MAEPG: Episode 75

Episode 75 Brokoslack Clan (2)

After obtaining information about Freesia through Rosilica, Heinz diligently moved around and subjugated the vampires scattered throughout the capital.

“Refined Blood Essence” forcibly evolved the bloodsucking factor in the body the moment it was injected.

And the moment the bloodsucking factor, the source of a vampire’s power and the origin of their abilities, was altered, the ‘Blood Subordination’ linked to it was also forcibly changed.

From ‘Brokoslack’ to ‘Heinz the Second’.

Heinz casually told the vampires he subjugated the same lie he told Rosilica and ordered them to act as usual for now.

‘I deliberately injected a small amount of “Refined Blood Essence” to minimize the blood alteration. They probably won’t notice anything strange.’

High-ranking vampires who were sensitive to the smell of blood might feel a slight sense of dissonance, but who would think that the allegiance of those they had been sharing a meal with until yesterday had suddenly changed?

The premise itself, that the bloodsucking factor could be altered and the subordinate relationship could change, was unthinkable in this world.

Unless they had gone completely mad from cannibalism, which wasn’t the case, so it was a situation that couldn’t be predicted from the beginning.

‘That’s also why Rosilica and the other vampires were able to believe me more easily.’

They could at least try to accept it, thinking that it might be possible if he was a branch family from the same root.

Of course, they still couldn’t fully comprehend it, but they just accepted it since it had already happened.

But there would be those who were particularly loyal, so he wouldn’t be able to hide it for long, even with strong control settings.

And the person most likely to discover it would be Freesia Brokoslack, the one in charge of the capital’s surveillance network.

Heinz immediately prepared a stage to lure her out based on the information he obtained from various vampires.

‘Let’s catch the big fish.’

The moment of execution approached not long after he finished his preparations.

“Lady Bright, you look beautiful today as always.”

“Would you like to see this new ruby necklace? It’s made by a craftsman who’s currently making a name for himself…”

Freesia Brokoslack was leisurely enjoying her luxurious life as usual.

Today was the day to patrol the southern district.

After finishing her shopping at a jewelry store, she was enjoying tea and snacks under the awning of a rooftop garden at a high-end cafe, looking down at the busy humans on the street.

“It’s always entertaining. The way they struggle to survive. Hehehe…”

Her external identity was ‘Freesia Bright’, a member of the Bright ducal family, the real power in the Talia Kingdom.

The only ducal family in Talia, they boasted unrivaled power, even surpassing the royal family’s influence within the kingdom.

‘Most of them are just our puppets. We can’t act openly because of the Church, but this is enough.’

The only thing they were concerned about was that the Talia diocese of the Main God Church was showing signs of expanding its power with support from the headquarters.

‘The Lord will do his best, but it seems like things will get more troublesome in the future.’

Still, if they used political means and the kingdom showed resistance, the Church wouldn’t be able to act rashly.

One of the reasons why the Church had been respected by everyone so far was that they always sought understanding and permission before doing anything.

Other forces showed consideration and respect for the Church because they showed their willingness to minimize interference in internal affairs by considering other forces.

It was difficult to respond to the Church’s forceful actions during the Immortal King subjugation force incident because the matter was so serious, but there was nothing like that now.


Freesia took another sip of tea.

Enjoying tea with a good aroma was also one of her small hobbies.

As she was enjoying her hobbies and having a leisurely time…


She sensed an unfamiliar vampire energy approaching the capital from outside the south gate, at the edge of her detection range.

“What’s this…? The energy seems to be at the Pureblood level, but something’s strange.”

Freesia, who was slightly frowning, put down her teacup and got up from her seat.

If she didn’t know, she could just check it out herself.

She had excellent senses, so she had a personality that couldn’t rest until she confirmed anything uncertain.

Judging by the energy, it wasn’t a threatening opponent to her, a True Blood, and there was no way they would do something stupid like picking a fight with them in Brokoslack’s territory.


Her figure disappeared from the rooftop garden in a gust of wind…

And a moment later, she reappeared on a hill outside the city walls.

Behind the unidentified vampire, who was standing still, looking at the capital.

She leisurely twirled the parasol she was holding and opened her mouth.

“You, what’s your identity? It would be wise to reveal your…self…?”


But at that moment,

A thick scent of blood spread, and blood-red patterns appeared on the ground, surrounding the hill where they were.

She didn’t know it, but it was a barrier created using “Concealment” and “Blood Mystery”.

The moment it activated, the space inside and outside was completely severed.

Now, before the barrier was destroyed, he wouldn’t be able to escape, let alone leak a single bit of energy.

“…A trap?”

But Freesia just frowned and looked around, still calm.

Her noble pride as a True Blood and her confidence in accurately grasping the opponent’s strength prevented her from feeling any sense of crisis.

“Can I take this as you challenging me, Freesia Brokoslack, to a fight?”

Her blue eyes, which had been disguised, slowly turned red.

And her bewitching gaze, filled with will, was directed at the black-haired, black-eyed vampire who was slowly turning around.

“Kneel right now… Ugh!”

She took a few steps back and contorted her face, hurriedly averting her gaze as she met his eyes and tried to activate her Devil Eye.

A trail of blood flowed down her cheek.

‘My Devil Eye was repelled?! Such repulsive force, it’s impossible!’

The black-eyed vampire’s eyes had also turned blood red, staring at her.

And only then did Freesia realize that the opponent wasn’t just a Pureblood.

He was a True Blood… with exceptional skills, enough to completely deceive her, who was confident in her detection abilities.

“…What’s your purpose? For a True Blood to intrude into Brokoslack’s territory without any warning. Are you trying to start a war?”

She raised her tension and slowly closed her parasol.

