pulled it out of the pot.

This was the medium that would allow him to create an Elf avatar.
