MAEPG: Episode 77

Episode 77 Brokoslack Clan (4)

Knock, knock—

“Lord, it’s Freesia. I have something to tell you, may I come in?”


The door opened with permission from inside, and the interior, shrouded in darkness, was revealed.

Only a pair of red eyes glowed in the darkness, showing their presence.

“Lord, you should at least light a candle or a magic lamp. There’s no need to keep it this dark.”

“I don’t feel the need, I’m not human.”

It was a more casual atmosphere than expected, perhaps because they were both True Bloods.

While they were talking, Heinz, who had quietly entered the room following Freesia, cautiously looked around.

‘This is amazing. I heard the Lord is a mage type, but this level of blood magic barrier… It’s a fortress.’

Blood-red patterns were densely drawn on the walls, floor, and ceiling of the spacious room.

Even the decorations inside were all magic-assisting items.

‘I feel uneasy, like I’ve entered a mage’s domain…’

Tension surged again as he analyzed the countless barriers with “Blood Mystery”.

But he had no choice.

Mulo Brokoslack, a vampire who had lived for hundreds of years, hadn’t stepped outside his room for decades.

He had built a fortress in the safest place and stayed there, only moving his subordinates to handle various matters.

It was difficult to find a way to lure him out because of his obsessive pursuit of safety.

‘But if I could just get a little closer and ambush him, before he could activate the barrier…’

“But Freesia, who is that?”

At that moment, Mulo quietly asked, looking at Heinz standing behind her.

It was a chance to get closer.

“Ah, Lord. I was just about to introduce you. Heinz, come over here.”

Before Heinz could step forward at her words, with a smile on her face, Mulo slowly opened his mouth again.

“Ah, right, before that… Freesia, I want to ask you something.”

“Yes? Ask me anything.”

He picked up a glass bottle and a wine glass on the table next to him and spoke in a nonchalant tone, as if it was nothing.

“Did you change your perfume?”


Red liquid filled the wine glass.

A faint scent of blood spread through the room.

“I’ve been with you for over a hundred years, but I’ve never smelled such an unfamiliar scent.”

Mulo calmly swirled the glass and savored the aroma.

But his gaze never left the two of them.

“I can’t figure out the cause.”

Freesia forced a smile and gave the excuse she had prepared in advance in the tense atmosphere.

“Ah, Lord. That’s…”

“More importantly.”

But Mulo didn’t seem interested in hearing her answer, even though he had asked.

“I feel a distance from you today.”

He was already certain.

He didn’t know what method he used, but Freesia was no longer under the shadow of Brokoslack.

‘This is it.’

The moment he made his judgment, Heinz charged at him like lightning using “Acceleration”.

At the same time, Freesia’s parasol, which was closer, was also thrust towards Mulo, but it was blocked by something before it could reach him.


The blood patterns drawn all over the room glowed red, distorting the space.

The space, which had been just a spacious room, expanded repeatedly, and the distance between them and Mulo widened in an instant.

‘Ah, that’s why I should have gotten closer.’

Even though he was a magic specialist, he was still a True Blood vampire.

His reaction speed was on a different level from ordinary mages, so he wanted to approach cautiously and start things, but he was caught before that.

‘It seems like I underestimated the Lord.’

He thought he could easily defeat Mulo with Freesia, but…

“Children of Brokoslack, come to me.”

Pools of blood appeared throughout the vast space, and vampires started to emerge from them one by one.

“What’s this? The Lord summoned us!”

“Prepare for battle!”

As Heinz frowned and prepared for battle at the sudden increase in enemy forces…

“…What is this? Only this many are left in the capital?”

Even Mulo, who had summoned his subordinates, was flustered.

Only about half of those who responded to his ‘Blood Call’, which summoned nearby blood relatives, were here.

“Freesia… What have you done?”

Freesia stepped forward at his low growl, staring at her.

“Well, that is…”

And she gave a lengthy explanation about her grand plan with Heinz.

This time, Mulo listened to her excuse until the end without interrupting.

“So you’re saying, you’re going to hand over the entire clan to that unknown guy, just based on those absurd words?”

Of course, his reaction wasn’t good.

“No, but it’s already been proven…”

“Proven what? Yes, it’s impressive that he subjugated our blood relatives without killing them, but is there any proof that it’ll work on other clans?”

There was no proof other than Heinz’s words.

“And does he even have the ability to subdue all the clans and bring them under his command? You know, right? That Visque Ufersh inherited the Sacred Blood.”

That was why he had been holed up here for decades, afraid to even go outside.


“…It seems like you’re under some kind of spell. It can’t be helped that ‘Blood Subordination’ has been transferred, though.”

If he let their conversation continue, Freesia’s momentum would only be weakened.

Heinz, feeling a bit guilty because he had subtly added a suggestion using “Blood Mystery”, stepped forward in front of her and faced Mulo directly.

“You talk too much. So you’re saying you don’t believe I have that ability?”


“I didn’t expect to be able to resolve this with words from the beginning. I’ll just beat it into you.”

And Heinz approached him, exuding his presence with all his might for the first time since the fight with the Blood Alliance hardliners.

