SGB: Episode 12

 Episode 12: 2nd Floor (2)

I had a hunch that we would find a portal.

Well, obviously.

The fact that we encountered the upper-level adventurer party with the blonde guy was proof that there was a 2nd-floor portal in the direction I came from.

That's why I followed the blood trail with certainty as soon as I found it.

However, this was something I hadn't anticipated.

There was a portal less than 10 meters from the starting point.

"This is insane."

The memories of when I was crawling on three legs flash before my eyes like a panorama.

Just how unlucky am I?

If I had just taken a few steps in the opposite direction, I could have activated the portal and secured light.

Then I could have seen and avoided that damn trap!

"Mister, please tell me. Don't just make that scary face. If I did something wrong, I'll fix it..."

But what is she talking about since earlier?

Ah, it's because of me.

I'll just make a rough excuse because I'm tired.

"Don't mind me. I just remembered something from the past."


Erwen looks at me relieved and then gives me a pitiful look. I can't believe it.

The blood trail, the bread crumbs, the sandal, and the expression I was making.

She figured out what I went through on the first day just from these clues? Her?

"Surely, that person has gone to a good place."

As expected, that can't be it. I had faith.

"Yeah... thank you."

Judging by her words, she seems to misunderstand that I'm reminiscing about a lost comrade or something...

There's no need to correct her.

It's too long of a story to explain one by one.

And besides, I feel like I'll burst into tears if I talk about it.

So let's just bury this story.

"Are you ready to go up?"

"Honestly, I'm still scared, but somehow I feel like I won't die if I'm with you."

Come to think of it, she has this strange habit of talking a lot. Just saying "yes" would have been enough.

"Then let's go."


The moment I step into the portal with Erwen, my vision turns white.

Just like when the light burst out from the monitor.



It's exactly the moment Day 4 begins.

「You have entered the 2nd Floor Goblin Forest.」

I've reached the 2nd floor.

If someone asks me how I feel right now, I'll answer like this.

It feels like I was being chewed on in a giant frog's mouth for a while before being spat out with a "ptui!"


My body is thrown into the air as if bounced off something.

Although I didn't scream pathetically like Erwen, she ended up better off than me.


While I land on my butt with a thud, Erwen regains her balance quickly and lands safely.

"Wow, that was surprising. Even my older sisters never told me that."

I realize once again that she has really good physical abilities.

It's an agility that barbarians can't have.

"Mister, is this the 2nd floor?"


"Hmm, I didn't hear anything about a forest. Are you sure about this?"

"The story you heard probably refers to a different 2nd floor."

"A different 2nd floor?"

Do fairies not share labyrinth information properly? Why doesn't she even know this?

"There are four portals on the 1st floor, one for each direction, and they lead to different areas."

"Ah, come to think of it, I think that's right!"

...She just forgot.

As I look at her with a disapproving gaze, Erwen speaks up in a flustered manner, as if trying to show off her knowledge.

"Ah, the 3rd floor! I heard that from the 3rd floor onwards, all the paths are connected again. Right?"

She seems to want to show off the knowledge she has.

I nod roughly in agreement, and Erwen smiles with satisfaction.

I'm starting to get a grasp on how to handle her.

"So, what should we do now?"

"Wait. I'm thinking."

First, I calmly observe the surrounding terrain.

I need to check what's different and what's the same compared to the game.

For example, like how I flew about 3 meters when I came through the portal just now.

Things like that, which I couldn't know from beyond the monitor.


First, I check my surroundings once more.

Behind me is a portal that allows me to return to the 1st floor at any time, and there are no living creatures in the clearing with a radius of about 50 meters.

Well, I don't know what it's like in the trees over there...

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Stay still."

The map of the 2nd floor is a forest.

The surroundings are dark as night, but thanks to the lights scattered like the Milky Way in the sky, some visibility is secured.

It feels like the brightness of an alley without streetlights.

However, it's not like the day will come and it will get brighter as time passes.

This is inside the labyrinth.

And those aren't even the sky, they're just the ceiling located high up. Well, there are floors with real skies and suns, but...

"Let's start moving."

"Yes? Where are we going?"

"We'll explore the vicinity around here."

I have a rough plan in mind from the 1st floor.

But there are a few things I need to confirm to see if it will actually work.

So let's start with what we can see.


Erwen flinches as I suddenly swing my hammer towards a tree at the edge of the clearing.

"Wh, what are you doing?"

"I was checking if it's possible to fell trees."

"Why would you check that?"

"I was thinking of building a fence around the portal."

"Hmm, I see."

Only then does Erwen nod in agreement with a look of understanding.

It's quite tiring to have to answer everything one by one.

"Anyway, that plan is abandoned."

Erwen doesn't ask why.

Well, she has eyes too.

Even though I swung with all my strength, the tree only got a little bark chipped off.

What kind of tree is this? It's a rock.

"Then what's the next plan?"

"As planned, we'll search the surroundings. And from now on, you'll take the lead."


I decide not to accept any questions.

