MAEPG: Episode 82

Episode 82 Elven Kingdom (2)

"We've finished informing the Dwarves of Titania and the other races of the Enamel Continent about the situation."

"The reactions are a bit lukewarm since they haven't been directly involved, but this time it's really serious, so we need to raise their awareness."

"The fact that he can freely cross space means that we don't know when the Immortal King might appear on the Enamel Continent, so we need to be prepared."

This was the conference room of the Elven Kingdom's royal palace, the only building directly connected to the World Tree.

Naturally, the people participating in this meeting, which not just anyone could attend, were all impressive.

The High Elves, including the Queen, and the key figures leading the country, each in charge of their respective fields, were gathered together.

"We've requested relevant information from the Church. We don't know anything about this generation's Immortal King except for the information Lord Rapori brought."

They were currently discussing countermeasures for the situation.

Since the previous Immortal Kings had all rampaged on the Ion Continent, the non-human races, including the Elves, hadn't suffered any particular damage other than the loss of their dispatched support troops.

In both cases, they were defeated before even crossing the sea, so they didn't have much impact on the Enamel Continent mainland.

But this generation's Immortal King showed an extraordinary ability from the beginning, making them nervous.

The fact that he could ignore the limitations of space and intrude into the cathedral in the holy land meant that he could easily cross the sea between continents at any time.

They were able to quickly start preparing because Rapori had already sent information about him to the Elven Kingdom before moving to the Enamel Continent.

They sent warnings to neighboring countries, raised the alert level by several stages, and dispatched regular patrols to each region to detect dark magic power.

"Sigh… I don't know what's going on, having to prepare for the Immortal King when we should be celebrating the birth of a new High Elf."

As they had some time to breathe after the important discussion was over, those participating in the meeting started to complain one by one.

Of course, a festival was planned in the capital for a few days after Cecily woke up, but the duration and scale had to be significantly reduced because of the preparations for the Immortal King.

It was originally supposed to be a grand national celebration, so the gap was quite large.

"Still, it's fortunate that Lady Cecily appeared at this time. Both I and the Queen are about to retire."

"That's right. I was quite worried, but now I'm relieved."

The Elf Queen, sitting at the head of the table, nodded at Rapori's gentle words.

Since the reign of the King, who was elected among the High Elves through their own discussions, lasted until retirement, she had been in that position for quite a long time.

"Come to think of it, Lord Rapori, didn't you bring another person with aptitude from the Ion Continent? Rumors are already spreading that he received a branch from the World Tree at the awakening ceremony."

"Haha, he was extraordinary from our first meeting, I could feel the World Tree's interest. It seems like my eyes weren't wrong."

Rapori smiled contentedly at the Queen's mention of Harris.

"His talent is also exceptional, his growth rate is unbelievable. I believe there's a high probability that he'll become qualified."

Harris, another promising candidate who came to him after rescuing Cecily.

Rapori brought him to the Elven Kingdom and enrolled him in 'Drasha Academy', the best educational institution in the kingdom.

He hoped that Harris would receive the best education and become qualified as a High Elf.

'I think he'll have a good relationship with Shapiron. Their situations are similar.'

High Elf status wasn't hereditary, but she was born with the aptitude, just like him.

She was truly blessed from birth.

'It would be beneficial for both of them if they became close.'

So he had made arrangements for Harris to receive training with her.

He believed that his kind daughter would take good care of Harris.

Rapori smiled softly, thinking of his beloved only daughter, whom he had at a late age.

Lunchtime at Drasha Academy.

The weather was nice, the wind was cool, and he was enjoying the Elves' street performance while leaning against a large tree and munching on a sandwich, when it happened.

"Why don't you have some manners? How long are you going to act so vulgarly like a mercenary?"

Shapiron suddenly approached him and picked a fight, then turned around and walked away haughtily without even listening to his answer.

‘…Did she come all the way here just to say that?’

Harris leisurely finished his sandwich, watching her retreating figure while leaning against the tree.

‘And that girl is that guy’s daughter…’

Rapori had light blue hair and deep blue irises, so she definitely resembled him.

‘They said that High Elves use the surname ‘Granwood’ after becoming one. And Elves are a matriarchal society, so ‘Silvesty’ must be her mother’s surname.’

He suddenly remembered Rapori’s warm expression when he last saw him, smiling happily as he thought of his family.

And the image of the picky girl, frowning slightly as she looked at him, slowly overlaid it.

‘Hmm… It’s hard to imagine her with that kind-hearted guy.’

He hadn’t been here long, but he could tell that everyone was wary of her because of her arrogance, self-centeredness, and sense of superiority.

Of course, there were those who followed her, but it didn’t seem like an equal friendship.

‘Well, it’s the same everywhere. I guess Elves are no different. But she’s especially sensitive towards me.’

From what he had observed for the past few days, she just built walls around herself and looked down on others haughtily, she didn’t seem to pick fights with anyone first.

Except for Harris himself.

‘But it’s just childish nitpicking. Let’s ignore her, it’ll only be troublesome if I get involved. He’s my sponsor right now.’

And he had also asked Rapori to process the World Tree’s branch he received as a gift, so it wasn’t good to have a conflict with his daughter.

“Ah… The weather is nice…”

The bright weather, the cool shade of the tree, the gentle breeze.

