SGB: Episode 16

Episode 16: Return (3)

Light explodes before my eyes, then a softer light washes over it, and my vision returns.

I stare blankly at the sky.

This bright light is so unfamiliar.

Well, even if it's just a gloomy gray sky.

"Derek, are you going back to the inn?"

"No way, not after coming out for a month. I'm going straight to the tavern after washing up."

"I'm backkkkkk!!"

"Explorers of rank 7 and below, please come this way!"

The surroundings are beyond noisy.

It's only natural since all the explorers who entered the labyrinth are gathered in one place, but...

Even so, I didn't expect there to be this many explorers in this city.

It's like watching Gwanghwamun Square during the World Cup.

Click, click.

I adjust the watch to 12 o'clock.

Even if you spend several days in the labyrinth, only one day passes in the city. So, no matter how many days you spend there, when you come out, it's noon the next day.

'When I played the game, I just thought it was a considerate world-building choice by the developer...'

This way, even after returning from the labyrinth, you can continue with the quests that take place in the city.

That's why I thought it was for the convenience of the players.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel!"

Who is it? A familiar voice...

I turn my head in the direction of the sound and see a barbarian about my height.

I remember him clearly because he was the first leader.

"Karak, the second son of Pinun."

"The third son of Fanun."

What? Then Ainar is the second?

Anyway, even in this crowd, it's easy for tall barbarians to spot each other.

"Serum, the fourth son of Kenik! You came back alive too!"

"It's a relief to see you looking well too. Karak, the third son of Fanun!"

I was just standing there, but barbarians start gathering around me.

"Hwahahaha! Even blade wolves are nothing special! None of them could withstand more than one swing of my axe!"

"With your valiant axe swings, of course that would be the case. Farman, son of Nerun!"

What is this, a reunion? My head starts spinning.

They keep calling out those long names, greeting each other, and praising each other's bravery...

These guys are really something.

They seem stupid, but how can they remember those long names so well?

"Bjorn! What are you doing! We're going to exchange magic stones, aren't you coming?"

I clear my throat and answer as loudly as possible.

"Ah, I'm coming!"

"You seem quite tired!! Your voice lacks strength!!"

"That's right!"

I thought I was doing a good job acting like a barbarian, but my confidence is fading.

Natives are different.

"There it is!"

"The place where warriors prove their valor!"

I move along with the group of barbarians and naturally go through the procedures for explorers.

It's nothing special, just exchanging magic stones for money at the checkpoint.

"24,476 stones."

"28,420 stones."

"41,498 stones."

It's like a checkout counter at a supermarket.

Especially in terms of how fast their hands are.

The officials sitting at the table, doing their work, are truly the epitome of speed.

They place the magic stone pouches on some kind of scale like a barcode scanner, and when the number appears, they hand out money like machines.

As I'm watching this with a bit of curiosity, the barbarians around me start chattering loudly again, without any shame.

"Oooooh! To earn over 40,000 stones, that's truly amazing!"

"Karak, the third son of Fanun, is a warrior among warriors!"

Whew, is it because I've been living with a fairy for a few days?

I can't get used to this at all.

And I need to find Erwen too...

Why are these guys coming when I'm looking for someone else?

I was just standing still.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel! It's your turn now!"

I sigh as my turn comes.

I approach the table and place my pouches in front of the lifeless-looking official.

"Are all three pouches filled with magic stones?"

The other two are from the tall guy and the samurai.

But now they're all mine.

That's how it became about 40 minutes ago.

"That's right."

As I nod, the official places the pouches on a scale-like object.

And then he recites the exact amount.

"182,413 stones."

One piece of bread is about 20 stones, so I earned the equivalent of over 9,000 loaves of bread in 7 days?

It feels like just yesterday I was feeling dejected after catching a goblin and only earning one piece of bread.

...Somehow, emotions well up inside me.

"180,000 stones! Bjorn, son of Yandel, earned 180,000 stones!"

"It's a new record! Bjorn, son of Yandel, is the greatest warrior of all time!"

