SGB: Episode 126

Episode 126: Veteran Player (5)

A level 3 monster, Demonic Halfling.

The difficulty of defeating it is on the lower end among level 3 monsters, but it’s a ‘rare’ monster that’s difficult to encounter because of a few conditions for its appearance.

That’s why I chose this for my first piece of information.

Even cheat mode players wouldn’t have much experience defeating Demonic Halflings.

And there’s no way they would have defeated it with only three people.

‘And most importantly, even if you know, it’s useless.’

Actually, that was the biggest reason.

Demonic Halflings are hard to find.

And it’s even harder to defeat one with only three people.

This isn’t the cheat mode world where you can absorb up to 30 essences per character. In other words, it’s information that would be met with a ‘huh, there’s something like that? Interesting’ kind of reaction even if you heard it.

Right, that should definitely have been the case…

“Is that true?! Ah, ah! I didn’t mean to doubt you. Really. You know?”

Starting with the Fox Mask, who jumps up to ask a question and then hurriedly adds an excuse…

…everyone’s reaction is a bit strange.

“…Kill a Demonic Halfling with three people?”

“A Demonic Halfling… that’s a level 3 monster, right? Is that even possible…?”

It’s as if they’ve heard something unbelievable.

“Then let’s move on to the next one.”

I nonchalantly pass the turn as if it’s nothing special.

Actually, it’s a tactic to divert the attention that’s focused on me, but no one notices thanks to my mysterious image.

“Fortunately, the green light came on.”

After the last member, Antler, also shares his information and gets the okay, the first round ends.

According to the notice I saw when I entered, from now on, the participants decide whether to go for another round through discussion…

“I’ll stop here today.”

As Crescent Moon, who didn’t seem to have prepared much, declares that he’s leaving after the first round, the atmosphere leans towards ending the meeting here.

“Hmm, then I’ll stop here too. I’ll save what I was going to use for the next meeting.”

“If Fox is leaving, I’ll also stop. I have a lot prepared, but… since those two don’t know about it, I’m not confident.”

As the Fox and Antler Mask express their intentions to not participate, the Clown looks at me with a subtle voice.

“Mr. Lion, what about you? I’m fine with continuing the meeting just the two of us—”

“I’ll stop here too.”

“Yes? Why?”

I shrug and don’t say anything.

Well, I also want to go through several rounds and gather information if I could…

‘But if we do it with just the two of us, there’s a risk of being exposed.’

The risk is too high.

If I throw out a test question and the green light comes on, the fact that I’m a newbie will be revealed.

And it’s not very efficient to trade one piece of information for another.

“Hmm, that’s unfortunate. I finally met someone who could be helpful, but it’s already ending.”

The meeting ends with the Clown’s words, dripping with regret.

But what is this?


Even though the meeting is over, everyone is just silently looking at each other without leaving the chat room.

Although they’re pretending not to, I can easily sense that their attention is on me.

It seems like they’re expecting me to say something before leaving.

‘…Right, I was the main character today.’

I chuckle to myself and seriously contemplate.

The meeting I attended for the first time.

Today, I succeeded in creating a ‘concept’ that wouldn’t be underestimated by the veterans.

Then what would be the most fitting action for this concept?


Clown, Antler, Fox, Crescent Moon…

I slowly observe the four veteran players I met today, one by one.


“Is this all?”

…I just leave.

“He… left.”

As soon as Lion left, Fox let out a breath she’d been holding back.

“Fox, are you alright?”

Crescent Moon asked cautiously, looking at her.

Although the subject was omitted, the intended meaning was clear.

It really was dangerous a while ago.

“……I’m fine.”

Killing intent.

An intention to kill someone.

It’s an intangible thing that’s usually difficult to feel unless you have a keen sense.

However, it’s a bit different in this special space where minds are connected.

“Are you really okay? Your fingertips have been trembling.”

Without the filter of a physical body, the moment you’re exposed to killing intent, an overwhelming fear is engraved in your mind.

Of course, it usually ends there…

…but in severe cases, the spirit suffers a significant blow, and the aftereffects linger even in the real world.

“It’ll stop soon. Fortunately, it didn’t reach mental contamination.”

Although she says that, Fox is shaken.