Harris, feeling drowsy, closed his eyes and enjoyed the Elves’ singing from afar.

Actually, the biggest reason was that he had become lazy lately.

After entering the World Tree’s sphere of influence and obtaining “Affinity with Nature”, and as he continued to train it, Harris’s body gradually became accustomed to comfort.

‘I can force myself to move, but it seems like leaving it like this is more beneficial for increasing affinity. It feels like it’s helpful for mental and physical stability.’

Was this what it felt like to become one with nature?

Harris expressed the unity of mind and body with his entire being and didn’t move from his spot until lunchtime was over.

“…It’s healing.”

He had already forgotten about Shapiron Silvesty.

There was no reason for them to interact, and as long as they maintained their distance like this, there wouldn’t be any problems.]

‘I thought so.’

Harris stared blankly at Shapiron standing in front of him.

She was also frowning slightly, glaring at him.

They ended up facing each other like this because of the spirit summoning class at Drasha Academy.

Before he knew it, the professor had grouped them together.

“Well, all the groups are formed. Then let’s review, since we have transfer students. Everyone already knows this, but communication with spirits is very important. And when we move on to the advanced course…”

Communicating with spirits, beings of nature, was essential for Spirit Summoners.

And the Elves had a very effective secret technique passed down through generations…

It was dancing and singing.

‘No wonder I saw so many street performers after coming to the Elven Kingdom.’

Elves, whose very existence was loved by nature, could harmonize with spirits just with their movements and the resonance of their voices.

The same went for the sounds of the instruments they played.

It was a privilege and a secret art that only Elves had, something other Spirit Summoners from other races could only dream of.

“And this method also has the effect of preventing you from becoming too immersed in nature and becoming lazy. Well, usually, even if you’re immersed, you just become a bit lazy, but it’s still better to be diligent, right?”

Harris immediately realized that the professor’s lecture wasn’t about someone else.

Wasn’t it just about him?

‘But I’m not just a bit lazy.’

He was only forcing himself to move by devoting his mind to it, and if he let his guard down for even a moment, he would collapse on the spot.

It was helpful for relieving stress because he would enter a state of extreme tranquility and his mind would be at peace, but…

‘It was definitely a bit annoying. So that was a side effect of excessive immersion.’

He was next to the World Tree, the source of natural energy, and all the skills Harris possessed, “Child of the World Tree”, “Spirit Summoning”, and “Affinity with Nature”, were related to affinity.

And there was also the High Elf’s bracelet he received from Rapori.

Thanks to that, the lightning spirit ‘Watt’ had recently become Intermediate-level, and the fire spirit ‘Callie’ and wind spirit ‘Pascal’, whom he had contracted with a few days ago, were also on the verge of evolution.

It was an unbelievable growth rate, considering how short a time he had been learning spirit summoning.

“There’s a festival for the new High Elf, Cecily, coming up soon, right? There will be stages set up all over the capital…”

The professor trailed off, looking at the students listening attentively, and smiled mischievously.

“I’ve prepared a stage just for Drasha Academy. It’s quite central, so Lady Cecily might even see it herself.”

The surroundings became noisy as the students buzzed with excitement.

“Now, work together as a group and create your own stage. I’ll evaluate how well you can communicate with spirits based on your performance on the day of the festival.”

The class ended, and a time was set aside for each group to discuss their ideas.

There were two other Elves in Harris’s group besides Shapiron.

“Wow! To be in the same group as Shapiron and Harris! It’s lucky to be with celebrities. I’m Timer Coffin. Nice to meet you!”


One was a lively man who seemed clueless, and the other was a timid woman who just bowed her head cautiously.

“Nice to meet you too. I’m quite flustered to suddenly have to do group activities. I’ll do my best not to be a burden.”

Harris greeted them as gently as possible.

He had heard about the notoriety of group projects, but he was the one who would be the burden…

There was less than a week left until the actual performance, so it was a very daunting situation for him, a transfer student who wasn’t prepared at all.

But it seemed like Shapiron, who was in the same group, was also troubled.

“Why… me with this mercenary with no background… Why? Why?”

She frowned and muttered repeatedly, then closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

“Whew… It can’t be helped now that it’s come to this. So, do you have any dances or songs you can do? Anything will do.”

Her tone implied that she was asking out of courtesy, as he wouldn’t have anything prepared.

There was no expectation in her gaze as she looked down at him haughtily.

Well, it was a natural reaction, considering he had just learned spirit summoning and had been working as a mercenary.

The other group members’ gazes also turned towards him at her words.

They weren’t saying anything directly, but they must have been worried.

“Don’t you have anything? We can adjust the rest to you.”

‘…It makes me want to try even harder because she’s being so blatantly condescending.’

Of course, he couldn’t perform their dances and songs right now because he hadn’t learned them.

He had seen them a few times on the street, but they weren’t all the same.

‘But does it have to be a traditional Elven song and dance?’

In the first place, this wasn’t a set ritual, but a communication utilizing racial characteristics.

Then as long as he could harmonize with the spirits, the genre didn’t matter, right?

“Hmm… I do have a song I used to enjoy singing in my hometown…”

He cleared his throat lightly and cautiously opened his mouth.

He used to play the guitar a bit in his school days and was considered a decent singer.

‘And with Harris’s Elven voice added to that?’

Above all, he had never scored below 80 points on a karaoke machine.
