SGB: Episode 13

Episode 13: 2nd Floor (3)

Nine goblins are rushing towards me.

Eight are regular goblins, and one is a goblin swordsman.

The swordsman is only holding a scimitar with a blade about 60 centimeters long, but...

Unlike a dagger, that's a proper blade.


Looking at the goblin charging from the front, I strike its temple with my hammer held in a short grip.


One shot, one kill. The goblin turns into a cluster of light and disappears before it even hits the ground.

However, it's too early to celebrate.

I've only taken down one of them.


As soon as I finish off one, two goblins from either side lunge at me simultaneously.

They're holding daggers.

I dash to the right and push one away with my shield, then immediately turn around and strike the other with my hammer.


That's two down.

But there's no time to catch my breath.

Another goblin lunges from behind, having somehow reached my rear.

It's the goblin swordsman.


It lets out a snake-like hiss, as if trying to live up to its title.

I immediately stop and roll on the ground.


The sword passes overhead with a sharp whistling sound.

Seeing me rolling on the ground, the goblins see their chance and charge.

This is why the 2nd floor is several times more dangerous than the 1st floor.

Even if you can somehow overpower four regular goblins with your physical strength, it's impossible at this point.

I have no choice but to accept some injuries.

Maybe if I were alone...


An arrow shot from the bushes pierces the forehead of one of the goblins.

It seems Erwen has found a sniping position again.


I quickly get up from the ground using the momentum of my roll. And I charge into the heart of the enemy formation with my shield raised.

Well, it's only natural for a warrior to draw aggro, right?

"You bastards! Come at me!"

I block with my shield, swing my hammer, dodge, push them away with my feet, and even headbutt them.

Fueled by the boiling barbarian blood, I rampage in the midst of the goblin formation, and Erwen, who has once again found her position, shoots arrows like crazy.

Whoosh, thump! Thump! Thump!

The goblins are overwhelmed by the arrows that are shot every 2 or 3 seconds.


Maybe because she's rushing a bit, the arrows don't always hit vital points...


But they always hit somewhere, be it the shoulder, arm, stomach, chest, or thigh.

Sometimes, she even imbues the arrows with her spirit's power, causing them to burst into flames.

I also do my part and smash the heads of the goblins, who are too busy worrying about the arrows to do anything else, with my hammer one by one.

Thwack! Thwack!

When the number of goblins dwindles down to two, they start to flee.

I catch one by grabbing its hair as it tries to run away, and Erwen finishes off the other with an arrow to the back of its head.

「Killed Goblin Swordsman. EXP +1」

As the battle ends, Erwen, who was hiding in the bushes, reveals herself and approaches.

"Mister, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm fine too."

"Alright. Then let's collect the magic stones."

Afterwards, we split up and gather the arrows and magic stones scattered around.

Although I also defeated the goblin swordsman during the chaos, it's impossible to retrieve the scimitar.

It disappeared into light along with the clothes and weapons it was wearing, just like on the 1st floor.

"Here are six."

Including the two she killed with surprise attacks, we collected a total of 11 magic stones.

Considering that I earned forty-four magic stones by wandering around all day on Day 1, it's a more than satisfactory result.

The battle itself only took about 2 minutes.

"Here, take this."

"Two? Thank you!"

I take 9 and Erwen takes 2.

It's a distribution that considers the fact that even though they're both 9th-grade, the swordsman's magic stones are heavier than those of regular goblins.

"We can just keep doing this, right?"

"Yes. Was there anything uncomfortable or dangerous about this battle?"

"No, not really."

Afterwards, I take some time to review the battle and identify areas for improvement in our fighting style.

I haven't found anything specific to change right now, but that's just proof that we're still inexperienced.

We'll naturally get better as we fight more battles and gain experience.

"Alright, let's stop here and continue moving."


I check the time one last time.


How much can we earn before Day 4 ends?

We move, expanding our radius around the portal.

And after expanding our range to over 3 kilometers, we really do encounter groups of goblins every 5 minutes.

In the process, we also encounter goblin archers.


The goblin archer makes a slightly more unique sound than "grr" and is definitely a more threatening opponent.

It uses a small shortbow that resembles a harp, and like other goblins, its arrowheads are coated with poison.