Thump— Thump—

A thick, blood-red aura started to emanate from Heinz’s body with every step he took.


“Th-this is…”

The presence of a predator, who had hunted countless vampires from various dimensions and collected their bloodsucking factors to evolve repeatedly.

The vampires of Brokoslack unconsciously stepped back, overwhelmed by the instinctive pressure.

And Mulo was also affected by that presence.

Heinz smiled coldly at his stiff face and flew towards him like a gust of wind.

“Block him!”

“He’s too strong… Ugh—!”

Mulo frowned, looking at the situation unfolding before his eyes.

This was his domain, strengthened over a long time.

The summoned blood relatives were much stronger here than outside, and the enemies were weakened by all sorts of debuffs.

And his blood magic was also more than enough to tear them apart.


‘What is this? How?’

His subordinates were falling like flies, and his magic wasn’t having much effect on Heinz.

His subordinates, strengthened by the barrier, were regenerating even after having their heads cut off and their hearts exploded, but if this continued, it would just be a meaningless waste.

The biggest problem was that they couldn’t keep up with Heinz’s speed.

‘This won’t do. I need resources to match his speed.’

There was a limit to his firepower support.

If the front line was breached, the situation would only worsen, so he needed to come up with a solution right now.

“…Come to me. Obor—!”

A pool of blood formed in front of Mulo, who sighed deeply and chanted a spell.

And a white-haired boy slowly emerged from it.

“…What’s this? Why did you call me, Lord? No, what’s going on here?!”

‘Obor Brokoslack’, who had been summoned, looked around in a daze, but he immediately went to restrain Heinz at Mulo’s order.

The balance of the battlefield was finally maintained after a True Blood who could match Heinz’s speed was deployed.

‘To think Freesia became this strong…’

Even though all the other vampires, except for Obor, rushed at her to fight, they couldn’t do anything but hold her back.

She was fighting evenly against a group of vampires who were much stronger than before, even though the barrier’s weakening effect was properly applied.

“As expected, you’re qualified to talk like that.”

It seemed like he would have to push himself a bit more.

Mulo muttered in a low voice with a hardened expression and slowly took a deep breath.


Heinz crushed the blood-red thorns surging from the ground and simultaneously blocked the boy’s hand blade that approached quickly.

“Damn it! This bastard’s body is so tough!”

Obor Brokoslack, the white-haired boy, cursed and clung to Heinz again.

His pride was hurt because he was struggling to even hold the opponent back despite receiving the Lord’s strengthening, but he didn’t have time to worry about that now.

Monstrous strength and a tough body were basic, and on top of that, strange blood magic whose origin he couldn’t figure out, speed and concealment ability that would impress even him, a True Blood specializing in assassination.

Every time he momentarily lost him and he charged at the Lord, he felt a chill down his spine.

‘And he’s emitting some strange energy! What is this? A mental attack?’

Obor frowned at the predator’s pressure affecting him, a vampire.

It didn’t have much effect on him, a True Blood, but he was constantly losing focus due to the subtle annoyance he felt during the extreme battle.

But it wasn’t easy for Heinz to face them either.

‘This is what it’s like to fight a mage who has properly established his domain. It’s tricky to face two True Bloods inside a barrier.’

While fighting Obor, he used “Concealment” and “Invisibility” to hide his presence and used “Acceleration” to approach Mulo, but…


At that moment, blood mist rising from all directions clung to Heinz and momentarily stopped him.

And that brief moment was enough time for Obor to react.


“It’s useless! Where do you think you’re going!”

He was caught again by Obor, whom he had momentarily shaken off, and the battle resumed.

He had tried various methods, but it was impossible to ambush Mulo alone inside the barrier.

‘I guess I have no choice but to break through head-on. A mage holed up in his domain is a troublesome opponent.’

If it hadn’t been for the ability to ‘partially ignore the hostile abilities of other vampires’ that he gained after evolving by consuming vampires on Earth, he would have been in a very difficult situation.

Thanks to this ability, which was super-effective against blood magic and other spells, as well as the barrier’s weakening effect, he was able to continue the fight more easily.

At that moment,

He simultaneously sensed an anomaly through his sharp senses, “Insight”, and “Blood Mystery”.

The faint weakening effect that had been binding him disappeared, and Freesia, who had been held back by the vampires, suddenly overwhelmed them.

And conversely, Obor, who had been charging at him, momentarily lost strength and revealed an opening.

He instinctively thrust his fist, enveloped in Blood Blossom, into the opening and analyzed the situation.

‘The barrier’s effect disappeared? Why all of a sudden?’

The moment Obor, hit by his attack, was thrown back, enveloped in blood-red petals, he was able to find out the answer to his question.

A very brief moment, when he was unguarded after landing a successful attack.

Without any warning— Mulo appeared next to him.

He couldn’t think anymore at his ghost-like appearance and immediately retreated using “Acceleration”, but…


Blood splattered in the air.


Mulo, who had attacked, chuckled, his eyes filled with blood.

“This is a problem.”

He had retreated quite a distance after reacting to the attack, but he was definitely not in good condition.

His right arm below the elbow was gone.

And that arm…

Was in Mulo’s hand, with sharp nails extended.
