SGB: Episode 128

Episode 128: Kaltstein (2)

She used to think that all her worries would disappear if she could just make a contract with a Spirit Beast.

But reality was different.

[So it’s the Glacier Beast, Skadi.]

Her father’s cold voice and indifferent gaze remained the same. He just didn’t say it directly like before.

[Have you told anyone about this?]

[Uh, no…]

[Good. For now, let’s keep it between you and me.]

It wasn’t a request, but a notice.

[Ye, yes…]

Misha could only nod without saying anything.

Because she felt guilty.

She didn’t make the contract through proper means. She used a strange ring called the Frost Spirit Ring to cheat her way into a contract.

If her father knew about this…

‘…then this treatment would be natural.’

Of course, she didn’t have the courage to ask.

To her, her father was the most fearsome being.

That’s why she agreed when her father asked when she would bring that barbarian to the mansion.

Well, she didn’t mention it to Bjorn at all.

‘Yeah, this is something I have to overcome on my own.’

She had already received an insurmountable favor.

She shouldn’t burden him any further.

Although she tried to rationalize it like that, her true feelings hidden deep inside were different.

‘I don’t want him to find out.’

She didn’t want to reveal her situation.

Hikurod, Dwarkey, Rotmiller…

She could endure it even if they found out… but she wanted to appear as if she was doing well, at least to Bjorn.

So she visited her family often.

[I need to leave now. I have to stop by my family’s place today.]

She tried her best.

The gazes of her siblings who wondered why she was visiting so often, the contemptuous gazes of the servants, and the lonely atmosphere of being left alone like an island during dinner…

…she faced them head-on.

‘I shouldn’t run away anymore.’

She learned from Bjorn.

That you can’t achieve anything by running away.

A month, two months, three months passed.

[Is he still not coming?]

Her father’s pressure to bring Bjorn intensified. She made excuses, saying that he wasn’t willing, but her father already seemed to know it was a lie.

Judging by the condition he offered…

[Bring him within this month. Then I’ll reconsider your treatment. Do you understand?]

…it meant that he would acknowledge her contract with the Spirit Beast within the family and treat her as a proper child.

She didn’t know why he was so eager to meet Bjorn.

However, Misha decided to invite him.

It felt a bit like she was using him…

‘But it’s fine if I repay him by working harder.’

She thought that maybe she could finally stand tall in front of Bjorn if she received her family’s support. And there was also a slight calculation that if she received the Kaltstein family’s support, it would be helpful to his journey.


[…What? Really? Are you serious? Wow! No take-backs!]

[Enough, what time should we go tomorrow?]

Contrary to her worries, Bjorn readily agreed.

However, her joy was short-lived as anxiety soon arose.

Once she went to the mansion, she wouldn’t be able to hide her situation any longer.

What should she do?

If Bjorn caused a scene there, it would definitely get out of hand.


‘…It’s just my ego! Ego!’

Misha chuckled and dismissed her anxiety.

Because Bjorn is a warrior who can be both hot-headed and cold-hearted.

At the sanctuary of another race…

…and in the heart of a pureblood family…

…he wouldn’t do something like that.

They’re not even blood-related.

There’s no way he would take such a risk and make enemies with the Kaltstein family.

‘Yeah, yeah, impossible. What am I to him…’

Misha organized her thoughts like that.

Her heart ached as if acknowledging it, but dreams and reality are different.

She knows that now.


Her tail stood on end at the ferocious roar.

It was only natural.

The servant seemed bewildered, but…

…she knew, having practically lived with him.

“You must have a problem with your head.”

Those words…

…meant that he wanted to smash his head!

“Are you crazy?! Do, don’t do that! Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?!”

Misha flinched and grabbed my arm, then quickly looked around to see if anyone else had heard the commotion.

Seeing that, I felt sorry for her.

‘It’s like looking at my past self in elementary school.’

Compromise and consideration. Putting other people's feelings first and constantly erasing yourself.

There was a time when I thought that was the natural way to be.


“Why am I doing this? I just felt like it!”

“What the hell does that mean?!”

I shook off Misha’s hand and said,

“Misha, it’s okay to do what you want sometimes.”

“Uh, huh…?”

“Why do you hold back? In the end, it’s just doing favors for others.”

“They’re not others, they’re family…”

Family my ass.

At this point, they’re more like enemies.

I asked again,

“So is that family more important than your life?”

Misha kept her mouth shut.

Well, even she knows it in her head, right?

What the source of that effort, of visiting her family regularly and longing for a harmonious family, is.


It’s all just wishful thinking.

Something completely useless even if she holds onto it.

The embodiment of inefficiency.

“Answer me. If you say yes, I’ll stop here.”

I confirmed her intention one last time, and Misha remained silent.

That was her answer to me.

“Just watch from now on. Nothing you’re worried about will happen.”

“Bu, but if you hurt that person—”

Right, there will be hell to pay.

It’s not just about the fine, but about facing the wrath of the head of the Kaltstein family, who seems to value honor.


“Misha Kaltstein, have I ever broken a promise?”


“Right, so just trust me.”

I’m not doing this recklessly.

Unreasonable Barbarian Mode shines brightest when you know when to turn it on and off.


I take a step forward, leaving Misha behind.

The servant is still acting arrogantly.