It even knows how to use stealth magic.


「Killed Goblin Archer. EXP +1」

As long as I focus, this barbarian body can react to the incoming arrows and either dodge or block them with my shield.

Well, I still need to be careful, though.

“There’s another goblin archer! Kill it first!”


Even for a barbarian, getting an arrow through the head is instant death.

I need to buy a helmet or something when we return to the city.

“Let’s take a break.”

“Ha! Finally!”

We finish one more battle and move to the clearing near the portal to rest.

“You can sleep first if you want.”


She really doesn’t know how to refuse.

When I chuckle and nod, she plops down on the ground and looks at me like a puppy that needs to pee.

“Um, what about the backpack and blanket?”


I put down my heavier backpack and take out the blanket to cover her.

And within a minute, I hear her snoring.

Snore, snore-.

It’s a much quieter and gentler sound compared to the authentic barbarian style…

She must have been really tired.

She slept without making a sound until now.


We spent about 15 hours exploring and hunting in the Goblin Forest.

We had to fight groups of over ten goblins each time, but as we got used to it, the dangerous situations decreased, and our speed increased even more.

As a result, we earned an amount that was unimaginable on the 1st floor.

But there weren’t no tense moments.


As our range expanded, we started encountering other explorers.

We’ve encountered them a total of eleven times so far.

They were all groups of three or more, and sometimes there were even other races among them.

Although we just passed by each other, creating some distance as is customary, I felt exhausted each time.

I’m more scared of explorer bastards than goblins.

Especially since we have a reason to be on guard right now.

“It’s also a problem that she’s so pretty.”

I sigh as I look at Erwen, who is sleeping soundly.

Despite being homeless for days, her silver hair shines, her amber eyes are captivating, and her features are perfect.

It’s lucky for her as a woman, but…

As an explorer, well, I don’t know.

Among the groups of explorers we encountered, there was even a guy who started licking his lips as soon as he saw Erwen.

I hope nothing bad happens…

“…Am I that pretty?”

What the fuck, you were snoring just a moment ago.

“Go to sleep.”


Maybe because she was half-asleep, Erwen just mumbles a reply and starts snoring again.

Snore, snore.

Seriously, what is with her?

The fairies I know weren’t like this.

Day 4, Day 5, Day 6…

Time flies by after entering the Goblin Forest, and Day 7 begins.

The day we finally leave the labyrinth has arrived.

“When we get back, I’m going to sleep first…”

“Same here.”

There’s only one way to leave the labyrinth and return to the city.

Wait until the stairs close.

When the time comes, the labyrinth spits out the explorers who were on that floor back to the city.

The 1st floor is 168 hours, and the 2nd floor is a bit longer at 240 hours.

The higher the floor, the longer you can stay in the labyrinth.

However, we plan to go down to the 1st floor right before the end of Day 7 and exit the city.

“Today, let’s not go too far like yesterday and just stay around here.”


There are a few reasons for leaving early.

Once the 1st floor closes, the portal also disappears.

It means we lose our escape route in case of an emergency.

Also, our food is running low.

There’s the option of buying food from the explorers we occasionally encounter in exchange for magic stones, but…

‘There’s no need to push it.’

And most importantly, we have less than 10 arrows left.

Even though they’re arrows made with sturdy materials, assuming they can be reused, they’re still consumables, so it was inevitable.

If they were arrows made with wood from Earth, we wouldn’t have been able to reuse them more than a few times.

I’m reminded once again that this is a different world.


I continue hunting for a while longer, then check the time and stop.

“Let’s head back, just in case.”


We’re currently about 4 kilometers away from the portal.

It will take 40 minutes at most to get back.

Of course, that leaves some time to spare, but…

It’s more reassuring to be there early than to be late and miss our chance to descend.

There’s also something I need to discuss with her before we part ways.

“Be careful. There are traps set again.”

As we retrace our steps, we find traps scattered throughout the forest.

It means that goblin groups have respawned.

Well, even when they respawn, it’s not like they suddenly appear out of thin air like in the game.

There are often rabbit hole-like things in the forest, and goblins always crawl out of them.

So I once tried waiting in front of one and even tried setting it on fire with Erwen’s help, but there was no reaction.

