SGB: Episode 132

Episode 132: Team Play (2)

The portal shimmers like the aurora borealis in the northern sea.

A heavy silence falls before it.

Misha and the dwarf can't say anything and just look around cautiously.

It's that unfamiliar.

The expression Rotmiller is making right now.


Rotmiller's tightly closed lips tremble, as if they're chattering.

It's the first time I've seen his true colors.

Something he must have hidden deep inside with his self-control and unwavering ambition.


"...It's not too late."

Rotmiller breaks the silence and speaks.

"Three teams have already passed through. Even the team at the very front is only about 30 minutes ahead of us. If we hurry, we might be able to overtake them on the 2nd floor."

It sounds logical at first glance.

But when you examine it closely, it's full of contradictions.

And the problem is that everyone nods awkwardly, even though they know this.

"Ah, ah! That would be good. I, I was a bit disappointed to just give up after coming this far."

"Ha, haha! So, so I wasn't the only one who felt that way?"

"...I, I agree."

Nice guys.

I know what they're really thinking.

It's better to just go along with the nonsense and suffer than to say something they don't want to.

"Bjorn... what about you?"

All eyes turn to me, the only one who hasn't given an opinion yet.

Ha, this is so annoying.

Why do I always have to play this role?

I sigh inwardly and say bluntly,

"Do you guys all have a problem with your heads?"

We're already 30 minutes behind on the 1st floor.

That means the gap will widen even further on the 2nd floor.

And we're practically exhausted just from getting here.

"Overtaking those who passed by in this state? Do you really think that's possible?"

The three avoid my gaze and keep their mouths shut.

So I ignore them and look at Rotmiller.

"Braun Rotmiller, enough with the nonsense."


"If it were the 1st floor, I would play along. But the 2nd floor is impossible for us. Don't put your teammates in danger because of your stubbornness."

Rotmiller clenches his teeth in frustration, and I just stare at him without saying anything.

The answer comes after a while.

"I'm sorry. I must have lost my mind for a moment. Forget what I just said."

"I already forgot."

As soon as Rotmiller apologizes and I brush it off coolly, the three of them let out a sigh of relief.

It seems like they think the situation has been resolved without any conflict, but...

'This is troublesome.'

The problem is that nothing has ended yet.


It's a position that exists to reduce travel time in the labyrinth, where time is of the essence.

Although their combat power is lacking compared to other classes...

...their betrayal is always fatal.

Because they're the only ones who can cooperate with outside forces.

'The Regional Manager must have tried to win over Rotmiller first because he knows that.'

Scouts are in charge of the journey within the labyrinth.

In other words, they could lead us to a place with traps set up by the Regional Manager while pretending to guide us.

'...Should I have just rested this time?'

Braun Rotmiller.

I decided to trust him because I know how he usually is.

A stubborn personality.

Diligent, avoiding shortcuts and valuing effort.

I thought he wouldn't fall for whatever tricks the Regional Manager pulled.

But what about Rotmiller today?

He was different, to the point where he seemed like a different person.

'It must be because of that Regional Manager bastard.'

Of course, I still think the possibility of betrayal is low.

This man isn't stupid, and if he had really intended to betray us, he would have acted like he usually does.

However, it was necessary to assume the worst and be careful.

'...Let's just observe for now.'

The expedition resumed with that anxiety.

But contrary to my worries, Rotmiller led the party rationally, as he usually does.

「Entered 2nd Floor Rock Desert.」

He accurately found the way in the desert where the compass was useless, and on the morning of Day 2, he found the portal to the 3rd floor.

「Entered 3rd Floor Pilgrim's Path.」

Even on the 3rd floor, where we arrived earlier than ever, it wasn't much different.

We headed straight for the Witch's Forest, engaging in minimal combat, and rested when it was 10:00 PM to maintain our biological rhythm.

It was the same at midnight when Day 3 began.

“Hahaha! I don’t know why we didn’t watch this before and just slept!”

“It’s because we didn’t have anyone to share it with.”

“Dwarkey, you were so cheesy just now.”

We woke up for a moment and watched the 3rd floor bathed in silver light together.

Is this a tradition unique to Team Misfits?

No one suggested it, but it’s something we’ve been doing since our first expedition, like an unspoken promise.

