MAEPG: Episode 66

Episode 66 Customization (2)

‘An Elf… I can become an Elf?’

It was an opportunity to transform into a completely new race, not just a race that evolved from humans like undead or vampires.

As he excitedly used “Customization”, the branch in his hand crumbled and disappeared, perhaps because the medium was single-use.

And unlike before, a translucent figure appeared before his eyes.

An Elf resembling him, with black hair, black eyes, and pointed ears.

‘He’s handsome in a different way than Heinz.’

Unlike Heinz the Second, who had a cold and sharp impression, this one was a handsome man with a soft and warm feeling.

‘…Should I touch him up a bit?’

It would be difficult to associate this face with his original appearance, but he needed to be careful.

The number of avatars would continue to increase in the future.

It was meaningless for Hans because he was a skeleton, and Heinz the Second and Harley could change their appearances on their own.

He couldn’t do anything about Heinrich, who had already made countless connections, but it seemed like Hubert would need plastic surgery soon.

He spent several hours meticulously modifying his appearance, using extreme concentration.

White skin, blonde hair, green eyes, it was the perfect Elf, sculpted with an artisan’s heart.

‘I can’t change gender.’

He checked just in case, but… perhaps his skill proficiency was still lacking, or maybe there were other conditions, but he couldn’t create a female avatar.

“It’s not that I’m disappointed… I’m just curious. And I could hide my identity more effectively.”

He muttered excuses to no one, cleared his throat, and continued creating the avatar.

It was time to readjust the initial stats.

The candidate jobs were Spirit Summoner and Archer, and he couldn’t give up on either.

‘Then I’ll just do both.’

It wasn’t a real game, so there was no problem with doing two things at the same time.

Both were basic skills for Elves anyway.

‘Let’s focus the stats on affinity. Spirit Summoner will be advantageous for faster growth.’

Most of his stats were converted to affinity.

Of course, he couldn’t reduce his physical stats too much because he was also planning to be an Archer, but he could improve that part through training later.

‘My recovery ability has also decreased significantly, but I still have “Super Recovery” as a common skill, so it’ll make up for it to some extent.’

Since it was a skill that amplified existing recovery ability, the effect would be reduced if the base stat was low, but it was better than nothing.

After much deliberation, the Elf avatar was finally created.

-Individual Name: Harris

-Race: Elf

-Common Traits: “Mind Hub”, “Persona”, “Super Recovery”, “Clear Mind”

-Individual Traits: “Child of the World Tree”

-Special Notes: Han Seong-hyeon’s seventh avatar. Born as an Elf using a World Tree branch as a medium. Growth rate of affinity and natural energy is greatly increased due to the effect of “Child of the World Tree”.

Seeing that there was no information about “Instant Death Immunity” in Harris’s information window, just like Hans’s earlier, it seemed like the perk he received wasn’t displayed in the individual information window.

‘He’s even more handsome in person.’

The handsome Elf standing in front of him smiled gently.

He felt a fresh scent of the forest, perhaps it was just his imagination.

‘Perhaps because he was born through “Customization”, his initial skill is also influenced by the medium.’

It was too perfect for the individual’s characteristics to be a randomly assigned skill.

It was probably an additional effect of “Customization”.

It was information that could be helpful when creating another avatar next time.

But Harris’s gentle smile unconsciously turned into a frown.

He was having trouble managing his expression because of the unpleasant feeling he had been feeling since earlier.

“It’s stuffy…”

It felt like he was in a haze.

The lingering effect of the eco-friendly air purifier that had disappeared was gradually fading, and the stale air outside was seeping in.

‘He’s more sensitive than I thought.’

The original body didn’t feel anything, but Harris was sensitive to his surroundings.

The middle of a barren city with only street trees and a handful of parks.

Just existing here felt suffocating.

‘Did my affinity with nature decrease because I got used to this environment…?’

There was no point in exposing him to this environment for long, so he dismissed Harris for now.

He had already used the interdimensional transfer formation today to send Hans to the cathedral, so he could only send him to Auterica tomorrow.

‘Anyway, Heinrich has finally regained consciousness.’

More than a day had already passed in Auterica time while he was engrossed in creating a new avatar…

And Heinrich, who was hospitalized in the infirmary, opened his eyes.


“Ah! Sir Heinrich, are you awake?”

As he groaned and opened his eyes, he heard a woman’s excited voice next to him.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the intensive care unit. It’s been a whole day since you were brought here. I’m glad you’re finally awake.”

The dog-like healing priest sighed in relief and started examining Heinrich’s body again.

“Your prognosis is very good, considering you were directly hit by that level of curse with your bare body. Your recovery ability is excellent, thanks to the Blessing of Fortified Body, so it doesn’t seem like there will be any aftereffects.”

“That’s a relief…”

Actually, it was also a scenario that came about after careful calculations, but Heinrich nodded with a serious expression.

“But you’re not completely purified yet, so you need careful management. We’ll have to observe your condition for about a month…”


The healing priest started explaining various things.

He was lying still and listening to her, but he felt stuffy, so he sat up.

“Ah! You can’t move recklessly yet! It’ll be very painful!”

As she said, the amount of information being filtered by “Mind Hub” surged just from moving a little.

