SGB: Episode 11

Episode 11: 2nd Floor (1)

[There's a possibility that they've split into two groups. If you see a barbarian using a one-handed hammer and shield, don't approach recklessly and wait for backup.]

Our descriptions are being spread.

It's not detailed, but it doesn't really matter.

I don't think there's another barbarian besides me who uses a shield.


Erwen looks up at me with uneasy eyes.

Her thoughts are so transparent that I chuckle.

"Don't worry. I won't abandon you."

I've already decided to help Erwen.

The reason is simple.

I've always liked helping people in trouble.

If it benefits me.

"As I said before, from now on, the loot will be split 9 to 1. You understand, right?"

"Of course. I'll definitely repay your kindness."


"Yeah, be sure to repay it."

There's no reason not to accept it if she's offering. I won't expect much, though.

"Yes, I will..."

I finish tying my shoelaces while watching Erwen clench her fists with a determined look.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

"First, we'll move through the outer area. Summon your spirit again. We'll talk on the way."


As we walk through the darkness, using the fist-sized flame as a lantern, I confirm a few more things.

"Exactly how long can you summon your spirit for?"

"If it's just for illumination, I can maintain it for 10 hours."

"How long does it take to recover?"

"About 2 hours of rest should be enough."

"I see."

The situation is much better than I thought.

If things go according to plan, we'll be able to escape their pursuit without much danger.

Then I'll get a return that's greater than the risk I've taken.


While I'm organizing my thoughts, Erwen speaks up.

"Can I ask where we're headed now?"

Ah, I didn't tell her that.

"The 2nd floor."


Don't make that face. You heard right.

"We're going to the 2nd floor."

"You and me, just the two of us?"

"Yes, you and me."

Actually, it's not that there are no other options, but it's something I've been thinking about since before.

On the 1st floor, moving with two people would only decrease our income, but...

The 2nd floor is a different story.

"Um... M, mister? The 2nd floor is completely different from the 1st floor. You do know that, right...?"

"I know."

The goblins that appear in groups of three or four on the 1st floor will increase to about fifteen, and other variations, and even higher-ranked monsters, will appear.

"But it'll be alright if we just operate near the entrance. You and I have a pretty good synergy."

"M, me and you, mister?"

I don't know what she's surprised about, but a melee tank and a ranged damage dealer make a good combination.

The reason I considered going to the upper floors with Erwen in the first place was because of that. If we were there, even if we split the magic stones in half, our income would increase significantly.

But since we didn't have a way to pass through the darkness, I abandoned that idea.

"Ah, no matter how I think about it, it feels like we're going from avoiding goblins to entering an orc den..."

Well, judging by her reaction, even if I had proposed it knowing the risks, she would have flatly refused...

But the situation is completely different now.

"Then is there any other way? As you know, those guys are swarming the 1st floor."

Erwen now has a reason to go to the 2nd floor, and I was able to increase the ratio to 9:1 in the meantime.

Of course, that doesn't mean there were no emotional factors in this decision at all.

[To the one who captures the fairy: 10,000 stones and the first chance to enjoy her will be given as an additional reward.]

I hate people like this.

No, it's closer to disgust than hate.

But to be able to screw over people like this, get a reward greater than the risk, and even gain self-satisfaction from doing someone a good deed?

Isn't this the epitome of efficiency?

"I'll give you a choice. What will you do?"

"I'll go..."

Erwen nods with a look of reluctant acceptance. It seems like the message we heard from the message stone just now played a decisive role...

Nice timing.

"Then let's keep moving."

"...But do you know the way to the 2nd floor?"

"Not exactly."


"But don't worry. If we keep moving north, we'll eventually find it."

It's not wishful thinking, it's actually true.

If we just keep going in one direction along the darkness, we'll eventually find a portal. This darkness is like a route leading to the upper floors.

Although we might wander around because of the maze-like structure.

It's worth the risk.

"There's a goblin trap!"

As we walk, a trap comes into view.

It's much later than I expected. It should have appeared earlier.

...Could it be that there aren't many goblins in places without light? Just like in the game?

If that's the case, I feel a bit suffocated.

Just how unlucky was I to fall into darkness from the start and immediately encounter a goblin?

"I'll handle it! You rest, mister!"

Erwen steps forward as if she sees this as an opportunity to prove herself.

"Just in case, don't use your spirit."

"...O, of course not!"

Erwen approaches the trap with a flustered expression, as if it's obvious.



The moment the goblin pops out, she shoots an arrow she had already nocked at close range.


Oh, she looks like Legolas doing that.

She's much more skilled than I expected. Her movements are also very agile.

"How was that?"

Erwen, who has finished off the goblin, looks at me with a triumphant expression.

"Normally, you would have used your spirit, right?"


"Well done. Seeing you shoot arrows, you really are a fairy."

Erwen looks happy and embarrassed. Does she like being acknowledged that much? Honestly, I was also indirectly teasing her a bit.

Not about her skills, but about her personality.

"But I'll handle the battles from now on. It's best to save your arrows as much as possible."

"Ah, you can just pick them up and reuse them. You don't even have to pull them out."

Erwen bends down and picks up the magic stone and arrow, returning to me. The arrow looks perfectly fine, without any damage.