「Entered 4th Floor Tower of Heaven.」

Anyway, the expedition continued without any major incidents, and we reached the 4th floor on the evening of Day 7.

So I also relaxed.

It means I no longer have to suspect and be wary of Rotmiller.

‘It really was just my imagination.’

The 4th floor is an independent floor.

Once you enter, after about 5 minutes, no other explorer can enter.

Although I was cautious throughout the battle, worried that someone might enter, no one else entered until we cleared the first stage.

“Bjorn! What are you thinking about so hard?”

“Let’s go up.”

Therefore, I completely dismissed my worries and focused on the expedition.

Hmm, not completely, I guess?

It’s just my personality.

I believe that there’s no such thing as 100% in this world. Especially if it’s during an expedition where anything can happen.

「Chose the Stairs of Wisdom.」

「Chose the Stairs of Courage.」

「Chose the Stairs of Wisdom.」

Anyway, after entering the 4th floor, we focused on climbing the floors, choosing between the Stairs of Wisdom and Courage.

Well, there was also that ridiculous situation where all three doors were Patience…

「Chose the Stairs of Patience.」

…but we managed to get through it without much trouble.

It was an illusion-type trial, and it was bearable.

I could just ignore whatever appeared and said anything.

Honestly, what came after the trial was more annoying.

“Uwaaaaaang, Bjorn…!!”

“Stop crying, it’s over.”

“If you abandon me too, I’ll really be alone!!”

Misha starts bawling as soon as we clear the floor.

The dwarf is kneeling on the ground, frustrated.

“The sword I made is worse than scrap metal…”

For reference, Dwarkey was staring blankly into space as if he’s lost his mind, and Rotmiller was clenching his fists silently…

…but they both looked angry.

‘…Geez, this is unsettling.’

While they’re coming to their senses, I check the box placed in the center of the floor.

It’s a reward that you can only obtain when you choose the Trial of Patience.

If you’re lucky, a Numbered Item or a random essence below 6th grade might come out…

But there’s no way.

As expected, it only contains fifteen 7th-grade magic stones.

“If you’re done resting, let’s get moving again.”

After almost 30 minutes of regaining their composure, the expedition resumes.

And there are no other incidents after that.

We continue to climb the floors, defeating monsters, and finally reach the 100th floor on Day 12 of the expedition.

“I think this is my first time reaching this far.”

From the 100th floor onwards, the trial difficulty is fixed at the highest level, and 6th-grade monsters appear more frequently.

However, there’s no real danger even here.

It’s thanks to our two main damage dealers who have grown significantly.

「Liol Wobu Dwarkey has cast the 7th-grade attack spell [Blizzard].」

「Misha Kaltstein has cast [Ice Crush].」

Dwarkey, who used the money he diligently saved to learn not only support magic, but also a 7th-grade AoE ice spell.

With Misha added to that, there were no problems against most 6th-grade monsters.

With two tanks and sufficient damage, our stability has increased significantly.

Hmm… it would be a different story if a 5th-grade monster like the troll appeared again, though.

‘Still, we’re much better off than before since we prepared various things with the team funds.’

Actually, it’s ridiculous to even worry about 5th-grade monsters on the 4th floor.

We didn’t even encounter Hans on the way here.

‘And it seems like Rotmiller has completely come to his senses.’

Unlike the beginning, when I was uneasy, this expedition has been going smoothly.

And Day 19 begins.


I check the time and then look around.

All four of them are sleeping soundly in their respective spots.

‘It feels like I’m keeping watch alone for the first time in a while.’

I get back into my sleeping bag and close my eyes, but perhaps because of my increased Stamina, I can’t fall asleep easily.

Or is it just because there are only 4 days left until the labyrinth closes?

‘I feel strangely uneasy.’

I’ve noticed it in the past few days, but our teamwork has improved significantly.

It feels like we’re finally starting to click.

They each take the best course of action without me having to give orders, and we’re even starting to communicate through eye contact and gestures.

One way or another, we’re growing into a proper team.

‘It’s an unbelievable change compared to the beginning.’

Just look at Dwarkey.

He barely shows any signs of being a newbie anymore, and his combat sense is improving day by day.


…although I feel a strange sense of accomplishment at this fact, I also feel a bit disappointed. It’s because I know that the days I’ll be spending with them are numbered.

