SGB: Episode 10

Episode 10: Night Companion (3)

Strictly speaking, the term "we" is not accurate.

The chubby and skinny duo were interested in Erwen, not me.

Tap, tap. I nudge Erwen again with my foot.


What do you mean, "ugh"? Get up quickly. I know you're not sleeping. I saw you peek as soon as you heard their voices and then cover your face with the blanket.


There's no time to argue, so I just grab her shoulder and forcefully pull her up.

"Why were you pretending to sleep?"


Erwen avoids my gaze and trails off.

Her attitude is quite frustrating for me, as I need to gather information and make decisions as quickly as possible.


I grab her chin and turn her face to meet my eyes, and Erwen reluctantly speaks.

"You'll leave if I wake up..."

So that's why.

I made a promise. So, if there's a conflict with an explorer while on watch, I have to fight alongside her. However, unfortunately, this happened during the last shift, which I had promised.

Well, I don't care about honor or anything...

But she doesn't know that.

That's why she tried to hold out somehow.

The moment she opens her eyes, the night companion oath ends.


I let out a big sigh.

If a grown man like Hans had done something like this, I would have been angry, but...

A 20-year-old doing this just makes me feel pity.

Of course, that's one thing, and this is another, but...

"What happened between you and those two guys?"


"Then why did you hide?"

"...The emblem on their clothes was the same. The same as the human man who tried to hurt me. They must belong to the same group."

A group... damn, things are getting more complicated?

I start to wonder if it's better to just part ways with this fairy girl here and go our separate ways.

"Let's talk while we move."

"Are you helping me?"

"After I hear the rest of the story."

First, we leave the place where Erwen was. And we move almost at a run, grasping the remaining situation.

"Tell me everything that happened."

Erwen, as if reading the mood, recites only the important information concisely.

"The person I met as a night companion on the first day attacked me while I was sleeping. I found out later that he's an executive of a group that mainly operates on the 1st floor."

For reference, the name of that group is the "Crystal Alliance."

"I somehow managed to escape, but since then, other members of the same group have attacked me whenever they saw me. That's when I got injured."

I interrupt for a moment.

"Wait, how did they know about that?"

"Message stones."

So, what are those? There were no such things in the game I played.

"In more detail."

"It's a magic tool that allows message stones that have been resonated beforehand to communicate with each other. I heard the range is about 300 meters."

"I see."

It's like a walkie-talkie. If the frequencies are matched beforehand, communication is possible within a radius of 300 meters.

I'm starting to understand the situation.

If they have such magic tools and a large number of people, information transmission will be easily achieved even in this closed environment.

However, the problem is...

"What's the reason for chasing you like that?"

Erwen did nothing wrong.

But why are these people going to such lengths to chase the victim?

"Is it perhaps to silence you?"

"...It doesn't seem like that's the only reason."

"There's more?"


Erwen, who had been answering my questions straightforwardly, hesitates to speak again. If this is her attitude, I can't help her either.

Just as I'm thinking that...

"Wh, when I first escaped, I just swung my knife around. But it just so happened to hit a bad spot..."

"...A bad spot?"

I feel a chill.

A draft keeps blowing between my legs.

"You know, th, th, th, that place...?"

It really was.

"Hmm hmm, anyway, according to the people chasing me, it was completely cut off, so they couldn't even reattach it with a potion... That's why I think..."

No wonder they're chasing her with their eyes burning.

"So, so, sorry..."

It's not something to apologize for.

It was that guy who caused the problem, wasn't it? He got what he deserved. The problem is that there are too many people in the world who don't even understand that simple logic.

"Mister, I think there's a pursuer."


"Don't look back."

I concentrate on my hearing, but I don't hear anything unusual.

"The distance... seems to be about 150 meters behind us."

It's a distance where it's strange to sense a presence, but it doesn't seem like she's lying. There's no reason for her to do that.

Then is this the innate sensory ability of fairies?

Suddenly, she looks different.

"We need to increase our speed. Will you be okay?"

"Yes. I can still bear it for now."

Although the white bandage has turned red, indicating that the wound has reopened, Erwen doesn't let out a groan.

Good spirit.

Well, my mind is becoming complicated.

"How far is the pursuer?"

"...Still about 150 meters."

Even though we increased our speed, the distance isn't widening.

The situation is not good.

The pursuer is probably informing their companions of our location using that message stone or whatever.

We need to get rid of them.

If their target was me, I would definitely make that judgment.

But I'm still just running.

If I kill them, there's no turning back.

So, before I get involved, let's confirm something.

"Um, mister...?"

What is the risk I have to take, and what can I gain in return?

I need more detailed information.


"Yes, yes?"

"What are you good at?"

"I'm confident in things like laundry and cleaning. I'm, I'm not good at cooking, but..."

