MAEPG: Episode 78

Episode 78 Brokoslack Clan (5)

“…As expected of the Clan Lord.”

Heinz glanced at the severed arm in Mulo’s hand and then looked back at his face.

It seemed like all his abilities, including strength, speed, perception, and stealth, had surpassed their limits, as a result of focusing all the barrier’s power on himself.

He must have thought of this method after seeing that blood magic didn’t work well on Heinz.

‘It seems like a method that puts a lot of strain on the body.’

But with the life force of a True Blood vampire, he would be able to endure the aftereffects for quite a while.

It was a very troublesome situation.

‘Did I move too hastily? …No, this was the best I could do. The Lord’s level was beyond my expectations.’

No matter how well he disguised it, the abnormality in his blood relatives would eventually be discovered.

He brought Freesia in to delay it as much as possible, but it was only a temporary solution.

‘I thought it would be more efficient to ambush him before he could sense any warning signs, when he wasn’t expecting anything…’

Thanks to that, he was able to reach Mulo’s doorstep without any interference.

The only problem was that Mulo’s level of preparedness, which he couldn’t know just from Freesia’s explanation, far exceeded his expectations.

“Whew— Whew— I’ll finish you off as quickly as possible.”


The severed arm in Mulo’s hand, who was gasping for breath, was engulfed in red flames.

He casually threw it to the ground.

Before the burning arm even hit the ground,


He heard the sound of something cutting through the air.

But perhaps because he hadn’t taken his eyes off him for even a moment, this time, he was able to react immediately as he disappeared.

He narrowly dodged the five claw-like nails that slashed at him from the front, even using “Acceleration”.

And he didn’t hesitate to thrust his left hand into the opponent’s opening, which was captured by his sharpened senses, but…


It didn’t pierce his tough body, only sparks flew.

‘He’s tough. Is this how those who fought Heinz felt?’

Mulo’s right hand swung again, tearing through space as if ignoring Heinz’s attack.

Even though magic was his specialty, Mulo was a vampire who had lived for hundreds of years.

Even if he wasn’t at the level of Freesia or Obor, his movements were also extraordinary.

As Heinz was about to dodge again, his movements suddenly stopped.

‘Ugh? What?!’

Red thorny vines wrapped around his legs from the ground.

They were instantly severed by Heinz’s power, but by then, Mulo’s hand had already reached him.


He struck Mulo’s wrist with his left hand, which had concentrated blood magic power as much as possible, and twisted its trajectory.

Before he could even retrieve his bloodied left arm, Mulo’s sharply extended left hand stabbed towards his heart.

In a desperate situation where he couldn’t dodge because his posture was broken…

Heinz twisted his body to protect his heart as much as possible and desperately extended his ‘right hand’ to block the attack.


His right arm was torn off by the sharp nails that dug into it.

And his right arm was once again in Mulo’s left hand.

“Whew— Whew— Huh…? What’s this?”

Mulo, who momentarily faltered, looked at the severed arm in his hand with a puzzled expression, gasping for breath.

It was déjà vu.

“You… your arm?”

He contorted his face grotesquely, blood flowing from his eyes and even his nose, and looked back and forth between the arm in his hand and the arm that was still burning on the ground.

They were definitely both right arms.

But that wasn’t all.

“Hmm? Ah— You mean this?”

Heinz confidently extended his right hand towards him and wiggled his fingers.

As if showing off his new, smooth arm that had regenerated with “Super Regeneration”.

Mulo just gaped, looking back and forth between Heinz’s old arm in his hand and his newly sprouted arm.

Of course, True Bloods could regenerate lost body parts, but definitely not to this extent.

How could a severed limb grow back so quickly, like a slime?

“What kind of blood did you inherit to have such abilities? A branch family of Brokoslack? That’s impossible…!”

Mulo gritted his teeth and brought his nose to the severed arm, sniffing it.

He could tell that the foundation was Brokoslack’s bloodline, although it had been altered.

It seemed like what Freesia had said earlier wasn’t complete nonsense.

“…Something’s strange.”

But he felt a strong sense of dissonance from the blood.

The foundation felt familiar, but that was all.

Everything else was ‘something’ he couldn’t understand.

‘Can a branch family’s blood be altered this much? This doesn’t happen even if you commit cannibalism on a member of another clan…’

Something was fundamentally different.

It was a series of contradictions, an incomprehensible situation.

He was frustrated.

He glared at Heinz, who was facing him, and lightly licked the blood flowing from the severed arm.

It was common for Purebloods or higher to analyze their opponent by tasting a small amount of blood.

It wasn’t a problem for him, a True Blood.

…It shouldn’t have been.

But that became a problem.

“Ugh—! Ugh… Ugh—!”

Thud—! Splat—!

Mulo vomited a mouthful of blood and then a bucketful.

“W-what is this…?”

The small amount of blood he consumed instantly spread throughout his body, affecting his blood.

If it had just been that, it wouldn’t have been a big deal… but the problem was the enormous amount of thoughts condensed in the blood.

[My ambition…]

[The Blood Alliance…]



Because of that, he had to vomit all the blood that had been affected by Heinz’s blood.

‘Dozens? Hundreds? How can he be fine with such vicious blood?’

This was practically poison to vampires.

He had never imagined that such blood could exist.

It was a shock that shook his abilities, which had been explosively enhanced by focusing the barrier’s power, even though it was just a brief moment.

‘Oh no…!’

And when his senses, which had been disrupted, returned to normal, he realized his mistake.



“You’ve been cooped up in your room for so long that your senses have dulled? You were lost in thought for quite a while during the battle?”

