MAEPG: Episode 83

Episode 83 Elven Kingdom (3)

“Sigh… What is this?”

Shapiron sighed, waiting for Harris in an empty lot on one side of the academy with her group members.

He had confidently said he would prepare something and asked for a day, but there was no sign of him even as the appointed time approached.

‘As expected, that man… I don’t like him.’

Harris, the man her father, whom she was proud of, had picked up in the Ion Continent, didn’t satisfy her in many ways.

Not only did she dislike his dull face, which always looked listless…

‘A mercenary, that means he’s the kind who runs errands for a few coins and then turns into a bandit when things don’t go his way.’

Her knowledge was based on fragmented information she had heard from storybooks and rumors, but that didn’t matter to her right now.

‘And he said he just learned spirit summoning, so his skills wouldn’t be that great.’

For Shapiron, who was born into a good family and had shown exceptional talent since childhood, the level of spirit summoning was practically her combat power.

Since spirits were inseparable companions in Elf society, it wasn’t a wrong thought.

‘I acknowledge that he struggled to survive in that harsh Ion Continent, but he’s just a savage who hasn’t received proper education.’

In her mind, any place other than the Elven Kingdom, where the World Tree was located, was a barren wasteland.

Of course, she knew that the forces on other continents were strong.

The size of the continents, as well as the scale of their military power, was significantly different.

But she believed that the Elven Kingdom was the best in the world in terms of culture.

Music, art, architecture, literature…

‘Of course, the Dwarves are a bit, just a bit, exceptional in areas like sculpture and architecture… But that’s just a different direction, it doesn’t mean we’re lacking!’

It was a mindset deeply rooted in ethnocentrism.

She was someone who had lived in a warm greenhouse, receiving only care and love from those around her, and exposed only to pleasant sights and sounds, so it was only natural.

So Shapiron wasn’t interested in the song Harris was preparing.

How great could a song passed down from such a culturally remote place be?

‘But… but why did Father and the World Tree…’

She felt frustrated again as she thought about it.

She was a chosen one.

Her mother from a prestigious family that had been around since the founding of the country, and her father, a High Elf.

She herself was born with the aptitude to become a High Elf and had been receiving everyone’s expectations since childhood, showing off her talent.

Therefore, she never doubted that she would become a High Elf.

She was definitely the center of the world, the main character who would lead a new era!

‘Father’s bracelet… well, I’ll let that slide! It’s annoying that it fell into that man’s hands, but he said it was a legitimate reward, so it can’t be helped.’

It was a payment made during a mission, so it could be compensated at the national level.

What really angered her was something else.

‘…I’ve never received that much attention from the World Tree! …Hmph!’

He wasn’t even someone who had already qualified to be a High Elf like Cecily, he just had the aptitude like her, but he received a branch directly from the World Tree.

‘I’m better than him in every way…’

That fueled her jealousy, as she had strong self-esteem.

She quietly controlled her anger, repeatedly fiddling with the ring on her left middle finger.

“Ah! There’s Harris. You’re late! We’ve been waiting!”

At that moment, Timer, who had been fidgeting between the gloomy Shapiron and the timid female group member, Curie, brightened up and waved his hand.

Harris, with his usual listless expression, was approaching with something on his back.

“Ah, I’m sorry. It took some time to prepare. I’m really sorry for making you wait.”

“No, it’s okay! We didn’t wait that long. We were just a bit bored!”

Shapiron’s mood soured even further at the sight of the two of them having a friendly conversation.

“We don’t have much time left. We haven’t even decided on what to do for the stage yet. Let’s see what you’ve prepared first.”

She said so and summoned an Intermediate-level wind spirit to block the sound around the empty lot.

It was an act of goodwill.

She didn’t want to see a fellow group member embarrassed in front of others.

She really didn’t have any expectations for Harris.

She was just going to casually check what he brought and move on, since it would be rude to just ignore it.

‘It only makes sense to adjust to him if he’s at a certain level. But if he’s decent, I can at least teach him some harmony and put him on stage…’

Shapiron, who was serious about music, started to plan the stage alone, thinking about how to make a beginner blend in without being noticed.

“Wow! What’s this? It’s an instrument I’ve never seen before, it looks similar to a lute…”

“Ah, this is a guitar, something we used in my hometown…”

She could hear Harris chattering with Timer as they prepared for the demonstration, but she didn’t pay attention anymore, lost in her own thoughts.

“Thank you for waiting. Actually, I brought an instrument, but it’s not enough to properly enjoy this song.”

Only then did Shapiron stop thinking and stare at him with her arms crossed.

She was planning to first check his level to decide how to set up the stage.

“So I prepared a magic tool that recorded the instrument sounds. Of course, it won’t be helpful for communicating with spirits, but this is just a demonstration for now.”

She scoffed inwardly and examined Harris with a critical gaze.

He was holding a bead-shaped magic tool in one hand and carrying a lute-like instrument on his shoulder.

‘…Huh? What’s that instrument? It looks pretty.’

Her mind, which had a deep understanding of instruments, was momentarily distracted, but she gritted her teeth and maintained a straight face.

‘I should have asked earlier! …It’s too late now, right?’

She had no choice but to subtly ask him later when she got the chance and focused on maintaining her composure for now.

“The title is ‘Adventure to Find Myself’. It’s a song by Biz, a famous bard in my hometown… My father loved this song.”

Harris summoned his spirits, activated the magic tool in his hand, and placed it on one side.

“Then, I’ll begin.”



Sharp sounds started to come out of the magic tool.

Shapiron’s brow furrowed at the unfamiliar instrument sounds.

She had never heard of an instrument that made such sounds.

‘And the way the music progresses… it’s unique?’


The sounds of the instrument Harris was carrying mixed with the sounds coming from the magic tool.

