SGB: Episode 100

Episode 100: Rumors (2)

It's the day of our regular meeting.

All the party members gather at a bar for the first time in a while.

It's not the same bar we usually meet at.

Because the dwarf threw a fit.

[Let's go somewhere else! That place is clearly cursed!]

It seems like he was creeped out by the incident where he was dragged away by the Moselan knights for insulting a noble.

Misha and Rotmiller readily agreed.

Explorers tend to be superstitious.

'Well, I can understand, but...'

'I feel like this is a bit much.'

I sigh.

Changing the meeting place is fine.

Although it's annoying, that choice doesn't have any real impact.

Unlike the bombshell declaration the dwarf just made a while ago.

"...Why are you so quiet?"

The dwarf fidgets and starts observing my expression as I sigh silently.

Right, he has at least that much conscience left.

"Wait, I'm thinking."

"Al, alright."

A heavy silence falls over the gathering.

I quietly organize my thoughts.

"To summarize, you guys are saying you won't participate in this expedition."

There are ten days left until the labyrinth opens.

We gathered to finalize our plans, and the dwarf announced that he won't be participating in the exploration.

And it's not just his opinion.

As if they had discussed it beforehand, Rotmiller and Dwarkey agree.

"Ahem! There's a saying, 'where there's smoke, there's fire'."

"Considering the situation, we judged that it's best to wait for a month and observe the situation."

This is like a group boycott.

Three out of five members of a small team have declared non-participation.

The reason is simple.

They're anxious because of the widespread rumor that a dimensional collapse is about to happen.

That's how human psychology works.

Even if you think it's unlikely based on logic, you're easily swayed by the surrounding atmosphere.

"All my former companions said they won't be entering this time either."

"Wouldn't it be better for you to rest too? Next year's taxes won't be a problem for you..."

"What if, just in case, it really happens? Then it's all over!"

The three of them, who initially started by apologizing, are now even worried about me.

"...Bjorn, what are we going to do?"

Misha asks cautiously about my decision.

Actually, persuading them wouldn't be difficult.

If I just subtly mention what I learned from Ghostbusters and take some time to convince them, they'll change their minds.


'There's no need for that.'

Come to think of it, it's not bad.

‘It’s been over three months since we went to the ‘Crimson Fortress’.’

‘This works out well. I was planning on finding an excuse to enter the labyrinth separately soon anyway.’

In the early stages of the game, it’s standard practice to clear 1st-floor rifts whenever the cooldown is up.

“If that’s what you guys think, then it can’t be helped. We’ll just enter the labyrinth as a duo this time.”

“Eek? Me, me too?”

“Did you think I would leave you behind?”

“Uh, that’s not it…”

Yes, it is.

She clearly has an expression that says she doesn’t want to go.

“Then just stay here alone—”

“Ugh, this barbarian! Shouldn’t you at least ask properly first? Try speaking a little more nicely, unlike usual!”



“…Would you like to come with me?”

“Tsk, would I leave you alone?”

I don’t know what she wants…

“Anyway, that’s settled.”

The decision is made.

This time, we’re entering a rift.

“Extra! Extra!”

Coincidentally, the day after the dwarf announced his non-participation, a notice was posted throughout the city.

It was an official notice from the royal family stating that the rumors about the dimensional collapse were groundless and just nonsense.

‘It happened exactly as that person said.’

The notice also mentioned the Tarutein school.

That they were so blinded by their research that they intentionally spread those rumors?

It’s a bit surprising.

Although I paid 40,000 GP for that information, I didn’t expect him to predict the situation so accurately.

“Hahaha! Bjorn! Did you see that?”

Anyway, when evening came, the dwarf came to find me.

And with a happy face, he retracted his declaration from yesterday and said he could now enter the labyrinth.

But what am I supposed to do?

I’ve already decided which rift to enter.

“What? You want to enter together? I already accepted a request, so I can’t!”

“Huh? A request?”

I recite the answer I had prepared.

That there’s no way Misha and I would earn much just by hunting together.

That’s why I accepted a request.

And that it’s an escort request within the labyrinth, so I have to stay by their side until we return to the city.

“Is there… no way you can refuse?”

“I already received the down payment, are you telling me to break my promise?”

“Th, that’s not what I meant…”

It’s a perfect answer, leaving no room for negotiation.

The dwarf just shrugs and leaves.

Well, what else could he say here?

After all, the cause of this incident is ultimately his declaration of non-participation.

‘Tsk, seeing him like that makes me feel a bit sorry for him.’

