SGB: Episode 124

Episode 124: Veteran Player (3)

First, we briefly exchange introductions.

As Lee Hansu, not Bjorn Yandel.

“I’m Lee Hansu. I’m twenty-nine years old.”

“You have the same last name as me, hyungnim. I’m Lee Baekho. I was twenty-three years old.”

“Twenty-three years o?”

“Well… actually, it's been over ten years since I came here.”

“Oh, I see…”

I’m speechless.

I had a feeling from the luxurious chat room skin, but over ten years since he came to this world?

How pitiful.

“Wait a minute, then you're older than me—”

“Hyungnim! Stop with that bullshit! I'm going to go back. So we should go by our real-world age!”

“Uh… well, if that’s what you want.”

As a member of a Confucian society where age is a virtue, there’s no reason to stop him from voluntarily becoming the younger brother.

Whew, at least the family hierarchy is sorted out.

“Anyway, hyungnim, I’m sorry, but can I ask you for a favor?”

“A favor?”

“Well… it’s a simple test. I’m pretty sure you’re the real deal… but I still have to check.”

“No, just tell me what it is.”

“I’ll say something, and you just tell me what comes to mind first. Ah, don’t worry. It’s a question that any Korean couldn’t get wrong.”

So it’s a kind of Korean test.

Although it’s a bit embarrassing for him to say it himself, it seems like there have been some people who tried to freeload by pretending to be Korean because he’s doing well here.

If that’s the case…

“Then shall we begin…?”

“Go ahead.”

I nod, and he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes tightly. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but he’s making me nervous.

Of course, as he said, the quiz itself was easy.



“Ox head?”




“Soldier’s Creed.”

“…Our determination. And I was a public service worker.”

“Ah… anyway, this is the last one.”

Lee Baekho catches his breath and looks at me with a serious expression.

I’m starting to think maybe the questions were all jokes until…

…Lee Baekho opens his mouth.

“Lee Wan-yong?”

“Son of a… bitch, you crazy bastard.”

The moment the curses slip out…

…I’m frozen stiff by a strange aura.

Lee Baekho’s gaze, which has become cold, is directed at me.

As if everything he showed me until now was an act.

“I believe you. You’re a real Korean.”

What the hell is this guy talking about?

Lee Baekho.

A Korean player who was dragged here on the day he was discharged from the military and has lived in this world for over ten years.

He seems like a nice guy…

‘But does this guy also have a problem with his head?’

I can’t help but narrow my eyes.

But after hearing his excuse, I can understand.

“Ah, sorry for speaking informally. It’s a line I prepared for when someone passes the test. I didn’t expect it to take over three years…”

Even I missed having this kind of conversation, and I thought I was far from feeling such emotions.

Besides, when this guy first came here, there wouldn’t have even been a community like Ghostbusters.

It’s an environment perfect for ruining someone’s personality.

“So what’s your name, hyung?”

“I already told you.”

“Not that, I mean the name you use here. I need to know that so I can help you. Koreans are all about loyalty and camaraderie, aren’t we?”

“Thanks for the thought, but no thanks.”

I chuckle and shake my head.

Lee Baekho looks at me as if he really doesn't understand.

"Why won't you tell me? If you just tell me your name, you can live without worrying about taxes."

His voice is filled with confidence.

It seems like he's already reached that level of status here.

But my answer is the same.

"If I ask you in return, would you tell me your name?"

"Uh, well, even if you're my hyung, that's a bit..."

"It's the same for me."

Did he finally realize that I'm different from ordinary newbies? Lee Baekho asks with much more interest than before,

"Hyung, what multiplier did you clear it on?"

"What about you?"



Didn't the founder of Ghostbusters clear it on 15x?

As I look at him with a surprised expression, he scratches his short hair.

"Even 10x is nothing. It's like I cleared it using cheats. That's why I still don't know much even though 10 years have passed. Ha, if I had known, I would have just played the original."

Since he's a guy who has survived in this world for over 10 years, his mindset is definitely different from the newbies I met in the newbie chat room.

"So, what about you, hyung?"

I contemplate for a moment and then answer,

"I cleared it on 10x too."

"Ah, really?"

I was a bit worried, but Lee Baekho readily believes me.

"Yeah, this is what a Korean should be like."


"When you play games, you're a Korean, right?"

I wonder if his national pride is a bit too strong…

But I don't bother nitpicking.

He's a pitiful guy. I should be more understanding and comforting.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Right? Ha, I'm so frustrated. If there was only a Korean patch, there would have been at least a few people who cleared the original version..."

It seems like Lee Baekho's national pride has become stronger from being surrounded by foreigners.

"Ah, hyung... should I give you some GP?"

"It would be nice to get some, but I'm not going to cash them out anyway. I have plenty of ways to earn them."

"Tsk, your GP will just keep piling up like mine, hyung."

Excluding his personality, Lee Baekho and I are similar in many ways.