What would have happened if Lion had withdrawn his killing intent even a little later?

The thought alone sent shivers down her spine.

She might have developed a speech impediment, even if it wasn’t as severe as insanity.

“Who the hell is he…?”

Fox blurts out the question she’d been holding back.

A newbie who joined a year after the Master disappeared.

She considered herself to have a high mental barrier, but she could only endure his killing intent for a few seconds.

She’s curious what kind of experiences one has to go through for their mental strength to reach that level…

…but what’s truly astonishing is something else.

“That person, he withdrew his killing intent as soon as he realized I reached my limit. And instantly, at that.”

“…As expected, it wasn’t my imagination.”

The oppressive killing intent disappeared in less than a second.

It’s something that’s hard to describe in words.

To completely erase an intention that was materialized through extreme focus?

Is that even possible for the human mind?

‘Why did I have to be the one to step forward…’

While Fox regrets her reckless actions, Antler speaks.

“More importantly, what do you think about what he said?”

“About the Demonic Halfling?”


“It can’t be… a lie. The light of truth came on.”

Of course, the jewel on the round table isn’t absolute.

If the speaker firmly believes that it’s the ‘truth’, the jewel will emit a green light.


“I don’t think he’s mistaken.”

“That’s… I agree. That’s why it’s confusing.”

For Lion’s information to be true, one prerequisite has to be met.

That they defeated a Demonic Halfling with three people.

“It’s probably something from the game, but it sounds too absurd.”

“Wouldn’t it be possible in 50x mode? Well, I don’t think Lion cleared that difficulty.”

Crescent Moon chuckles and joins the conversation at Antler’s words.

And at that moment…

“Hmm, so you’re all assuming that Mr. Lion is talking about information he learned from the game?”

The Clown speaks in a meaningful tone, and a brief silence falls.



Of course, it doesn’t last long.

All three of them shake their heads and smile awkwardly.

“…Haha, there’s no way.”

“Clown, you always say the strangest things.”

Although she doesn’t deny it like the other two, Fox also feels the same way.

To raid a Demonic Halfling with three people… how could they do that here when it’s even difficult in the game?

“Tsk, you guys all lack imagination.”

The Clown clicks his tongue as if he’s disappointed.

“Anyway, please be better prepared next time.”

“Prepared? For what?”

“Information! Information! What the hell is this? A person like that finally appears, and we have to send him away because we don’t have enough information? Are you going to take responsibility if he loses interest in this place? We don’t even know what he’ll tell us in the future!”

“Hey, losing interest is a bit of an exaggeration—”

“Didn’t you hear what he said earlier? He was clearly disappointed, disappointed!”

“Keu, ahem…”

“If you don’t have anything useful, at least find something stimulating and interesting. I don’t intend to miss an opportunity like this because of you guys. Got it?”

The three remain silent at the Clown’s taunt.

And they maintain an awkward silence without saying anything.

Watchers of the Round Table.

A secret gathering place where players exchange information, a place that ordinary players wouldn’t even know about. The three of them had pride in being members of this place.


[Is this all?]

…that single sentence shattered everything.

His cold, mocking gaze made them realize how arrogant they had been. And his departing figure without looking back made them involuntarily acknowledge it.

Watchers of the Round Table.

In the end, this place was also just a well to someone.

‘That was fun.’

I opened my eyes, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

Lee Hansu’s room, with the bed and the computer desk close together.

I checked the time and then closed my eyes again.

‘Watchers of the Round Table…’

The community Lee Baekho told me about was more beneficial than I expected. It’s the perfect source of high-level information, which I was lacking.

‘I should stick with them until the end, somehow.’

Of course, to do that, I need to maintain my act.

Although I probably wouldn’t be kicked out immediately if they find out I’m a newbie…

…the way they try to figure out my identity will become much more direct.

‘Anyway, let’s organize the information I can get from that place tomorrow…’

I shift my focus.

[Sergeant Lee]

Lee Baekho.

The embodiment of misfortune who was dragged here on the day he was discharged from the military, and… a player who exudes the aura of stagnant water.

Honestly, I’m still baffled.

It’s like he slipped something into my pocket.

‘I’ll have to thank Baekho next time we meet.’

