MAEPG: Episode 79

Episode 79 Individual Projection (1)

Bright ducal family’s mansion.

“So we’re done with those nearby?”

“That’s right. It would be more efficient to summon the rest sequentially.”


“…Yes, sir.”

The man standing next to Heinz, who was sitting comfortably in an armchair, cautiously corrected his speech as he stared at him.

It was very awkward for him to use honorifics after decades of not using them, but he had no choice but to get used to it.

He was no longer the power behind the Talia Kingdom.

‘The clan cleanup is going smoothly because the Lord is still here.’

And Heinz smiled inwardly, looking at Mulo, who was standing next to him and sighing.

He had briefly contemplated what to do with him after subduing him, but subjugating him was the best method.

He had taken over the clan to use Brokoslack’s influence in the first place.

He couldn’t say he had completely taken over the force if he excluded Mulo, the most important figure.

Mulo Brokoslack was the one who had led the clan for decades in the shadows of the Talia Kingdom to build a force like this.

He was an irreplaceable figure that even Obor and Freesia, who were field agents, couldn’t replace, even though they were also True Bloods.

‘But I’m glad things worked out as planned. Otherwise, I would have had to eliminate him.’

Mulo had even more blood magic power than him, and his level was high, so he wasn’t sure if he could control him properly.

But then a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

If he was worried because the opponent’s level was high, he could just forcibly lower it…

The source of a vampire’s power was the bloodsucking factor in their blood.

Then what if he just sucked it all out, just enough to not kill him?

The result was the current Mulo.

‘He didn’t fall below True Blood because of his accumulated level.’

And the power that was drained would gradually recover over time as he sucked blood.

The process would be arduous, but he had generously replenished his “Refined Blood Essence” as a reward for feasting on the Clan Lord’s blood, so the decrease in his combat power wouldn’t be that great.

‘It consumed quite a bit of “Refined Blood Essence”, but I was able to obtain higher-quality blood, so it’s a profitable deal. And the subordination to Mulo became stronger.’

And since he didn’t need to hide the blood alteration anymore, he summoned the other blood relatives one by one and generously injected them with "Refined Blood Essence".

It was only natural, as they were also valuable manpower who would become his hands and feet.

As a result, the clan’s forces in the capital had more than doubled.

“Then leave the summoning of those in the provinces and the reorganization of the organization to them. But you said there was a message from the Main God Church?”

“That’s… right, sir. It was about the resurrection of the Immortal King.”

He still seemed to struggle with using honorifics, but it would get better with practice, so he didn’t mind.

‘I know the Church is preparing in various ways. But they can’t expand their power in the Talia Kingdom anymore.’

This place was practically in his hands now.

There was no need to face an uncomfortable neighbor, so it would be better to stick to the previous policy regarding the Church.

“Then I’ll proceed with the rest as we discussed.”

“Ah, and prepare to gather information about the continent from various angles. Whether you create an information network directly or make an agreement with an existing organization, I’ll leave the method up to you.”

“…I see. I understand. You’ve sufficiently proven your abilities, so I’ll do my best to help you now.”

Mulo bowed his head lightly and quietly disappeared without a sound.

‘…Ah, right, there was that.’

And Heinz, who finally understood Mulo’s reaction, scratched his chin with his fingertip and fell into thought.

He had forgotten about it because he had been preoccupied with other things after completely taking over the clan.

It was a promise he had made to get Freesia’s cooperation, but it didn’t really matter now.

But thinking about it again, it wasn’t completely impossible.

‘And it seems like it could be quite helpful. I should seriously plan it out.’

If he was going to aim for something, it was better to aim for the top.

It wouldn’t be bad to become the ‘Blood King’, who ruled over all the vampires, not just one clan.

“Hmm… Blood King…”

Heinz sank deep into the armchair and closed his eyes.

“Sir Heinrich! Are you returning to duty?”

“Haha— I’ve rested long enough, it’s time to work. I have to earn my keep.”

“Hey, what are you talking about? No one will say anything to you, Sir Heinrich, you can rest more.”

“Actually, I’m getting restless.”

About a month had passed since the Immortal King’s attack.

Heinrich, dressed in armor and heading to his post, realized his changed status.

He had been feeling it whenever he went outside and met people.

That the people in this cathedral were especially favorable towards him.

‘I did set things up for that, but it’s more effective than I thought.’

The fact that the cathedral was so peaceful despite the Immortal King’s resurrection was thanks to Heinrich inflicting a fatal wound on him, and they were able to buy time to prepare…

…That had spread throughout the Church, so it was only natural.

As he was walking, feeling satisfied, he spotted the Saintess squatting in front of a flower bed.

He followed her gaze, which was fixed on something, and as expected…

A small pill bug was wriggling and heading somewhere.

‘She’s consistent.’

He smiled slightly and approached the Saintess, lightly clearing his throat.

“Ahem… Saintess, greetings.”

“Ah! Sir Heinrich! It’s been a while. I heard you’ve recovered a lot, are you completely healed now?”

“Yes. Actually, I’ve been fine for a while, but the healing priest in charge is very thorough. She said I need to be carefully observed for a month in case of any aftereffects… Hahaha.”