Even if it weren’t for this, I would have eventually made an excuse and left with Misha.

We can’t enter the rift with five people, after all.

Leaving aside the fact that there would be more people to share the loot with, the risk we would have to take would increase.

‘Still, this is the right thing to do, right?’

I try to let go of any lingering thoughts.

It’s just a matter of fact.


As soon as the dwarf leaves and the door closes, Misha comes running over.

“Escort request? When did you accept something like that?”

“Don’t worry about it, I just made it up.”

“Made it up?”

Misha tilts her head as if she doesn’t understand.

I confess honestly.

That we’re going to enter a rift on the next expedition.

That I know a way that ordinary people don’t.

“Don’t tell me you found out about that at the library too?”

“Well, something like that.”

“Hmm… but why are you keeping it a secret from Hikurod? Wouldn’t it be good to enter together?”

It’s a question that sounds so innocent.

I chuckle and ask back,

“Misha, have you told anyone about how you made a contract with a Spirit Beast using the Frost Spirit Ring?”

“Huh? I didn’t.”

“Really, no one?”

“You told me to keep it a secret.”

“That’s right.”

I nod and continue,

“But what if it were Hikurod? Do you think he would have kept it a secret if I asked him the same thing?”

Misha contemplates for a moment and then shakes her head.

“…If it were Hikurod, I wouldn’t be surprised if he blabbed about it after drinking.”

“What about Dwarkey or Rotmiller?”

“Hmm…, I feel like Dwarkey would accidentally let it slip even when sober, and Rotmiller… I don’t know.”

Is everyone’s judgment of people similar?

Misha’s predictions are surprisingly similar to what I thought inwardly.

Except for Rotmiller.

‘Actually, he’s the easiest one to figure out.’

Rotmiller would have kept the secret.

And he would have wondered how I knew such information, suspecting me inwardly.

“Ah! So that’s why you kept it a secret!”

Anyway, at this point, Misha seems to understand what I’m trying to say.

However, did she have another question?

“Then what about me? Why did you tell me?”

There are several reasons.

Misha is unexpectedly meticulous and tight-lipped.

But at the same time, she’s inherently bad at lying.

That’s why I can confirm whether the secret has been leaked just by asking her like I did just now.


…one word should be enough this time too.

I’m a barbarian, after all.

“You’re someone I can trust.”


Misha starts hiccuping.

There are 8 days left until the labyrinth opens.

As expected, time flies by as I do what needs to be done.

To summarize briefly…

The first day.

Since our destination is a rift, there were quite a few things to prepare.

First, equipment.

[You’re buying equipment again?]

[It’s not buying, it’s enchanting.]

I imbued my mace and Misha’s twin swords with an attribute.

「The equipment is imbued with the power of lightning.」

「A portion of the damage dealt with this equipment is converted to lightning damage.」

The cost for both is 600,000 stones.

Although it’s a temporary enchantment that only lasts for 30 days…

…we’re planning to clear a rift with just the two of us, so this much investment is worth it.

[If you’re going to do it anyway, shouldn’t you have made it permanent?]

[That would have cost twenty times more.]


And I also bought a few consumables.

Items related to the lightning attribute, such as Thundergrass and Lightning Scrolls.

It only cost about 300,000 stones in total, but since they’re not items in high demand, I had to run around to several places to find them.

Ah, and lastly…

[…Are you really buying this expensive thing?]

[You even bought an expandable backpack, why are you making a fuss about this?]

[But this is a consumable! It disappears after you use it!]

…after much deliberation, I bought one top-grade potion.

The purchase price was 1.03 million stones.

However, the top-grade potion isn’t an investment for the rift. I just finally decided to buy one that I’ve been wanting to have for a while.

For explorers who travel without a priest, a top-grade potion is like another life.

[When the time comes to use it, you won’t regret spending the money.]

[Hmm, that’s true, but…]

[It’s not that much of a burden since we’re splitting the cost.]

For reference, the cost of about 2 million stones so far was all taken from the shared account.

[Ugh, so we’re done spending money?]

[At least you are.]


The second day.

I headed to the sanctuary first thing in the morning.

This time, the chieftain also greeted me.

[Bjorn, son of Yandel! I heard about you! I’m so proud! To gain the title of Knight Crusher!]

Unlike last time when it was a brief encounter, the chieftain praised me for a long time.

He said that rumors about me have already spread throughout the sanctuary, and the young warriors are all excited?

Anyway, it was a meaningless conversation, so I roughly responded and headed towards the shaman’s tent.