If he had to endure this without it, he would have been rolling around, crying and snotting.

“Ah… It hurts a bit, but I can endure it.”

“Y-you can endure that? Ah… Ah! But you can’t! Lie down, lie down!”

She was momentarily flustered, then finally calmed down after forcing Heinrich to lie down again.

“It’s not just the pain. That curse also severely damages the mind, so you need to calmly control your mind for a while. You’re vulnerable to stress, so you could have seizures from even minor stimuli.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Of course, he already knew that.

It was a curse carefully selected from among high-level dark magic spells that wouldn’t have much effect on him.

‘“Mind Hub” is blocking the mental contamination from the “Immortal King’s Heart”, so this level is nothing…’

Rather, he was more curious about what happened after he passed out.

When he asked about it, the healing priest just told him to rest and not think about anything else, perhaps thinking it would cause unnecessary stress.

“It’s stuffy to just lie here. It’s more stressful to stay like this. Can’t you at least tell me briefly?”

But she eventually sighed and opened her mouth at Heinrich’s persistence.

“First of all, there were no casualties. It’s thanks to the cathedral’s barrier, but the Immortal King’s carelessness and complacency played a big part. There are many injured, but they’re all hospitalized and receiving treatment.”

And she said that the subjugation force dispatched to the monster forest had also hurriedly returned, and the cathedral’s security was further strengthened.

After allowing such a major intrusion, the security level probably wouldn’t be lowered for a while.

“The Heresy Inquisitors are busy figuring out what happened.”

Not only were they conducting on-site investigations to find out how the Immortal King intruded, but local Heresy Inquisitors were also dispatched to the monster forest to uncover the truth.

‘The Elves must be in a difficult position because of this incident…’

They ended up contributing to lowering the cathedral’s defenses…

The Church wouldn’t openly blame them, but they couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable, having just watched the commotion last night.

‘Well, once the Heresy Inquisitors find Hans’s secret laboratory, the Elves’ grievances will be resolved.’

They were capable enough to at least figure out when and how Hans disappeared from that place.

“Ah! Sir Heinrich! You’re awake!”

The Saintess, who entered the infirmary, made eye contact with Heinrich.

The healing priest, who had been telling him the story, bowed her head and quietly retreated as she approached with a welcoming expression.

“How are you feeling? Shouldn’t you be resting? Wouldn’t it be better to sleep than to be sitting up like this? I’ll put you to sleep.”

Heinrich hurriedly shook his head at her fussing, sitting on the chair next to his bed.

If he stayed still, she might actually use holy magic to put him to sleep.

“Ah, I’m fine. I was just lying down. It was actually better because I could hear what happened after I passed out. You said there were no casualties, right?”

She nodded and sighed in relief, perhaps because his quick change of topic worked.

“It’s all thanks to Sir Heinrich chasing the Immortal King away in time. It’s a shame that we couldn’t eliminate him on the spot, but at least we avoided the worst-case scenario of all of us being wiped out.”

“It’s thanks to everyone’s efforts. I couldn’t have done it alone.”

“But still! The moment you obtained a blessing at that critical moment and pierced the Immortal King’s heart with your sword of light, it was like a scene from a heroic tale!”

The air between the Saintess, who was showering him with compliments with sparkling eyes, and Heinrich, who was smiling shyly and being humble, softened.

But perhaps because of the gravity of the situation, the atmosphere didn’t last long.

“I’m on my way from visiting Lord Rapori. Since things turned out this way, I asked him to check the Immortal King’s location again…”

Rapori, who was also aware of the situation, had hurriedly started a re-search at the Saintess’s request.

But as expected, the Immortal King’s energy, which had been in the monster forest until yesterday, was already gone.

“Of course, I don’t suspect the Elven Kingdom. Lord Rapori received the Blessing of Silence, and there’s no reason for them to do that in the first place.”

Although the timing was coincidental, it was more likely that the Immortal King had seized the opportunity when the cathedral’s defenses were weakened, rather than suspecting the Elves.

The question of ‘how’ was still completely unanswered, though.

“Ah! I’m just rambling on! You’re a patient, I shouldn’t be bothering you!”

“It’s okay. As I said before, it’s much better than just lying here. I’m happy to have someone to talk to.”

And he was able to get various information this way.

They talked about this and that until the Saintess left to take care of her business.

It was on the tenth day after Heinrich was hospitalized that he was able to use the interdimensional transfer formation again.

《Transfer to the Auterica Dimension complete.》

Harris was immediately transferred to Hubert, who was staying at their base in Tarak.

And he received the High Elf’s bracelet from Hubert, which hadn’t changed at all even though he had been wearing it.

“Hmm… It definitely feels different.”

The reaction came as soon as he put the bracelet on his wrist.

Perhaps because his affinity was already high, the sensation itself was different from when other avatars wore it.

He could feel the surrounding natural energy more vividly, and his sensitivity to attributes had clearly increased.

This was literally an item prepared for Harris.

‘And it’s practically the final equipment that doesn’t need any upgrades. It was used by a High Elf himself.’

As he was stroking the bracelet with a satisfied smile,

An unexpected notification appeared while he was engrossed in the sensations.

《The World Tree gazes upon its child.》


The World Tree started to pay attention to Harris.

My clone is becoming a big shot.