I just entered the chat room because I missed talking to Koreans, but I ended up making an incredible connection. Of course, I don’t intend to remain in a one-sided relationship where I just receive favors.

Not only is it not the kind of relationship I want…

…but Lee Baekho, that guy, is definitely not a pushover either.

‘Right, relationships last longer when you know where to draw the line.’

With that thought, I sat down in front of the computer and continued my community activities.

Unlike last time, I sold minor bits of information and accumulated GP, and I spent my remaining time browsing the forum and entering chat rooms to adapt to the atmosphere.

And so, my second community activity session ended.

「Character is being transported to Lafdonia.」

Bjorn’s room, not Lee Hansu’s.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I habitually checked the clock.

Not much time has passed this time either.

‘…It would be perfect if I weren’t so tired.’

I’m quite mentally exhausted since I was awake for an additional 12 hours on top of my usual sleep schedule.

No, is this just a side effect of overusing killing intent?

Whatever the reason, it’s a good thing I cleared my schedule for tomorrow—

“Bjorn! How long are you going to sleep?!”

Damn it.

I just closed my eyes for a bit, and Misha is here.

It seems like morning has already come, as the window is bright.

“Just a little longer…”

“Ugh, what do you mean ‘a little longer’? You always tell me I’m lazy. Don’t tell me you stayed up all night at the library again?”

“It’s not that.”

Since Misha is sensitive about meals, I obediently get up and have breakfast with her. And then I collapse back onto the bed.

And after some time…

…I open my eyes and look towards the window, and a faint orange glow is visible on the glass.

“You’re waking up now that the sun is setting? What the hell did you do yesterday?”

“I just had trouble sleeping.”


Her reaction makes me feel a bit hurt, but I have nothing to say. It’s a barbarian’s body, so I can fall asleep instantly if I want to.

“But… were you here the whole time?”

“Of course not. I finished morning training and even met Dwarkey for a while, and I went to my family’s place.”

“What? Wait, you met Dwarkey…?”

“Yeah, he said he had some concerns, so I gave him some advice.”

Misha said it as if it were nothing, but I couldn’t just let it go, knowing Dwarkey’s feelings.

In [Dungeon and Stone] too, romantic relationships between companions were a shortcut to a bloodbath.

“So… what kind of concerns did he have?”

“Hmm… it’s someone else’s problem…”

Geez, making a barbarian feel hurt.

“Why are we strangers?”

“Well… I guess it’s okay to tell you.”

Misha spills the beans as I subtly express my hurt feelings.

It’s just an ordinary relationship consultation.

He likes someone, and he’s wondering whether to confess or not?

‘I can’t believe someone would actually worry about that…’

I chuckle, but I ask further to confirm.

“So what did you say to him?”

“Huh? I just told him to confess like a man?”

“I see…”

It’s a somewhat expected answer.

Misha, who hasn’t even had a single proper relationship until she turned twenty-five. Just by looking at the way she usually acts towards me, it’s clear that she’s not interested in romantic relationships—

“Th, that’s… what I’m saying…”

That’s when Misha suddenly avoids my gaze and trails off.

Her face seems unusually flushed.

What’s this? Is it because of the sunset?

Just as I’m wondering…

Misha grabs my hand.

“Bjorn, if it’s okay, could you come to my house with me tomorrow?”

“…Come with you?”

Not visit?

I ask back, thinking the context of her words doesn’t make sense, but Misha just nods.

“Yeah, yeah. Can’t you do it? I’ll do everything you say from now on. Okay?”

I quickly grasp the situation, wondering what’s going on.

It’s not like she’s asking me to visit her accommodation.

“Don’t tell me, by ‘our house’, you mean your family’s estate…?”

Misha hangs her head low at my question.


I can feel her nervousness through her trembling hand.

And has the sun set further? The sunset, shining through the window and illuminating Misha, has become much deeper.

Misha gulps and adds an explanation.

“My, my father said he wants to meet you… so… can you come with me… please?”

An invitation from her parents…

It would be a lie to say I’m not flustered, but…

I answer without hesitation,


“…What? Really? Are you serious? Wow! No take-backs!”

“Enough, what time should we go tomorrow?”

I feel like what was coming has finally arrived.


  1. I hope he beats up Misha's dad. The dude has to be the worst.


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