MAEPG: Episode 76

Episode 76 Brokoslack Clan (3)



Heinz, no longer intending to waste time, grabbed Freesia’s nape with one hand.

As his five fingers dug deep into her slender neck, blood trickled down through the wounds.

Heinz directly injected "Refined Blood Essence" into her bloodstream through the wounds, reaching her blood flow.

“Ugh—! You! What are you doing…!”

As expected of a True Blood.

Even while subdued, she controlled her blood and isolated the blood that had already come into contact with Heinz’s "Refined Blood Essence" to prevent it from spreading throughout her body.

Her ability to respond to the situation immediately was quite impressive.

‘Of course, it’s a futile resistance. Let’s see how long she can hold out.’

"Refined Blood Essence" continued to be injected.

Freesia, whose energy was already depleted, couldn’t do anything about it.

And since it was entering through her neck, a vital point, there was a limit to how long she could control the blood there.


Eventually… the abnormality that started from her neck spread to her brain and heart in an instant, and it soon spread throughout her body.

‘This crazy bastard! Forcibly injecting his blood! What is he planning…’

Why was he going this far instead of just killing her?

If the blood of a True Blood, especially one stronger than her, entered her body, it would cause severe mental contamination.

Of course, she would become a bit stronger, but it would be meaningless if she went mad.

‘Don’t tell me, he’s planning to use me to destroy the capital?’

There was no other reason for him to go this far.

Blood was the source of a vampire’s power, why would he complicate things by consuming his own power?

‘I’ll never let him have his way!’

Originally, it would have been impossible to do anything to her, a True Blood, with this small amount of blood.

But for some reason, the blood that had entered her body was constantly affecting the surrounding blood and changing her bloodsucking factor.

She felt her entire body burning up and pain surging as if she had been poisoned, and she gritted her teeth and tried to stay conscious.

Crack— Crack!

But instead of mental contamination, a change she couldn’t understand was happening in her body.

‘…What is this? Was the effect of cannibalism this good? No, it wasn’t just that my blood magic power was increasing.’

Freesia, who had mastered controlling her body over a long time, was able to realize it quickly.

Her physical abilities, including strength, speed, and flexibility, had increased explosively.

Not only that, but she could also handle blood magic power much better, and its efficiency was on a different level.

Her mind, which had been focused on resisting mental contamination, finally started to objectively analyze the situation.

The bloodsucking factors in her body were all mutating under the influence of the blood injected from outside.

…It was a dramatic change, almost worthy of being called evolution.

And then she remembered what Heinz had said.

‘Don’t you want to follow me? I can make you much stronger than you are now.’

It seemed like what he said wasn’t nonsense after all.

“You! What did you do to me…?”

Freesia repeatedly examined her changed body, her voice laced with bewilderment.

Her mind was still clear, and she couldn’t feel any pain anymore.

And she was much stronger than before, without any sense of dissonance.

Heinz quietly nodded, carefully observing her.

‘Fortunately, it works on True Bloods too. It consumed quite a bit of “Refined Blood Essence” compared to others, but it’s nothing compared to the effect.’

He had been on edge, intending to eliminate her immediately if she wasn’t under control, but fortunately, he could feel that the subordinate relationship had been established smoothly.

“It seems like you’re fine now. Then get up.”

“What are you planning? You think I’ll follow you just because you did this…”

Freesia, who had been glaring at him and speaking coldly, obediently got up and stood at attention.


She seemed to finally realize the anomaly and looked back and forth between her body and Heinz.

And then she lunged at him, only to freeze in place as if she had turned to stone.

‘She noticed. But she can’t attack me anymore.’

That was the basic effect of ‘Blood Subordination’.

“This… how is this possible? This is impossible even for a Sacred Blood…”

No, it seemed like she wasn’t ready to have a conversation yet.

“Focus on the conversation, Freesia.”


He nodded in satisfaction as she finally looked at him and prepared to listen.

And as he had always done, he revealed his supposed identity and tried to persuade her, saying that he could give her even greater power if she followed him.

Of course, her reaction was negative, as expected.

“Brokoslack is one of the ‘Original Bloodlines’. And it’s also one of the few bloodlines where the Sacred Blood still remains. You’re saying you, a branch family, will rule such a place?”

And unexpected information came out.

He knew that Brokoslack was one of the original bloodlines that had been passed down since the beginning, but he didn’t know about the Sacred Blood.

‘I only received about a week of training as a Fledgling.’

That’s why he didn’t have a chance to learn such high-level information, but things were different now.

“Tell me more about this Sacred Blood.”

“Ugh… well…”

The Sacred Blood, who was also the progenitor of the Original Bloodlines.

They were beings with power worthy of their name, but they had disappeared one by one over the long years, and it was estimated that only two or three remained now.

It was because the inheritance of the Sacred Blood was very difficult, and their power wasn’t properly passed down to future generations.

“Is there anyone who inherited the Sacred Blood?”

“…A few decades ago… I heard that the Lord of the Ufersh Clan succeeded. I don’t know if it’s true, but…”

He had heard of the Ufersh Clan during his training.

They were one of the top three clans in Auterica, along with Brokoslack.

‘But judging by her tone, they seem to be a stronger force.’

“And our progenitor, Lord ‘Brokoslack’, entered hibernation a long time ago. To wait for a successor who could endure for a long time and inherit his power.”

It was information only known to the True Bloods of the clan.

But even they didn’t know the location of the hibernation, so she said she didn’t know where the Sacred Blood was sleeping.

“But if the Sacred Blood wakes up later and finds out that his bloodline has been passed down to a branch family… you, you’ll die a horrible death!”

“Anyway, he’s currently in hibernation. You don’t know when he’ll wake up?”