And the ground collapsed as soon as we tried to dig, so we couldn’t check what was underneath.


Erwen, who was walking ahead, stops.

“There’s a goblin group about 70 meters away in the 1 o’clock direction. Eight regulars, two swordsmen, and two archers.”

She’s gotten used to it now, and gives a perfect briefing without needing me to ask again.

“We’re fighting, right?”

“We fight.”

No need for long conversations.

As I nod, Erwen leads the way through the bushes as usual.

And she gestures for me to stop, then moves about 10 meters further on her own to find a position and draws her bow.


The arrow is shot.


It’s probably a goblin archer that got hit.

I told her to prioritize them if possible.


“Alright, fall back.”

Erwen shoots one more arrow at the approaching goblin horde and retreats.

It’s a baton pass that we’re now too familiar with.

I charge forward and smash the head of the swordsman among the regular goblins.


Judging by the satisfying impact, there’s no need to hit it twice.


The goblins hesitate as I roar from the center of the formation.

Geez, these guys are scared.


While the goblins are momentarily stunned, I quickly dash and smash the head of the remaining swordsman.


After going through so many chaotic battles, I’ve become a master of this kind of dogfight.

And Erwen is the same.

Whoosh! Thump!

She’s already found her position, and the arrows start flying.

There were times when we almost got hit by arrows due to overlapping movements, but those instances have gradually disappeared.

I’m starting to predict which enemies Erwen will prioritize and where she will aim in each situation.

It’s the same for her, I’m sure.


About a minute later…

The battle ends as I crush the back of the head of a goblin trying to escape.

I heard there were two goblin archers, but no arrows were shot during the battle.

It seems the first two arrows she shot during the ambush both hit the archers.

“Well done, Erwen.”


“Still, tell me if you’ve killed all the archers. It’s a pain to keep worrying about them.”

“I wasn’t sure if the last one hit.”

Hmm, that makes sense.

Inaccurate information could lead to danger.

She’s really all grown up now.

“Let’s quickly gather what we need and move on.”


As we’re going around collecting magic stones, Erwen calls out to me urgently.

“Mister! There’s something strange here!”

I quickly go over and see a fist-sized orb of light floating in the air.

And I know what it is.

Although this is my first time seeing it in person…

“…It’s an essence. And it’s definitely from the goblin archer.”

Honestly, I’m a bit speechless as soon as I see it.

How can we be this lucky?

“E, e, essence? Th, th, this, this is?”

“Yes. I’m sure of it.”

“Wh, wh, wh, what should we do?”

Judging by her reaction, an essence is worth more than treasure to explorers.

Essences are basically the skill system of [Dungeon and Stone].

“If, if we eat this, will we become goblins?”

“No way. You’ll just gain some of the abilities that the goblin had.”

For example, like the guy who tracked us by smell on the 1st floor. That pursuer must have absorbed the essence of a ‘Blade Wolf.’

“What should we do…?”

How many times is she going to ask the same question?

Although the ratio is 9:1, it seems like she’s also interested in this.

“Do you want it?”

“No, not really, but… if you give it to me, then…”

There’s no particular reason not to give it to her, but is it just my imagination that she’s getting more and more shameless?

I smirk and say,

“I’ll give you the essence if you make one promise.”

The ‘Goblin Archer’s Essence’ is not very attractive to me as a barbarian.

It might be a little helpful for now, but the total amount of essence you can absorb is limited.

It would just be a waste of money to remove it later.



Seeing her eyes widen, I can’t help but laugh.

It’s amazing, even thinking about it again.

Essences drop with an extremely low probability when hunting monsters. But to get a goblin archer’s essence, and on her first time, no less?

She’s incredibly lucky, even for beginner’s luck.

Is my unlucky fate finally turning around?

“I was originally going to tell you this when we went down to the 1st floor, but I’ll say it now. Erwen—”

“Hey, you guys! What the hell are you doing?”

Damn it, no wonder I was feeling lucky.

Just as I’m about to get Erwen to promise me something, we hear a shout from afar.

“Don’t move!”

It’s a party of four human explorers.

They seem to have spotted us from afar and are quickly closing the distance with stern expressions.

Honestly, I thought, ‘as expected.’

This is how things should be.

“Erwen, get ready to fight.”


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