[Kuku, warrior, you’re quite resourceful. To earn that much money in just two months.]

I paid a whopping 4 million stones and activated the 4th stage of the Undying Engraving.

「4th stage of Undying Engraving activated. Mental Strength and Soul Power increased.」

「Mental stat increased by +30.」

「Ability stat increased by +10.」

Although the money I earned from the baron incident disappeared…

…it was still a profitable deal in the end.

Leaving aside the ‘Mental Strength’ stat, which gives strong resistance to mental magic and status effects…

…there’s practically no way to increase ‘Soul Power’, which acts as MP, except for leveling up and absorbing certain essences.

The third day.

I returned to the accommodation half-dead and fainted. As soon as I woke up, I checked the change in my MP.

The duration of [Gigantification] has increased by 1.5 times.

[Why are you doing that first thing in the morning? Go wash up. Let’s eat first.]

Misha arrived just in time, so we had a simple breakfast.

It’s become a daily routine since some time ago.

[You’re going to the library? Can I come with you?]


[What’s with that expression! I also feel like reading books sometimes!]

After breakfast, I went to the library with Misha.

But why is it?


Ragna used the regular [Book Detection] spell.

Not the [Special Book Detection] spell.

When I asked her about it because it was strange, I got an even stranger answer.

She said that since it’s something she’s doing ‘specially’ in secret, she can’t use it in front of others?

[Hmm, then shouldn’t you have told me quietly?]

[That’s true. Miss Kaltstein, was it? Please forget what you just heard.]

What the…?

I didn’t want to think about it, so I just went inside with Misha and read books.

The fourth day.

I visited the Magic Tower and helped Raven with her research.

For reference, this was the last time I helped.

Because I fulfilled the number of times I promised.

I don’t have to come here every week anymore.

[You’ve worked hard.]

[Thank you for acknowledging it.]

[Geez, you really have a way with words… Anyway, don’t die.]

It was a business relationship, so our farewells were brief.

However, contrary to my expectations, Raven didn’t take back my Magic Tower pass.

[Come back if something happens. Ah, I don’t mean you should come and bother me all the time… you know what I mean, right? It seems like you often get involved in strange things, Mr. Yandel. I think I’ll be curious about how you’re doing.]


For reference, I ran into the old man on my way out, but he showed surprisingly little interest in me.

It wasn’t anger or disappointment…

…but complete indifference.

Only then did I realize one thing.

This old man suspected me of being an evil spirit from our first encounter.

That’s why he pretended to be friendly back then.

The fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day.

It was an ordinary routine afterwards.

I had breakfast with Misha in the morning, sparred with her for training during the day, and went to the library to read books in the evening.

And so, time passed, and it’s now…

“Everyone, please step back!”

…the long-awaited moment has arrived.


A blinding light erupts from the center of the Dimensional Plaza, where countless explorers have gathered.

“Bjorn, son of Yandel! Thank you for the advice today! I’ll go in first!!”


As soon as the connection between the city and the labyrinth is established, the group of barbarians who were nearby rush into the portal.

To even express gratitude…

Why are our barbarians so polite?

“Hahaha! Those guys are lucky to have a good senior like you.”

“I just showed them the way.”

“Geez, don’t be so modest.”

For reference, the dwarf, Rotmiller, and Dwarkey are next to me. Since they can’t just waste a month, they decided to enter the labyrinth as a trio.

“Be careful. If anyone acts friendly, be sure to suspect them.”

“Hahaha! Do I look like those young barbarians to you?”

…You kind of do, actually.

Well, with Rotmiller around, I’m sure they’ll be fine.

Since they said they’ll only stay on the 2nd floor, there shouldn’t be any major risks for the three of them.

“Then we should also get going… You guys aren’t coming?”

“Ah, our client hasn’t arrived yet.”

“I see. Then see you tomorrow… no, see you later!”

After a brief farewell, the three of them enter the labyrinth first. However, I stay put and watch as the crowd thins out.

Misha asks, puzzled,

“Bjorn, aren’t we going in?”


“Huh? Until when?”

Ah, geez… this is why newbies are…

Just wait when I tell you to wait.

「Entered 1st Floor Crystal Cave.」

Experience points are duplicated, you know?

「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 4 (New +1)

Physical: 380 / Mental: 154 (+30) / Ability: 128 (New +13)

Item Level: 828

Total Combat Index: 865 (New +43)

Acquired Essences: Corpse Golem - Rank 7 / Vampire (Guardian) - Rank 5 / Orc Hero - Rank 5


  1. Im waiting for erwen and ainar to come back


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