Of course, she was being so meticulous because she was worried about him, but it was frustrating for Heinrich, who had no problems.

Because of that, he had to settle for the makeshift training facility in the infirmary.

‘There was no heavy weight training equipment there. I need to train hard from today to make up for the muscle loss.’

He was grateful that the facility even existed, as it was created at the request of previous holy knights.

“We can’t be too careful when it comes to curses. And we have to be even more careful if it’s a curse from the Immortal King! It’s only natural.”

The Saintess nodded resolutely and then suddenly made a regretful expression, as if she remembered something.

“But Sir Heinrich, I’m sorry I couldn’t visit you often. I was too busy preparing countermeasures…”

She sighed deeply with a sullen face.

She said she didn’t have time because she was busy with the Immortal King.

Conveying information to various forces and reviewing cooperation plans was basic.

She was also searching through various documents, consulting with the Magic Tower Alliance, contacting information organizations, and even trying to analyze the Immortal King Hans by interrogating dark mages through the Heresy Inquisitors…

She was using all available means, so the Saintess, who was in charge, couldn’t help but be busy running around.

“Of course, those on the front lines are busier than me…”

She looked at the flower bed with a blurry gaze and smiled faintly.

“I was able to finish work early today, so I could finally come out to the flower bed after a long time… and I even met you, Sir Heinrich. It’s a lucky day in many ways.”

The pill bug that was there was gone, but the Saintess stared at the empty spot where it had been.

Heinrich tilted his head quietly at her affectionate gaze.

‘…I feel like I’m on the same level as a pill bug.’

Perhaps even lower, but it must be his imagination.


“Ahem, Saintess, then I’ll be going to my post.”

“Ah! I’ve been holding you for too long. Come to think of it, you’re still training with the Radiance Guardian, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. I was supposed to be reassigned to another holy knight order after a few more days, but that incident happened…”

It couldn’t be helped because the time he spent in the infirmary wasn’t included in the training period.

“I see… You said your ultimate goal is to become a freelance holy knight, right?”

“Yes. I want to travel the continent, helping those in need and spreading the Main God’s will.”

Not only could he receive the Church’s support even as a freelance holy knight, but it would also be difficult to prepare the necessary stage if he was tied to a holy knight order.

It was better for the director if the actor had fewer restrictions.

“Hmm— I see.”

The Saintess slowly nodded, seemingly lost in thought at his answer.

Just as Heinrich turned around and was about to leave after greeting her again,

“Ah, right! You’ll receive good news soon!”

He turned around again at the sudden words, but she was just smiling and waving her hand.

‘To leave me hanging after making me curious…’

But he could roughly guess.

It was probably a promotion.

He had made a contribution this time, and it would be awkward to keep a holy knight with bishop-level holy power as a low-ranking member.

‘I’ll be grateful for anything.’

Heinrich, smiling with anticipation, hurried towards his post.

He had to hurry to avoid being late.

『Karma Shop』

『Unique Skill Enhancement (900,000)』

『Status Enhancement – View Details』

『Karma Owned - 1,393,934』

Naturally, he was able to earn a considerable amount of Karma by taking over the Brokoslack Clan.

It was a very encouraging result, considering it hadn’t been long since he enhanced his unique skill after the cathedral raid incident.

‘Everything is going smoothly according to plan. Anyway, what will I get this time?’

In the last enhancement, he was able to create the Elf avatar Harris thanks to obtaining “Customization”.

It also greatly contributed to his path as a Spirit Summoner by allowing him to adjust his stats.

And he was also able to change Hans’s appearance, who was currently busy maintaining order.

It didn’t really matter because he always wore a mask, but it was a shame to let the ability go to waste.

‘I couldn’t make any major changes because it would be difficult to cover with the mask, but I put in some effort.’

The result was…

A handsome skeleton with a perfectly sculpted smooth skull, a sharp jawline, straight teeth, and sharply upturned eye sockets.

‘He should at least look this good, being the Immortal King. Anyway, should I start the enhancement?’

There was no need to hesitate any longer.

I immediately chose ‘Unique Skill Enhancement’ and closed my eyes tightly, preparing for the impending headache.

《The avatar’s potential increases significantly. The individual’s growth rate becomes even faster.》

《The unique skill grows and unlocks its potential. You have acquired the special skill “Individual Projection”.》

After the familiar headache passed,

I opened my eyes in bewilderment, as there were no further changes even after waiting for a while.


The ‘avatar count increase’, which had always been a given with every enhancement, wasn’t given this time.

All he got were the two system messages that appeared before his eyes.

‘It was a 900,000 Karma enhancement…’

He felt like he had been scammed.

Of course, it wasn’t bad that the growth rate of his avatars increased so that they could become stronger faster, but this was too much.


As he was checking the newly acquired skill with a disgruntled mind, he couldn’t help but exclaim.

Hans, Heinz the Second, Heinrich, Harley, Hubert, Harris.

They were all his avatars, each with unique abilities and personalities.

And the effect of “Individual Projection”, which he acquired this time…

Was the ability to project one of his avatars onto his body once a day.