These guys don't even give me time to be sentimental.

I quickly receive the money from the official and exit the checkpoint.

But as I come out into the crowd, the barbarians who came out before me seem to have finally noticed my appearance and start making a fuss.

"It's not just stones! He's also holding a hammer!"

"No, he's even wearing shoes! I'm so envious!"

"He has three bags!"

"He's looking at a watch! Can he even tell time?"

"How is that possible? Is Bjorn, son of Yandel, a wizard?"

Well, I can understand their reaction.

It must seem like magic.

I'm the first barbarian to enter the labyrinth with nothing but my bare body and come back as a civilized person!

Damn, with all this excessive praise, my body starts getting excited on its own.

Whoa, calm down, Bjorn.


"I am the greatest warrior!!"


As I shout, the barbarians fall into a frenzy of excitement.

And then they start lifting me up and tossing me in the air.

Surprisingly, it feels better than I expected.

Whatever, let it be.

"You can't make such a commotion here."

"Sorry! We apologize!"

"So please, lower your voices a bit..."


The madness finally subsides after a staff member comes over and scolds them.

Only then do I regain my composure and sit down on the ground like the surrounding barbarians, waiting for the rest of them to finish their inspection.

That's when...


I feel a gaze and turn my head. Among the bustling crowd of explorers, I see a fairy looking at me.

It's Erwen.

How long has she been watching me? I hope it was after the tossing ended...


As if she knows how I feel, Erwen smiles brightly when our eyes meet.

However, she quickly averts her gaze as the handsome and beautiful fairies next to her start talking to her.

I listen to their conversation out of curiosity, and it's quite refreshing.

They're chatting quietly and cheerfully, calling each other sister and brother. It feels so surreal, you know?

"Sister! I think I'm starting to understand how to handle spirits! I understand why Granny Greendelyn told me to become friends with them first!"

"Oh, really? I heard fire spirits are quite hot-tempered, so you'll be able to hear their voices soon."

Hmm, so you're that type of person.

I'm surrounded by barbarians.

I'm envious...

With a longing for what I don't have, I look towards Erwen, and our eyes meet again.

I take the opportunity to mouth the time.


Erwen tilts her head, then giggles and replies with her mouth.


At least I can tell that she found this secret conversation quite amusing.

But I'm not sure if she understood what I meant.

Did she even answer "yes" in the first place?

Whew, I should have a proper conversation with her once we leave the checkpoint.

Just as I'm thinking that to myself...

"Why are you looking over there so intently? Do you know someone?"

"Ah, no! Sister! No way!"

Erwen waves her hands frantically at the fairy sister’s question.

And then, taking a chance, she glances at me and mouths.


This time, she seems to have understood properly.

I can also understand her gesture of secretly pointing at her sister and shaking her head.

She must be saying that she couldn’t help it because of her sister.

Well, it’s the same for both of us.

"Bjorn, son of Yandel! What are you looking at! Do you know that fairy?"

"I do not!"

"Of course not! A legendary warrior like you wouldn’t be acquainted with those sneaky pointy-ears!"

I want to cover this guy's mouth, but I can't.

His loud voice attracts the attention of the surrounding fairies, who glare at us with sharp eyes.

Erwen is among them.

She looks at me with a bitter expression and nods heavily, as if understanding.


Seeing her sorrowful gaze, I feel a belated sense of reality.

What the hell am I doing?

It’s not like we’re Romeo and Juliet.

"Let’s go!"

The barbarians finally finish their inspection and come out of the checkpoint.

Since it seems impossible to talk to Erwen among the fairies even if I wait, I follow them as well.

As expected, there’s another crowd gathered in front of them.

"Dad! Are you okay? I missed you!"

"Brother! Over here, over here!"

Hmm, right, there was this in the game too.

Simply put, the people here are the families or acquaintances of the explorers.

"Let’s go! I’ll clear the way!"


I follow the barbarians and make my way through the crowd filled with emotions of reunion, joy, despair, sadness, and love.

As I do so, I observe their faces one by one.

It feels strange.

