MAEPG: Episode 81

Episode 81 Elven Kingdom (1)

A dreamlike atmosphere continued.

The fruit of the World Tree, falling down while being wrapped by countless wind spirits, and Cecily, surrounded by all kinds of shining spirits.

The area around her was chaotic with swirling wind, sparkling lights, shaking ground, and rapidly growing sprouts.

An enormous amount of natural energy was concentrated there, and those who were close to her had to move further back.

As he was moving back, Harris realized something.

Countless Elves were surrounding the area and looking at them.

‘They said it’s not easy to see the awakening ceremony of a High Elf. And Cecily’s appearance is also very rare.’

And as he was directly facing the storm of natural energy swirling around her, he suddenly realized one more thing.

‘Huh? Wait, this isn’t the time to just stand here and watch!’

Harris focused his mind and took a deep breath.

Refreshing air permeated deep into his lungs.

Very nutritious air, filled with natural energy and the energy of spirits.

It was the perfect environment for training.

‘I can’t miss this opportunity!’

Perhaps because the avatars’ potential and growth rate had increased further after enhancing his unique skill, it was much easier to handle energy than before.

“Huu— Whew…”

He took deep breaths repeatedly.

He watched Cecily’s awakening ceremony with his eyes, but his mind was focused on drawing in the overflowing energy from the surroundings.

Rapori, who seemed to have sensed something strange, looked back at him while watching her bring the fruit to her mouth, but Harris, intoxicated by the density of energy he had never felt before, didn’t have the time to care about such trivial things.

And the moment Cecily completely absorbed the fruit of the World Tree,

《The individual meets the conditions and gains enlightenment. You have acquired the skill “Affinity with Nature”.》

Harris was also able to achieve some results.


As he looked at Cecily with a satisfied feeling, she was already being carefully carried inside by a group of Elves, having lost consciousness.

She was still clutching the fresh branch of the World Tree where the fruit had been hanging.

“We are the High Elf Royal Guard. Since she just awakened, we need to take her to a safe place until she regains consciousness.”

Rapori approached him quietly and added.

“Lady Cecily will be asleep for a while. She needs time to stabilize the rapidly increased energy.”

“I see. Well, it’s only natural, considering she was in the middle of that enormous energy flow.”

“You were also amazing. I understand why the World Tree is paying attention to you.”

As expected, he seemed to have noticed what Harris was doing.

“Ah, it seemed like a good opportunity.”

“To think you have that level of energy control when you’ve only been learning for a short time, as expected… Hmm?”

He suddenly stopped talking and looked at something behind Harris.

He seemed quite surprised, as if he had seen something.

‘I didn’t feel any presence?’

He was in a sensitive state after absorbing so much energy, but his senses didn’t detect anything.

Harris hurriedly turned around, feeling a chill at Rapori’s reaction… and was able to see it directly.

A branch floating in the air.


It was a very fresh branch with lush green leaves.

“Huh, it seems like the World Tree is very interested in you, Harris. To think he even prepared a separate gift.”


Looking closely, he could feel that it was imbued with abundant natural energy, just like the branch that Cecily had taken with her.

The only difference was that this branch didn’t have a fruit from the beginning.

“A branch directly bestowed by the World Tree is special. Usually, it’s only given to the person involved during special events like the awakening ceremony…”

And it was said to be processed into weapons or ornaments and exhibit performance comparable to a sacred object.

It was a precious item that even High Elves couldn’t easily obtain.

Harris carefully took the branch that was floating in front of him.

The energy contained in it was felt more clearly.

‘That’s why I couldn’t feel its presence.’

It felt like he was holding nature itself, naturally blending with the environment.

It was only natural that he couldn’t notice it, as the concentration of natural energy in the surroundings was already high due to the aftereffects of the ceremony.

But a sudden curiosity arose.

“Then did you also receive a branch like this from the World Tree when you awakened, Lord Rapori?”

“Of course. I compressed its energy and made a pair of ornaments.”

He felt a bit uncomfortable seeing his sentimental face.

Harris subtly looked at the bracelet on his wrist and cautiously spoke.

“I hope it’s not this bracelet.”

“Haha, no. I made it into a ring and used it to propose.”

He felt relieved, but also a slight sense of disappointment.

But thinking about it, it meant that the equipment made with the branch he was currently holding would be even better than this bracelet, so it wasn’t a bad thing.

“So you’re married.”

“Ah, didn’t I tell you? It’s been a while.”

“But you’re not wearing a ring now…”

“I gave my ring to my daughter. It’ll be more helpful to that delicate child than me now.”

Rapori smiled gently, his face becoming that of a loving father.

‘…That’s nice.’

He couldn’t help but smile wryly, looking at him smiling happily, thinking about his family.

“You must have had a hard time coming all the way here, Harris. Seeing you being recognized by the World Tree as soon as you arrived, I feel good, like I did something worthwhile in the end.”

“In the end?”

“I’m getting old enough to retire. This trip to the Ion Continent was my last official duty.”

Harris stared at his face blankly.