Every time his fingers plucked the strings, natural energy spread and resonated with the surroundings.

And the waves gradually harmonized with the spirits summoned around him.

As the atmosphere gradually heightened…

“To the end of the white sandy beach~♪”

The song began along with the upbeat music.

The energy in the surroundings started to writhe and fluctuate at the sensitivity contained in his powerful voice.

The exciting music and his captivating voice enveloped the empty lot where they were.

The eyes of the other group members, who had been tilting their heads at the unfamiliar style of music, gradually widened.

‘Hmm? This is…?’

And it was the same for Shapiron.

It was completely different from the music they had been doing so far.

Unconventional music that would make conservatives who valued tradition and formality feel repulsed.



Her heartbeat started to increase unconsciously, synchronizing with his powerful voice.

The upbeat rhythm made her shoulders move on their own, and the intense sounds resonated with the surrounding natural energy and shook her heart.

‘Wait, something’s strange? My emotions are moving this much? Don’t tell me…?’

Like spirits, Elves were beings who were greatly influenced by natural energy from birth.

It wasn’t for nothing that they worshipped the World Tree and considered spirits as companions.

But the wave of energy originating from Harris transcended the ordinary.

The emotions contained in his singing spread through natural energy and forcibly assimilated the Elves, who couldn’t help but be sensitive to it, into those emotions.

‘Ah… How can he use natural energy to this extent just with singing…?’

Unlike his usual listless appearance, Harris was currently radiating life force from his entire body along with the music.

And the captivating power contained in his singing shook the surroundings mercilessly.

Her emotions were fluctuating, an unknown force seemed to be sucking her into the music…

And… she was just excited.


The lightning and fire spirits flickered and glowed brightly, and the wind spirit swirled, spreading sound around them.

The spirits, also caught up in the emotions, resonated with Harris, who was smiling brightly in the center of the stage, and spread their presence to the surroundings.

“Oh! Wow!”


The other two spectators, except for her, were already cheering excitedly, waving their hands towards him, intoxicated by the emotions.

‘…I acknowledge his skill, but the music itself is still better in our Elven Kingdom…!’

As she tried to maintain her composure,

Her spirit, which was blocking the surrounding sounds, started to shake slightly, synchronizing with the energy contained in his singing.

It wasn’t to the point where the sound barrier would break, but a being that was an Intermediate-level spirit was reacting to someone else’s song, not even its summoner.

She frowned slightly.


But without even realizing it, her ears were twitching to the beat.

‘…It’s not bad after listening to it. It’s just a different style! It’s foolish to compare superiority in art.’

She was unconsciously denying her previous self, but that was just a minor issue now.

‘Wow, an Elf’s voice is really a cheat.’

Harris inwardly admired as he finished the last verse.

He understood why they were so proud of their singing.

Not to mention the tone, even the structure of their vocal cords seemed to be different from humans, allowing them to freely move between octaves, and his affinity, carried by his voice, resonated with the surrounding natural energy and amplified the effect.

‘Actually, I think it’s thanks to “Child of the World Tree”.’

His already strong affinity with nature was further amplified through the medium of song.

Naturally, the communication with spirits, which was his original goal, was also very successful.

He could already feel the response through the connection, wriggling as if it was about to grow.

‘But I didn’t expect it to be this much.’

He had sung it a few times as practice before coming here, but this was his first time trying it in earnest.

He didn’t have enough time because he was busy recording the song on a magic tool, getting a new guitar, and revising the lyrics due to the time difference with Earth.

“Wow! Harris, you’re amazing! I’ve never been so immersed in a song before! It’s an unfamiliar song, but it’s exciting and good!”

Timer and Curie, who approached him after the song ended, exclaimed in admiration with sparkling eyes.

‘I didn’t expect such a good response.’

He had put a lot of thought into choosing the song.

Elven songs tended to be sweet and lyrical, so he thought it would be difficult to satisfy them with a similar genre.

‘So I deliberately chose an exciting song that they hadn’t seen in the Elven Kingdom.’

He had sung it out of frustration at Shapiron’s attitude, but he didn’t think this song would be on stage.

It would be more efficient for one person to adjust to the other three than for three people to adjust to an unfamiliar song.

He just wanted to shock them with a different song and show them what he was capable of…

“Let’s do this, this! If Harris sings this song on a properly prepared stage, he’ll get a lot of attention!”

Nod, nod!

“We can imitate the instrument sounds using a wind spirit and natural energy! I think I can do the drum part!”

Timer was excited, and Curie nodded silently next to him.

It seemed like the song was stuck in their heads after being swept away by Harris’s emotions.

At that moment, something flashed through his mind.

‘Karma is given according to the impact you have on the world.’

Then what was that impact?


Positive, negative, violent, peaceful.

Whether it involved force, political power, financial power…

Or even if it was ‘culture’, anything would do.

‘Dancing and singing are part of the Elves’ lives. Then what if I could influence that? And what if I could spread the culture to the entire world through them?’

And as he could see from these guys, the synchronization of natural energy through “Child of the World Tree” was a talent that definitely worked on Elves.

If he used it on a proper stage, he could even forcibly lead the trend.

He would become the main character and lead the world’s transformation with art, not a sword.

If it worked out, it would be the most efficient Karma farm.

‘This… is good.’

They were the beginning.

Timer, who was chattering in front of him, Curie, who was agreeing with him,

And even Shapiron, who was approaching awkwardly from a distance.

A deep smile slowly spread across Harris’s lips.

“Now then… Shall we discuss how to set up the stage?”

And so, the song they would perform at the festival was unanimously decided at the meeting that followed, and the stage setup also proceeded smoothly with everyone’s cooperation.

Only five days were left until the festival.
