SGB: Episode 117

Episode 117: Dark Cloud (1)

Could it be that the 5th-grade monster's aura is so impressive?

Dwarkey stumbles back, stuttering.

"Wh, why is a 5th-grade monster in the Tower of Heaven..."

I can understand his feelings.

It's common knowledge that the highest level of monsters that appear in the Tower of Heaven is 6th-grade.

But as a veteran player, to clarify the facts...

'5th-grade monsters do appear, though.'

5th-grade monsters also appear in the Tower of Heaven.

Although the probability is ridiculously low.

Have I experienced it about seven times so far?

That's about the frequency if I combine all my playtime over the past 10 years.


'I really didn't expect to encounter one on the 12th floor.'

The difficulty of the Tower of Heaven becomes fixed from the 100th floor onwards.

And all the times I encountered 5th-grade monsters were when I was grinding above that level.

But to appear on the 12th floor?

'Damn Hans effect.'

I sigh and shout with all my might,

"Everyone, get a grip!!"

Hans or my shitty luck or whatever.

It's not the time to calculate probabilities or think about how unlucky I am.

If a situation arises, action comes first.



…I cast [Wild Release] and charge forward.

If I just stand here, someone's going to die before they even come to their senses.


As I rush in, emanating an increased threat level, the troll immediately swings its fist at me.

It's surprising that it has such speed despite its massive size, but...

...what's truly astonishing is its strength.


Damn it, I almost lost my shield.

My body is pushed back for the first time in a while as I'm overpowered in terms of strength.

"I'll, I'll help!"

The dwarf then joins in and blocks the troll's next attack.

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Counterweight].」

Thanks to the Iron Ant's skill, he doesn't get pushed back, and he even receives a shock absorption bonus...

...but his buckler is turned into scrap metal.

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Emergency Restoration].」

The dwarf had to use his equipment repair skill after blocking just one hit.

Geez, I told him to change his shield.


I block the next incoming fist and strike the troll's shoulder with my mace.


I feel a solid impact, but that's all.

The troll bastard swings its other fist without even flinching or breaking any bones.

'Tsk, I can't even deal any damage, huh.'

I click my tongue and retreat, dodging the fist.

In the first place, even if I injure it, it's meaningless against a troll, and it's a foolish thing to engage in a strength contest with a monster like a troll.


As the troll's fist swings through the air...

...the damage dealers finally come to their senses and start providing support.

First up is Rotmiller's crossbow.

Whoosh! Thud!

The arrow is shot with force but bounces off as if it hit a stone wall. As expected, regular arrows don't even pierce a troll's hide.

Tsk, it would have been different if it were the bear-like man.


Anyway, even Misha's sword strike, which I had high hopes for, isn't very effective.

Although she managed to cut through the troll's thick hide, it wasn't deep.

'Still, it's a good thing she's a freezing swordsman.'

I console myself as I look at the frost-covered wound.

As expected of a 5th-grade monster, its resistance is so high that it didn't reach the 'Frozen' status, but this is still better than nothing.

It will at least slightly hinder its regeneration ability.

"I, it's done!"

Dwarkey also finishes chanting and shoots his signature 'Enhanced Ice Spear'. He aims for the head, which is usually a weak point for any monster.



The troll bastard, with its monstrous physical stats and high magic resistance, simply shatters the ice spear with its bare fist.

But seeing this sight, did he lose his will?


Dwarkey trembles in fear and stammers,

"We, we need to run away. Trolls are not the kind of monsters you can fight without any prepa—"

Right, they're not that easy of monsters.

Normally, you would prepare extensively before hunting them.

But where are we going to run away to?

"Shut up and focus on the battle!!"

"A, alright!"

Phew, why does he only listen when I yell at him?

Anyway, this guy is taken care of, so...


I focus more on restraining the troll and assess the situation.

5th-grade monsters require basic specs that are at their level just to even have a chance of winning.

Well, it's similar for 6th-grade monsters too, but there's a clear difference from 5th grade onwards.

‘This is troublesome.’

Just look at the vampire we encountered in the Crimson Fortress.

Back then, we had Raven, a 6th-grade mage.

Since a mage's rank is calculated as +1.5, it means we practically had a damage dealer above 5th-grade level in the team.

And we also had the OP item, 'Tears of the Goddess'. A sacred relic with enough power to one-shot a Death Knight. And on top of that, we even bombarded it with its weakness, sun-attribute attack spells.