‘Let’s not get swept up in emotions and think rationally.’

The first regular team I formed after being dropped into this strange world.

Although I decided not to get attached to these people…

…how could I possibly control my emotions when I’m human?

I’m sure I’ll miss this team later—


Just as that thought crosses my mind, I sense a presence.

I subtly raise my head and see that it’s Rotmiller.

“Did I wake you up?”

“No, I just woke up a while ago.”

“That’s a relief. I thought I woke you up again.”


Is it just my imagination that his words seem to have a hidden meaning?

Hmm, it’s probably not.

This man, Rotmiller, is quite perceptive.

He must have noticed that I’ve been keeping an eye on him, even though I pretended not to.

“How about we talk for a bit since you’re awake?”


I get out of my sleeping bag, and we sit down, leaning against the wall.

And an awkward silence follows.

Ah, this is our first time talking alone since that day, right?

I feel suffocated, so I take out some jerky from my pocket and chew on it.

Chomp, chomp, chomp.

Yeah, it’s a bit better with at least this sound.

Rotmiller, who initiated the conversation, only speaks after I finish eating one piece of jerky.

“…I’m planning to leave the team after this expedition.”

“Leave the team?”

Although it’s sudden, it’s not something I didn’t expect at all.

I had considered this possibility.

“It’s because of me.”


“What do you mean?”

“…Give me one of those too.”

I hand him a piece of jerky, and Rotmiller chews on it while speaking.

It’s a rather long story.

“The Regional Manager’s offer played a part in my decision. Even I would be tempted, wouldn’t I? He said he would create a scout position for me in a large clan.”

“My heart kept pounding even though I knew it was a lie. That’s when I first realized that it was time for me to leave this team.”

“Ah, but don’t feel too burdened. It’s something I’m used to. Other races… no, those with talent, they easily climb the ranks, don’t they?”

“I’ve been on many teams in the past 8 years, and there were many times when I was left behind because I couldn’t keep up. Sometimes I was kicked out, and sometimes I left on my own before things got worse.”

“That’s how I, as an explorer, survived.”

“But this time, it’s not easy.”


I ask a question for the first time, and Rotmiller chuckles and answers,

“Because I care about you guys.”


“I didn’t want to admit it even though I knew it was time to leave. So I hid what happened with the Regional Manager and tried to follow you on this expedition. I wanted this journey to continue, even for a little longer. But…”

Rotmiller swallows the jerky he was chewing.

“Everything has to end someday.”

I’m speechless at his words.

Rotmiller doesn’t say anything, just looks straight ahead as if waiting for my response.

That’s when…

The alarm rings, and my companions start stirring one by one.

“It’s time for everyone to wake up. I’ll be going, so get ready to leave too.”

Rotmiller leaves to pack up his sleeping bag.

I take out my watch from my pocket.


It’s time for Day 19 of the expedition to begin.

Rotmiller is similar to me in many ways.

He tried not to get attached to others, but he did, and even so, he made a rational decision without being swayed by his emotions.

But the difference is…

‘I was just looking out for myself, and this man was looking out for us.’

It’s not like I haven’t made altruistic calculations before.

I thought that if we went to the upper floors with them, someone would die, and our exploration game would be over.

So I wanted to end it myself before that happened.


Honestly, the back of my head is tingling.

I didn’t expect Rotmiller to be thinking this way.

How did I appear in his eyes?

What was he thinking as he felt my wary gaze?

Countless questions swirl in my head…

…and then…

“Bjorn! What the hell are you spacing out for?”

I’m brought back to reality as Misha shakes my shoulder.

“Stop dawdling and get ready.”


I come to my senses and help pack up the campsite.

And we all gather and have a simple meal before climbing the stairs.

‘Let’s tell them when we get back to the city. That there’s no need for him to leave since we’re going to leave anyway…’

Although my mind is complicated, I decide to focus on the expedition for now.

We still have four days left.

Although we’ve become strong enough to easily defeat even 6th-grade monsters, the Tower of Heaven is a place where the difficulty can increase ridiculously depending on the combination of monsters.

We can’t let our guard down until we return to the city—

「Trial completed.」

…but it’s not just me.

“…All three doors are the Stairs of Fate?”

“Didn’t I say it could be dangerous?”

Wow, this actually happens.


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