“Uh… it was a means to endure for a long time. Only he knows when he’ll wake up, but it won’t be anytime soon.”

Then it didn’t matter.

He didn’t know when that guy would wake up, but by then, he wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.

Rather, it was time to persuade this woman.

Her active cooperation was necessary to easily reach the Lord of the Brokoslack Clan.

“So, Freesia. Are you satisfied with your current situation?”

“…What do you mean?”

“A life of hiding to avoid being discovered, a life where you can’t reveal your true self, a life of constantly being wary of the Church.”

Freesia’s face hardened.

He had heard a lot about her while gathering information by subjugating other vampires.

He learned about one side of her through that.

Of course, it was dangerous to judge based solely on what he heard from others, but one thing was clear.

She longed to live openly in the light.

Frequent outings under the sun, which was uncomfortable even for a True Blood.

She enjoyed luxury through expensive shopping and built relationships with humans through frequent social gatherings.

And she enjoyed life as a human, basking in the flattery and praise of those around her.

But all of that was just a precarious illusion that could disappear at any moment.

She must have also felt that keenly.

She would have had to create new identities several times and abandon everything she had built up.

“But that can’t be helped! We’re a race that can’t live in the light from birth.”

“Who decided that?”

“…The perception of humans, and the judgment of the Main God Church…”

“Why should we be afraid of the Main God Church?”

“Because they’re strong! How many can oppose them on this continent? It’s impossible unless you’re at the level of the Empire or the Magic Tower Alliance!”

Even those forces maintained a good relationship with the Church, so it was practically nonexistent.

Heinz nodded and opened his mouth at her answer.

“In the end, it’s because we lack power.”

“…I acknowledge that your abilities are impressive, but this isn’t something that can be solved just by a few becoming stronger.”

“What if it’s not just a few?”

“What? What do you mean?”

He smiled faintly, looking at Freesia.

“For example— what if all the vampire clans on this continent could gather and join forces?”

“That’s impossible! What nonsense…”

“Why is it nonsense?”

“Each clan is an independent organization. There’s no way they would cooperate properly, and they would just gather and disperse according to their own interests whenever something happened. And they would soon collapse.”

Heinz slowly nodded, still smiling.

She was absolutely right.

“Right. Then what if… there was a Lord with absolute power who could control all of them?”

“Ha! That’s impossible even for a Sacred Blo…od…?”

Freesia trailed off, suddenly feeling a sense of déjà vu.

Of course.

Those were the words she muttered to herself after being subjugated by Heinz.

He looked down at her, staring at him with a dazed expression, and leisurely continued.

“That’s my ability. I can use this blood to… unite all the vampires on this continent under my command. And they will all become stronger, just like you.”


“How long are you going to live in hiding? Because the power of vampires, who are already a minority, isn’t concentrated, we can only be oppressed forever.”

Freesia’s eyes wavered.

He could clearly feel her conflict.

“Then, our Brokoslack…”

“Of course, Brokoslack, the origin of my blood and the first force to join me, should be treated accordingly.”

She was almost there.

This was the end.

“When I become the king who reigns over them, you will also share in the glory by my side.”


Freesia Brokoslack completely submitted to Heinz the Second.

Deep inside the Bright ducal family’s mansion in the Talia Kingdom.

A man, sitting in a large armchair in the pitch-black darkness, was receiving a report from a middle-aged man.

Mulo Brokoslack, the Lord of the Brokoslack Clan, lightly swirled the wine glass in his right hand and looked at the man who had finished his report and was standing respectfully.

“So you’re saying the situation is ambiguous.”

“That’s right. In fact, they’re asking for our cooperation regarding that matter.”

“Hmm, the Immortal King has been resurrected…”

“According to what I’ve heard, the atmosphere in the Church has been unusual lately. Timing-wise, it seems to be related to the incident where the Church’s elites were urgently transferred through our temple. Something must have gone wrong back then.”

The Main God Church had secretly conveyed information only to the higher-ups of each force.

It was a message announcing the resurrection of the Immortal King, urging them to prepare in advance, and informing them that a meeting would be held soon for further discussion.

“Keep trying. The Immortal King is the Immortal King, but we can’t just let the Church grow stronger.”

“Yes, then I’ll gather opinions with the nobles under my command. Lord.”

“You’re dismissed.”

“Have a good day.”

The middle-aged man, who carefully bowed his head with his hands clasped together, quietly left the room without making a sound.


He closed the door gently and wiped off his cold sweat, swallowing a sigh.

He couldn’t even sigh freely in this place.

This mansion was only his in name, he couldn’t do anything he wanted.

As the middle-aged man, Duke Bright, the real power in the Talia Kingdom, was walking silently through the hallway, he stopped for a moment, seeing those approaching from the opposite direction.

“Lady Freesia, greetings.”

“Oh my! Father, isn’t it? How are you? It seems like you’re coming back from reporting to the Lord.”

Since Freesia’s cover identity was one of the Duke’s daughters, she called him ‘Father’ whenever she saw him.

It was naturally a burdensome title for him, who would rather be addressed casually.

“Yes, I was just reporting to him about the Church matter.”

The Duke, finishing his words, glanced at the person next to her.

It was someone he had never seen before, but he didn’t show it and bowed his head, stepping aside.

Since Freesia, a True Blood of the clan, was next to her, he had to close his eyes and ears to everything.

“Then I’ll be going to the Lord. You should go in and rest, Father.”

“Yes, then I’ll…”

The Duke bowed his head again and left the passage.

And the two who passed by the Duke…

Entered the inner sanctum of the mansion where Mulo Brokoslack was, without being stopped by anyone.