What is she talking about?

"When you're in combat."

"...Bow, bows! Ah, and also spirit magic!"

She's exactly a typical archer fairy.

"What attribute?"


Hmm, the most valuable attribute.

Thanks to this, I'm starting to see the picture.

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

"No... but I can."

That's something you can only know after trying.

"I see."

I ask her one last question.

"Erwen, will you become my companion? Until we escape the labyrinth, the loot will be split 9 to 1, with me taking 9 and you taking 1."

"I, I will!"

With this, I have a justification.

"—I swear on the name of my clan."

"I also swear on my honor as a warrior."

We mark something as a sign of trust, just like before, and evolve our relationship from one-night companions to temporary comrades.

Of course, while running like crazy.


"About 100 meters!"

Even though we're running at our maximum speed, the distance is closing.

I make up my mind.

"We're going to the outer area."


We change direction and enter the dark passage.

The number of glowing crystals on the walls and ceiling decreases, and soon, pitch-black darkness engulfs us.

My heart is heavy.

Phew, I didn't think I'd come back here on my own feet.

"Erwen, summon your spirit."

A watermelon-sized flame appears on her palm, illuminating the surroundings. I carefully tread through the darkness.


"Dismiss the summon."

We hide ourselves in the darkness.


"You'll be able to hear it soon, too."

"I see."

I maintain my composure as much as possible and focus on my hearing.

The best-case scenario is for the pursuer to miss us and pass by.

Then there's no need to kill them, and I can back out later.


Soon, I hear the sound of the pursuer's footsteps.

However, contrary to my expectations, their footsteps don't pass by but stop.

Right in front of the fork in the road where we turned.


Damn it...

It seems like that guy has some way of tracking us. Smell, sound, or maybe something magical.

Thud, thud.

He turns and slowly walks towards us, stopping about 30 meters away.

At the edge of the bottomless darkness.


He peeks his head in and looks inside, and we silently observe him from within.

"There you are."

After sniffing a few times in the quiet stillness, the man mutters to himself.

And he takes something out of his pocket.

It's something I've never seen before, but I instinctively recognize what it is.

A message stone.

The moment I see it, I give a signal with a short murmur.

To Erwen, who has been aiming with her bow drawn this whole time.



Before I even finish speaking, the arrow that was shot pierces the man's forehead.


Even though the dead man collapses to the ground, I don't go out right away.


I can feel the undeniable trembling from Erwen next to me.

"Well done. It would have been dangerous if you had hesitated."

It's not empty praise, but my sincere feelings.

I also hesitated for a moment when I swung the shield at the man, didn't I? Erwen didn't even have that much time just now.

She must have known it even without me saying it again.

That she must never hesitate.


"Rest for a moment."

I end the consolation there and come out of the darkness to search the body.

To ensure swift movement, he seems to have left his backpack with his companions, as the pursuer's attire is quite simple.

'To feel disappointed in this situation, I've really become a local.'

I first strip the pursuer of his equipment from head to toe, and then organize the items I've acquired one by one.

A belt, leather top and bottom, two daggers, a rather heavy pouch of magic stones, a potion bottle kept in a pocket and attached to the belt, and a message stone.

"This works out well. Come here."

After roughly sorting through the items, I call Erwen.

And I remove the bandage and treat the wound with a potion.

The wound begins to heal with a sizzling sound.


She could make a sound, but Erwen grits her teeth and endures it.

She has a tough side too. Or maybe she's just gone numb?

I hope it's the former. I'm not confident in counseling.

"Are you feeling a bit better?"

"Yes, much better."

"Then change into this."

After a few minutes of treatment, I hand her the leather top and bottom I just acquired.

I judge that this would be much more practical than her fluttering cloth clothes.

"I'll be right back."

Does she think it's better to just follow all of my judgments to increase her chances of survival? Erwen takes the clothes and goes into the darkness to change without any complaints, even though it might feel uncomfortable.

"It's a bit loose. Come here."

I cut off the excess fabric from her arms and legs.

"Wear this too. It'll be a bit better."

It still looks a bit loose overall, but she seems more comfortable after putting on the belt.

But maybe it's because of the change in clothes, her atmosphere has completely changed.

If she was a fairy girl on an outing before, now she looks like a proper warrior.

Even her expression.

"...It feels really strange."

"You'll get used to it."

"Is that so...?"

"Yes, it will be."

I stuff the rest of the items into my backpack and drag the naked corpse into the darkness to hide it.

And I hold the message stone in my hand.

"How do I use this?"

"Just a moment. I'll try."

Erwen examines the message stone and clicks something.

[...We've lost contact with Serdin, who was tracking the fairy and barbarian. All those who receive this message, gather in the goblin district.]

So far, it's as I expected.