But what was the result?

‘…It still didn’t die in one shot.’

That's the power of a 5th-grade monster.

Even though I endured with potions and poured everything I had into one shot, it was still alive.

And that was for a monster with high regeneration but relatively low defense.

But what about this troll bastard?

It has both top-tier regeneration and defense.

In short, it's a similar type to the Death Fiend that served as a significant entry barrier.

It's the kind of monster where there's no chance of a lucky punch if your specs aren't up to par.

'Still... we're barely within the threshold.'

I calmly analyze our strength.

Excluding the dwarf and me, the tanks, I only consider the damage dealers. Can these two actually deal enough damage to kill a 5th-grade monster?

The answer is 'they can, just barely'.

If Dwarkey focuses all his mana on 'curses'...

...and while the two of us tanks hold out indefinitely...

...Misha, who has grown significantly this time, can gradually deal damage.

'The problem is, it wouldn't be surprising if one of us dies in the process.'

Due to the troll's characteristics, if we can't overpower it with our specs, we have no choice but to fight a long battle.

And when a battle drags on, accidents tend to happen.

"Misha! Be careful!!"

I block the fist swung at Misha with my body and grit my teeth.

"Ah, tha, thank you!"

It's going to be a tough battle, that much is certain.

A battle where it wouldn't be surprising if one of us died.

If Misha or Dwarkey were to be defeated, it would be game over.



...we have no choice but to try.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes...

The battle continues amidst the dripping sweat.

Every second, every moment, is a time where we focus on our respective roles and pour everything we have into achieving one goal.


First, the dwarf and I take turns receiving the troll's attacks and conserve our stamina as much as possible.

「Liol Wobu Dwarkey has cast the 8th-grade curse spell [Deterioration].」

「Liol Wobu Dwarkey has cast the 9th-grade curse spell [Slow].」

「Liol Wobu Dwarkey has cast the 7th-grade curse spell [Softening].」

Dwarkey focuses on his role as a supporter, spamming curse spells instead of attack magic.

The troll's regeneration ability is decreased, its movements are slowed, and its physical resistance is slightly reduced.


Misha diligently swings her swords at the troll.

Targeting one spot, as I instructed.


After repeatedly striking the same spot, the troll's right arm starts to dangle.


Rotmiller is not just standing around either.

Although he can't shoot the troll in the eye as I requested because it's moving around so much, even the attempt itself helps as a tank.

It distracts the bastard.

"Dwarkey, come here!"

And it's also Rotmiller's job to take Dwarkey and run away when the troll's aggro is broken.

Phew, it feels like we're walking on thin ice.


I quickly wipe the sweat from my eyes as I use [Wild Release], which just came off cooldown, to return the troll to its original position.

Although it seems like we're doing well…

…every moment is a crisis, and a drain on our resources.

'The repair costs are going to be astronomical again.'

The Laetium shield and breastplate, which I bought at a high price, are already dented here and there. It's a natural result after blocking countless punches from the troll bastard.

It's not even 3rd-tier material, it's just 2nd-tier.

Expecting it to be fine against a 5th-grade monster's attacks is shameless.

In the first place, it's not a situation where repair costs are important.

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Emergency Restoration].」

The dwarf, who has been using the skill to repair his equipment every time he blocks an attack, is now almost out of MP.

And it's the same for Misha.

Her MP has been rapidly depleting because she's been maintaining [Cold Condensation] to further hinder the troll's regeneration.

Well, Dwarkey is in the worst condition, though.

"Heuk, heuk..."

Since trolls have high magic resistance, he had to continuously cast curses to maintain the curse effects, and now he looks like a corpse.

In that sense, it's time for a final check.

"How much mana do you have left?"

"2 minutes... no, maybe 3 minutes at most."

"If you exclude 'Slow'?"

"...7 minutes should be possible."

"I see. Exclude 'Slow' from now on."

Although the troll's movements will become more ferocious if the Slow curse is removed, we'll have to deal with it.

If 'Deterioration' disappears, the arm we just half-severed will heal completely within seconds.

'7 minutes...'

The time limit has been set.

7 minutes.

If we can't kill the troll within that time, we'll be the ones who get killed.

Therefore, it's time to go for the win.

"Misha, are you still not done?"

"Ugh, even if you say that! It won't cut off!!"

I acknowledge that there was a problem with my plan.

It's impossible to cut off the troll's arm with Misha's sword.