No matter how he looked at it, he was a handsome young man in his early thirties with smooth skin.

“Ah, of course, I won’t be stepping down right away because we’re short-staffed. But I won’t be leading from the front anymore.”

He said something strange, perhaps misunderstanding Harris’s gaze.

“I’m relieved that a new High Elf has been born.”

“I… see. That’s really great.”

Of course, he didn’t point it out directly.

He was currently also one of the Elves, a race known for their youthful appearance.

The Enamel Continent, where the Elven Kingdom was located, was less than a fifth the size of the Ion Continent they had crossed.

But the Ion Continent was just unusually large in Auterica, and the Enamel Continent wasn’t small either.

And the Elven Kingdom, the country of the Elves, was located in the northwest.

‘It feels different from what I imagined.’

Perhaps because of the influence of Earth media, he had a strong image of Elves as forest fairies.

He had a stereotype of them as vegetarians who lived in trees, close to nature…

‘This place is also quite civilized. There are a lot of street performances.’

Of course, there were many wooden buildings built in trees, as he had initially imagined, but there were also stone buildings built on the ground.

‘It’s amazing how they’re all built in an eco-friendly architectural style.’

He had realized it while traveling here after first setting foot in the Elven Kingdom, but there were many sophisticated buildings here.

‘It’s only natural since it’s the capital.’

This was ‘Drasha’, the capital of the Elven Kingdom.

The city, a blend of forest and civilization built around the large World Tree, exuded a strange exotic charm.

And Harris was currently inside a large building.

It was a building blended with a giant tree, something unimaginable on Earth, although it couldn’t compare to the World Tree.

A wide stone building surrounding the base of the roots and wooden structures built along the naturally formed trunk.

This building, which was like a work of art, was…

“You’re Harris, right? I heard you came from the Ion Continent with Lady Cecily, is that true?”

“I heard that place is uninhabitable. And Lady Cecily was in a very dangerous situation…”

“Ah, I heard that too. They said she would have been in big trouble if Lord Rapori hadn’t gone there.”

Young Elves chattered endlessly next to him.

‘They’re all older than me, but they’re still young by Elf standards.’

Their appearances ranged from mid-teens to early twenties. Drasha Academy was a place where promising young Elves of the Elven Kingdom gathered after their childhood.

A place where those who would grow to become pillars of the nation received education.

Harris was practically on the elite course.

“Hahaha… Yes, yes. That’s right… Ah, I was fine. I had good companions. Yes.”

He was currently burdened by the excessive attention, but…

They were those who only knew the outside world through books and stories, so he could understand their curiosity.

It wasn’t just someone from another region, but someone who had come from a completely different continent across the sea.

And they were now fellow trainees.

“I was working as a mercenary. I didn’t even know how to handle spirits back then, so I mainly fought using my body…”

It was during break time after the theoretical class ended, and just as Harris was about to share some suitable anecdotes for smooth interpersonal relationships,


Everyone’s gaze turned towards the sound that suddenly rang out.

A blue-haired woman, who had stood up from her seat, slapping the desk with both hands, didn’t flinch at the gazes focused on her and looked at him with a haughty expression, her chin raised.

“It’s so noisy that I can’t concentrate, can you be quiet?”

Her words were directed at everyone gathered around Harris, but her blue eyes were fixed solely on him.

It was a gaze that didn’t seem friendly at all.

‘What’s with that woman? Why is she looking at me like that?’

Even if she was annoyed that it was noisy because of him, her reaction was a bit excessive.

As he was wondering why he was receiving such a look from a stranger,

“Ah… I guess we were being too loud…”

“Ahem… Sorry for being noisy.”

“Then Harris, tell us more next time.”

Meanwhile, those who were gathered next to Harris cautiously dispersed to their seats, wary of her gaze.

It was definitely more comfortable now, but he was flustered by the sudden turn of events.

‘That woman must be quite influential.’

He looked at the woman who had created the chilly atmosphere again.

Well-maintained blue long hair, sharp, upturned eyes, and an expression that exuded arrogance, beyond just being haughty.

‘Hmm, she’s definitely a noble lady.’

And a very picky one at that.

Most of the Elves he had met so far were kind and virtuous, so this felt refreshingly different.

And after the class ended,


The woman, who was passing by Harris, stopped for a moment and turned her head, scanning him up and down.

Her gaze lingered on the bracelet on his wrist for a moment, but she soon scoffed and left the classroom with a few of her companions, walking gracefully.

‘What was that?’

As he was feeling bewildered, he heard the people around him talking about her.

Her name was Shapiron Silvesty.

As expected, she was from a prestigious family.

Even though there was no difference in status among Elves except for High Elves, old families inevitably had greater influence because of their history.

And how much more so for a family that had contributed to the founding of the Elven Kingdom since the Great Migration to the Enamel Continent?

But among the information about her, there was one fact that surprised Harris and was unexpected.

‘This is really unexpected.’

Because that girl was…

The only daughter of High Elf ‘Rapori Granwood’, whom he was somewhat acquainted with.