"Limarion! Where’s my husband, where’s my husband? Don’t tell me..."

"I’m sorry. He asked me to give you this."

"No... no. No... Aah!"

I’ve played [Dungeon and Stone] countless times, but...

I’m seeing expressions that I could never have known from the 2D graphics beyond the monitor, all over the place.

The reason I purposely moved with the barbarians is simple.

I thought there might be more procedures for newbies to go through in this city, like at the previous checkpoint.

However, my expectations were completely wrong.

"Alcohol! Let’s drink alcohol!"


The barbarians head straight to a tavern as soon as they leave the labyrinth.

Are they kidding me?

"I’ll pass."

"Why! Legendary warrior Bjorn, son of Yandel!"

My already long name has gained a modifier.

I suppress the urge to roll my eyes and excuse myself, saying I have somewhere to be.

"May luck be with you! Legendary warrior Bjorn, son of Yandel!"

I repeat, these guys are beyond common sense.

"Whew, finally some peace and quiet."

Just being with the barbarians for a short while made me feel like I was going crazy. Did Erwen feel the same way when she was with me?

From now on, I should refrain from acting like a barbarian too much.

Thud, thud.

I wander aimlessly through the city after parting ways with them.

I have a destination, but for now, I just want to walk wherever my feet take me.

It's peaceful.

When I first saw this city, it was in the middle of the night, but now that it’s daytime, there are many people filling the streets.

Surprisingly, it gives me a sense of security.


There are no monsters here.

There are no humans who will harm me either.

Even if I collapse and sleep on the street, I’ll be able to wake up just fine. Or maybe someone will even lend me a helping hand.

There are laws, rules, and leeway here.

Of course, this is a distant, different world, and I know that their thoughts, culture, social systems, and almost everything else are barbaric compared to the 21st century.

But even so, it’s peaceful.

At least compared to the labyrinth I spent 7 days in.


I keep walking because I want to feel that sense of security even more.

Perhaps because the explorers just poured out, my blood-soaked appearance doesn't stand out that much.

No one looks at me strangely either.

But as I continue walking, I start to feel like I want to wash up.

So I enter the first inn I see, get a room, and wash myself.

It’s a bit strange.

Washing a human body, but more red blood than dirt comes out.


After about an hour of diligently washing myself, I come out and feel like the clothes I'm wearing are too dirty.

Damn it, I should have bought some clothes and then washed up.

I feel like taking a nap, but I go back out to the street and look for a clothing store.

But why is it?

No one looks at me strangely, but I feel embarrassed for some reason.

My upper body is still bare, and I’m wearing pants stained with dirt and blood, no, my body is actually much cleaner...

But I feel like I’ve become a barbarian again.

Why is that?


As I enter a store that seems to be a clothing store, an employee approaches me kindly.

He smiles brightly despite me being a barbarian in rags.

I haven’t seen such a professional employee even in Seoul…

"A top? If you’d like to order a custom-made one, the building next door... Ah, you're looking for something to wear right away? I’m not sure if we have something that fits, but I’ll look for it."

With the employee’s help, I manage to buy a shirt that fits me like a sausage casing and a pair of black cloth pants.

The price for both is 2,500 stones.

I don’t know if I got ripped off or not.

Even in the game, I never bought and wore clothes that didn’t have any function.

"Please come again!"

Now that I look somewhat human, I return to the inn.

I felt it when I saw the official exchanging magic stones and when I talked to the employee just now, but this city has a strangely modern atmosphere.

This Lafdonia.

Most of the buildings are made of stone and have many floors.

No, on the main streets, it's hard to find buildings with less than 3 floors, and when I was washing up, water came out of the faucet.

Maybe living in this city is more feasible than I thought.


I arrive at the inn and lie down on the bed.

As I recall the events of the past 7 days one by one, I realize that I’m not much different from Hans.

When I first fell into this place, my only goal was to survive.

But what about now?

I end up saying the words I’ve been holding back countless times.

"I want to go home."

I want to go back.

Even if there’s no one there to welcome me.


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