"There are two things you need to do. Lead the way and find traps. And pay attention to any signs of enemies and be on guard. Those are the two things."

"...Role division, right? I understand."

Surprisingly, Erwen readily accepts the assigned roles.

But why do I feel disappointed?

Is it because I already prepared what to say to convince her?

"Still, being in a forest makes me feel nostalgic. Even though I know there are only monsters here."

Erwen walks along the forest path, saying things that I can't relate to at all.

"Ah, there don't seem to be any traps, but just in case, please follow the path I walk on."

What is this? Her? Suddenly, I feel reassured.

She's actually walking confidently, as if she's not afraid of traps at all.

Soon, Erwen mutters softly.

"There's a trap."

I can't see it.

"If you look over there, you'll see it hidden under the leaves."

I still can't see it, even if she says that.

Erwen, with a 'why can't you even do this?' look, picks up a stone and throws it.


There really was one.

How can she spot that from this distance in such darkness?

Even though I knew about the detection abilities of fairies, seeing it with my own eyes is simply amazing.

There was a reason you were walking so confidently.

"How was that?"

"You're good at throwing stones."

"...That's all?"

"What else is necessary?"

Erwen's shoulders, which were stretching out as if expecting something, slump down.

It's the perfect timing to give her a carrot.

Subtly, so it's not too obvious.

"Finding traps was something I expected of you from the beginning. You're already a proper explorer. Don't get too excited about something that's a given."


She pretends otherwise, but I can clearly see her shoulders shrugging slightly from behind.

Thanks to this, I've completely gotten the hang of it.

I can handle her like this from now on.

"So you're saying that I'm pulling my weight? As a proper explorer?"


Even though the split is 9:1.

Anyway, it seems like the "one warrior" variation that our chieftain particularly liked worked out better than I expected.

"But it's strange. No matter how much I listen, I don't think there are any goblins around."

Well, that's natural.

The 2nd floor is different from the 1st floor. Just because there are traps doesn't mean there are goblins nearby. On the 2nd floor, it's easier to think of traps as just a terrain feature.

They're scattered everywhere you go.

"Let's stop chatting and focus now."


I tighten my loosened tension and search the vicinity.

This place where I am is called the "Goblin Forest" in the game.

Besides the traps, another characteristic is that goblins move around in groups of about fifteen.

Occasionally, variations like goblin swordsmen or goblin archers appear.

Of course, if we go to the outer area, the number of variations increases, and higher-ranked monsters appear, but...

Since we're only going to be hanging around the entrance near the portal, it's not something we need to worry about too much.

"There's nothing around here for now."

We finish searching about 200 meters around the portal.

There are countless traps, but we haven't found any goblin groups.

"What should we do?"

"First, we'll remove all the traps in this area and then gradually expand our range."

We gradually expand our territory by removing traps with stones from a distance.

We need to be able to escape to the 1st floor in case of danger.

It would be a disaster if we stepped on a trap while running.

As we expand our range to over 500 meters, it's then.


Erwen stops and whispers.

I also hold my breath in response.

"A group of goblins."

"How many are there?"

"I don't know. There are definitely more than ten..."


"About 50 meters. I don't think they've noticed us yet. What should we do?"

She's saying something obvious.

"We fight."

Erwen doesn't argue at my words. She's a bit scared, but she knows it too.

That we have no choice but to fight.

If she really didn't want to fight, she shouldn't have entered the labyrinth.

"How close can we get without being noticed?"

"If it were just me without you, I think I could get within 30 meters. Any closer than that is impossible. Goblins have a surprisingly good sense of smell."

"I see."

After a brief contemplation, I decide to move according to the plan I mentioned earlier.

Erwen also slowly makes her way through the bushes towards where the goblins are.

Is that what a fairy is?

It's amazing how she walks through the bushes without making a rustling sound.


Erwen stops walking.

She looks at where I am, and when I nod, she turns her back, nocks an arrow, and shoots.


A hit?

I don't know.

It's so far away that I can't hear the sound of it hitting.

I hope it pierces their foreheads properly this time too.


As soon as the arrow is shot, I immediately run towards Erwen.



The goblins, completely agitated, are running towards us, but Erwen calmly prepares her second shot.


I feel like I'm saying this every time, but her firing speed is insane.

These are things I couldn't feel when I was just watching the game.


One of the running goblins collapses.

The arrow hit its neck, not its forehead.

Well, it would be difficult to accurately hit a moving target from that distance, even for a fairy.

"Erwen, fall back."


Erwen retreats without hesitation, disappearing from my sight.

Now, all I see in front of me are goblins rushing towards me.

It's three times the scale of what I encountered on the 1st floor.

Even if they're goblins, this many would make anyone a little intimidated, but...

Surprisingly, I don't feel any fear.

No, rather...


The warrior's heart within this body stirs belligerently, making my head hot.

"Grr, grr!!"


As I hear the threatening howls of the numerous goblins, I shout back instead.


Come at me, you bastards.

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