He doesn't reveal his identity easily, and although he has a frivolous personality, he seems cautious in his actions.

Well, that's probably why he's survived for so long.

"Hmm... then there's nothing I can do for you."

"It's fine, I didn't come here expecting anything anyway. Let's just chat sometimes."

"Keuh… hyungnim…!"

Does he feel like he's finally met a fellow countryman?

Lee Baekho wipes away his non-existent tears and sobs.

Of course, it doesn't last long.

"Hyungnim, if you have any questions, please ask. I need to do at least that much to save face."

His mood swings are so extreme.

It's hard to keep up with his energy.

Anyway, since he said that, I ask him all sorts of questions to clear my doubts.

However, this guy isn't all-knowing either.

“Ah… well… I’m actually in seclusion, so I’m not that up-to-date on recent information.”


“Yes, it’s a bit hard to explain in detail. If you want to get the latest information, I’ll introduce you to a chat room. It’s called ‘Watchers of the Round Table’… there’s a kind of club made by chuunibyou guys.”

The chat room Lee Baekho told me about is a community for veteran players, run secretly and requiring an invitation code to enter…

“Don’t worry, your nickname and face are all hidden there… I heard that if you go there and don’t know anything, you’ll get kicked out after getting beaten up… but since you cleared the 10x version, you don’t have to worry about that…”

He explains everything to me in detail as if he’s sending his little brother off on a field trip.

It’s quite long-winded, but it’s all useful information, so I listen quietly without interrupting.

“Hyung, then I’ll be going now. See you later.”

“You’re already leaving?”

“Ah, I forgot to tell you. The pill I took was an early version, so I can only stay here for an hour.”

…Is this what they call a generation gap?

I suddenly feel like I would be able to relate even if he started complaining about ‘back in my day’. After all, he seems to have lived a much harder life than me.

“Hyung, you have to come back next time, okay?”

“Yeah, see you later.”

“If there are any bastards who treat you badly in the city, be sure to tell me.”


“Ah, and also—”

“Enough, just go. We can talk more when we meet again, can’t we?”

“Ah, right… next time… yes, hyung! See you next time!”

He leaves with an innocent smile after looking at me with an anxious expression.

So I also leave the chat room.

And as he instructed, I enter the code in the chat room search bar and join ‘Watchers of the Round Table’.

[It’s not the time to enter.]

[OPEN 03:00 ~ 03:10]

Oh, Baekho didn’t tell me about this.

There’s no choice but to kill time by browsing the exchange and other boards for now.

And when the clock in the lower left corner of the monitor reaches 3:00 AM, I try entering again.

[New member verified.]

[Welcome to the Watchers of the Round Table.]

[This gathering guarantees complete anonymity…]

Messages that Lee Baekho told me about flash through my mind…

And when I open my eyes…


…I’m in a customization room.

A room filled with all sorts of clothes and accessories.

I wonder if I really need to hide my identity this much with Lee Hansu’s body…

But it’s better to follow the rules.

I scan the room and choose some ordinary items as if I’m cosplaying.

A slim-fit navy blue suit.

‘Masks are mandatory, so I have to wear one.’

For reference, there are various masks that fill an entire wall, and many of them are empty to prevent overlaps.


Anyway, I randomly grab a mask and put it on, and the door opens automatically.

A long red carpet stretches ahead as if guiding me.

As I walk slowly, observing the surroundings…

…I see a large round table. There are dozens of seats, but only four people are seated.


The people who were chatting among themselves as if they’re acquainted, all shut their mouths and stare at me as soon as I arrive.


A heavy silence falls.

So this is a veteran player community…

Geez, their gazes are intimidating.

Don’t they know that newbies are supposed to be cherished and protected?

“Oh, it’s a mask I’ve never seen before?”

The Yellow Clown mask is the first to speak, and a woman wearing a fox mask asks in a sharp voice,

“How did you get in here? We haven’t accepted new members for over a year.”

Oh, I didn’t know that.

“Tell us quickly. Who you are, and who recommended you.”

Well, it’s not a problem since I prepared an answer to this question.

“You have to answer truthfully. This is that kind of place.”

Just like this woman said, a special skin is applied in this space. If you lie, your mask breaks, and you’re immediately banned from the chat room.

However, there’s one exception.

You can lie as much as you want before the meeting officially begins.

‘The fact that everyone is just watching silently means that they’re all in cahoots, or they’re just curious about what kind of person I am.’

I understand the saying, ‘always take a strong approach during your first encounter’.

It must be advice based on hard-earned experience.

Therefore, although I don’t want to…

…I decide to follow the line and acting that Lee Baekho suggested.

“Uh, me, me, me…?”

I first act like a newbie…

“Ye, you’re ri—”

…and then deliver a counter punch while they’re smirking.

“Your mom recommended me.”

Geez, I heard everything from that Sergeant Lee, and they’re still trying to exploit newbies.


  1. Yo mama so fat when she farts a dimensional collapse happens


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