"...I see."

Man, she's making me feel embarrassed.

In the game, arrows were consumables that disappeared after being shot once. But you could carry a thousand arrows at a time in one slot.

"Here you go!"

Erwen holds out her small hand.

"Take it! It's nine for you and one for me, right? I'll work hard from now on! Then I can earn a little too, right? I promised my sibling I'd buy them something when we get back!"

Uh, ah, hmm...

"Yeah, work hard..."

What is this? Is she teasing me back?

As we continue moving north through the darkness, occasionally killing goblins, a voice is emitted from the message stone that had been quiet for a while.

[Additional information. Hatsu Young, who was injured by the fairy, has increased the bounty to 20,000 stones. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter.]

That means they're within 300 meters.

Instinctively, Erwen subtly gets closer to me.

"Don't worry. No one will use torches to search for us."

"I guess so?"


Honestly, I'm pretty sure about it.

From what I've been overhearing through the message stone, these guys are nothing more than a gathering of small-time thugs.

It doesn't seem like they're that united either.

I'm guessing it's just a convenient community for them. In the first place, the 1st floor is a place where you can't operate with more than 5 people.

[I'm thinking of moving to another area to hunt blade wolves. Anyone want to join? No need to forward the message.]

[I'm tired and looking for someone to rest with. Come to the pond next to the big rock. No need to forward the message.]

In fact, we've heard such messages throughout our journey here. Some people don't care about the bounty.

However, I don't let my guard down.

It's not that things are going wrong, but rather that everything is going too smoothly according to plan.

Damn it...

With my luck, something bad should happen around this point, but it's quiet, so I feel uneasy instead.


What is it?

"Over there, there's a ghoul!"

I can't see it? As I tilt my head, Erwen moves the flame forward.

...Your eyesight is really good.

Only then can I see the shape of the ghoul.

Rotten skin and empty eye sockets, sharp and long nails reminiscent of claws, and a human-like body that walks on all fours.

It's exactly like the illustration I saw on the loading screen.

However, the problem is...

'What the, why is a ghoul appearing here?'

The 1st floor is divided into north, south, east, and west, with different monsters appearing in each area. And ghouls appear in the western region.

Could it be that we've wandered near the border?

Well, it's possible. We've been heading north, but we've also been taking detours whenever we hit dead ends.

Let's think about this later.

"...Will I fight this one alone too?"

Erwen, who was eager to fight goblins, makes it clear that she doesn't want to.

Is she scared because it's a monster she's never seen before?

She has her own quirks, too.

"I'll take the lead. You just focus on the one at the very back."


I share a rough strategy and slowly step forward.

The number of ghouls blocking the passage is three, and they're all sitting like dogs.


Even though I've gotten quite close, there's no movement.

Hmm, in the game, they only attacked when you approached within a certain range. Is this the same as the game?


As I cautiously take another step forward, the three ghouls simultaneously lunge at me.


The sound they make is similar to that of goblins.

Is it because they're 9th-grade monsters? They lack individuality.


Instead of retreating, I take a step forward and smash the head of the leading ghoul with my hammer.

I call it Hammer Smash.


The ghoul's head is crushed, and at the same time, an arrow flies from behind and hits another ghoul.


She really seems to like the forehead.

I push away the next ghoul that lunges at me with my shield and then finish it off with Hammer Smash. The fight ends quickly.

「You have defeated a ghoul. EXP +1」

It was a quick fight, but I take a moment to reflect.

In terms of combat power, ghouls are stronger than goblins.

They're much stronger and faster.

Well, goblins have traps, but...

That's only a problem for idiots who fall for them.

...Of course, assuming there's light around.

"Still, this is better than goblins."

"Yes? Why?"

"It takes time to catch goblins."

As long as we don't lose in a head-on fight, hunting ghouls seems more efficient than hunting goblins in many ways.

These guys at least don't just set a trap and camp nearby.

The fact that they don't attack until you approach is also a big advantage.

"Next time, it would be more efficient to start by killing one with an arrow."

"Yes, that would be good."

After briefly sharing our future battle plan, I collect the magic stones that have fallen on the ground and put them in my pouch.

"Um, mister...?"

"What is it?"

"I, that is, it's time to give me one..."

"Ah, right."

We continue down the passage.

My guess about being near the border was correct.

For a while, ghouls and goblins appeared alternately, but as we continued north, only goblins started appearing again.

And after some time...


As Day 3 draws to a close...

We, who have been heading north continuously despite taking a 4-hour break in the middle, discover something.

A single crimson line drawn on the ground.

"Oh, it's a blood trail? It doesn't seem like it's from a goblin. Who could it be?"

...I have a feeling I know who it belongs to.

So, I follow it, and there are pieces of bread dropped at regular intervals.

With that, I follow the blood trail with certainty.

"Um, you've been quiet for a while now..."

10 minutes.

"Do you have something against me?"

30 minutes.

"Yes? Mister?"

2 hours.


After walking that long distance, I finally find a sandal abandoned on the ground.

Curses escape my lips involuntarily.


"Damn it, are you kidding me?"

"I, I'm sorry! Whatever it was!"

The portal was just a stone's throw away.