“What were you two talking about? Even if you weren’t taught manners—”

…I grab his neck and lift him up.

“Aren’t you the one who’s being rude?”

“Keu, keugh!”

“How dare you act so arrogantly, not even recognizing your master, just because you’re a servant of the Kaltstein family.”

“Th, that’s…!”

He looks pained.

And he also has a look of disbelief in his eyes.

He must be wondering if this is a dream.

This isn’t some dark back alley, and he didn’t expect to be treated like this in broad daylight, right in front of the mansion gate?

“Le, let go… keugh!”

Is it because he lacks imagination?

“If, if you do this…”

He’s saying something bad will happen if I do this?


If he knows that, then he wouldn’t do this.

And if he did do it, it’s more accurate to assume that he had a reason.

But to not even know this simple principle…

“You, you must have a problem with your head.”

I clench my fist and put in just enough strength.

If I kill him, it will be a difficult situation to handle even for me.

“Don’t worry. Most problems get fixed with a beating.”

“Ugh, ugghh!!”

I tighten my grip on his neck to silence him and then gently massage a suitable spot to hit.

And I strike like flicking his forehead.


He faints, losing all strength in his body, with just one hit.

I check the injured area, holding his neck as if he’s an object.

Blood pours from his crushed nose, but…

…this much is necessary to set an example for the future.

“……What are you planning to do now? Father won’t stay silent if he finds out.”

Misha, who was watching with an almost resigned expression, asks about my plans. She trusted me and stayed silent as I told her to, but it seems like she’s not at ease.

“Just watch.”

I lift the unconscious guy with one hand and head towards the mansion entrance. As we pass through the garden, I see the other servants.

Mowing the lawn, carrying luggage somewhere.

“…Hiik! Inform Veros quickly!”

Some of them run towards the mansion as gazes gather.

I follow them through the open door.


“Stop, barbarian.”

…I’m surrounded by fifteen beastmen.

Combat personnel armed from head to toe, emanating a menacing aura. The bald guy who seems to be the leader speaks as soon as I stop.

In a tone that’s like an order.

“Miss Misha Kaltstein, would you please explain what’s going on? Who this barbarian is, and why Brante, who’s supposed to be guarding the gate, is in that state.”

So his name was Brante.

“Uh, that’s…”

“Misha, there’s no need to explain.”

I throw Brante, who’s no longer useful, into the middle of them. And as soon as they flinch and catch him…

“Who the hell are you guys!!”

…I shout loudly enough to make the mansion tremble.

The beastmen all look dazed.

It’s like their minds can’t comprehend the situation.

“Your master invited me here. And this bastard insulted me, saying I was a fool of a barbarian!”

Misha tilts her head at my following shout.

And she whispers quietly so that only I can hear,

“Uh, did he really say that?”

She has a tendency to worry about trivial things.

If I just insist that he doesn’t remember because I purposely hit him, it would be fine.

“Don’t lie! There’s no way Brante would do that.”

The bald guy refutes, as if it’s absurd, after a moment of bewilderment at my shout.

From my perspective, he’s digging his own grave.

An unreasonable barbarian is immune to logical attacks.

“Lie? Are you insulting me too?”

The bald guy steps back as I take a step forward as if I’m about to attack.

It doesn’t seem like he’s scared of fighting.

It’s probably because I’m a guest of the master.

“What’s with all this commotion?!”

A man jumps down from the 2nd floor, connected to the central staircase, while the beastmen are flustered.

It’s a familiar face.

It’s Misha’s brother, whom I met on the 3rd floor.

So, his name was…

I don’t remember. Did I even hear it?

Let’s put aside the trivial things and focus on the present.

“Don’t tell me, you’re the guest Father called.”

“It’s been a while.”

“Forget the greetings, what’s going on?”

The brother narrows his eyes and glares at me.

“If you can’t explain properly, you won’t be leaving unharmed, even if it’s you.”

Geez, he has a scary look in his eyes.

And I even saved his life.

‘I don’t like this guy.’

I explain the incident where I was insulted by the gatekeeper Brante, just like I did before, and then add something else.

“If I were alone, I would have endured it. But what the hell is wrong with this lunatic? How dare he insult Misha while living off the family’s generosity?”

As I point to the unconscious Brante and shout, a deep wrinkle forms on the brother’s forehead.

“I told them to refrain from doing that when there are outsiders.”

It’s a baffling reaction.

He just accepts it even though it’s a made-up story?

Damn it, this place is even more messed up than I thought.

It must be something that happens on a daily basis.

I say, unable to hide my disgust,

“So you’re saying you all knew and just condoned it?”

“It’s an internal family matter. I have no reason to explain it to you. And you guys can go back to your positions now.”

“Yes, Tailon.”

The brother dismisses the guards and then turns his head back to look at me.

“Bjorn Yandel, I’ll let it go this time since there was a mistake on our part.”


“…If it’s true that this guy insulted you, I’ll give him appropriate punishment. So be satisfied with this.”


I trail off and chuckle.

Disciplining a rude bastard…

…and further showing that I’m not someone to be messed with in front of many people.

That was my original plan.


‘I guess I’ll have to go with Plan B.’

I grin and approach the brother.

“Do you also have a problem with your head?”

Plans always change.


  1. There are no problems that Bjorn's fists can't solve

  2. Problem with his head...


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