She couldn’t use her Devil Eye, but she stared at him without even blinking to avoid missing his movements.

At that moment of extreme tension,

“My purpose?”

The black-haired vampire smiled faintly and slowly opened his mouth.

“Everything that belongs to Brokoslack.”


Immediately after, a shockwave erupted…

And Freesia Brokoslack and Heinz the Second clashed head-on.

The barrier surrounding them shook repeatedly as the remnants of energy spread with explosions.

A noblewoman in her early twenties with gorgeous blonde hair.

Unlike her delicate appearance, the fight with Freesia wasn’t easy, as expected of a True Blood.

Whoosh— Boom!

The parasol, enveloped in blood magic power, drew a dizzying trajectory, aiming for the direction Heinz was moving.

It was a proper swordsmanship, honed and mastered over a long time, that would impress even Heinrich.

‘I thought she would be a magic type because she uses Devil Eye, but I was quite surprised to hear that she’s a martial artist.’

Even though he knew that and started the fight, the synergy of her vampire body and her long-trained swordsmanship was beyond imagination.

The moment he parried the tip of the parasol that was thrusting towards his upper body, she immediately used the recoil to draw a half circle and aimed for his legs.

He raised his knee and deflected it…


He didn’t feel any weight in her attack.


At the same time, her sharp high heels, which had deceived his senses, pierced his ankle.

The moment Heinz faltered, the parasol was thrust towards his heart again.


Heinz, who barely blocked the parasol with his guard raised in a hurry using “Acceleration”, lost his balance and was thrown back.

But Freesia, who had landed a clean hit, just glared at him with a slightly annoyed expression as the distance widened.

“Hmm, indeed… impressive.”

Heinz’s face only showed faint admiration as he lightly rotated his shoulders and stretched.

It was an attack imbued with thick blood magic power, sharp enough to pierce even steel like tofu, but it was only a minor injury that he could recover from quickly.

“You…! What kind of body…! And your blood magic power!”

Freesia gritted her teeth again and gripped her parasol.

Heinz might be inferior to her in terms of experience and combat techniques, but the opposite was true for everything else.

The overwhelming difference in specs due to “Hybrid Evolution”.

Not only his physical abilities, including strength, speed, and durability, but also the amount, control, and application of blood magic power were on a different level.

The blood magic power concentrated at the point of impact in an instant deflected the attack, and his body absorbed the impact by dispersing it throughout.

And the damage he sustained was healed in the blink of an eye with “Super Regeneration”, so Freesia was frustrated.

‘What’s with this…? I’m fighting with a significant handicap.’

Heinz’s fighting style was closer to that of an assassin, delivering stealthy and fatal blows.

He was only fighting head-on to prevent her from destroying the barrier.

No matter how elaborate the barrier was, it wouldn’t last long against a True Blood’s determined attack.

And the fact that blood magic power was constantly leaking out to protect the barrier from the aftermath of the clash was also a minor handicap.

‘But her skills are extraordinary, perhaps because she’s a vampire who has lived for over a hundred years. Even with this much difference in specs, I wouldn’t stand a chance if we clashed head-on in close combat.’

Of course, he wouldn’t lose either, so the fight would drag on endlessly.

Freesia’s blood magic power was about Level 7 by Earth standards, but her combat power was on a different level from the hardliners’ Betas.

It was the difference between an awakened one who had rapidly grown with all sorts of growth bonuses and unique skills, and a native of another world who had honed their skills over a long time.

“You’re excellent, but it’s a shame. Don’t you want to follow me? I can make you much stronger than you are now.”

He expressed his intention to recruit her just in case, but she just looked at him as if he was crazy.

Unfortunately, it seemed like he would need to use some force on her.

‘I’ve finished analyzing Freesia to some extent.’

There was bound to be a difference between information he heard from others and information he experienced firsthand.

To take a True Blood under his command, he needed to properly understand his opponent, not just a Fledgling or a Pureblood.

“It can’t be helped. But your mind might change if you keep getting hit.”

“Ha… Stop bluffing. You can’t even touch me with your skills. And no matter how tough your body is, if you keep hitting it…”

Her words were cut off, and a blood blade shot out from the barrier behind her.

The blade grazed her as she quickly twisted her body and reached the barrier on the other side, naturally melting and disappearing.


“I don’t know what you misunderstood, but I’m not a martial artist like you. I was just playing along until now.”

This interior was Heinz’s domain from the beginning.

As he used “Blood Mystery” more actively, a part of the barrier bared its teeth according to his will.

Blades, arrows, harpoons, chains, all sorts of attacks were fired at Freesia.

The blood magic unleashed by Heinz and the blood magic shot from the barrier created synergy and disrupted her movements.




He momentarily used “Concealment” and “Invisibility”, identified an opening with “Insight”, and then charged in with “Acceleration”, embedding his fist, filled with blood magic power, into her side.

Blood-red chains wrapped around her entire body as she was thrown sideways, and countless blood magic spells followed.

But Heinz frowned slightly and looked at his shoulder.

‘She’s not easy.’

A hole had been pierced through his shoulder by Freesia’s instantaneous counterattack, which she had launched the moment his attack landed.

He had been too focused on attacking and hadn’t defended properly.

Of course, it healed in an instant with “Super Regeneration”, but he needed to be more careful.

As Heinz tightened his grip on her, the situation became one-sided.

She struggled to escape, but her momentum gradually weakened, as if she was sinking into a swamp.

And finally,

“You held out longer than I thought.”

“Ugh… You…!”

Freesia, her entire body battered, collapsed in front of Heinz, bound by chains.

One of the True Bloods of the Brokoslack Clan had finally fallen into Heinz’s hands.