Of course, it was by their standards.

His concentration had only been broken for about three seconds.

But at their level, it was enough time for them to exchange blows dozens of times.

Enough time for Heinz to approach the careless Mulo and embed his hand blade in his heart.

“Lord—! Get out of the way, Freesia!”

“You’ll have to play with me for a moment.”

Freesia, who had already subdued all the vampires, blocked Obor, who was rushing in.

Matching his speed, which was an assassin type, was something she couldn’t even dream of before, but now it was possible thanks to the strengthening effect of “Refined Blood Essence”.

“Ugh— You bastaaard!”

Heinz retreated without hesitation as Mulo, whose heart was destroyed, swung his nails wildly.

He could have pierced his defenses and landed a fatal blow while his power was momentarily weakened, but there was no point in exchanging blows at close range now that he had regained his composure.

As Heinz stepped back, the hole in Mulo’s chest quickly healed with his transcendental regenerative ability.

But that didn’t mean there were no gains.

“Ugh— Cough! Whew— Whew—”

Eyes, nose, mouth, ears.

Mulo’s appearance, gasping for breath with blood flowing from his seven orifices, showed that he didn’t have much time left.


“Ugh! Y-you…!”

The two severed right arms melted into blood and transformed into two blood-red chains, binding Mulo’s entire body.

Thanks to Heinz’s tenacious life force, the arm that had been burning for a while only suffered minor damage to the outer layer.

‘Whew… This is the end.’

Heinz sighed lightly and looked down.

Mulo, who had exhausted all his power and whose barrier spell was broken, was just gasping for breath, as if he didn’t have the energy to resist anymore.


At that moment, the fierce battle between Freesia and Obor, which had been raging on one side, also came to an end.

The winner was, of course, Freesia.

The difference in specs due to “Refined Blood Essence” was significant, and she also had the upper hand in terms of type, warrior versus assassin.

Drag, drag—

She grabbed the boy’s nape, who had collapsed limply, and approached him.

“It seems like you’re done. I just finished up too.”

Freesia smiled at Heinz with a proud expression.

She seemed very satisfied with her power, which she had experienced firsthand this time.

“Ah! And I only subdued the other vampires, I didn’t kill them. It wasn’t that difficult after the barrier’s effect disappeared.”

Perhaps she was reluctant to kill because they were fellow blood relatives, but since they would need a lot of manpower in the future, the more, the better.

Heinz nodded at her and looked down at the subdued Mulo again.

He was worried about whether it was okay to inject "Refined Blood Essence" into him like this.

Freesia was clearly weaker than him in terms of both blood magic power and force…

But Mulo wasn’t an easy opponent.

In fact, he had even more blood magic power than her.

“Hmm, then let’s try it.”

Heinz, who had been contemplating what to do with him, finally made a decision, pulled the chains, and lifted him up.

And he brought his mouth to his neck.

“You… what are you…”

“I’m inheriting the Lord’s position.”


Sharp teeth sank into Mulo’s nape.

A stone chamber buried deep underground.

A figure was lying in the sealed darkness where even air couldn’t pass.


A small change occurred in the person who had been lying like a corpse in the silent space.

His fingertips twitched slightly, and his tightly closed lips trembled and slowly opened.


A rough, cracked voice echoed through the sealed stone chamber.


The voice cleared its throat a few times before finally returning to normal.

And a pair of red lights slowly flickered in the pitch-black darkness.

“What is it?”

The being muttered softly.

He sensed something strange, but he didn’t know what it was.

He couldn’t think straight because he was constantly drowsy.

“Ah, I’m sleepy…”

He had woken up much earlier than scheduled and couldn’t escape his hibernation state right now.

His eyes, which had barely opened, closed heavily again.

“…I’ll just sleep a little longer.”

The pair of red lights that had illuminated the darkness slowly closed, and the stone chamber was once again buried in silent darkness.

Several days had passed since Harris started walking the ‘Forest Path’ with the Elves.

As they continued their journey, training and practicing, Rapori, who was leading them, turned around and smiled at the group.

“We’ll be arriving soon. Just a little further.”

But there wasn’t any change in the surroundings.

The dreamlike forest path they had been tired of seeing for days continued.

“Wow! Really? Then we can see the World Tree soon?”

Cecily, who had been training hard, competing with Harris, asked with sparkling eyes.

She seemed to be excited about seeing the World Tree soon, as she was from the Ion Continent and had never seen it before.

‘And that means Cecily will soon become a High Elf.’

Reaching the World Tree was the last condition for a qualified High Elf candidate.

“Of course. The World Tree will also welcome you warmly, Cecily.”

Rapori, who knew that, also smiled at her with a happy expression.

Their long journey was finally coming to an end, and they were about to see its fruits.

After that, the group walked through the forest path for several hours, unable to hide their excitement.

And finally…

The path they were walking on gradually changed back to an ordinary forest…


Harris blankly looked up at the sight, with Cecily’s exclamation as background music.

A tree of unimaginable size, defying perspective, was right before his eyes.

“It’s not good to go straight to the World Tree through the Forest Path unless there’s an urgent matter. And it’s even more so for you, Cecily, since it’s a journey to become a High Elf.”

The path to the World Tree was a kind of pilgrimage.

The journey itself, approaching that giant tree with reverence and a calm mind, was also part of the process.

‘It’s so big that I have to look up like this, and this is still quite a distance away…’

He couldn’t help but feel awe.

It seemed like they still needed some time to reach the World Tree, but that wasn’t an important issue compared to the awe he was currently feeling.

Finally, the moment Harris landed on the Elven Kingdom of the Enamel Continent.