Although we managed to cut through the muscles while hindering regeneration with the [Deterioration] curse, the frostbite effect, and the acidic blood on Viper's Fang...

...the bone, which is as hard as 3rd-tier material, is the problem.

No, wait, troll bones actually are 3rd-tier material, so it's not wrong, is it?

Anyway, it's not a big problem.

There's never been a time when my plans went perfectly according to plan.

'Let's go with Plan B.'

I discard Plan A and bring out a new plan.

Although it's something I just came up with.

"Hikurod! You take over from now on!"

"Alright! But what are we going to do?"

I raise my mace instead of answering.

There's a right tool for every job.

In the first place, swords aren't good for breaking bones.

Maybe if it were a sturdy blunt weapon...


I swing my mace down, and a satisfying sound is heard.

It's true damage, as the leather and muscles don't absorb the impact at all!

「Troll has cast [Frenzy].」

「Pain is temporarily nullified, and physical stats are greatly increased.」

The troll bastard lets out a pained roar and starts rampaging as it uses a skill.

"I, is it not done yet!"

The dwarf, who somehow managed to hold it back, shouts more urgently than ever.

I don't answer.

How would I know?

Barbarians just keep going until it's done.


I engrave the barbarian spirit in my heart and keep swinging my mace without rest.


The troll bastard tries to push me away with its remaining arm, but the dwarf manages to block it.



…I throw away the shield I was holding in one hand.

Because hitting with both hands is stronger, right?


I grip the mace with both hands and strike, and I feel an even stronger impact.

It's the same feeling I had during the vampire battle.

The feeling that it will work if I just keep going a bit longer.


I even use [Wild Release] to increase my physical stats a little more.

With the taunt also applied, even the dwarf can't hold back the troll bastard…


…but I'm also confident in my durability.

I take the troll's attacks with my bare body and focus on swinging the mace.

Once, twice, three times...


On the third hit, the bone cracks slightly.


Four times, five times, six times...


On the sixth hit, the bone shatters, and the arm bends at an unnatural angle.


At this point, it should retreat, but the troll bastard keeps attacking as if it has its own pride.


I get hit, but I keep swinging my mace with a sense of joy.

And that's when it happened, on the tenth hit.


The bone is finally completely shattered.

The arm dangles, held only by a few tendons.


Before I can even shout, Misha, who had flown in, swings her sword and severs the tendons.


The arm, covered in muscles, falls to the ground with a heavy thud. It was the first achievement we made after 20 minutes of struggling.


‘Is this just the beginning?’

I’m a barbarian who can’t be satisfied with something like this.

I wait for the next opportunity without even taking a breath.

From now on, it’s a real race against time.

The troll’s active skill, [Ultra Regeneration].

It’s a skill that’s only used when there’s a serious loss of limbs or when their life is in danger due to a brain injury.

‘Damn it, as expected of a troll.’

As soon as the skill activates, bones start to grow from the severed end, and flesh and muscles begin to fill in.

It’s regenerating at this rate even though it’s under the deterioration curse and frostbite, not even frozen…

…it’s a ridiculous regeneration ability…


‘It will take 2 minutes for it to fully grow back.’

The troll can’t use [Ultra Regeneration] for at least 2 minutes.

It’s not just a skill that increases regeneration significantly, it’s a skill that’s used to regenerate specific body parts.

In other words, even if his brain explodes or his heart is shattered, he can’t heal those parts until that arm is fully regenerated.



…I throw away my armor and helmet.

The dwarf looks at me as if I’ve gone crazy.

“Wh, why are you suddenly taking off your armor?”

Why, you ask?

This guy is clueless.

「Character has cast [Gigantification].」

My body expands in an instant.

Although I’m still smaller compared to the troll, which is almost 4 meters tall…

…this should be enough to at least compete.


I throw my mace and shield away carelessly and grab the troll’s neck, hanging on. And I restrain its remaining hand with both feet.


Could it be that it never imagined an explorer would challenge it to a wrestling match?

The troll bastard starts panicking and flailing its arm around.

Of course, nothing changes.

Even if this bastard’s strength is higher than mine…

‘This bastard must have a problem with his head too.’

…what can he do with just one arm?

“Misha, stab its eyes first!”

The table is set…

…so it’s time to go for the win.


  1. Hell yeah!!!!!
    Me encanta cuando es una victoria sangrienta donde cada segundo fué pensando y medido. Ufff


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